Social Action Homelessness Mood Board

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Social Action Homelessness Mood Board

Social ActionHomelessness Mood Board

Rebecca Coughlin

Be a part of the breakthrough and make someone’s dream come true.Don’t turn your back to those in need.Give so others can live.Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!Homelessness starts at home. Donations start here.If you don’t help feed them, who will?Share hope.

protect, prevent, cure, heal, give, rescue, love, feed.poor, hungry, homeless, deprived, needy, families.

Prevent Homelessness Box as a homeBox 1 Box life

AlleyLife in a Box

Bench The BoxesGlance 1 Just glancesInvisible One glanceShadows 1 Do more than glanceShiver HouselessWander UnhousedWarmth Without a RoofBlankets 1 Roofless

On The Outsidecardboard