Social Entrepreneurism: Peace Paradise And Profit

Post on 08-May-2015

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Social Entrepreneurism: Peace Paradise And Profit produced by

Transcript of Social Entrepreneurism: Peace Paradise And Profit


Social EntrepreneurshipSocial Entrepreneurship::

How to Make a Winning Formula How to Make a Winning Formula for Peace, Paradise and Profitfor Peace, Paradise and Profit$$

JD Mumma
Change # 0f slide on bottom rightAdd - Video - Flash (text - Images (headshots, images, graphs, - Animation (hoverover - Sound (audio -Define what is it.-Who’s doing it-How can they look for employers who subscribe to these values or -Considerations for setting up their own business.45 minute presentation10 minutes of discussion if you don’t integrate that, 20 minutes of small group dialogue (discuss their reactions and what action can they now take, give ideas on specific action steps) and then report outs from the groups for the last 15 minutes.Would you like to do a workshop on anything else?Meet all objectives to investing

2/27 04/11/23 22:34


Presentation ObjectivesPresentation Objectives

Learn who, why and how this fast growing business model is thriving by honoring and serving beyond customers, and investors.

3/27 04/11/23 22:34



Most underlined text in this presentation are

links to web pages or online audio or videos.

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Social Entrepreneur DefinedSocial Entrepreneur Defined

Social Entrepreneur: One who organizes, creates, and manages a venture to make human and non-human improvements.

Humanitarian: One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms; a philanthropist. Loves humanity.

Parallel Entrepreneur: Multiple simultaneous ventures

Serial Entrepreneur: Singular, in series ventures

Entrepreneur: French, from Old French, from entreprendre, to undertake;

Venture: 1. To take a risk; dare. 2. To proceed despite possible danger or risk: 3. To express at the risk of denial, criticism, or censure: 4. A business enterprise involving some risk in expectation of gain.

5/27 04/11/23 22:34


My JourneyMy Journey

High School Drop Out -to- World Famous Health Spa(s) Trainer

From Homeless to living in La Jolla mansion for free

40 plus jobs

Personal Trainer – Gold Certified

Health Coach

Failed business entrepreneur – to Founder of Human Excellence – Life, Business Success Coach, Consultant and Trainer

Personal failures -to- Personal Development – from fire walking to fire eating!

5th place Mr. Natural California

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A Few of My Local A Few of My Local Social Entrepreneurs ClientsSocial Entrepreneurs Clients

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CirclesCircles of Influence of Influence

From: Selfish Worldish


Political / National





Stages and Elevation of DriveStages and Elevation of Drive

Jack Canfield describes, Kenneth Behring’s evolvement from...


More Better


Online audio link


YOU can Save our World!YOU can Save our World!

You are the positive evolutionist and revolutionist.

Most of us have been systematically and erratically, deprogrammed and trained out of our natural entrepreneurial magnificence.

You must now be in charge systematically and erratically, reprogramming and retraining yourself and other back into our natural entrepreneurial magnificence.

10/27 04/11/23 22:34


Social Entrepreneurs Who’s WhoSocial Entrepreneurs Who’s Who

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BusinessBusiness ModelsModels


Tri-Win BusinessTri-Win Business Poly-Win ServicePoly-Win Service


Inside People


Performance Measured by: Internal AND External Results

Performance Measured by: Internal/Financial Results

Customers Suppliers




Inside People

Indirect People


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S.E. Business ModelS.E. Business Model

Poly-Win ServicePoly-Win Service



Performance Measured by: Internal AND External Results



Inside People

Indirect People


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Results of ‘An Inconvenient Truth’Results of ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

Lessons from the success and failure.

Excellent 100 minute movie – BUT 95 minutes focused on the problem!

Even the website name – www.ClimateCRISIS.netfocuses on the problem.

Greater entrepreneurial success had he focused more on providing solutions.

Social Entrepreneurs clearly identify problems AND clearly offer and/or marketable and sellable solutions!

14/27 04/11/23 22:34


Six Questions for Social EntrepreneurSix Questions for Social Entrepreneur

1) Causes you have a deep concern and/or passion?

2) You wish you could change ________________________?

3) What would you like said about you when you die?

4) Greatest lessons you have learned in life?

6) Greatest teachers, mentors, leaders, speakers, motivators, supporters, coaches, trainers, managers. -Next to their name, list what talents, skills, and lessons they showed or taught you or examples they lived-by.

5) Personal issues challenges or perceived problems that repeatedly occur in your life?

15/27 04/11/23 22:34


The Social Hero’s JourneyThe Social Hero’s Journey

““The Hero's JourneyThe Hero's Journey” ” – – Joseph Campbell’s book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949) (1949)

1) 1) Ordinary World – Limited Awareness – Limited Awareness

2) 2) Call to Adventure – Increased Awareness – Increased Awareness

3) 3) Refusal of the Call – Reluctance to Change – Reluctance to Change

4) 4) Meeting the Mentor – Overcoming Reluctance to Change – Overcoming Reluctance to Change

5) 5) Crossing the First Threshold – Committing to Change – Committing to Change

6) 6) Tests, Allies, Enemies – Experimenting with First Change– Experimenting with First Change

7) 7) Approach the Inmost Cave – Preparing for Big Change – Preparing for Big Change

8) 8) Ordeal – Attempting Big Change – Attempting Big Change

9) 9) Reward – Consequence of the Change Attempt – Consequence of the Change Attempt

10) 10) Road Back – Rededication to Change – Rededication to Change

11) 11) Resurrection – Final Attempt at Big Change – Final Attempt at Big Change

12) 12) Return with the Elixir – Final Mastery of the Problem – Final Mastery of the Problem

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Social Entrepreneur TraitsSocial Entrepreneur Traits

1) Self starter2) Self learner3) Curious4) System thinker5) Process and goal driven6) UATEV (Ultimate All Terrain Experiential Vehicle)

7) Solutions oriented

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Creativity, Education and FlourishingCreativity, Education and Flourishing video Sir Ken Robinson (

Starts at 909 on flv file

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2007 Presenters at Skoll 2007 Presenters at Skoll Foundation World ForumFoundation World Forum

Skoll Foundation World Forum

• Jeff Skoll, Founder and Chairman, Skoll Foundation and Participant Productions

• Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Grameen Bank founder and microfinance pioneer

• Dr. Larry Brilliant, Executive Director,, Founder of the Seva Foundation

• Bill Drayton, CEO and Chair, Ashoka

• Jeroo Billimoria, Founder, Child Savings International

• Fazle Abed, Founder, BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee)

• Susan Collin Marks, Senior Vice President, Search for Common Ground

• Ashok Khosla, President, Development Alternatives Group

• Nina Smith, Executive Director, RugMark (child poverty)

• J.B. Schramm, Founder and CEO, College Summit, Inc.

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Founded by Fazle Abed - BRAC started as an almost entirely donor funded, small-scale relief and rehabilitation project to help the Bangladesh overcome the devastation and trauma of the Liberation War.

Today, BRAC has emerged as an independent, virtually self-financed paradigm in sustainable human development.

It is the largest in the world employing 97,192 people, with the twin objectives of poverty alleviation and empowerment of the poor.

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Top 7 Challenges of our Top 7 Challenges of our Social Entrepreneur ClientsSocial Entrepreneur Clients

1) Life (Time) management skills

2) Organization skills

3) Health management skills

4) Mental management skills

5) Relationship management skills

6) Marketing skills

7) To many ideas

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The Four Major Historical The Four Major Historical Stages of Human ExistencesStages of Human Existences

1 - Survivalist 2 - Farmer 3 - Manufacturer

4 - Humanitarian


JD Mumma’s next JD Mumma’s next Social Entrepreneur VentureSocial Entrepreneur Venture

Human Excellence UniversityHuman Excellence University

Our resolution to our world’s problems and the next step in human evolution

Resolving the global challenges and tragedies requires the education and re-education of the human race with non-sectarian, non-religious, non-racist wholistic life skills.

23/27 04/11/23 22:34


Your Plans Of ActionYour Plans Of Action

Be an Entrepreneur NOW!

Not needed to start today:Not needed to start today: - Business Plan - Marketing Plan - Investors - Money - Degree

“Double your failure rate.” - From story of Jr. IBM Executive

Double your venture rate.

College Degree… Not Required!College Degree… Not Required! - Bill Gates (Microsoft) - Micheal Dell (Dell Computers) - Paul Allen (Microsoft, Challenge Communications) - Larry Ellison (Oracle)

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For More Information and LinksFor More Information and Links

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Q & AQ & A


ContactContact InformationInformation

ww ww ww .. HumanExcellence.HumanExcellence.comcom

7514 Girard Avenue 7514 Girard Avenue ##116116La Jolla, CA 92037La Jolla, CA 92037

(858) 558-1253(858) 558-1253