Social Media Data & Customer Research

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Transcript of Social Media Data & Customer Research

Social Media Masterclass19th of November 2016


Here is why we are here today

Early Online Identity

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Did celebrities teach us how to use Social Media?

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Social Media is only really 5 years old is it any wonder….

Social and Google Listings

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Google and Hashtags

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Google and Links

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Understand the Trust in Social Media Understand Human centered design. Undertsand how stories work in a social

media. How to use data to understand an

audience. How to create a customers avatar How to create good original content. What to do if things go wrong.

By the end of today you will have new skills..

Social Capital

Trust in Society

Clue Train Manifesto


The last session.

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The Market

The Cluetrain Manifesto

Markets are conversations. Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors. Conversations among human beings sound human. They are conducted in a

human voice. Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments

or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived. People recognize each other as such from the sound of this voice. The Internet is enabling conversations among human beings that were simply

not possible in the era of mass media. In both internetworked markets and among intranetworked employees,

people are speaking to each other in a powerful new way. These networked conversations are enabling powerful new forms of social

organization and knowledge exchange to emerge. As a result, markets are getting smarter, more informed, more organized.

Participation in a networked market changes people fundamentally. People in networked markets have figured out that they get far better

information and support from one another than from vendors. So much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to commoditized products.

Here are the first 10 points

Trust & Commitment come from authentcity

Finding your voice Part 1 Sound human Tell don’t sell. Avoid corporate speak or fluffy brochure talk Your followers need to feel that there is an

engaged person behind every tweet, post, picture or pin.

Don’t be afraid to have a little personality: everything should sound or read as though it’s something a person would say not a marketing machine.

Conversations that failed. - Starbucks #Fail

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#RaceTogether failed because of (1) poor brand alignment, (2) authenticity deficit (3) poor reaction.

Starbucks #Fail

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Choose Hashtags with care.

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The first step on the Trust Curve The sip pitch. – It is the pitch you can do

whilst someone is taking a sip of their drink.

A sip pitch is always the answer to the question about what you do. Or what your project is.

So what do you do...... Oh me? I ………. It it a good sip pitch it will be intriguing

enough to illicit another question.

The Trust Curve & Social Media

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Social media gives


Sip Pitch

What tools are there for getting to know an audience?

The amazing……

Please now go to...

Follow the instructions about Followerwonk.


Competitor Analysis

Look at the percentage of @contacts, Retweets and URL tweets

Who is the most ‘social’?

 What is Pact Coffee doing that is different to the rest?

Look at their twitter pages and see who is being the most human?

Influencer marketing identifies those which have the most influence over potential buyers, and orientates marketing activity around these influencers.

There is a 85% correlation between followers numbers and influence.

They can often speak in a tone that the brand finds difficult to emulate.

It takes a lot of careful work to turn an influencer into an advocate.


Journalists,Academics,Industry analysts,Professional advisors,Celebrities, andIndividual brand advocates.

Types of Influencer

Mannie Mua – 1.9 m followers

How would you influence an influencer?

Rule 65: Every cat leads to another cat.Hemingway and Anonymous.

How to get involved in conversations.

Find your industry’s hashtags.

Find people you like who are building up social capital. Follow them.

Retweet what you agree with. But always make a comment.

They will then follow you.

#SocEnt (social entrepreneur/entrepreneurship)

#SocEntChat (monthly social entrepreneur chat by Ashoka)

#socialentrepreneur (for those who don’t know about #SocEnt)

#Prize4SC (prize for social change)

#4change (that’s right, “for change”)

#BoP (base/bottom of the pyramid)

#nonprofit (self-explanatory)

#nptech (nonprofit technology)

#SSIR (Stanford Social Innovation Review)

#i4c (internet for change)

Research your industry’s Hashtags & Conversations

Marina Joyce – When trust and authenticity get kidnapped!

Other research tools Nuzzle – Discover most shared content

between a Twitter group. BuzzSumo – Discover what content gets

shared most by competitor. Find out what content is liked.

Followerwonk – How social are your competitors.

Bluenod – A visual way of finding influencers

SimilarWeb – Good for SEO strategy

Creating a customer profile What content do they respond to?

(Use BuzzSumo)

What is the male female ration. (Use Followerwonk)

How much time on spent online (Followerwonk)

Periscope – Live Video

Video 8 Billion Videos a day on Facebook. 200m Periscope broadcasts. Gets 15-20% engagement rates.

(Unheard of before now in display advertising)

Between 15-30 seconds maximum. Social Media Content Distribution tools

are the best. They have the best targeting.

Build it and they do not come

Video Strategy Only 5% of content gets shared or goes

viral in any way?

You need to get confident building your own distribution channels using data?

What is data? And what is it’s relationship with creativity?

Goldsmiths Video Fragment

A small video advertising Case Study

Building Custom Audiences

Top Level Results

Levels of Engagement

London Rib Voyages

Video engagement can mean a hundred different things: watching the ad, watching part of it, starting the ad, clicking on the ad, finishing the ad,

Read more:

Video Engagement

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Now it is your turn...

Follow the instructions about Putting in a paid for Twitter or Facebook Campaign.

Digital Stories

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We tend to live in the distracted present, where the forces of the periphery are magnified and those of in front of us ignored. Our ability to create, plan, much less follow through on, is undermined by our need to be able to improvise our way through any number of infernal impacts that stand to derail us at any moment.

Douglas Rushkoff

Present Shock

Narrative CollapseThere is no society doesn’t tell stories.

Storytelling is how we transmit value, it has a cultural use.

It creates context. It is comforting and orienting. It helps smooth out obstacles and impediments by recasting them as bumps along the road to some better place.


How do we tell stories and convey values without the time required to tell a linear story?

Create a character

Put them in danger

Heighten tension unbearably

Release tension (with a product).

Traditional Narrative Technique

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This misuse of Narrative

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Douglas Rushkoff

- 'You don't click the remote to change channels because you are bored, but because you are mad. Someone you don't trust is attempting to make you anxious.'

What makes you change TV channels?

The aesthetics of social media form is the fragment

Small Fragments

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Tiny Fragments

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Teeny Weenie Fragments

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Best Practice – Content Length

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Have we been here before?

Fragments are often de-contextualised. You don’t know what came before of after.

You have to build context – You have to create a sense of satisfaction in non narrative means.

How do you rebuild context and narrative?

Your trust provides the glue.

What provides the glue?

For this afternoon’s creative session, If you don’t want to think about one of your own projects you can use the Bean&Gone Brief.

Bean & Gone

Read the Article on the MailOnline.

What would you have done?

How did Benefit make the situation worse?

What if it all goes Wrong?

Having your content scraped. OR Google starts hammering you.. ‘Purely scraped content, even from high quality

sources, may provide any added value to your users with additional useful services or content provided by your site; it may also constitute copywright infringement in some cases. It’s worthwhile to take the time to create original content that sets your site apart. This will keep your visitors coming back and will provide more useful search results for user.’ GOOGLE POLICY DOC

Other things that go wrong

Is it a troll? If so don’t feed it. Find out who they are? Are they real or not?

If you have built a community, they will also protect you.

If real don’t delete.

If troll – delete comments, ban the user, don’t engage.

Explain to others why they were banned.

A complaint is posted.


This works 99% of the time.

A complaint is posted...

Create an internal policy.

Make sure everyone knows the policy

Who will reply

How long will it take to reply

What they will say.

5 Steps for dealing with online criticism

You don’t know if this could blow up

Rule of Thumb - get it out of writing as soon as possible.

Hear the tone of voice. See the body language. The last thing you want is to get defensive in some back and forth debate.

Step 2 – Be Cautious

Be polite and patient with even if people are asking obvious and annoying things.

Step 3 - Assume the best

People will note that and take you to task for it. This can get UGLY.

If you are transparent, your community will come to your defence.

Step 4 – Don’t Delete

Use Common Sense.

Think like a Human

Take the Corporate hat off.

Step 5 – Be Human

Other Amazing Tools

The Amazing CLOZE

Google alerts: follow relevant content online

activity: choose a leadership idea for your coffee company

Content Strategies in Groups

Content Strategies: What have you got that is exclusive? Get Closer.

You don’t have to be always on. Pick your moments and do it intensely for that time.

activity: what events do you have for the year ahead

Let the weekend begin!

Wearing socks with Crocs is so stylish

Just dropped my second ice cream cone.

Daily Memes - #FollowFriday

Let’s make some.