SMiLE London November 2015 - Synergy Creative · been used to truly integrate Yammer into the...

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SMiLE London November 2015



The list of tools and tactics for implementing social media into your organisation is seemingly endless. But luckily, SMiLE conference is here to help.

It’s one of our favourite events of the year where we get to hear truly inspiring case studies and best practice tips on how to integrate social into internal communication strategies.

SMiLE London (Social Media in Large Enterprise) is run by publishing force Simply Communicate.

Couldn’t make it? Don’t worry – we’ve rounded up the best bits for you to enjoy at your leisure.

Case study: How the FA supports its home team

Who: The Football Association (FA) has 600 head office staff and 900 regional staff.

What: Wanting to reflect the fact that football is a truly social business, Craig pioneered the launch of a new intranet. The previous intranet, hosted on Sharepoint, was tricky to update and used mainly to broadcast information, not facilitate conversation. The FA wanted contribution, collaboration and the ability to access on mobile.

How: The FA chose an Interact Intelligent Intranet, which is quick to set up, easy to use and instantly mobile-friendly. It took just two days for technical implementation – but preparation was key to success. The FA ran workshops to understand exactly what was needed, and started with a small pilot of 20 people before rolling it out to everyone. The board were very sceptical to begin with, so this was an important part of the process.


Jamie Craig, business analyst @CraigJamieC

75% adoption

25% contribution

160 groups – set by topic, department and team

Key learnings Convince your board of the value

Start small and implement slowly and carefully

It’s very WIIFM (What’s In It For Me). People engage with offers, freebies, inside info about the game

Launch your new intranet by setting it as everyone’s home page

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Case study: How Phillips is evolving its successful online community

Who: Phillips, which has consumer and B2B brands worldwide.

What: The Phillips Community is one of the most active channels ever come across by event organisers Simply Communicate. Started five years ago, its adoption levels have been phenomenal, for leaders and employees. However, as a major period of change approached for the business it was becoming crucial to evolve the platform and integrate it with other channels.


Dennis Agusi, global digital communications manager @DennisAgusi

63,000 people actively using it each week

Adoption levels as high as 90%

100,000 views per month

Knowledge is now kept internally, rather than being shared on third party sites

How: A lot of money was being wasted across the organisation by hosting videos on external sites. An integrated video platform ‘Blue Tube’ was added to the Phillips Community. This is now used by all divisions, including HR to host its learning videos. The next step is to move from navigation-based intranet to a ‘search and tag’ experience, with a completely customisable home page.

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“Internal communication is no longer managing communications, instead it’s community management”

Case study: ABB demolishing silos across 100 countries

Who: Power and automation technology company ABB has 140,000+ employees worldwide and thousands of products.

What: The aim? Get 50% of staff active on a Social Enterprise Network (ESN) in order to breakdown internal silos and enhance collaboration across the business. With 100 countries to cover, this was no easy task.


Veronique Vallieres, internal communications and community manager @verovalliers

In 2009 there were 20,000 users, in November 2015 there is 90,000

Collaboration has increased productivity

Innovation has resulted from sharing best practice

Customer enquiries are answered faster as the community helps with queries

The customer service department used to work via email. ABB switched it off as a trial for a couple of months….it’s now been off for three years!

How: This hugely ambitious project was centred on Yammer. For the launch, the IC team led a Yammer Myth Buster, using community managers, communication teams and printed collateral to help answer any questions. Since then a range of comms have been used to truly integrate Yammer into the company’s conscience.

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Key learnings Be patient

Take time and fight resistance

Get executive backing

Implement properly and remember you’re changing the way the organisation works

Be responsive and adaptive to challenges and everyday learning

Case study: The power of internal comms at Paddy Power

Paddy Power is an extremely edgy brand, which is part of what attracts employees to work there. Translating this internally is an important part of the company’s offering, yet 14 months ago the company had no internal communications function to speak of. With 1,000 employees, a team of two – led by Rosie Valentine – has launched and embedded a new strategy across the business.

Step One:Do your researchPaddy Power surveyed employees from exec level to front line, as well as conducting exit interviews. The discovery was a lack of leadership visibility, IC done just via email, working silos and a disengaged Dublin office.

Step Two:Get buy inLeadership support has been a key part of success to the IC strategy but Paddy Power had to get them on board first. Top tip: share your comms plan each month and get in with the PAs!

Step Three:Improve existingchannelsCalled ‘Pitstop’, each year, managers would start their year with set goals and objectives. But these were never shared. Now, slides and packs are delivered the next day ready to cascade information to employees.

Rosie Valentine, head of internal communications @RosieBoylan

“When implementing an IC strategy from scratch, take baby steps. Get it right before you move on”

Step Four:Add new channels• Introduced an all-staff Townhall

• Created a detailed comms plan, with 1-2 key messages focused on each month

• Implemented ‘Friday Paddy Flash’, a weekly round-up emailer using Newsweaver. It is a collaboration from the CEO and social team and is really focused on WIIFM

Step Five:Measure success• Success is demonstrated via the amount

of sharing on personal social media

• Consider open rates, click rates, stories that people have interest in. All of this helps plan future issues and justify spend

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Best Practice Does social media inside keep your boss awake? Phil Mennie, PwC’s Social Media Risk and Governance Leader @philmennie

Phil is the author of Social Media Risk and Governance: Managing Enterprise Risk. Does your boss worry about the risks of having social media inside the workplace? That’s the concern Mennie addressed during his session, which showed us the importance of successful governance in adoption.

What is governance? Governance should be a positive document which encourages positive behaviours

We want you to do A, B, C because you’re going to get X, Y, Z

Lots of people don’t read guidelines – make them more engaging by using video content, visuals etc

The stages of governance: Address the risks

Implement the right processes and controls

Re-review regularly

“Governance is not about being the social police.”

Case study: Royal Free London HospitalWill Smart, chief information officer

Who: The Royal Free London Hospital has 10,000 staff, including 1,500 doctors serving over 1.8m patients every year.

What: The hospital used to be a single building with 5,000 people but now has three separate sites and double the number of employees. The board wanted to improve two-way communication across the organisation, which features a very diverse workforce with varied roles and responsibilities. They wanted a collaborative solution, particularly to allow the community of junior doctors to share learnings.

How: A new cloud-based Unily intranet was the solution, as it can be easily scaled for growth. The intranet, due to launch six weeks after the SMILE conference, will:

Show different messages dependent on the building you walk into

Allow information to be pushed to users based on their preferences

Feature video updates and gamification

Host training docs

Have the ability to index and search information and making it intuitive

Success is about usage, and communities evolving

“The cloud is very safe. The NHS is using it and they are incredibly risk adverse.”

Case study: Engaging mobile workforces with a social network Den Carter at Virgin Trains @DenCarter1

Who: Virgin Trains sits at the crossroads of a traditional transport company and a dynamic Branson-owned brand.

What: Management wanted more two-way communications with its team, but the existing intranet did not allow for this kind of collaboration. Virgin was ready to invest in a new platform. It needed to be mobile compatible to allow remote workers access, but not break the bank.

How: Yammer was chosen and has helped inject a bit of ‘Virgin-ness’. While some brands are integrating Yammer into their intranets, Virgin Trains has got rid of its intranet completely. A launch campaign for Yammer included videos with humorous Alpaca animations, bringing to life the Virgin culture but also giving guidance on governance of the new ESN. Ambassadors were recruited across the business and given in-depth training so they could help their peers.

How: IC is now all about user generated content

Very positive adoption so far

Analytics very reassuring and helping convince exec team of ROI

Exec team are very engaged

KPIs and ROI are important and Virgin Trains uses the plug-in Tie Graph

Word of mouth is proving the most popular embedding tool

“The average age of a Virgin Trains’ employee is 55, but they were hungry for a social replacement for the intranet.”

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Case study: MIND over matter at MSL Group Anthony Poncier, social business & digital transformation director EMEA @aponcier

Who: MSL Group, which has over 100 offices across 26 countries.

What: Five years ago advertising giant Publicis bought 16 companies worldwide and formed communications group MSL Group. With 16 brands coming together, the exec board needed to move quickly to introduce one working culture and help break down siloes and geographical boundaries.

How: Based on Knowledge Plaza technology, the group has launched ESN ‘MIND’. Similar to Facebook, it allows you to follow people, tag them and share private messages. MIND is a knowledge sharing platform and is also used by the group’s clients. It features helpful areas like a proposals section – to help peers who may be pitching to the same companies.

Results: 65% adoption across the business

New business won as a result

Intuitive and easy-to-use

Host training docs

Have the ability to index and search information, making it intuitive

Success is about usage, and communities evolving

Phew! What a day.A big thanks to Simply Communicate for another great conference that showed us once again that ESNs are here to stay and that their impact cannot be underestimated.

More from SMiLEFor details of the full line up and contributors, including a ‘storify’ go to:

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