Six canons of customer service

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Six canons of customer service



The best way to be sure that your teams provide great service is to

be crystal clear about your expectations.

If you don’t take the time to communicate clearly, you are

leaving the overall experience to chance, and that never ends well

for anyone – particularly your Customer.

-Tony Johnson

“One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what

we do for others.”

Lewis Carol


Nothing is too basic for the Guest experience. Channel your inner joy into letting your Customers know how

happy you are to have them in your business.


Your body language can say more than even your words. Stand up straight, make solid eye contact, don’t cross those arms, and

resist the urge to lean.

TREAT YOUR GUESTS LIKE CHERISHED FRIENDSThis can’t be a slogan – you have to bake it into your DNA

Let’s face it. Customer Service is something you would expect from a transactional activity. But true hospitality is how we treat Guests in our homes or how neighbors treat neighbors. There is powerful juju in those types of thoughts and it can spread quickly through your organization, if you just give it a push.


FRIENDLYGuests HATE Negativity!

Find a way to start with YES rather than finding

excuses to say no. This puts us in a frame of mind that

leads to solving our Customers’ issues.

If you keep an upbeat attitude and open line of

communication with your team, you can absolutely inspire them to always

start with YES!

Make it Easy

Removing obstacles for your Customers should be a key focus for your teams daily. The best way to start here is by understanding the hassles that are impacting the Customer

experience. You can certainly review your comment cards, analyze surveys, and most importantly ASK THEM. The face to face conversations can certainly yield the best

commentary if you take the time to dig deep and listen.

Thank Every Guest

Make sure your entire team knows that a sincere thank you is the way to close every interaction. They should have the freedom to give it their

own flavor and integrate into their patter, but it isn’t negotiable.

“When you put the Guest at thecenter of everything you do

amazing things are possible.”

Tony Johnson