Shao Go u Background

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Shao Go u Background

  • 7/31/2019 Shao Go u Background


    Brian Richmond

    ATLA-4e: Shaogou The Ogre

    Shaogou is a huge and heavily-muscled man. The right side of his face and body has suffered hideous

    burns. His face is broad, his nose has been broken in several times, and his right eye has a layer of burnt

    brown film over it. He has long black hair growing out of his undamaged left side of his scalp, which he

    brushes over the section of his head where no hair grows. He has no right ear, and the burns have

    scorched away much of his right eyebrow, the edge of his lip, and much of his neck. He wears plain

    armor in the style of a melee non-bending soldier, with an ornate and decorative oni-styled helmet. He

    has crude tattoos patched through parts of his burnt arm.

    Shaogous childhood was overshadowed by his brother Gaogous martial prowess and bending

    superiority. He was born low and only through his brothers military career did his family rise through

    the social ranks. At the age of twelve, Shaogou was taken to Shu Jing Castle to develop his budding

    bending talents at the behest of his parents. It was during this time, Shaogou began formal training for a

    future career in the Fire Nation military, under direct supervision of his brother.

    Around the age of eighteen, Shaogou was a tall brute of a man and Gaogou suffered a violent death

    when his skull was battered into the lion turtle statue in the back garden. Though Shaogou was

    suspected of doing the deed, Colonel Gaogou had made enough enemies that none were too surprised.

    Though he had witnesses and an alibi, the rumor stuck that Shaogou was a kinslayer and it has never

    really faded from conversation when he is brought up to Fire Nation militants stationed in the castle

    who once knew the Colonel.

    Upon completion of his training at the age of twenty, Shaogou was stationed on Ember Isle as a

    bodyguard to the Huo Shan family of nobles. As Shaogou was a large and thuggish looking man, he wasgiven a helmet that resembled the face of an Oni, and thus was often paraded around by the family as

    their Ogre. A title he did not care for, but took regardless. During his six years of service, he found

    himself falling for the wife of his master, a woman named Jinzhi. The love was not unrequited, and

    before the end of his fifth year in service, Jinzhi had manipulated Shaogou into murdering her husband.

    Shaogou performed Lingchi on his master in a cave not far from the family estate. When the body was

    found, it could not be identified and thus a scandal was formed. Jinzhis husband dead but

    unrecognized, she could not claim the family wealth. The husband was thought to have simply stayed in

    the Capital, perhaps with a mistress. The Huo Shan clan was shamed.

    Thus when Shaogou went to receive his reward from his lover, he found himself being doused in oil

    before the woman he loved tossed a lantern at the side of his head. Shaogou felt the fire for an instant,

    followed by nothing but numb coldness as his nerves died on the right side of his torso and much of his

    face. Jinzhi torched the house and fled.

    Shaogou was able to escape the life alive, but horrifically maimed and held responsible for the arson of

    the Huo Shan family estate amongst other unsavory charges. He escaped imprisonment in a fit of

  • 7/31/2019 Shao Go u Background


    desperation and rage, which ended with him having battered six guards to death using his fists, teeth,

    and raw flame spurting from his mouth as he wept in rage over the betrayal.

    Shaogou is currently 32, he has spent six years travelling the Earth Kingdom searching for the woman

    who took away his flesh and face. He wears his helmet at all times, unless compelled otherwise. Hes

    developed a self-image complex, and when helmetless will take great joy in the discomfort of others. Hehas spent a year in the northern provinces of the Kingdom, searching the badlands for Jinzhi. In an

    accident of misplaced aggression, he murdered several soldiers from Chin the Greats army, as well as

    their families. He has found himself an outlaw when recognized. He has worked for yakuza in larger

    settlements as a petty enforcer under promise of leads, though none have panned out very well. In the

    past year, he has served mostly as a mercenary for various illicit groups in the southern Earth Kingdom,

    often protecting smugglers or being made to torch rebel settlements under cloak of darkness.

    Shaogou is intensely loyal to anyone who can provide him with a lead. He doesnt know what hell do

    when he finds Jinzhi, but it will likely involve a great deal of violence.

    To re-cap:

    The Fire Nation

    -Is of low birth. Brother was a prodigy, Shaogou was not.

    -Military knows him as the brother of Colonel Gaogou. Those who remember the Colonel in

    good natured ways think Shaogou bashed in his brothers skull.

    -Was known as the Ogre while serving under the Huo Shan clan. The name is also used on

    wanted posters.

    -Implicated in the arson and destruction of the Huo Shan estate on Ember Isle, as well as the

    murder of the clan patriarchy and the alleged murder of his wife, Jinzhi.

    -Is currently Wanted in the Fire Nation for Arson and Murder. But as it has been six years, he

    isnt actively being pursued.

    The Earth Kingdom

    -Wandered it for six years. Mostly the northern Badlands. Once had to travel the Great Divide.

    Didnt like it.

    - Murdered soldiers from Chin the Conquerors Army. Killed their families when they saw him.

    Fit of aggression.

    -Has worked mostly with the criminal element in pursuit of information on Jinzhi and the

    remainder of the Huo Shan estate whom he feels great shame to and would serve if asked

    (provided they not stand in the way of his vengeance).

    -Was recently in the southern Earth Kingdom. Has never been inside Ba Sing Se.

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    -Is occasionally hassled in the Earth Kingdom for working with criminals and killing Chin the

    Conquerors soldiers. Is also occasionally praised by peasants and criminals for killing Chin the

    Conquerors soldiers.

    Other Info

    - Has never been to any Water Tribe settlement, though has seen their merchants in coastal

    towns. He considers them to be savages, though isnt vocal about it.

    - Does not know much of the Air Nomads besides folktale and documents. Though he finds the

    concept of Sky Bison to be strange, as they seem like theyd be perfect meals for Dragons.

    -He can play the Erhu, and doing so calms him. He broke his last one by smashing it into the

    teeth of an innkeeper who called him a dog.

    -Hates wolfbats and canyon crawlers with a fiery passion that consumes his very soul.

    - Is currently suffering some very serious chakra issues, and as such is only a very capable bender

    when in a state of rage. He uses a kanabo, specifically a kanabo-tetsubo (if we wanna get

    Wikipedia technical), and when he firebends, it tends to be primarily from his mouth.

    - How he would describe all the backstory. I am a servant of the Han Shou clan, I am searching

    for a missing woman. If you know any information, I would be in your debt.

  • 7/31/2019 Shao Go u Background


    Shaogou the Ogre Age 32.

    65/235 lbs.



    Theme: Yakuza or Guardian

    PP: Inner Dragon or Dreadnought

    The Incident in the Northern Earth Kingdom involving

    Chin the Conquerors soldiers and their loved ones.