Shocking reasons for weight gain

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Shocking reasons for weight gain

Here we have listed few reasons for weight gain.

• Lack of Sleep – Generally a human being required 8-9 hours of sleep. Not getting enough sleep could be a major reason that you’re putting on weight.

• Eating Too Fast – Slow down and take time to enjoy your meal because people tend to consume more when they eat quickly

• Medicine - Weight gain is a common side effect of many prescribed drugs.

• Stress – Whether you’re stressed about a job, home life or something else, you could be setting yourself up to put on more weight.

• Hypothyroidism - Is a disorder in which the thyroid gland doesn’t make enough of its hormone and is one of the commonest reasons for unexplained weight gain.

• Menopause - Estrogen levels reduce drastically with menopause which means you will eat more and exercise less – a perfect equation for weight gain.

• Artificial Sweeteners – A search says that a person who drinks artificially sweetened soft drinks a day gain five times weight than those who are not drinking diet drinks.

• Quitting Smoking – According to recent survey people who stop to smoke gain 4-5 kilos of weight.

Consulting a medical weight loss centers will be a safe and reliable option for adults to reduce weight.