Social media trends for 2015 - NORCAT Hot Topics Series

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Social media trends for 2015 - NORCAT Hot Topics Series

what to watch out for and (maybe) start this year


technology, media & telecommunications

79% in 2014, 85% in 2013 and 82% in 2012 (thanks @dunstewart)

know what’s happeningMs Meeker knows what’s happening

content vs. clicks

The Attention Web 1

engagement time • mouse movement • scroll depth

Chartbeat is changing what we measure

thank gawd….

(death to) Clickbait 2

return visitors • unique visitors

pageviews vs. attention web

no longer outliers

the long (slanted) story

this has always been “content marketing”

Storytelling 3

less about the company • more about the story

branded hashtags

if you build it, people will come

Crowdfunding content 4

industry and sector specific

niche audiences • hyper local

the renaissance of the conversation

Podcasting 5

the democratization of citizen commentary


vine • instagram • auto-play • ads

Video 6

publisher vs. producer


getting beyond the vanity metrics

Measurement 7

your goals visualized


ubiquity reigns • service layers • invisible apps

Mobile 8

Uber • Snapchat • Instacart • Square

the “sharing economy” • deregulation

security • proximity access • payments

B2B 9

wayfinding • payments • “just in time” marketing


it’s the new zeitgeist

Design 10

but they could be • #3Dprinting

not everybody’s a designer