Sinkhole picture: July 23, 2010,

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Transcript of Sinkhole picture: July 23, 2010,

Sinkhole picture: July 23, 2010, Elementary teacher librarians are retained in full-time positions Adequate clerk time is available A district library coordinator position is maintained During Fixed class time: During Flex time. We need to think long and hard before jumping into fixed schedules.. Anonymous Adams12 TL Fixed time does not allow for intensive instruction and student effort. If clerk time is limited, book check-out times are limited to flex time only. Half fixed and half flex means I am doing two full-time jobs TL must have a true planning period if teaching half time, so flex time is very limited. Will we be able to retain our Power Libraries statuses? Would this work for Module 1 ESL schools or PYP schools? From LRS (CDE) Nov. 2010# of endorsed TL positions is trending downward in CO public schools. This idea is responsive to our BOE direction that students have equitable opportunities to receive instruction. % of Colorado schools with endorsed TL at elementary.. In 2008 27% In 2010 23%