Social 2014 predictions

Post on 09-May-2015

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Transcript of Social 2014 predictions


As digital platforms integrate with the household lifestyle, brands will be within an easier reach

Mobile computing is here to stay and resetting the landscape on how consumers interact with brands

More tools are available that make big data a lucrative and efficient source of consumers insights

As Facebook matures, younger demographics are choosing other social networks to interact with.



As digital platforms integrate with the household lifestyle, brands will be within an easier reach


Consumers are not only connected to their social networks when in front of a computer of mobile device

Consumers want to connect all the aspects of their lifestyle. Many companies are changing the landscape by selling devices that broaden the context where consumers can be connected to their brand.


Appliance Manufacturers will start integrating social since the majority of time spent online is at home

This is where users are most likely to have a multi device experience since their selection of devices to use is higher than out of home. In 2014, other companies will follow Nest and Lockitron’s lead. They'll shed proprietary networks and control centers, and along with an explosion of in-home sensors, will help propel the smart home conversion trend in 2014.




Mobile computing is here to stay and resetting the landscape on how consumers interact with brands

Mobile devices have won the device war

"There are more tablets and phones being sold than personal computers. People are moving to this new architecture very fast." For that reason, Google CEO Eric Schmidt believes we will see a "new generation of applications" emerge to fill changing needs for entertainment, social networking and more


Mobile payments go mainstream

In 2013, virtually every major Canadian bank and wireless carrier launched at least one mobile payment initiative. Once the wallet is completely mobile, the social experience will expand with additional opportunities to share the purchase experience. This may be in the form to review, posts, likes, recommendations, etc.


80% of all smartphone users check their phone within 15 minutes of waking up.

The smartphone is the main hub for all connectedness. It facilitates a users email, messaging, browser, security, weather, texting, etc. It is with you all of the time.




More tools are available that make big data a lucrative and efficient source of consumers insights

Big data hits paydirt

The explosion in the popularity of wearable devices like smart watches and smart glasses will contribute to an accelerating boom in data collection and analysis that already has advertisers chomping at the bit and consumers fretting over increasingly tenuous privacy. Social media platforms will convert all those status updates, selfies, check-ins and breakfast photos into focused, customized insights that can subsequently be bought and sold in an ever more efficient data-driven marketplace.


consumers seek to own and make the most of their lifestyle data

Consumers seek to turn brands that use this data to proactively offer customers help and advice on how to improve their behavior and/ or save money


Brands must move from ‘having nothing to hide’, to pro-actively showing and proving they have nothing to hide. There is an aura of mistrust among consumers and big data.

No, not all consumers will be this demanding, but as total transparency becomes a hygiene factor, even those that aren’t will expect brands to prove their ethical and environmental credentials to those that do care. Some stats: The percentage of global consumers who trust business to do what is right fell from 56% in 2011 to 53% in 2012 (Source: Edelman, January 2012).




As Facebook matures, younger demographics are choosing other social networks to interact with.

Teens are fleeing Facebook as it becomes a internet utility rather than just a social media platform

Fleeting teen engagement has always been a concern for Facebook as other social networks including Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook-owned Instagram become more popular. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said in the past that Facebook is trying to become a utility, and is past the “cool” stage at this point in the company’s life span.


50% of Web Sales to Occur Via Social Media by 2015

Facebook sends more than 25 percent of referral traffic to businesses. And many shoppers choose to buy via Facebook brand pages instead of through the brand’s traditional website. Right now about 20 percent of online shoppers seem to have this preference. These numbers are promising by themselves, but there’s even better news. They are expected to increase over the next few years.


Disposable social media becomes anything but disposable

As Facebook grapples with a falloff in demand from the all-important teenaged demographic, so-called disposable-messaging services have emerged as a major new force in social media. Keep an eye on alternatives like LoKast and Blink as they compete with the established platforms – includingFacebook’s Poke – for the next generation of social media users.



As digital platforms integrate with the household lifestyle, brands will be within an easier reach

Mobile computing is here to stay and resetting the landscape on how consumers interact with brands

More tools are available that make big data a lucrative and efficient source of consumers insights

As Facebook matures, younger demographics are choosing other social networks to interact with.


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