SHARING THE OPPORTUNITY How to set up and conduct a … · this” (btw, I said that in the...

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Transcript of SHARING THE OPPORTUNITY How to set up and conduct a … · this” (btw, I said that in the...


How to set up and conduct

a Career Conversation

Preferably select women who have tried & love the product that you would you be PROUD to have on your team. Mary Kay’s process of sharing...The 4 Point Recruiting Plan:

1. Before every show, ask, “Who’s coming tonight that would be great at doing what I do? How about you?” They will help you identify the best prospects. Just listen. Don’t try to overcome any objections at this point. Even if she’s says, “no way, I could never do this” (btw, I said that in the beginning!), just reply, “It’s ok. Just watch me tonight and see if you’d like to learn to do what I do.”

2. Share your enthusiastic, heart-felt “I-story”. A little about you. Why you started. What you’ve achieved so far and/or how MK has blessed you. What goal you’re working on or your MISSION/VISION for the future. You can even use your Dream Book to cover MRS CAB (MONEY, RECOGNITION, SELF-CONFIDENCE, CARS, ADVANCEMENT, BE YOUR OWN BOSS).

3. Offer a gift for someone who refers an active recruit to your team. I have the gift sitting on the table alongside some agreements rolled up with a ribbon around them in a cute mug. (Call them “applications”……..thank you Angel Fry)

4. Pick 2 people from every show to do a career conversation. I set the stage for this in my opening remarks when I go over the “Perfect Hostess Show” $250 in sales, 2 Bookings, 2 Career Chats. See Hostess Brochure, RESOURCES. I normally select the Hostess and the “sparkler” (the most excited person). In your Private Consultation at the end, say, “You know Susie, at every party I like to pick my favorite people to do the 2 Career Chats to help the hostess get her extra gift. You were one of my favorites because ____. You’ll get any one item for 50% off for helping her. What product would you prefer AND would you rather talk on the phone or meet for coffee?

You may consider sending one of these links to your prospect to check out before you meet or talk on the phone: Dream Big Hotline by Melissa Mays (641) 715-3900 enter code 47141 Choices by Linda Toupin (get link from your Director) Believe in the Work From Home Journey by Amy Kemp Magic Happens by Gloria Mayfield Banks

Below is an example message you can send a prospect if you’re not booking from a party. Message or Call: Hey beautiful! Would you be willing to help me out with some of my training? I’m trying to earn (my Pearls/a handbag) from my Director. She challenged me to select the 3 sharpest women that I respect the most to hear a little more about what we do and to give me their honest opinion about it. I know you may not be interested at all and that is totally fine. She told me to select BUSY, fun, resourceful, courageous women who love our products. Someone who would be an asset to our team and I immediately thought of YOU! l have a little gift for you for giving me your honest opinion and you could win a $100 in FREE MARY KAY and I could win a HANDBAG. How does that sound?

YES: OK great! We can chat over the phone or meet in person. What do you prefer? NO: Ok no problem. I’m also working to earn a fabulous (STAR PRIZE) and all I have to do is let 30 people try the product this month. Would you be willing to see what’s new & give me your opinion of the product? I’d love to see you! SURVEY LINK for the Melissa Mays Bombshell Unit: Go to, PROMOTIONS page, and fill out the HAVE YOU EVER PONDERED PINK survey link by clicking on the box on that says WIN $100 IN FREE MARY KAY. When we hit our goal of sharing with 100 people in a month (via Career Chats, Guests at Meeting, Hotline or Video), I will draw a winner. If it’s your gal, you’ll win a designer hand bag!

Thank you so much for being willing to help me with my goal! (Directors: Thank you so much for being willing to help ___ with her goal.)

• You may or may not be interested in Mary Kay as a business and that’s OK. I just want you to know that you have been hand-picked because ________.

• I’m going to ask you a couple questions to get to know you better then I’ll tell you a little about me & my MK experience.

• I’ll answer any questions you may have.

• After our conversation, you can decide whether you’d prefer: To remain a Loyal Customer paying full price, be a Happy Hostess earning FREE MK, or start making some extra CASH as the Newest Consultant on my/our team. I benefit no matter what. You get to decide what’s best for you.

1. Tell me about YOU! • Where from? Single? Married? Kids? • What do you do? What do you like best about that? What would you change if you could? • Tell me about your family dynamic? Parents work traditional 9-5 or entrepreneurial? Did mom work? • Tell me about a time when you were most proud of yourself. What about that experience did you love the most? 2. Before I share any of the MARY KAY information with you, what would be one burning question that I can

answer for you before we begin? (no questions) >> If you were to ever to consider giving this a try, what would you enjoy the most? What would be your biggest concerns that would hold you back?

3. So, just curious, if I could show you how to take $100 (price of Starter Kit) and show you how to turn that into a CONSISTENT $300-$400 extra income per week, could you find $100? 4. If you had that extra $300-$400 per week, what would you do with it? 5. If a MARY KAY appt takes about 2 hours and we earn on average $50-$100 per hour (an untrained, un-skilled consultant makes at least $50 per hour), how many appointments per week could you fit in? 6. What 2 qualities do you have that would make you shine as a Consultant? 7. If you were to become a consultant today, what will be improved a year from now? Ok, let’s recap. • The _____________ appeals to you the most. • We know you could find the $100. • You would use your extra $300-$400 for ________. • You could hold ___ appts per week. • You are (2 qualities) ________________ and ________________. I’m curious. Other than FEAR, is there any reason why we can’t go ahead and order your Starter Kit, get you started on your training to get you one step closer to your goals of ______________________?

If no...not ready... • On a scale of 1-10, where’s your interest level? • What would you need to know or what would have to change to make you a

10? Need to think about it? Can I ask you a question? What’s the WORST thing that could happen if you gave this a try? (let them answer) Would it be worth it to find out if this would be a blessing for you or be stuck in a perpetual WHAT IF??? Still no? PILLOW TEST Would you like to sleep on it? Let’s touch-base in 24-48 hours. Here’s a test. If you don’t think about it much, you’re probably not meant to do it and should just remain a good Customer. Can’t stop thinking about it, then JUST DO IT! What could it hurt to just give it a try and see what you think? Next Step: Invite her as a guest to a meeting or event, host a party, watch a video or listen to our Hotline about MK opportunity, recruiting packet, MK Autobiography (if she likes to read) send E-link agreement for them to PONDER and maybe they’ll just PUSH SEND! :)

Copy her answers in her notes on her My Customers profile.

Addressing Common Concerns