Social Communication Networks the Most Powerful Present at the Service of Education

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7/27/2019 Social Communication Networks the Most Powerful Present at the Service of Education 1/16

Journal of Education and Practice 

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline 

$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


Social Communication Networks the Most Powerful Present at the

Service of Education

r. )a*seer +ndrawes Salee,ead of te /i0raries and Infor,ation epart,ent 

Ir0id niersit* ollege - +l-4ala6 +pplied niersit*- Jordan

E-+I/8 )+9SEE:;+N:+<ES=9+##.# 

r . Nedal +wwad 4ane - ani 

ead of te epart,ent of Englis language and /iterature

Ir0id niersit* ollege - +l-4ala6 +pplied niersit* > Jordan


)is stud* ai,ed at 0uilding up a ?nowledge ,atri@ in wic te features of te pictures of social

co,,unication networ?s& teir concept& ,ost fa,ous ones and teir role in sering teacing are reealed. )e*

are we0 sites and different and arious software6s wic allow people to interact around an idea & a piece of

infor,ation & a topic or a certain ai, .+n* educational institution & for e@a,ple & can initiate 0logs or electronic

sites specific for te, . )e* allow teir students to ae access to co,,unication and writing in te, a0outteir affairs& interests and educational actiities. Social networ?s ae 0een designed as a new co,,unication

language for internet users in societ* in order to oerco,e te factors of 0ot place and ti,e cope wit current

noelties& strengten social relationsips 0etween users to 0rea? te 0arrier of so,e indiiduals social isolation&

create opportunities for ?nowledge interactiit* and co,,unication and ?eep up wit te uge a,ount of

infor,ation& in a wa* tat as increased te desire for learning. Social co,,unication networ?s are i,portant

infor,ation ,edia wic ae recentl* spread and pla*ed political& econo,ic& social and educational roles in te

world as are te case in te S+ and cina. )e role of social co,,unication networ?s (new ,edia is no longerconfined to co,,unication wit friends& e@cange of social and political de0ates and spread of 0eliefs& 0ut teir

role e@ceed te, .an* co,panies started to use tese sites for ,ar?eting teir products for co,,unicating

wit te target crowd. Aoern,ents used te, for spreading data& infor,ation& news and receiing iews and

co,,ents fro, people.

oweer& so,e people disagree wit te idea of using and incorporating so,e sites of social networ?s in

education as tis does not allow eual learning opportunities and ,a?es te learns tin?ing ,ecanic and addictto te co,puter so,e goern,ent li?e Aer,an* and cina e@pressed teir concern a0out te use of face 0oo?&

twitter and *ou tu0e sites 0ecause it iolates te priate and pu0lic rigts of students personal files. )e stud*

concluded te e,pasis on te i,portance of infor,ational reolution and 0enefit fro, teir arious sites and

networ?s and teir current and future effects& especiall* in educational and teacing fields 0* encouraging

goern,ents to pass legislations on tose sites to protect teir citiBens fro, te ris?s and disadantages of tose

social networ?s. People of 0usinesses and co,panies also sould tin? of solutions suc as te use of-Searcdries- ,ore specialiBed +ra0ic social and scientific networ? to enric users scientificall* and sociall*.

Keywords8 Networ?& Social co,,unication& Electronic sites& 4logs& Electronic learning.

1. ntroduction )e world nowada*s faces great callenges in all political & econo,ic & social& and educational fields .It isdescri0ed as a s,all illage or a uniersal illage wic was launced 0* (arsal acoan following te end

of te cold war wic was rooted in all aspects and influenced & in its turn& ,ans a awareness and perceptions &

and is relationsip wit oter indiiduals as it in flounced is culture and is self and national identit* &as a

result of is dail* ?nowledge of te ,edia ,essages carr*ing different ,odels of uniersal cultures and creating

a ?ind of clas 0etween wat is inter- national and local & wit wat acco,panies tat of te feeling of an@iet*

and confusion resulting fro, econo,ic& social and cultural insta0ilit* (Aarai0e& 2''2.Education& regardless of its leel& as o0tained te greatest sare in tis respect. Alo0aliBation as entered all

educational institutions witout li,its or restrictions tecnolog* as inaded all different u,an actiities. It as

 0eco,e part of te new educational s*ste,s and as ta?en its natural place in educational curricula. In tis case

&te content of education as 0eco,e coered wit te pattern of cange& noelt* and uantitatie and ualitatie

deelop,ent for its essential i,portance in te lies of peoples and countries 0ecause educational institutions

soulder 0ig responsi0ilities related to te states econo,ic plans and u,an deelop,ent ai,ing at teaciee,ent of leels of econo,ic& social and food progress wose positie effects are reflected on te great

,aCorit* of people and to ,aintain te societies a0ilit* to ?eep up wit te rapid canges in all aspects of lift (

)o6ei,a& 2'''.

)e )welft ,eeting of te +ra0ic networ? for te ,anage,ent and eelop,ent of u,an resources wic

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Journal of Education and Practice 

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline 

$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


was eld in #,an in 2''% reco,,ended te need for spreading awareness for te i,portance of te role ofelectronic learning in te +ra0 world. It stated te i,portance of te application of re,ote learning in te

 processes of teacing& learning and training wic increases indiidual6s co,petence and efficienc* and ends te

 0arriers of ti,e and place. te report also e,pasiBed te necessit* for te preparation and rea0ilitation of

 people wo deelop electronic learning progra,s troug te care of specialists in +ra0ic depart,ents to proide necessar* euip,ent to carr* out electronic learning progra,s li?e te (E-learnit* institution in Europe

in 1DD.It is an institution tat ta?e care of electronic learning and spreads it in all European countries (Fuad&2''5.

)e use of tecnolog* in teacing reinforces te ,etods of educational co,,unication opportunit* 0eco,es

aaila0le for participation& listening tin?ing and e@plaining to create te learners 0alanced growt in different

cognitie s?illful and affectie do,ains and to create te anal*tical s?ills wic te teacer perfor,s troug

researc & training and assess,ent to aciee te desired ai,( aw?ins and ollins&1DD5.

4ased on wat as alread* 0een ,entioned& te educational issue as entered te doors of te fourt reolution&na,el*& te reolution of co,,unications and infor,ation tecnolog*. )is was preceded 0* teir reolutions

stated 0* +,erican arnegie institution report. )e first reolution appened wen writing was inentedG )e

second wen te te@t0oo? was used in teacing following te inention of printing G te tird wen te s*ste, of

general education was used and te fourt reolution can contri0ute to te aciee,ent of teacing ai,s

troug te use and e,plo*,ent of tecnolog* & electronic teacing and social co,,unication networ?s for te possi0ilit* of reacing an* piece of infor,ation and its a0ilit* to deelop te indiiduals s?ills and satisf* teirneeds. )e spread process of social networ?s& ia wire and wireless tecniues& represented in cell pones &

co,puters and te internet and progra,s and ,ulti,edia related to te instructional process a,ong te students

of uniersities and scools & is considered one of te ,ost successful ,eans to create suc ric eniron,ents

and educational s*ste,s full of learning and teacing resources & training & growt and self- deelop,ent in a

wa* tat acco,plises students& needs and interests & reinforces teir ,otiation on one part and seres te

teacing process and pro,otes its outputs on te oter (+li& 2'1'.

Social co,,unication networ?s are of te ,ost i,portant ,ass ,edia wic ae recentl* increased and people

ae adopted te, in te wole world in general and in +ra0ic societies specificall*. )e* ae pla*ed

influential political& econo,ic social rolesG teir influence as e@tended to te field of education in a wa* tat

e@pert of education assured tat te* ae added a part of u,an identit* troug te participation and

interaction of te u,an co,ponent in te teacing process& te tact wic as increased te desire for learning (

+0dalafeB& 2'12.Social networ?s ae 0een ,ade for te user in te first place and te trut tat sould 0e stated is tat te user is

te one wo directs te,. If e does well& te* will do and ice ersa. )eir fa,e and popularit* is not courted

to* te nu,0er of users & 0ut in te ,anner of teir use & e,plo*,ent and outco,es of teir users & te networ?s

ae 0eco,e a social & practical and learning personalit* & te* ae 0een used in realit* 0* co,panies &

indiiduals and institution in differ cat tas?s as wa*s of pu0lication & co,,unication and interaction .

!. Problem of the study

Scientific progress and current tecnological deelop,ent ae 0rougt te world into te age of rapid

connection and co,,unication in wic co,,unication ,eans ae 0een ,oing a,ong indiiduals& carried 0*

and and put in a poc?et for teir s,all siBe. teir use as 0eco,e accessi0le at an* ti,e and

eer*were .porta0le deices including cell pones wit teir deeloped wireless& +udi and isual tecniues

ae occupied te first place in tese ,eans wic ae rapidl* and widel* spread regardless of te age & se@ or

econo,ic standard of te learner to te degree tat te nu,0er of cell pones in so,e countries outnu,0er teindiiduals in te, (+l-Sow0alci&2''5. )is urged goern,ents in 0ot underdeeloped and deeloped

countries to e,plo* wateer new in te fields of education for te sa?e of deeloping teir s*ste,s and

furtering teir inputs to pro,ote teir functional role at te serice of indiiduals and societ*. te networ? of

social co,,unication & nowada*s & e,0odies an interesting dail* topic and an interest core of u,an tougt

and 0us* ,aterial for current life as a result of te tecnical age we are liing and te clear concern a0out

innoating education and deeloping te ,etods of teacing and instruction as 0eing te ,ost co,petent in

using different t*pes of te sites of connection and co,,unication witin te fra,e of purposeful educational

situations 0ased on participation and interaction for te creation of ric educational eniron,ents .)ese enric

te indiiduals& reuire,ents& satisf* teir needs and increase teir products to reac ig ualit* educational out

 puts tat ?eep up wit age innoations and aciee te present stage reuire,ents ( +l- ariti &2''!

)erefore& tis stud* sed ligt on te role of social networ?s at te serice of education or wat is called

learning troug te tird generation a,idst wat te world witnesses in regard to rapid tecnical canges and

deelop,ent in te world of co,,unication tese deelop,ents ae dictated new tas?s and responsi0ilities onte educational real state tese ae ,ade te people in cange of education especiall* te teacer and te

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Journal of Education and Practice 

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline 

$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


learner seriousl* tin? of te i,portance of te stage tat teacing under goes in order to 0e ualified anda0le deal wit tese social networ?s wit a igl* efficient degree of ,aster* tat puses te teacing learning

 process toward te cange ualitatie and uantitatie deelop,ent.

". Study Aims# #The study seeks to achieve the following aims: - Sedding ligt on an i,portant co,ing stage of education in general and electronic education in particular& it is

te *potetical learning or learning troug social co,,unication networ?s.- )e identification of social networ?s and teir ,ost well ?now t*pes.

- )e stud* dealt wit te uses of social co,,unication networ?s 0* so,e countries.

-)e stud* reiewed te role of social networ?s in education& teir adantages and disadantages.

$. Study %uestions# The study will answer the following questions: 

- <at is te social networ?& its concept and definitionH- <at are te t*pes and ,ost fa,ous social co,,unication networ?sH

-wat are te international and +ra0ic e@peri,ents in te field of using social co,,unication networ?sH

- <at is te role of social co,,unication networ?s in sering teacingH

- <at are te adantages and disadantages of social co,,unication networ?sH

&. Study m'ortance)is stud* acuires its i,portance troug te discussion a0out a new tecnolog* tat is approacing ai,ing at

educational s*ste,s wit teir connections and teir wireless deices in general and porta0le ones in specific to

add a new learning t*pe wic is te role of te networ?s of social co,,unication at te serice of education as

 0eing a for, of assu,ed learning and a crowning of te principles of electronic learning wic as spread in te

world troug its audioisual cognitie interaction and participating ,eans ia intelligent and digital electronic

deices witin te fra,e of creating a social eniron,ent tat sould 0e teacing >learning & constant and ital &

free and direct & not tied 0* te restrictions of ti,e and place . It could eli,inate te culture of i,itation and

classroo,s and allow te learner to connect and freel* ,oe and reac educational ,aterials and ?nowledge

resources. ps*cologists ae proed tat te u,an ,ind s process of storing infor,ation is deter,ined 0* te

recipients ps*cological stats .)e Aree? pilosop* supported tis idea wen +ristotle & in is discussion a0out

?now ledge teor* & e,pasiBed te necessit* for te co,,it,ent to te recreational di,ension during te

 process of in instruction . )erefore & tere sites will 0e of te ,ost ,eans wic could result in a reolution inte field of education e,plo*ed in wa* tat confor,s wit te reuire,ents of cognitie and scientific address&

te students will 0e ,ore entusiastic& especiall* wen tings are relating to te use of social co,,unication

networ?s in te lessons tat are considered difficult.

(. Study methodolo)y#

)e researcer will follow te descriptie and anal*tical approac in collecting iews& anal*Bing infor,ation&

facts and concepts relating to te cores of te stud* for te sa?e of 0uilding an integrated ?nowledge ,atri@

wic sows te pro0le,& 0ac?ground& i,portance and ai,s of te stud*. )is appens troug te reference to

,an* studies& researces& articles and e@a,ination of so,e international e@peri,enter te field of using social

co,,unication net-wor?s in order to 0enefit fro, te presentation a0out te aspects relating to te concept of

social networ?s& teir t*pes& role in education& teir adantages and disadantages 

*. Study 'lan. The study will go through five main cores as follows: First core8 )e concept and definition of social networ?s.

Second core8 )e t*pes of social co,,unication networ?s

)ird core8So,e international e@peri,ents in te field of using social net-wor?s.

Fourt core8 )e role of social co,,unication networ?s in sering education

Fift core8 )e adantages and disadantages of social co,,unication networ?s

*.1 +irst core# The concept and definition of social networks.

7.1.1 The concept of social network: First and 0efore tal?ing a0out social networ?& te researcer presents wat

so,e studies and scientific researces e@plained and lin?ed connection ,eans and ,odern infor,ation to ,an*

,odels te first ,odel is represented in te tecnological fact& na,el* tecnolog* onl* as te power of cange

in social realit*. )e opti,istic iew of tecnolog* welco,e tis cange and 0eliees it is a s*,0ol of u,an

 progress and a factor of ,a?ing up for its failure in te field of co,preensie de,ocratic connection sared 0*

u,anit* oweer te pessi,istic iew considers tecnolog* as a wa* of do,inating wea? peoples and

controlling te personal life of te indiidual and disintegrating is social relationsips te second ,odel isrepresented in te social fact wic i,plies tat social structures control te contents and for,s of tecnolog* &

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Journal of Education and Practice 

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline 

$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


na,el* & te social powers own ,ass ,edia and deter,ine teir content& te tird ,odel is te infor,ational factwose traces started to appear in te 0eginning of te tird ,illenniu,. )e e@tent of te progress of countries

as no longer 0een ,easured on te 0asis of teir national product 0ut on te wole national infor,ational

 product te ,ost i,portant intellectual in tis regard is te sociologist (Scoot las wo was interested in te

current cange in te age of post-noelt*. e pointed out te contradiction of post noelt* age 0ecause iti,poses difficult life on ,an witout is connection instru,ents wic connect i, wit is societ*. For

e@a,ple & we cannot wor? witout an ,o0ile pone or a co,puter or an* tecnical for,s of social life (Scootlas is certain tat life will ae new caracteristics troug te wor? wit tecnolog* te ,ost i,portant

caracteristics are its ,ulti for,s and te increase te efficienc* of co,,unication ,eans( :aou,a& 2''7.

)e progress tat te witnesses and its conseuences in all 0rances of ?nowledge as i,posed new aria0les in

social and canged a lot of 0eaioral patterns in it. )e ?nowledge e@plosion as resulted in a reolution in

intellectual& researc and ,edia products wic canged te world for, te age of industr* to te world of

co,,unications and infor,ation networ?. +ll tis as led to te spread of internet serices and teirtecnological applications and te ,oe,ent toward teir e,plo*,ent in te process of teacing and learning.

)is ,eans tat te internet as a ,edia ,ean as 0eco,e an e@pression of te flow of ,edia content in ,ore

tan one direction. )e interactiit* is considered te ,ost pro,inent caracteristic tat te internet as

 proided& tis caracteristic did not distinguis 0ut te for,s of indiidual co,,unication& te interactie or

networ? co,,unication co,pletel* lac?ed it. Interactiit* ,eans te end of te idea of linear co,,unication oron wa* co,,unication for, te sender to te receierG tis was te caracteristic of ,ass and culturalco,,unication 0ased on traditional co,,unication ,eans (+l-Sa,,ari& 2'12.

)e networ? in itself is a *potetical uniersal s*ste, wic depends on electronic deices and protocols to

transfer infor,ation and co,,unication& it is not owned 0* an* countr* or goern,ent& it is superised 0* a

group of co,panies and institutions called international societ* wose Co0 is drawing ,easures and criteria for

te networ?s superised. +n* co,puter can 0e lin?ed to te networ?& co,,unicationG sending and reception.

)e word ,eeting as different ,eanings suc as te gatering of indiiduals or ideas. oweer& in tis stud* it

will 0e dealt wit troug te tecnical *potetical di,ension across te different cannels of co,,unication

wit distant indiiduals and different tougts.

)erefore& te tern social networ? is used for te group of sites on worldwide wed. It ,a?es it possi0le for

co,,unication and transfer of infor,ation a,ong indiiduals in a *potetical societ* eniron,ent

incorporated 0* concern or affiliation to a countr*& scool or specific class in an international order

(+ssa6edi&(2'12<ed page for social networ?s offers indiiduals a 0rief instance a0out te,& and allowing te, to coose te

 people wo sare te, iews and tougts. )e appearance of face 0oo?& * space and c* world as led to te

attraction of a great nu,0er of internet users to 0eco,e te ,ost popular sites .)e serices of social networ?s

ae appeared as a ,ain constituent of te tecniues of second generation (0lended learning and learning 0*

,o0ile for te e@cange of infor,ation and increase of te a0ilit* to learn as a preparation for 0uilding

electronic teacing societies ia te internet. )e* are incorporated 0* co,,on interest or actiities of one t*pe.

)e* proide for te, te tools wic elp te, as te* ae elped in soling educational pro0le,s

represented in te sortage of electronic teacing in so,e e,otional and social aspects. )e u,an di,ension

as 0een added troug te participation and interaction of te u,an ele,ent in te teacing process& te fact

wic led to te attraction of learners6 interest and te increase of teir desire for educational situations (+0del

+Bi,& 2'12. )e role of social co,,unication networ? as no longer 0een restricted to co,,unication wit

friends and e@cange of social and political de0ates and spread of 0eliefs. )eir role as e@ceeded tat wen

seeral co,panies 0egan to e@ploit tese sites for co,,ercials& products ,ar?eting and te pu0licco,,unication. )e goern,ent as also used te, for pu0lising data& infor,ation and receiing iews and

co,,ents fro, indiiduals. In tis conte@t& Pillip )sang and oters stated in teir 0oo? titled *0rid

learning during te )ird International conference +0out *0rid /earning eld in ina8 Pecein 2'1' a0out

te i,portance of social co,,unication networ?s & especiall* Face 0oo? in te progra,s of learning and

teacing . )ese elite representing te ,ost i,portant iger education institutions in cina stated tat Face

 0oo? is te ,ost popular a,ong social co,,unication networ?s. It is a distinguised fra,e tat could

co,pensate so,e well-?nown features of teacing in educational and uniersit* institutions. )e ,e,0ers of

tis conference stated in teir 0oo? tat te use of Face 0oo? in te serice of learning can lead to a lot of

 0enefits suc as te a0ilit* to reac ,ost porta0le deices and facilitate te process of distri0uting instructional

,aterials inside classroo,s as well as te facilitation of assess,ent process& tests conducting and e@cange of

infor,ation a,ong pupils and students (+0dul :aBBa& 2'12.

7.1.2 Definition of social networks: 

Social networ?s appeared in te ,id-nineties. (lass,, ad te precedence in tat wen it wasesta0lised in 1DD5 0* :and* canards& ten followed 0* (Si@,. )ese sites were 0ased on te

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Journal of Education and Practice 

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline 

$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


opening of personal pages for users and sending ,essages to group of friends& oweer& te* were closed as aresult of teir in profit a0ilit* to teir owners . Seeral *ears later& a lot of sites were opened wic widel* spread

in te world and ad ,illions of users. It was clear tat tese social networ?s caused a great cange in te

,anner of co,,unication and participation a,ong indiiduals& societies and e@cange of infor,ation .)e* are

wed sites wic proide a group of indiiduals wit te possi0ilit* of participation in teir interests andactiities& for,ation of friendsip wit oter people wo ae te sa,e attitudes. Social networ?s ae 0een

designed as a new language of address a,ong te ti,e and to 0rea? te o0stacle of so,e indiidual6s socialisolation& 0esides te creation of opportunities for ?nown ledge co,,unication and ?eeping up wit te uge

a,ount of infor,ation. +ccording to te statistics eon ducted 0* te +ra0ic Networ? for u,an :igts

Infor,ation in 2''D concerning te real state. )e internet in te +ra0 world & te nu,0er of internet users was

a0out 5! ,illions & Face 0oo? users were nearl* 12 ,illion and te nu,0er of +ra0ic entries was a0out ''.''' .

+lgasair is considered te ,ost countr* in wic tere is a wide spread of ,ost countr* in wic tere is a wide

spread of internet cafes to a nu,0er of 1.'''. in Eg*pt & te nu,0er of internet user is ,illions. oritania iste least countr* in te use of internet & 0ut te igest nu,0er of te users of internet in co,parison wit

 population is te nited +ra0 e,irates to reac 5'& and Eg*pt is te ,ost countr* in te use of *ou tu0e

(a,di& 2'1'.

Social networ?s are soft ware6s wic allow people to interact around an idea& topic or a specific ai,. +n*

educational institution can esta0lis its own entr* and allow its students to ae access to writing e@pressingteir stud* or scolastic affairs. It was stalled in #/IS dictionar* tat social networ? is an electronic sericewic allows users to esta0lis and organiBe teir own personal files as well as to co,,unicate wit oters (+/-

4ustnana& 1DD5.

+l>Aaree0(2''3 defines it as a ,ediu, carr*ing infor,ation 0etween connected co,puters wit it & 0* control

s*ste,s of data and special protocols and addresses.

e ,entioned tat is undreds of ,illions of ,ecanic co,puter around te world lin?ed to eac oter. <it te

lin?ing of tis uge nu,0er of co,puters& it as 0een possi0le to send electronic ,essage in a rapid wa* in

addition to te e@cange of files and sta0le or ,oing picture and sounds (+l-Aa,di& 2''!.

In anoter definition& it can 0e said tat social networ?s are a group of indiiduals wo, we can call friends

lin?ed togeter in a certain wa*.

*.! ,he ty'es and most famous social communication networks

7.2.1 The types of social network 8 )e t*pes of networ? and teir diisions are united in regard to topic and ai,&

 0ut te result at te end is 0ased on te serice presented 0* a networ? or anoter. )e following is a presentation of tese networ?s wit teir different na,es ( +ssa6edi& 2'128

A- Networ?s according to interest and use8 1- Educational networ?8 interested in te gatering of students&

learners and teacers at scools and uniersities troug arious sites wit te ai, of te e@cange of teacing >

learning serices. 2- Personal networ?s8 interested in te gatering of specific personalities and a group of

friends wit te ai, of acuaintance and esta0lising friend sips a,ong te, li?e face 0oo?. 3- ultural

networ?8 interested and specialiBed in a science or an issue or a certain topic wit te ai, of gatering interested

 people& eac according to is specialiBation li?e li0rar* ting. %- Professional networ?s8 interested in gatering of

 people of si,ilar trades in order to create effectie teacing and training eniron,ent li?e lin?ed in

-- Networ?s according to te wa* of co,,unication8 1- <ritten co,,unication networ?s.

2- $ocal co,,unication networ?s. 3- $isual co,,unication networ?s.

C- Networ?s according to te groups of people8 1- Internal social networ?ing8 tese networ?s consist of a group

of indiiduals in a specific or a special co,,unit* inside a co,pan* or an educational institution or organiBation

tese are responsi0le for controlling and entering te site and participating in its actiities suc as recording&e@canging iews and files& attending ,eetings and ta?ing part in direct de0ates and oter actiities li?e lin?ed

in. 2- E@ternal social networ?ing8 te* are te networ?s wic allow all te users of internet& 0ut te* ae 0een

speciall* designed to attract te users of te networ? and allow a lot of users to participate in its actiities as soon

as te user registers in te site and presents i, to it& li?e face 0oo? networ?.

*.!.!# The most famous (wide spread) social networks: Social networ?s are not onl* face 0oo? or twitter or *ou

tu0e tere are ,an* oter networ?s wic are interested in specialiBed fields as a result of 0eing not fa,ous &

te* use +ra0ic te following presentation will sed ligt on a group of tese networ?s wit teir i,portance

and fields 8

1- Face 0oo? is te 0iggest social networ? in regard to applications and nu,0er of ,e,0ers it is a site tat elps

to for, relationsips 0etween users and elp te, to e@cange infor,ation personal potograps & ideos and

co,,ents all tis appens in a *potetical world wic oerco,es te o0stacle of ti,e and place( +0dul

:aBBa& 2'11.

2- * space8 in spite of te fact tat it is older tan face 0oo?& it as 0eco,e second in te nu,0er of ,e,0ersand it includes a page tat can 0e ,odified as reuired.

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3- )witter8 it is a social networ? for 0rief news and *ou can follow te ,icro 0logs of te ,e,0ers *ou tr* tofollow up.

%- <e 0logs8 it is a personal site on te internet on wic a person writes is iews and attitudes a0out arious

issues tese 0logs ae a date and put in order te* are self organiBed wic elp indiiduals to interact troug

 participation and learning ia te e@cange of ideas and infor,ation& 0esides soling social and political pro0le,s te following are e@a,ples of te sites wic allow te esta0lising of free 0logs (ansor& 2''D8

ttp8KKwww.,8 4loggrs. ttp8KKwww.,a?,8 ,a?,8wordpress.

5- 9ou tu0e8 it is te 0iggest social networ? for ideo own line

- et cafe8 te difference 0etween it and te *ou tu0e is te e@istence of a special progra, of te site tat

allows *ou ia it to down load an* ideo i,,ediatel* in an* categor* or an* countr* *ou want

7- $ie,o8 *ou can find a lot of ideos in it & 0ut te* are inaccessi0le for recording

!- I?0is8 it is one of te strongest +ra0ic specialiBed sites as a social networ? for ideos wic includes a lot ofcreatie ,e,0ers.

D- eiant art8 te 0iggest site for arts loers weter te* are traditional or digital (drawing& sculpture&

 potograp*& design& propaganda.

1'- /in?ed in8 on of te ,ost fa,ous special social networ?s of 0usiness people and wor?ers in an* sector eac

 person tere as is own specialiBation and wor? troug it& *ou can identif* an* person in *our field.11- Flic?r8 it is for potograp* loers presented 0* *aoo.12- 4logger catalog8 it is a social networ? for 0loggers troug wic *ou can put *our 0logging in te guide

e@isting in te site and identif* 0loggers in te sa,e field of *our 0logging.

13- Aood reads 8 it is one of te ,ost 0eautiful specialiBed social networ?s for people wo li?e reading tere are

a lot of tese &0ut reads as a 0ig nu,0er of +ra0ic 0oo?s and te nu,0er of its ,e,0ers in te +ra0 world is

 0igger tan an* *ou can participate and loo? for te 0oo?s tat *ou ae read to add to *our list and put te

 0oo?s *ou intend to read in *our list in order not to forget te, & 0esides iewing no,ination of *our friends or

no,inations of te site itself (te site includes 0oo?s in all languages .

1%- awalee8 it is te 0iggest social site for loers of ,usic and +ra0ic songs

15- <a*n8 it is a social networ? for people wo loe trael.

1- )agged& Friend star& we ga,e& :apto& Aa,er ana8 te* are social networ?s for people wo loe ga,es.

17- I,d08 te* are specialiBed social networ?s for ,oie watcers and loers.

1!- El cine,a8 specialiBed in te date of +ra0ic ,oies.1D- )ere is a group of networ?s suc as Pinterest& ultipl*& Ning& i5& #r?ut

*." Some international e'eriments in the field of usin) social networks

It appears fro, te a0oe ,entioned presentation tat so,e countries started to use social co,,unication

networ?s as an i,portant wa* of teacing .+s a result of te difficult* of dealing wit all tese international

e@peri,ents in tis field& te following ones will 0e referred to ( +0dalafeB& 2'12

The merican e!periment # It is currentl* applied in ,an* pu0lic and priate scools and institutes it is widel*

 practiced 0* teacers and students a recent stud* was conducted 0* a group of researcer in innesota uniersit*

wic sowed tat 77 of all students enter co,,unication networ?s wit te ai, of learning& deeloping s?ills

and 0eing open to new iews according to te data gatered in te last si@ ,onts for students 0etween 1 and

1! *ears & it was reealed tat te students wo use social networ?s sites deeloped teir s?ills and creatiit* in a

good wa*. ristine Jrino & a researcer in te stud* & pointed out tat including elped teacing curricula in

social networ?s elped scools to 0eco,e ,ore i,portant and purposeful to students te teacers 0eca,e a0le to

increase students inole,ent in education & furter tecnological co,petence & reinforce te spirit of co-operation in classroo,s and 0uild up 0etter co,,unication s?ills . se added tat tin?ing is not Cust in 0lending

*our own tecnolog* & 0ut in creating ,ore spreading and i,portant tas?s wic will lead to te deelop,ent of

critical tin?ing & pro0le, soling and te capa0ilit* for students international participation.

The "hinese #!periment 8 + lot of scools in inese regions and areas ae used social co,,unication

networ?s to pro,ote te relationsip 0etween te teacer and te learner. Studies proed te efficienc* of tis

e@peri,ent. :angow*e ang stated tat te e@peri,ent 0ro?e te routine of instruction and te student 0eca,e

,ore creatie. Si,on tc*ang added in is 0oo? recentl* pu0lised under te title (*0rid )eacing tat tese

networ?s ae a great a0ilit* to cone* infor,ation to te ,ind of te recipient easil* and spontaneousl*. e

called all educational institution for te e@pansion in tis e@peri,ent and scrutiniBing in its ps*cological and

 practical aspects tis can re,oe te feeling of alienation wic so,e students ,a* ae inside classroo,s. )is

will elp to oerco,e te o0stacles wic so,eti,es separate students fro, te educational institutions to wic

te* 0elong. eanwile& we do not call for an ulti,ate negligence of te for,al nature of te course of classes.

)is appens in a 0alanced wa* wic ensures sta0ilit* inside educational institutions. )e e@pert in ,oderneducation& Pilip )sang& stated tat gradation in te use of social co,,unication networ?s witin te & inese

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educational planning can aciee ,ore 0enefit to students. It proides te principle of ,otiation and desire andensure& getting te, to a greater a,ount of entusias, especiall* wen tings are related to lessons tat so,e

 people consider as co,plicated. +n e@a,ple of te, is te lessons (classes of learning foreign languages wic

 0asicall* depend on openness& d dialog and ar,on* wit te scolastic eniron,ent.

*.$ ,he role of social communication networks in servin) education 1- )e role pla*ed 0* social networ?s in te deelop,ent of electronic teacing appens troug te addition of

social di,ension to and ,a?ing it possi0le for all participating sides in te ,atri@ of education& starting fro, tescool principal& te teacer and parents and not Cust concentrating on te presentation of te s*lla0us to students.

)is increases te opportunities of co,,unication and contact outside te rang of scools and 0rea?s te

o0stacle of ti,e. o,,unications outside te ti,e of te stud* oerco,e a lot of for,alities tat appen inside

scool. in tis wa* & te indiidual can co,,unicate wit te teacer in a wa* tat proides te eniron,ent of

considering indiidual differences . o,,unication also euips te student wit oter s?ills suc as discussion

and e@pression of iews wat ae er* little roo, wit in te walls of scools in ligt of te crowding ofstudents in classroo,s and too ,an* su0Cects wit te e@istence of little ti,e for discussions and de0ates. 2-

So,e studies pointed out te i,portance of using social co,,unication sites and social networ?s in order to

 0enefit fro, teir renewed serices in furtering te educational and teacing process& te* e,pasiBed tat it is

necessar* for people wor?ing in uniersities and colleges to deelop te tecnological capa0ilities& offering

serices to students and following up continuous innoations in a wa* tat goes wit ti,e. )e* calledreinforcing positie points wic te social networ?s sites wor? for teir aciee,ent& reducing negatie pointsand aoiding teir ris?s (+/-asree& 2'12. 3- +/- e0iee (2'12 in is researc called for te e,plo*,ent of

social co,,unication sites in education te social co,,unication sites started pare teir wa* to classroo,s and

a lot of people of education see? to 0enefit fro, tose ,ediu, in acieing teir educational ai,s 0ecause te

actiities of social networ?s elp to concentrate on researc & collecting data and co,,unicating wit e@perts &

stating tat electronic 0logs can 0e used to sti,ulate discussions constructie dialogs & reacing fa,ous e@perts

and professional deelop,ent & 0enefit and ,utual co-operation in electronic ?nowledge sites.

)e researc stated tat ,icro 0logs are te ,ost recent social co,,unication sites wic go inside classroo,

 0ut twitter is te ,ost i,portant and recent in te world of social ,ediu,s 0ecause a lot of people of

education allow teir students to use it in order to co,,unicate wit e@perts for te purposes of researc and its

use as a source of infor,ation a0out eents and social inestigation and a networ? for lin?ing and

co,,unication 0etween colleagues. )e researc ,entioned tat te use of twitter in instructional s*ste,s

around te world as 0een increasing and tat te past two *ears witnessed a great nu,0er in internationaleducational researces a0out tis topic and its ,anner of use in classroo,- (+0u ora& 2'12. %- )e use of

social networ?s elps in actiating te learner6s s?ills& proides an opportunit* for learning pro,otes teir

a0ilities and sti,ulate& creatie tin?ing wit different wa*s 0ecause co,,unication and interactiit* appen

 0etween educated people fro, different educational eniron,ents.

5- )e use of social networ?s in teacing deepens participation& co,,unication and interactiit* wit oter

 people& learning effectie co,,unication ,etods. It also ,a?es te learner positie and as a role in dialogue.

- )e use of social networ?s in teacing ena0les te learners to ae a strong teacing aid and it also pro,otes

te educational ,etods of learning. )e learning process reuires cooperatie eniron,ent in wic te learner

 0eco,es a core of leaning process. 7-)e use of social networ?s in teacing proides an a,ount of a,use,ent

to learners and tis is for a specific learning ai, of te teacer.

!-)e use of social networ?s in teacing as opened and produced a new language 0etween users wit teir

different language. D- allenge participation wic ena0les te teacer to let students participate in te

i,ple,entation of proCects relating to teir educational intuitions wit te ai, of ,easuring teir talents andenricing teir capa0ilities and te e@tent of teir self ;trust. 1'-ontri0ution in te transfer of teacing fro, te

stage of co,petition to tat of integration 0* as?ing all learners to ta?e part in dialogue and gatering

infor,ation. 11- Proiding learners wit a,0ition 0* encouraging te, to esta0lis and design new applications

on co,,unication networ?s wic elp te instructional ,aterial and spread te, for te learners to 0enefit

fro, ten .an* students present teir practical applications to eac oter li?e tose of international scools and

institutes wo for, groups on sites. 12-)e ,ost i,portant social networ?s wic ae proed teir efficienc*

in te teacing process are te following (+l-u*a& 2''D8 Second life& #r?ut& Ning & Face 0oo? & )eacing


*.& Advanta)es of Social Networks

7.$.1 The following are advantages of social networks8

%irst: &eneral uses:  1-Social co,,unication networ?s (new ,edia nowada*s ae 0eco,e te ,ost

influencing on indiiduals& te ,ost dangerous on goern,ents and of an effect on efficienc* tat as not 0een

i,agined 0* te anal*sts and e@perts of ,edia and co,,unication. )e* ae e@celled a lot of satellite stationsin lie trans,ission of eents and incidents wic te *oung people of te new electronic generation ae

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receied in a ,edia race wit satellite cannels. )ose networ?s cancelled geograpical 0arriers andinternational 0orders in a wa* tat co,,unication wit an* area or indiidual 0eca,e si,ple and eas* )is as

ad te great effect on ,a?ing te culture of cange 0* influential people of te users of te internet as it

appened in te last +ra0 reolutions wic electronicall* started to 0eco,e a *oung popular reolution in te

real state as a result of te eas* use of electronic sites wic contri0uted to te increase of teir users. Statisticssowed te nu,0er of actie participants in 2'12 was ,ore tan 7'' ,illions. )e nu,0ers of users in te S+

alone was ,ore tan 157 ,illions in 2'12. )e users of Face 0oo? in te iddle East was ,ore tan it ,illionsin 2'11 and ,ost of te, were less tan tirt* *ears old (+0u ora& 2'12. 2- Interactiit*8 )e indiidual in it

is a receier and a render in te sa,e wa* as e is a writer and a participant te* cancel te 0ad negatie wa* in

te old ,edia teleision and paper newspapers and proide a space for effectie participation te part of te

iewer and te reader (+l -+ga& 2'1'.

3- $ariet* and ,ultiuse8 te* are as a ,eans of co,,unication 0etween different sectors of social& eac

according to specialiBation and ai,s. )e* are used 0* te student& te teacer& te scolar& te politician& teecono,ist and te trader to e@cange co,,unication 0etween te people concerned. %- Eas* use8 social

networ?s are used for s*,0ols and pictures wic facilitate te process of contact co,,unication and

interactiit* 0esides letters and si,ple language. 5- Saing effort and ,one*8 te* sae effort& ti,e and ,one*

in ligt of participation and registration. )e ordinar* indiidual can ae a space on te social co,,unication

networ? in a wa* tat te* are confined to people wit ,one* or a group rater tan anoter. 'econd: special uses: Personal uses8 te* are ,ost co,,on uses8 te first spar? of social networ?s ,igt ae 0een for personal co,,unication 0etween friends in a certain area or certain co,,unit*. )is ai, as 0een

e@isted in spite of te deelop,ent of social networ?s at te leel of serices& deices or soft wares and teir

co,ing out of te 0orders of te countr* to a wider space in tis world. troug special social networ?s &

infor,ation & special files & pictures and ideo parts can 0e e@canged & in addition to teir 0eing a wide space for

acuaintance & friend sip and creation of a cli,ate of a co,,unit* caracteriBed 0* unit* of tougts and

desires een if teir ages & places and ualifications are different

Third: &overnmental uses8 + lot of goern,ental depart,ents started to follow te ,etod of co,,unicating

wit pu0lic troug te sites of social co,,unication wit te ai, of ,easuring deeloping teir goern,ental

serices electronic goern,ent and ?eeping up wit ,odern deices. )ecnical co,,unication wit pu0lic as

 0eco,e one of te tas?s of goern,ental depart,ents and teir offered serices. )is serice is caracteriBed 0*

low cost& direct access to te first user and direct feed0ac? in a wa* tat faults are aoided and distinguised

serice is o0tained social networ?s can 0e used for appoint,ents reseration and confir,ation & spreadinginfor,ation and procedures & i,,ediate co,,unication wit te 0oss and presentation of notices and


%ourth: ews uses: Social networ?s ae 0eco,e an original source of news for a lot of teir users. )is news

is caracteriBed 0* 0eing for, its first source and a free indiidual for,ation in order to 0e used in different

area of politics and propaganda. Social 0logs ae 0een caracteriBed 0* attracting people interested in news and

specialiBed news sites.

%ifth: calling uses: Social networ?s ae opened te door for co,,unication and call wit oter people fro,

te sectors of societ* wit teir different languages& races and countries a lot of callers and people ae opened

teir special pages and ric sites. It is a positie transfer for international co,,unication in ligt of official

,edia 0loc?ing in a lot of countries. )e call troug social networ?s is caracteriBed 0* 0eing international&

spontaneous& continuous wit a 0rea? of te o0stacles of place and ti,e& eas* use and co,,unication and

saing effort and cost.

7.$.2 Disadvantages of social networks  8 In spite of te good points of social networ?s& tere are so,e iewswic stand against te use and 0lending of so,e sites of social networ?s in teacing 0ecause of te following81-

)e* are 0ased on uneual opportunities wic lead to furtering classes in teacing.2- )e* ,a?e te learners

tin?ing ,ecanical so,e learners ,a* face a difficult* in e@pressing teir opinions in writing and prefer to

deal wit te, orall* face to face 0ecause te* ae 0een accusto,ed to tat . oreoer& dealing wit social

networ?s lac?s direct e@periences tat sould 0e acuired 0* learners. 3- )e connection of te learner wit tis

t*pe of interactiit* and co,,unication will increase in a wa* tat leads to autis, and addiction to te co,puter

as well as te in a0ilit* of learners to co,,unicate wit teir relaties.%- )eir use ,a* i,pl* te iolation of

 priate and pu0lic rigts of so,e students personal files & Aer,an inister for te protection of consu,ers & Elsa

+gneur stated tat te Aer,an goern,ent is also in a 0ig trou0le against face 0oo? and Aoogle a0out issues

relating to priac* 0ecause Aer,an laws protect it ,ore tan te agree,ents of social networ?s and tere are

calls in Aer,an* for 0o*cotting face 0oo? and oters 0* ciil societ* co,,ittees tr*ing to protect te consu,ers

rigt( +l >+ga& 2'1' . 5- )e spread of destructie tougts& forger* and corrupted groups. )e +,erican

 president& 4ar? #0a,a e@pressed is worr* a0out face 0oo? in particular during a ,eeting wit te students ofwi?i field scool in $irginia. ina also reacted 0* 0loc?ing face 0oo?& twitter and *ou tu0e sites and used filters

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against foreign sites wit a content opposing te tougts of co,,unist part* in cina it cancelled te searcdrie Aoogle and )e searc drie 4aide replaced it (a,di& 2'1'. - So,e anarcist ,aterial sows& )e

+,erican inistr* of Justice& in a stud*& stated tat te trade of indecenc* and anarcis, as a capital of eigt

,illiard dollars and as strong ties wit organiBed cri,e. )is indecenc* trade includes different ,eans suc as

 0oo?s agaBines& ideos& anarcist satellite cannels and te internet. )e statistics of +,erican F4I stated tatte indecenc* trade is te tird 0iggest inco,e source for organiBed cri,e after drugs and ga,0ling (+/

Aadee& 2'12.

/. Conclusion and recommendation

urrent callenges confir, te i,portance of e,plo*ing ,odern scientific innoations in te actiities of

teacing and learning in order to ,eet te unprecedented flow of infor,ation wic constituted te societ* of

?nowledge. )ere ae 0een a connection and integration in serices 0etween tecnolog* & infor,ation

connection and ,edia te co,ing stage & as predicted 0* a lot of people & will witness new t*pes of differentaspects of life in wic te internet and its instru,ents & including social co,,unication sites & pla* an essential

role learning and teacing will not 0e isolated fro, tese deelop,ents . in all cases & te positie use of tese

sites ,a* contri0ute to furtering a lot of positie points ta?ing into account te following 81 - )e societ*

undergoes a state of new and continuous canges& especiall* in te field of co,,unications and internet wic

spread in te wole world and eli,inated te 0arriers of place and ti,e. 2- 9oung people are te ,ost i,portantcore in societ* wic undergoes an i,portance stage wic is oerwel,ed 0* a lot of needs at te top of wicis te process of contact and co,,unication in societ*. 3- an is socia0le 0* nature and cannot lie isolated

fro, people and societ*.%- )e new *potetical societ* witnesses participation fro, inestigators& researcers

and people of education.5- )e world& in general and +ra0ic societ*& in particular& nowada*s lies te post face

 0oo? ti,e. - )e nu,0er of social networ?s isitors and participants is increasing and te face 0oo? is one of

te ,ost i,portant sites in ,an* countries of te world not onl* in regard to population 0ut in regard to te

nu,0er of participants. Finall* 0efore tis tide of infor,ation its arious sites and its present and future i,pacts

& especiall* in educational and teacing fields & goern,ents sould pass legislations for tose sites in order to

 protect teir citiBens fro, te ris?s and negatie points of tose social networ?s . )e co,,unities of 0usiness

and co,panies ae teir own responsi0ilities of finding solutions suc as te use of. Searc dries and +ra0ic

scientific social networ?s tat sould 0e ,ore specialiBed to enric users at scientific and social leels.

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$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


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17-Foud +.(2''5. /earning )gyt & +aila0le 8 (www.E-learningEg*,

1!- Aarai0e& aBen.& (2''2. Alo0aliBation and ulture& 4asic approaces2 " series of 0umanities and SocialSciences& 1! (2& 15& 9ar,ou? niersit*& Jordan.

1D-a,di& :ana afouB. (2'1'& )e ris? of social networ?& )-/earning 1ournal & p 2'- aw?ins Jan and ollins +llan& (1DD5 esign e@peri,ents for infusing )ecnolog* in.&  )ducational

Technology &$o. 32& N. 1D& p.

21- ansour  , E+. (2''D. Electronic 4logs& 1ournal of %nformation Studiesn N5

22-:aou,a& +li oa,ed. (2''7The %nternet and system techno - social & 4eirut8 enter for +ra0 nit*

Studies& p 75.

23 - )o6ei,a& +,ed :usdie. (2'''. 'lo#ali2ation and the general education curriculum, airo8 <orld of te 0oo?s.

,he end

+fter discussing te stud* 0ac?ground& i,portance& pro0le,& ai,s and uestion& te stud* will 0e in te

following fie ,ain cores8First core8 4lended learning and electronic teacing.Second core8 4lended learning ,atri@.

)ird core8 )e ,odels of 0lended learning and its success factors.

Fort core8 esigning te progra, of 0lended learning progra,.

Fift core8 +dantages and disadantages of 0lended learning.

/.1 -lended learnin) and electronic teachin)

.1.1 *lended learning : it is a t*pe of electronic learning tat as carried different na,es wic i,pl* te sa,e

na,e in educational circles. It as its ,etod and wa* of teacing and as 0een applied in so,e studies. Seeral

definitions ae 0een co,,on for tis t*pe of learning reflecting te researcers6 iews and teir interest in te

t*pes of electronic learning& te following are of tese definitions8

QIt is te restructuring and refor,ation of teacing content 0* depending on te teories of learning and

co,0ining it wit different ,odern electronic ,edia wic proide an interactie eniron,ent for te learner te progra,s of ,anaging te content 0* transferring it for, te traditional classroo, to a wider one wic is not

restricted 0* ti,e or place (Satarat& 2'1' .

Q + t*pe of learning in wic tradition learning and electronic learning ,eet in different wa*s to o0tain

 productiit* wit little cost (4*rne 2''%.

Q )e teacing wic uses an efficient group of arious assess,ent ,etods& teacing wa*s and teacing

 patterns wic facilitate te learning process. It is 0ased on te incorporation of traditional ,etods& in wic te

students ,eet face-to-face and electronic learning (+le?s 2''%. Q +n integratie s*ste,

wic ai,s at elping te learner troug eac stage of learning and is 0ased on te incorporation 0etween

traditional learning and electronic learning in different for,s inside te classroo, (Oa,eess & 2''3 .

Q It is a t*pe of learning wic co,0ines connected ,odels troug te internet and disconnected ones tat

occur in traditional classes (are*s 2''3.

It is clear tat te preious definition e,pasiBed te fact tat 0lended learning is te use of ,odern

co,,unication ,eans suc as te co,puter& ,ulti,edia and te internet in te classroo, in a wa* tat teacing,etods are integrated and students and teacers interact 0* using electronic ,aterials in an indiidual wa* or in

groups& witout a0andoning te nor,al teacing realit* and students6 presence& awa* fro, te li,its of ti,e and

 place& wit least possi0le cost& in a wa* tat ena0les te ,anage,ent and control of te teacing process and te

,easure,ent and ealuation of students6 perfor,ance. )e stud* proposes a definition of 0lended learning8 it is

an unfa,iliar teacing learning ,etod wic 0lends traditional and electronic ,etods troug te e,plo*,ent

of ,odern teacing tecniues witout neglecting te nor,al teacing realit* inside te classroo, for te sa?e

of creating an o0Cectie ric interactie teacing eniron,ents& not restricted 0* ti,e or place& tat ,eets te

students6 needs and reinforces te teacer6s position in order to enance e@cellent teacing and eleate its outputs.

)e use of 0lended learning tecnolog* in teacing is not a ,odern peno,enon& 0ut it is istoricall* connected

wit te deelop,ent of ,an across istor*. )e scientific and educational e@peri,ents te earl* +ra0 and non-

+ra0 scolars carried out 0efore and after te renaissance were e@a,ples of connecting teacing and

incorporating it wit real facts and going to nature and 0enefiting fro, it in reinforcing te senses of indiiduals

and satisf*ing teir needs. In spite of tis call& 0lended learning as not entered te world of education in its,odern tecnical caracteristic and its intended organiBed use 0efore te first alf of last centur* wen a li,ited

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$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


nu,0er of western scool& institutes and uniersities & especiall* te united states of +,aric started to use and 0lend so,e audio and isual teacing aids in te educational process oweer &te actual recognition of te

i,portance of aids in education and te necessit* of incorporating te, in teacing occurred after te second

<orld <o? wen te* 0eca,e an essential part in te educational ,atri@ in general & )e ,ost supporting

 proponents of 0lended learning alled for ,a?ing teacing witout restrictions and /i,its & respecting telearner s & positie role & freedo, and culture 0esides supporting specialiBed and strategic teacing patters&

strengtening te concept of long life teacing& coping wit scientific deelop,ent and teacing progress&concentrating on ?nowledge& its discoer*& production and e,plo*,ent in teacing situations ,edication ,edia&

+noter i,portations ting is te lin? and partnersip 0etween pu0lic and priate sectors in order to proide

financial and tecnical support necessar* for tis teacing. ealing wit tecnolog* does not eli,inate te role

of te effectie teacer in te teacing process. <itout te teacer no appropriate ,aterial or teacing ,edia

can 0e assigned or selected. <itout is ?nowledge& guidance& instructions and actiities& tere will 0e no

effectie teacing. )e teacer is person wo draws te teacing ai,s& designs and deelops progra,s& isresponsi0le for i,ple,entation and assess,ent.( +/-Aa,idi&2''7.

It is wor? noticing tat process of 0lending 0etween different teacing ,etods does not appen rando,l*& 0ut

troug scientific. #rganiBation and o,ogeneous wa*& wic is controlled 0* ,an* criteria related to te

reuire,ents6 of te educational situation. So,e educated people prefer it to electronic learning for te following

reasons8 1-Electronic learning concentrates on cognitie and s?illful aspects disregarding affectie do,ain. 2- Itcauses students introersion in wic tere is inter action 0etween te, and te teacers. 3- It faces so,edifficulties in te application of assess,ent ,etods. %- It reuires a certain t*pe of teacers. 5- It lac?s social

inti,ac* 0etween te teacer and te learner. - an* students still prefer te traditional wa* of attending


.1.2 #lectronic Teaching:  So,e teacers 0eliee tat teir use of te co,puter in te classroo, or entering te

co,puter la0 or sitting in front of te co,puter and te use of te internet ae co,pletel* eli,inated electronic

teacing .oter people tin? tat electronic trasing can 0e acieed 0* distri0uting co,puters and ,ulti,edia to

uniersities& scools and offices. )e co,,on 0elief is tat te ,ain field of electronic teacing is te intelligent

and electronic 0rains wic caracteriBe language wit scientific and tecnical deelop,ent.. #n te oter and&

tis t*pe of teacing as 0een fa,ous recentl*& in a wa* tat it is definitions ae 0een a0out it and te arious

infor,ation ,edia ae 0een interested in it 0* reiewing its ai,s and its role in te teacing process .oweer&

te real facts are far awa* fro, its realit* 0ecause electronic teacing is an integratie educational ,atri@ (inputs&

 processes and output wic includes (+0dul,aCeed2''D8 1. ardware8 it includes te infrastructure& teco,puter and ig speed internet. 2.Software8 it includes8 a learning ,anage,ent s*ste,s wic depended on

te internet wic proide ,anage,ent and follow-up for te learning in regard to is going in or out and giing

i, autorit* and content arrange,ent& it perfor,s te following processes8 registering learner6s data& sceduling

s*lla0uses and teacing plan& ,a?ing content accessi0le to te learner& tests and assess,ent co,,unication

 0etween learners ia te e-,ail and oter co,,unication ,eans& cec?ing up te learner6s perfor,ance and

issuing reports 4-content ,anage,ent s*ste,8 it 0elongs to learning ,anage,ents s*ste, wic is an adanced

s*ste, tat controls content and it could 0e open or closed.

3. u,an resources8 te* include s*ste, ,anager& instructional designer and a specialist. In arious drawings&

 progra,,ing& goodness control and tecnicians of support and aid.

%. /egislations and regulations8 te* include assess,ent ,etods& students6 attendance& pu0lication rigts&

uotation& indiiduals6 and infor,ation priac*& acade,ic credit and degree confer,ent.

In ligt of tat& te concept of electronic teacing as gone 0e*ond te use of international ,acines and

instru,ent and traditional and rando, ,etods. It is si,ilar to a co,plete reelation 0uilt on te soulders ofco,puter tecnolog*& soft wares and co,,unication reolution. )is 0lending is not so,eting arit,etic 0ut

,a@i,iBed capa0ilities in scientific production in regard to uantit*& ualit* and ?ind. )is wa* e,pasiBes te

integratie iew of te electronic teacing ,atri@ and its connection wit oter s*ste, in a ,utual wa*& ai,ing

at acieing te aspired ai,s. <ic ensure te ig goodness of teacing and te eleation of its outputs& in a

wa* tat confor,s wit students6 needs& indiiduals a,0ition te world deelop,ent and ?eeping up wit

international ciiliBation and cultures.

/.! ,he matri of blended learnin)#

#ne of te ,ost i,portant tings wic elp in te success of 0lended learning is to ,ar? sure a0out its inputs. It

sould ae te potential of i,ple,entation& application and assess,ent in ligt of te e@istence of an educated

supportie& trained and ualified u,an infrastructure& as well as a wide societal 0ase in te field of using te

co,puter and te internet. It also reuires a d*na,ic electronic uniersit* co,,unit* wic includes instructors&

lecturers& learners& tecnicians& s*lla0uses& la0s& guidance and orientation& training and teacing. )e people

concerned sould ae te a0ilit* to grasp tecnolog*& researc& tougt& indication& design and an effectieelectronic connection ,atri@. )ese inputs are te following8

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ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline 

$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


.2.1  ims#  te for,ation of sound& clear and reasona0le ai,s wic are appropriate for teacing wa*s&s*lla0uses and students6 needs tat can 0e i,ple,ented perfor,ed& applied& ,easured and assessed in te

appropriate place and ti,e.

.2.2+ays and methods of teachin)8 coosing te wa*s and ,etods of teacing wic are arious& purposeful&

euipped wit electronic and tecnical ,eans and co-curricular actiities appropriates for i,ple,enting stud*content& a acco,plising teacing +i,s & ,eeting students desires & stressing te principle of learning troug

 practice & partnersip & interaction &dialogue & pro0le, soling and enancing students creatiit* & innoation andcontinuous learning.

.2.,"ontent (sylla-us)8It is te eart of stud* plan 0ecause it sould 0e caracteriBed 0* inter action and in

clues ai,s& ?nowledge and tecniues wic te student studies to en ric teir s?ills appropriatel*& )erefore&

s*lla0us goodness is one of te ,ost i,portant factors related to te goodness of uniersit* teacing& )e

following are reuire,ents tat sould 0e aaila0le in te s*lla0us for te sa?e of 0lended learning (+,ed

2''78- iision of te instructional content into graded and logical units tat can 0e eas* to understand and aciee&

on one and sere indiidual learning& on te oter.

- Eac lesson sould contain a detailed integratie e@- plantation& e@ercises& uestions and si,ulation according

to students& needs and allow a continuous student.

- Eac lesson sould include additional and e@ternal ?nowledge resources tat co,plete students6 needs.- )e content sould coer te sa,e content included in te tradition s*lla0us& and sould 0e in ar,on* witte strategies of te teacer and learning ,etods.

- )e content sould e,plo* all possi0le aspects of tecnolog*.

- apa0ilit* of s*lla0us ,odification (d*na,ics and fle@i0ilit* and apa0ilit* of use and re >use

.2.   /nfrastructure8 it includes p*sical and cli,ate conditions& space& speed and te a0ilit* to old

co,,unication ,eans and possi0le alternaties.

.2.$ Technical re0uirements which imply (+,asa 2'1'8

- Proiding a sufficient nu,0er of ,odern co,puters wic are supplied 0* data sow and internet.

- Proiding an electronic place for eac course. and s*ste, for electronic learning ,anage,ent.

- + s*ste, for ,anaging instructional content electronic assess,ent progra,s.

- Electronic sites for co,,unication and dialog guidance and orientation 0* teacers.

- *potetical and traditional classes& and e >,ail& ,essages and electronic si,ulation.

 ; <ee?l* ,eeting 0etween student and course superisors ;Partnersip and connection 0etween pu0lic and priate sectors

. .2.   uman re0uirement s (+/- ade 2''5

. .2. . 1- The teacher  wo sould ae8 ; esire to transfer fro, traditional teacing to e ; learning

 ; esire to enter *potetical classes. ; +0ilit* to co,0ine traditional and electronic teaces.

 ; +0ilit* to deal wit te internet to renew is infor,ation and deelop s*lla0uses.

 ; +0ilit* to train student to deal wit co,puters. ; +0ilit* to deal wit progra,s of designing s*lla0us.

 ; +0ilit* to design co,puter tests. ; +0ilit* to deal wit e-,ail and e@cange ,essages wit students.

 ; +0ilit* to sti,ulate students6 ,otiation and create te spirit of participation and interaction in te classroo,.

 ; o,plete understanding of students6 caracteristics& needs and reuire,ents at all teir leels.

 ; #0sering eac student6s perfor,ance. ; nderstanding te ai, of 0lended learning.

.2. .2- The learning 8 te centre of concern for all circu,stances of learning to perfor, tis tas?& te following

sould 0e aaila0le8 ; :eal desire in teacing and 0lended learning

 ; Independence wic ,eans co,,it,ent and persistence for te sa?e of electronic learning success. ; +0ilit* to participate in te teacing process in order to 0e interactie and not Cust a recipient.

 ; +0ilit* of training and dealing wit e-,ail. ; apa0ilit* of perception& co,plete awareness and ,ature

tin?ing. ; apa0ilit* of dialogue& de0ate& o0Cectie criticis, and decision ta?ing. ; :especting& ,anaging and

,aintaining ti,e.

.2..,- "omputer la-s technicians wo possess sufficient ?nowledge and s?ills wic ,a?e te, ualified for

 perfor,ing teir tecnical& orientation and training roles toward students according to te teacing situation

reuire,ents and proiding all aid& and support for te sa?e of te instructional process success.

/." -lendin) learnin) models and its success factors.

.,.1 *lending 3earning 4odels: aletan said tat 0lending learning as te following tree ,odels as cited 0*

(+l-Aa,idi 2''78 1- S?ill deelop,ent ,odel8 it co,0ines self-learning and te teacer wo perfor,s te role

of supporting and deeloping ?nowledge. 2- Situation deelop,ent ,odel8 it is awa* in wic eents and teir

 presentation ,eans are 0lended in order to deelop certain 0eaiors. 3- o,petence deelop,ent ,odel8 tis

approac 0lends perfor,ance& its supporting instru,ents wit te ,anage,ent of ?nowledge& guidance ande@perts resources for te sa?e of deeloping co,petences& acuiring and transferring ?nowledge. Sale, (2''%

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ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline 

$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


 pointed out tat te process of 0lending is conducted in seeral di,ensions8a- 4lending networ? learning wit non-networ? on. 0- Self-learning wit co-operatie one. c- Special pre-

 prepared content according to need and read* content. d- /earning 0* practice.

riscoll& as cited 0* +0u ,ousse& stated tat 0lended learning as te following four ,eanings ( +0u (oussa

2'1'8 a- /earning 0* 0lending co,puter tecniues wit traditional teacing ,etods. 0- /earning 0* 0lendingaudio isual instructional aides and ,acines wit traditional ,etods and learning 0* practice.

/." .2 *lending 3earning 'uccess %actors: )e progra, starts 0* a ,eeting wit teacers and students& in wic te progra, ai,s& its plan& wo it is

i,ple,entedG e,plo*ed strategies and te role of eac one in te success of 0lending learning are e@plained

troug (+/- 4uair &ua,,ad 2''D81- Effectie co,,unication 0etween te parties of te teacing

 process.2- /earners independence in is learning according to is potential and capa0ilities.3- Encouraging

creatie wor?. %- E,pasis or ?nowledge and ow it is e,plo*ed in teacing situation. 5- o-operatie wor? in

te for, of a tea,.- ontinuous and fle@i0le coices.7- Students participation in coosing te appropriatess*lla0us. !- :eparation as te student is allowed to get te ,essage fro, different resources in seeral for,s. D-

Its outputs sould 0e ,easura0le to ,a?e sure tat te* are effectie.1'- )is t*pe of learning sould 0e

appropriate for a 0ig nu,0er of people.11- +aila0ilit* of te infrastructure wic supports its application

troug te use of teacing tecnolog*.12- Its outputs enance teacing .

/.$ 3esi)nin) the 'ro)ram of blended learnin)#4ased on te preiousl* ,entioned infor,ation 0lending different teacing ,etods are not rando, or ,ood*

 0ut occur in a scientific& organiBe and o,ogeneous ,etod wic is controlled 0* criteria and standards related

to te reuire,ent of te teacing situation . So& designing te 0lending learning progra, reuires te following8

+ ; eter,ining te t*pe of 0lended learning progra,8 is it a transferring creatie one wic i,plies canging

te e@isting progra, into a 0lended pro-gra, wit tecnological and electronic ,eans and instru,ents wit te

ai, of deeloping and i,proising it in order to enance its perfor,ance & or will tere 0e read* 0lended a

teacing progra, tat can 0e used H

4- eter,ining 0lending wa*s& t*pes and ,anner .)is is 0ased on te following uestions8-

 ; <at is te 0est teacing wa* for conducting content learning in a good wa*H

 ; wat is te 0est wa* o guiding student learningH

 ; wat is te 0est wa* for proiding re-agree,ent& procedures and institutional li,its in 0lending learningH

)erefore& te designer of lessons 0ased on learning as to i,ple,ent 0lended learning 0* depending on

( +0u oussa 2'1'8 1- +nal*Bing te content into graded antis wic include facts & concepts &generaliBations &principles and additional resources in order to ,a?e it easier for understanding& e@plaining&

anal*Bing& structuring& criticiBing and assessing te,. 2; eter,ining te wa* and ,etod troug wic eac

content ite, will 0e i,ple,ented. 3; deter,ining students6 needs and recogniBing ideating teir interests and

indiidual differences. %- #rganiBing reuire,ents and records to organBa te wor? eniron,ent (registrations of

attendance& a0sentees and lecture ti,es ours. 5- eter,ining unnecessar* ti,e and place circu,stances for te


/.& Advanta)es and disadvanta)es of blended learnin).

.$.1 dvantages of -lended learning:

studies and researces unani,ousl* agree tat 0lended learning as ,an* adantages& <e can state wat was

cited 0* (+0u ?utwa 2''D and (arles and oter2''% as follows8 1- It proides ,ecanis,s of connection

and co,,unication& enances social and partnersip relationsips and increases interaction 0etween te parties

of te teacing process (teacer& student& s*lla0us& trainer and tecnician. 2- /ow cost and financial e@penditure

in co,p-arisen wit electronic learning. 3- /in?ing ai,s wit results. %- Increase in te possi0ilit* of o0taininginfor,ation uic?l*& freel* and fle@i0l* 0etween sites and people going 0e*ond te li,its of ti,e and place. 5-

Pro,oting te concepts of group and co-operatie wor?. - Aenerating te learners feeling tat learning occurs

outside te four walls of classroo,. 7- o,0ining te adantages of electronic learning and tose of traditional

learning witout an* aersion. !- Enricing u,an ?nowledge and e,plo*ing it 0* using te ,etods of

understanding& anal*sis& structure and enancing te goodness of teacing process& product and teacers

co,petence. D- Perfect use of teacing tecnolog* in te field of design& i,ple,entation and application in

 0lended learning.1'- Perfect use of financial and *potetical resources.11- supporting traditional teacing wa*s

troug ,odern tecnical ,edia.12- Integrating te for,ation and final assess,ent s*ste,s of students and


.$.2 *lended 3earning 5-stacles In spite of all tat as 0een ,entioned a0out te adantages and 0enefits of 0lended learning& tere are

so,eti,es so,e u,an& financial and procedural o0stacles wic inder its application as follows8

1- )e low leel of e@perience and s?ill of so,e students and teacers wen dealing seriousl* wit teacingtecnolog* and co,puters.2- )e low leel of specialist6s actual participation in curricula& education and

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Journal of Education and Practice 

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline 

$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


teacing in ,ar?ing co,pact electronic s*lla0uses. 3-)e difference in te co,petence of co,puters& teersatilit* and capa0ilit* of co,puter nets and teir fast deelop,ent fro, one generation to anoter inders

coping up wit te,. %- )e low leel of efficienc* of te s*ste, of o0seration& assess,ent& correction&

attendance and a0sentee of students.5- Feed0ac?& encouraging and ,ar?ing-up are so,eti,es aaila0le. - For

so,e acade,ic stages& especial ele,entar*& and so,e curricula and s*lla0uses& especiall* tose de,anding practical s?ills& use of electronic teacing is useless. 7- E,pasis is on te students6 cognitie and s?illful

do,ains rater tan te affectie ones.

0. ecommendation

4efore tis scientific progress and ?nowledge reolution and its present and future i,pacts& especiall* in

educational fields and in ligt of as 0een referred to in te students literature& te researcer reco,,ends te

following8 1- Electronic teacing is a precious reuire,ent for teacing circles& 0ut its ig cost and its ,an*

reuire,ents preent its co,plete application in te teacing process& in a wa* tat it is possi0le to appl* one ofits t*pes suc as 0lended learning or re,ote learning or open learning.2 - :econsidering uniersit* progra,s&

curricula and teir i,ple,entation strategies for te sa?e of coping up wit electronic and tecnological

concepts& co,0ining te, wit ig ualit* instructional wa*s& presenting te, to student in a wa* tat aciee

te reuire,ents of inention and creation and ,eet te need of indiiduals and societ*.

3; onfir,ing te i,portance of 0lended learning and its possi0ilit* in te teacing process as it co,0ines ,oretan one ,etod of teacing and ,eets te reuire,ents of teacing situation.%; onfir,ing te i,portance ofusing tecnolog* in teacing togeter wit infor,ation tecnolog*.

eferences 3- "#dulma&eed, "hmad Sadeq 45667 , igital Stores of teaching units in the )nvironment of )lectronic

 /earning , resear c presented to te fourt +ra0 Scientific onference a0out teacing and future allenges &

Facult* of Education & SowaC uniersit* & 25-2 K%K2''DK& cario& Eg*pt.

2- +0u ?utwa& +/ >Sa**id +0dul,awla (2''D&  !lended /earning and Suggested Solutions for the pro#lems

of )lectronic learning & :etrieed & 15- ! -2'1'.

3-+0u Outwa & +/ >Sa**id +0dul,awla (2''D & ed .

%- +0u oussa +,ad oufeed (2'1'&  "n )8ist 9ting Model on !lended /earning "N %ts "ctivation in

Teaching the Sylla#us of esigning "nd *roducing Teaching Softwares in the open "ra#ic niversity 

5- +,ed& +sraf Saeed. (2''7. T;M and indicators in higher educatioion +le@andria8 )e new niersit* pu0lication  - +/- 4uair &ua,,ad & )aa +ata & assan (2''D  ,)ducational (ontrols for the "pplication

of )lectric /earning at )gyptian niversities  & a researc Presented to te tird +ra0 Scientific conference

( )eacing +nd te issues of current societ* & Facult* of Education & SoweC niersit* & Eg*pt.

7- +le?s&J.ris&P.(2''%.<eflections on the use of #lended learning. The niversity of Sanford . :etrieed D

august 2'1''%.rtf

!- +/ +nsari & Eissa 4in ussein (2''! & )e Alo0aliBation of uniersit* )eacing in te +ra0 countries &

 Maga2ine of culture and evelopment & Facult* of Education & SowaC & ! (2 35.

D- +l-Fa?ee&+*,an(2''D& Mo#ile Teaching ," New =ision #y wireless Techniques &$alua0le on eat-

na0lus.*,Ksearc. Foru,

1'- +/ > Aa,idi & OadeeCa +li (2''7 & o,posed )eacing & Maga2ine of 0uman Sciences (35

11- +/- Aa,idi OadeeCa +li (2''7 ed

12- +/ ade& ua,,ad.(2''5  )lectronic /earning "S a research presented to the twelfth Scientific

(onference of information systems and computers technology electronic teaching and the age of +nowledge   &Eg*ption Societ* of infor,ation S*ste,s and co,puters )ecnolog*& airo.

13- +/- areti & ua,,ad 4in +ti**a (2''! &  Moving /earning , " research conducted at king "#dula2ee2


1%- +l-adi &aCdi sala (2''! , 0ypothetical learning , its philosophy ,potentials ,its "pplication

opportunities& +le@andria& dar al-Cadeeda&

15- +,asa & ua,,ad (2'1'  !lended learning )lectronic& :etrieed 12-!-2'1'


1- +/-sow0a?i& waleed (2''5 The Mo#ile future>." /eap Towards the unknown&$alua0le on


17- +/ > sow,ali & ?istandi (2''7 , Modern patterns in 0igher )ducation : Multimedia )lectronic Teaching  &

+ researc presented to te Si@t conference of te union of faculties of arts at uniersities ,e,0ers in te union

of +ra0 uniersities +/ > Jinan uniersit* &/e0enan

1!- +/-)al & Sa&eed (2'1' , The "ims of university Teaching   & +/ > ustour Newspapeer & Jordan.1D-4*rne& eclan.(2''% .!lended learning training reference .co.u?. :etrieed 12 august 2'1'

7/27/2019 Social Communication Networks the Most Powerful Present at the Service of Education 15/16

Journal of Education and Practice 

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline 

$ol.%& No.21& 2'13


2'-arles .Joel /.and Pats* ..(2''%. !lended learning, center  for applied researc. Issue 721-are*s& s. (2''3. !uilding effective #lended learning programs. )ducational technology, v?@,

22-aw?ins& Jan and ollins +llan& (1DD5 esign e@peri,ents for infusing )ecnolog* in to learning

 )ducational Technology, =o. @5, N. 37, p.AA

23-Oe,p& Jerrold.E&(1DD5 .*lanning and producing audiovisual material & second addition Penns*laniacandler pu0lising co,pan*&3

2%- Oa,eess & ua,,ad +ti**a (2''3 , Teaching Technology *roudest  & airo & ar +l- i?,a& 235.25- Sale, & +,ad ua,,ad (2''% & Teaching technology "nd )lectronic Teaching  & :i*ad & +/ > :aseed


2- Satarat & Na*if a,ou (2'1' , !lended /earning  &:etrieed www.isla,

Auther Name8 )a*seer +ndrawes Salee,

4ob Address# Ir0id niersit* ollege K +l-4ala +pplied niersit*Place and date of birth8 +luson-Ir0id-Jordan& 25-!-1D55

-%ualifications 8

-P in Education )ecnolog* 1DD! &+l-?asli? niersit*& /e0anon.

-aster in Education )ecnolog* 1D!!& 9ar,ou? niersit*&Jordan.

-iplo,a in etods of )eacing&9ar,ou? niersit*&1D!5.-4.+. in Aeograp*& 4eirut +ra0 niersit* 1D!2& /e0anon.-iger anage,ent course& Aeneral anage,ent Institute& 9ar,ou? niersit* 2''1.

-ourses in Englis and o,puter& Ir0id niersit* ollege 2''3 & 2''5 .

-,eachin) and Practical e'eriences# 

-+ teacer for te inistr* of Education 1D75-1D!!.

-+ teacer at pu0lic co,,unit* colleges >inistr* of iger Education 1D!!-1DD7

-Seconded to +l-4ala +pplied niersit* 1DD7- 2''%.

-+n Instructor at +l-4ala +pplied niersit* in 2''% .

-Pro,oted to +ssistant Professor in 2''.

-+ ean +ssistant for students and ad,inistratie affairs in te *ears 2''1& 2''2& 2''%& 2''5.2'1'.2'11

-+ ead of depart,ent of instructional resources and li0raries 1DD-1DDD.

-+ ead and a ,e,0er of seeral co,,ittees in te college and at uniersit*.

-urrentl* wor?ing as a ead of te /i0raries and Infor,ation epart,ent- Ir0id niersit* ollege 

,he end 

*. 3efinitions of 'rocedures#

Q *lended learning 8 I) is one of te for,s of te for,s of electronic learning wic co,0ines& in its use&

infor,ation and co,,unications tecnolog* and te oter traditional teacing ,etods. In a wa* tat te*

 0eco,e integratie and interactie wit students and teacing ai,s and students 0enefits witout disregarding

te teacing realit* of te classroo,.

6 #lectronic learning 8 ItTs a teaching   > learning ,etods in wic ,odern co,,unications ,eans& ,an*

arious ,ulti,edia and co,puters tecniues are used in te in fra,e of free interactie practical ,atri@es

a,ong te sides of te teacing process& wic is not li,ited 0* ti,e or place in order to aciee specific ai,s

tat sere te indiidual and societ* uic?l* and wit low cost 

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