Smart Secrets of Financial Planning

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Smart Secrets of Financial Planning


If you are finding yourself in heavy debt or on the verge of

bankruptcy, it’s time to do something about it. Bankruptcy

basically means when a person declares that he is unable to

pay the debt. Whether you are considering approaching

services for help or you are doing your own financial planning,

it is necessary to avoid bankruptcy as it can have severe

negative impacts on you in a variety of ways.

Possibility of Losing Your Home and Property

Bankruptcy means losing your property unless you find a

way to make payment, whether you are a part owner or

full owner, your property will be sold so that it can help

repay your debt.

Effect on Employment

In some countries and professions, bankruptcy can

cause you to lose your job, if you are likely to declare

bankruptcy, it is essential to check into this matter with

your organization. If there are rules like that, look for

debt solutions and agreements.

Impact on Personal Life

Your personal life will also be affected greatly by

bankruptcy, it may cause you to feel stress and


Low Chances of Lending in Future

Although even if you manage to get out of bankruptcy,

there are fewer chances of you getting a loan in future as

lenders are very hesitant and nervous about lending

money to a person who has been bankrupt in the past.

Check Out Your Credit Report

The first step is to check out your credit report,

know how much money you owe and to whom.

Apply For a Second Job or Part Time Work

One job probably won’t be enough to get out of

bankruptcy, you will probably have to consider for a

second job or part time work. Know your talents and skills

and be ready to offer your services. It will be tough but

the sooner you get rid of your debt, the better.

Spend With Cash Instead of Credit

Minimize your spending by paying with cash, instead of credit.Keep a credit card only for emergency. Credit makes it easier forpeople to spend more.

Start Selling Items

Sell the items you don’t need or rarely use, avoid

hanging on to unnecessary items.

Pay a Visit to a Credit Counselor

Don’t hesitate to take services from a credit counselor.

He will play a positive role in providing you an effective

financial planning strategy which will help you lower your


Ask Family and Friends for Help

As terrible as it sounds but drastic times call for drastic

measures, ask them to lend you money.

Plan Your Budget Wisely

You will need to cut down on your spending and go for only

necessary items, try listing all your monthly needs into

three categories based on their requirement that will give a

strong idea about what to purchase and what you can

sometimes later too.

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