Seta 2016 fact sheet

Post on 01-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Seta 2016 fact sheet

23-25 March 2016Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition CentreBITEC / BANGKOK / THAILAND

Sustainable Energy& Technology Asia 2016

Securing Asia's Energy Future

Sustainable Energy & Technology AsiaWelcome to the inaugural Sustainable Energy & Technology Asia exhibition & conference, KL]LSVWLK�ZWLJPÄJHSS`�MVY�PU[LYUH[PVUHS��NV]LYUTLU[HS�HUK�PUK\Z[Y`�KPZJ\ZZPVUZ�HUK�JVSSHI-oration on developing sustainable energy policies for the region's future economic devel-opment.

Thailand has the second highest primary energy demand in the ASEAN region and energy consumption is set to jump by 75% over the coming two decades as the economy expands HUK�H�TVYL�HMÅ\LU[�ZVJPL[`�[HRLZ�[V�[OL�YVHKZ�PU�PUJYLHZPUN�U\TILYZ�The Alternative Energy Development Plan states 25% of energy consumption needs to come from alternative energy sources by 2021, placing increased pressure of the development of credible policies and incentives to ensure targets are met.

These challenges are not unique to Thailand, which has seen energy demand in Southeast Asia expand two-and-a- half-times since 1990. Malaysia has seen an increase in energy consumption of more than 20% in recent years, Cambodia and Myanmar over 10% and Indonesia and Vietnam nearly 10%.

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Despite investment in the ASEAN Power Grid and Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline Project, ILULÄ[Z�VM�PUJYLHZLK�THYRL[�JVTWL[P[PVU��SV^LYLK�JVUZ\TLY�WYPJLZ�HUK�PUJYLHZLK�LULYN`�security have not materialised. Additional action is required to ensure the lights stay on, the YLNPVUZ� LJVUVTPLZ� HYL� HISL� [V� ÅV\YPZO��^OPSZ[� LUZ\YPUN� [OL� L]LY� PUJYLHZPUN� KLTHUK� MVY�energy remains affordable.

Technologies will become the main driver in enabling countries, government, the utilities, JVTWHUPLZ�HUK�JVUZ\TLYZ�PU�HJOPL]PUN�[OLZL�NVHSZ��MVY�RLLWPUN�JVZ[Z�KV^U�HUK�LULYN`�prices under control.

Governments, energy companies and the transport sector, from mass transport to motor ]LOPJSL�THU\MHJ[\YLYZ��ULLK�[V�^VYR�OHYKLY�[V^HYKZ�KL]LSVWPUN�WSHUZ�HUK�PTWSLTLU[PUN�[LJOUVSVNPLZ�[V�KLSP]LY�H�NYLLULY��TVYL�LMÄJPLU[�HUK�TVYL�Z\Z[HPUHISL�LULYN`�M\[\YL�

EXHIBITION / CONFERENCE KEY FACT Show Name SETA 2016 : Sustainable Energy & Technology Asia 2016Format 3 Days Exhibition and Conference Show date 23-25 March 2016 Venue BITEC, Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre, ThailandConference 4 tracks Call for paper Open since January 1,2015Website http://www.Seta.AsiaOrganizer� � )\YLH\�VM�7VSPJ`�HUK�:[YH[LN �̀�4PUPZ[Y`�VM�,ULYN`�� � 5\JSLHY�:VJPL[`�VM�;OHPSHUKEndorsers� � Ministry of Energy � � Ministry of Science & Technology, Thailand Themes �,ULYN`�7VSPJ`� �7SHUUPUN �SLJ[YPJP[`�.LULYH[PVU,��������������������������������+PZ[YPI\[PVU �ULYN`�*VUZ\TW[PVU,��������������������������������,ULYN`�,MÄJPLUJ` �YHUZWVY[H[PVU;��������������������������������(S[LYUH[P]L�-\LSZ�3 �`]YLLU�*P.�������������������������������VJHS�,ULYN`�4HUHNLULU[�9LNPVUHS�,ULYN`�0U[LNYH[PVU������������������������������ Show Activities� � >LSJVTL�9LJLW[PVU�� � =07�+PUULY� ����*VUJ\YYLU[��>VYRZOVW� �-VY\T�I`�(7,*�(:,(5

EXHIBITION / CONFERENCE KEY FACT Supporting�� � ;OHPSHUK�0UZ[P[\[L�VM�5\JSLHY�;LJOUVSVN`���;05;�organization� � +LWHY[TLU[�VM�(S[LYUH[P]L�,ULYN`�+L]LSVWTLU[�HUK�,MÄJPLUJ`��+,+,�� � *O\SHSVUNRVYU�<UP]LYZP[`� � (ZPHU�0UZ[P[\[L�VM�;LJOUVSVN`��(0;�� � 5H[PVUHS�0UZ[P[\[L�VM�+L]LSVWTLU[�(KTPUPZ[YH[PVU�50+(�� � :PYPUKOVYU�0U[LYUH[PVUHS�0UZ[P[\[L�VM�;LJOUVSVN`��:00;�� � 7YPUJL�VM�:VUNRSH�<UP]LYZP[`��7:<�� � ,ULYN`�9LZLHYJO�0UZ[P[\[L��,90�� � ;OHPSHUK�(\[VTV[P]L�0UZ[P[\[L��;(0�� � ;OHPSHUK�*VU]LU[PVU�HUK�,_OPIP[PVU�)\YLH\��;*,)�� � 4PUPZ[Y`�VM�,ULYN`� � 0UKLWLUKLU[�7V^LY�7YVK\JLY��077-�� �;OL�,UNPULLYPUN�0UZ[P[\[L�VM�;OHPSHUK�<UKLY�/�4�;OL�2PUN�Z�7H[YVUHNL��,0;���OHPSHUK�.YLLUOV\ZL�.HZ�4HUHNLTLU[�6YNHUPaH[PVU��7\ISPJ�6YNHUPaH[PVU;��������������������������������OL�0UZ[P[\[L�PM�0UK\Z[YPHS�,ULYN`�-LKLYH[PVU�VM�;OHP�0UK\Z[YPLZ;���������������������������������OHPSHUK�0UZ[P[\[L�VM�:JPLU[PÄJ�HUK�;LJOUVSVNPJHS�9LZLHYJO��;0:;9;���������������������������������,-,��ULYN`�MVY�,U]PYVUTLU[�-V\UKH[PVU,�������������������������������� ���4PUPZP[Y`�VM�:JPLUJL�������������������������������;LJOUVSVN`(ULYN`�9LN\SH[VY�*VTTPZZPVU��ERC,�����������������������������������6MÄJL�VM�;YHUZWVY[�HUK�;YHMÄJ�7VSPJ`�HUK�7SHUUPUN��6;7 �)+;:��5H[PVU�:JPLUJL�(UK�;LJOUVSVN`�+L]LSVWTLU[�(NLUJ`��5������������������������������

SETA 2016 HIGHLIGHTS1,500+ visitors & delegates from the power, energy, technology & utility industries 300+ high-level executives & decision makers300+ facilitated one-to-one meetings & business matching50+ industry leading expert speakers20+ hours of networking4 conferences tracks

Who will be your audience?Sustainable Energy & Technology Asia will attract top executives and decision-makers from private and government sectors, energy suppliers, leading power & utility companies etc., from across Asia.High-level Executives - CEOs - VPs - Directors - Heads - Managers - Managing Directors - Chief Managers - Engineers - Regulators - Inspectors - Supervisor and Technicians from:� � 5\JSLHY�JVHS�^PUK�ZVSHY�[PKL�IPVTHZZ�MVZZPSZ�+L]LSVWTLU[�� � :[YH[LN`�+L]LSVWTLU[�� � 7V^LY�LSLJ[YPJP[`�7YVQLJ[Z�� � <[PSP[`�WYVQLJ[Z�� � -\LS�3PJLUZLZ�HUK�6WLYH[PVUZ�� � 5L^�)\PSK�� � 7YVQLJ[�4HUHNLTLU[�� � *VUZ[Y\J[PVU�MYVT�7V^LY�.LULYH[PUN�*VTWHUPLZ�� � *VUZ[Y\J[PVU�HUK�,UNPULLYPUN�*VUZ\S[HUJPLZ�� � 4HU\MHJ[\YLYZ� � *VU[YHJ[VYZ�� � 0UKLWLUKLU[�WV^LY�WYVK\JLYZ�� � 3PJLUZPUN�ZWLJPHSPZ[Z�� � -PUHUJPUN�JVTWHUPLZ�� � 0UZ[Y\TLU[Z�Z\WWSPLYZ�� � ,UNPULLYPUN�PUZ[P[\[PVUZ�� � 7YP]H[L���:LTP�NV]LYUTLU[�HUK�.V]LYUTLU[�VYNHUPaH[PVUZ�� � 3VNPZ[PJZ�Z\WWSPLYZ�� � ;YHUZWVY[H[PVUZ�JVTWHUPLZ�� � 7YVJ\YLTLU[�THUHNLYZ�JVTWHUPLZ

EXHIBITIONExhibit area 6,000 square meters (Gross)Exhibitor Expected over 150 local and international exhibiting companiesExhibition topics Energy Policy, Management & Services: Investment | Infrastructure policy | Renewable Energy Market and Policies Electricity Generation & Distribution/ Energy Consumption & Energy � (IðFLHQF\�� Electricity Generation, Transmission, Distribution & Storage | Solar Photovoltaic , Solar Thermal and Applications | Wind Energy Resources and Technology Applications | Biomass Energy Resources and Technology Applications | Hydro Power Development | Fossils � -\LSZ��.HZPÄJH[PVU� �(K]HUJLK�*VHS�ÄYLK�7V^LY�7SHU[Z�c�5\JSLHY��� ,ULYN`��7HZZP]L�5\JSLHY�7V^LY�7SHU[��c�:THY[�.YPKZ�HUK�(WWSPJH[PVUZ�c�� Technologies for Renewable Energy Integration | Energy Saving & � ,MÄJPLUJ`�c�+LTHUK�:PKL�4HUHNLTLU[�HUK�9LZWVUZLZ�c�0U]LZ[TLU[Z�PU��� ,ULYN`�,MÄJPLUJ`�c�3PMLZ[`SL�HUK�JVUZ\TW[PVU�ILOH]PVYZ Transportation & Alternative Fuels:�/`KYVNLU� �-\LS�*LSS�=LOPJSLZ�c������� Batteries Development | Ethanol & Biodiesel for Transportation | � ,SLJ[YPJ�=LOPJSLZ�HUK�0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YL�c�3VNPZ[PJ�4HUHNLTLU[�c�7\ISPJ��� ;YHUZWVY[H[PVUZ�HUK�0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YL�c�3V^�*HYIVU�;YHUZWVY[ Green City &Local Energy Management: Green Building Technologies & Total Solutions | Energy Infrastructure | Water & Wastewater | � *VUZ\S[PUN�4HUHNLTLU[� �+LZPNU�:LY]PJLZ�c�4PUP�HUK�TPJYV�O`KYV�c��� 3V^�JHYIVU�,ULYN`

Visitors Expected over 5,000 Trade Professionals & Buyers from Thailand and across Asia Region

=PZP[VYZ�WYVÄSLZ� ,SLJ[YPJ�7V^LY�*VTWHUPLZ�c�7YP]H[L�:LJ[VYZ�c�7V^LY��,ULYN`� �<[PSP[`��� *VTWHUPLZ�c�.V]LYUTLU[�6MÄJPHSZ� �(\[OVYP[PLZ�c�4\UPJPWHS��������������������� Associations | Independent Power Producer (IPP) | Training Institutes � HUK�9LZLHYJO�(NLUJPLZ�c�,K\JH[PVUHS�0UZ[P[\[LZ�c�(ZZVJPH[PVUZ�c�6[OLYZ

COST OF PARTICIPATIONOption1: Standard Furnished Booth (minimum 9 sq.m.)Rate: USD 320 per sq.m. Standard Shell Scheme consists of: System wall partition height of 2.5m, Floor Carpet, Fascia with Company Name with Booth Number (Max. 24 Letters), Fluorescent lights, 1 power socket 5 Amp., 1 reception desk and 2 chairs per booth unit.

Option 2: Bare Space (minimum 18 sq.m. and above)Rate: USD 300 per sq.m.

CONFERENCEConference Area 4 Tracks roomDelegates Expected over 1500 local and international delegatesConference topics Energy Policy & Planning : Planning at National and Local Scale Energy Pricing and Experiences | Fiscal and Regulatory Policies at Supply,Transformation and End-use Electricity System : Electricity Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Storage | Solar Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal and Applications | Wind Energy Resources and Technology Applications| Biomass Energy Resources and Technology Applications|������������������������������������/`KYV�7V^LY�+L]LSVWTLU[�c�-VZZPSZ�-\LSZ��.HZPÄJH[PVU� �(K]HUJLK������������������������������������*VHS�ÄYLK�7V^LY�7SHU[Z�c�5\JSLHY�,ULYN`��7HZZP]L�5\JSLHY�7V^LY� Plant, Small Modular Reactor) | Smart Grids and Applications | Technologies for Renewable Energy Integration Transportation & Alternative Fuels :�/`KYVNLU� �-\LS�*LSS�=LOPJSLZ�c��� )H[[LYPLZ�+L]LSVWTLU[�c�,[OHUVS� �)PVKPLZLS�MVY�;YHUZWVY[H[PVU�c��� ,SLJ[YPJ�=LOPJSLZ�HUK�0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YL�c�3VNPZ[PJ�4HUHNLTLU[�������������������������������������THYP[PTL���H]PH[PVU �SHUK�[YHUZWVY[Z��c Public Transportations and Infrastructure | Low Carbon Transport (QHUJ\�&RQVXPSWLRQ��(QHUJ\�(IðFLHQF\���,ULYN`�:H]PUN� ���� ,MÄJPLUJ`�c�0UK\Z[YPHS�,ULYN`�4HUHNLTLU[ Demand Side Management and Responses |������������������������������������0U]LZ[TLU[Z�PU�,ULYN`�,MÄJPLUJ`�c�3PMLZ[`SL�HUK�JVUZ\TW[PVU�ILOH]PVYZ Green City & Local Energy Management : Urban Energy Supply HUK�+LTHUK�c�.YLLU�0UK\Z[Y` ;LJOUVSVN`�c Co-generation and urban renewable potentials | Waste-to-Energy | Opportunities for Low Energy and Low Carbon Cities | Local Energy Procurements, Mini and Micro Hydro | Green � )\PSKPUNZ� �0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YLZ�c�.YLLUPUN�<YIHUPaH[PVU�c�,ULYN`�HUK�� Community Regional Energy Integration : Energy Integration Plan, Challenges and Opportunities | Barriers and Opportunity for Regional Energy Supply Infrastructure | Regional Development in Energy System | Regional Energy Security | Regional Policy Integration | Regional Interconnection

Wuttaya HnunphagdeeShow Manager Tel : +66 (0) 2 519 2727Fax : + 66 (0) 2 509 8587Call : + 66 (0) 9 897 7700

ORGANIZING COMMITTEEChairman:Dr. Tatchai SumitraFormer President of Chulalongkorn UniversityDr. Chainarong CherdchuPresidents of Nuclear Society of Thailand Dr. Bundhit Eua-arporn, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn UniversityDr. Chusak LimsakulPirnce of Songkla UniversityDr. Tharapong VitidsantDirector of Energy Research InstituteChulalongkorn UniversityDr. Bundit LimmeechokchaiSirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat UniversityDr. Sunchai Nilsuwankosit Head of Nuclear Engineering Dept, Faculty of Engineering Chulalongkorn University Mr. Sompol VanigbandhuAdvisor on Legal AffairsSecretariat of the House of RepresentativesDr. Chaiwat MuncharoenFormer Deputy, Executive Director of Thailand Greenhouse Gas, Management Organization (TGO)Dr. Shobhakar DhakalAasian Institute of TechnologyEnergy Field of StudyDr. Dawan WiwattanadateDeputy DirectorEnergy Research Institute, Chulalongkorn UniversityDr. Apirada Chinprateep, School of Development EconomicsNational Institute of Development Economic Dr. Kannapha AmaruchkulAsst. ProfessorMr.Subhin Panyamag Advisor in mass communication Mr. Pricha KarasuddhiTechnical Advisor of Nuclear Power Program, Ministry of Energy

Wuttaya HnunphagdeeShow ManagerTel: +66 (0) 2 519 2727 Fax: +66 (0) 2 509 8587Cell: +66 (0) 9 897 7700
