Skills dev'

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Skills dev'

If you go to view, down to show and select grid, a grid will appear over your background.

The purpose of the grid allows you to put your work on your page, and make sure it is straight. Because it is not professional to have writing and pictures not inline.

I found a font of text that I wanted of ‘’ and pasted it into my Photoshop document. I then found an Image of a Splash In water and placed this on my document also.

I placed my image behind the writing that I have chosen and made sure that the layer of the splash image was behind the writing.

By making the colour of the writing green it is a brighter colour and is easy distinguishable in comparison to the colour in the background of the writing. When I select colour range I am able to take a sample of the green and select the writing that is green.

After the words are selecting, they will appear to have ‘marching ant’s around them, which are flashing lines to let you know that it is highlighted. After this, put the splash image over the writing and when you copy and paste, the image will have copied the splash into the shape of the writing.

I have to put a barcode in the bottom right hand corner to make the magazine look more professional and I have chosen a background colour that contrasts strongly with the colour of the masthead and I’ve also made it this colour as it will suit the theme of the magazine nicely as it is aimed towards young girls into pop and boy groups.

I have placed the image of the boy group over the front cover. They are individual images of each member in the group and I have placed them over each other to make the most of the room I have available on my front page.

I have added cover lines onto the front cover to inform the reader of what is featured in the magazine. They have been put in bright colour that will go nicely with the house style and are bright and noticeable.

I have added a banner at the bottom of the page which will make it easier to read the extra cover stories featured. Normally the most exciting headlines would be in a box like this at the bottom of the page.

I have also added a price at the top of the page. This makes it look more professional as any normal magazine would be expected to have a price on the cover.

It is important that all the lines of the stores and pictures are in line and not in different sections as this makes a magazine look less professional so if you go into view at the top of the options bar of Photoshop and click extras, a grid will appear which will make it easy for you to line your images and text up.

Once an appropriate colour is selected for my contents page I can then start to add images onto it. But, it is important that the colour scheme stay as relevant as possible on your contents to your front cover. This is why I chose a bright blue. I then began to add appropriate image to my contents page, these would have to be images that would relate to the stories that will be featured throughout the magazine.

It is often a nightmare when you decide what images you want together as a group, but when you want to slightly move them, they all move apart from each other. It is easy to fix this so that the images are bound together so they move together and can still be separated if you change your mind later. This can be done by holding control and selecting each

piece you want to link. Then by right clicking your mouse and selecting ‘link layers’, these images are now bound together to move around as one layer.

I have added bars onto the page to separate the images and the information. This will also give the page a sense of a structured layout and look more professional.

I have also added the title ‘contents’ so that it is easy to see what page it is and what purpose It serves.

I have also added a sub heading ‘features’ to separate the sections of the contents as to whether the stories featured are something that are regular or a feature to the magazine.

I am now starting to add images to the contents page. These will have to be relevant to the stories that are featured in the magazine. It is important not to overload the contents page with too much text or too many images.

I am starting to add more images to the contents page which will be matched with the stories throughout. I have also put two darker blue boxes on either side of the main image. This is to break up the page and make it more professional. I have divided the page up more so that there is

another area now just for the cover stories. This will make it easier to navigate around my magazine. Each picture has a number in one of its corners, this is so that when the readers see the images, they will know what page it is on without having to read through all the stories featured.

I can now start to add stories, headings and descriptions into my contents page. I would ideally place the pictures near to the relevant stories, and move them into separate categories to make it clearer and more professional. All that is left now to do, is to organise the images and writing around the contents.

For the front cover of my music magazine I have taken a photo of the made model who is going to be heavily featured throughout my whole magazine. I have taken a close up shot of the artist as it is rare that you would see a magazine with her legs and body shown, this way, it means that we can focus more on the face of the artist and see her facial expressions more. I also think that this makes the image look more personal and it is getting up close. I have stolen the theme to the well known magazine ‘Vogue’ and used the same style and design with my magazine. I added the words, music, lifestyle, and fashion to my masthead to outline what kinds of a magazine it is. Hopefully, having a masthead like this will add a sense of sophistication to the magazine.

I have added a bar code, price and issue number to the magazine in the bottom right hand corner, this will make it look more professional. I would not be acceptable to not have a bar code on my magazine. It has to be small but not hidden so this is the ideal place as it is the only thing featured on the right hand side of the front cover.

I have added a banner to the bottom of the page to make it easier to read up stories. It is normal for a banner to be either at the top or bottom of a magazine front cover and because I have a masthead positioned to the very top of the page, so I decided to have the banner at the bottom of the page.

I can now begin to add the stories onto my front page. It is important to have the names of the artists in bold and in a bigger font than the rest of the writing, and the name of the artist featured on the front page should be the biggest. I have made sure that none of the writing goes over the face of theartist pictured as it is very unprofessional to have writing

covering the faces of artists.

For my contents page I have added an image of the main artist of my magazine in the centre of the page. I have feathered the edges of the picture to make it look less harsh and sharp and make it blend in with the background.

I have started to add the other images on my page now and positioned them around the page away from each other. It would not look professional if all the images were lined up right next to each other. I have also put a border around each of the images, this is make them look more interesting and more eye-catching

I have added lines to separate the different sections of story. This will separate what is a feature, and cover story, or a regular. It also makes it look professional if the areas are clearly sectioned off and breaks up the page making it look less boring.

I have also made a ‘follow us on’ box, so that it is professional, and is something that you would normally see in a real magazine. I have made a Facebook, twitter, and MySpace wed address so it looks genuine.

Next, I made subheadings for the regulars, features and cover stories. They are in three separate areas on the contents page. This makes it easy for them to be easily distinguished

Now I can put in the stories. I put the stories that were on the front cover in the section for cover stories on the right hand side. I put in the regulars in the left, e.g. things like reviews. And then features, including things like fashion advice, and interviews with artists and bands.

Lastly, I added page numbers and captions into each of the pictures, this will give people an insight into what to expect from that page because it will normally include a quote,