Skinner and estes

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Chris Bucci, Abri Harrison, Jody Marvin, and Audrey Triche

September 16, 2013PSY 390

Amy Hennings

B. F. Skinner and William K. Estes

B. F. Skinner and William K. Estes

A. Contributions Skinner: Operant Conditioning Estes: Stimulus Statistical TheoryB. Models Skinner: Radical Behaviorism Estes: Markov Model of LearningC. Major Concepts Skinner: Type R (Response) Conditioning Estes: Response Outcome (R – O)D. Today’s Relevancy Skinner: Behavior Analysis Estes: Statistical Mathematics

Burrhus Frederic Skinner

- Operant Conditioning- Reinforcement- The Skinner Box- Schedule of


B.F. Skinner picture, retrieved from

Radical Behaviorism: Type R Conditioning

Shaping: Differential Reinforcement and Successive Approximation

Primary and Negative Reinforcements

Schedules of Reinforcement

Programmed Learning: Behavioral Technology

Skinner: Major Theoretical Concepts

Behavioral Economics

Behavior Modification

CONPAAD: Conjugate Programmed Analysis of Advertising

Computer Based Learning

Skinner: Modern-day Relevancy

Behavioral Analysis

Behavioral Economics

Advertising Effectiveness

Aggression and Media

Computer Based Learning

Skinner: Modern-day Relevancy

Models Associated with B.F. Skinner

Operate ConditioningRadical Behaviorism

Image from

William K. Estes

- Stimulus Sampling Theory- Probability Matching- Markov Process

Picture of William K. Estes retrieved from

Response Outcome Theory: R – O

Probability Matching: Subjects Predicting

State of the System

Pair-association Learning

Learning to Learn: Learning Sets

Estes: Theoretical Concepts

SST: Mathematical Models of Memory

Learning to Learn: School Reform

Introduction to Depreciation

Goals Influence Behavior

Memory and Advertisement

Estes: Modern-day Relevancy

Markov Model of LearningScanning Model of Decision MakingArray Model

Models Associated with W.K. Estes

Image from

B. F. Skinner adopted and developed the scientific philosophy known as radical behaviorism. This scientific orientation rejects scientific language and interpretations that refer to mentalistic events. In contrast, W. K. Estes built a statistical sample system that led to the development of quantitative cognitive science. At this stage of knowledge about the nature of learning both approaches are necessary.



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