Session 2 Impact And Performance Measurement

Post on 08-May-2015

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Amended Session 2 files as presented on the September Web 2.0 CPD Session at the University of Strathclyde

Transcript of Session 2 Impact And Performance Measurement

Web 2.0 / Social Media

Impact and Performance Measurement(Social Media Monitoring)

Alan Stevenson

Does It Work?

Aberdeen Research Group – study of the social media practices of 250 organisations– ‘Best in class’ (50)– ‘Industry average (125)– ‘Laggards’ (75)

‘Best in class’ outperformed others in many key areas– Customer satisfaction– Actionable insights delivered– Reduced time to market– Customer insight

Source: Weber, 2009

The Top =10 Brands Using Web 2.0 / Social Media

• 70,000 ideas generated in the first year


• Dell established their Twitter account two years ago

• Dell “has raked in more than $3 million from Twitter followers who clicked through its posts to its Web sites to make purchases.”

• Small beer but still an effective channel

• Dell has “made more than $1 million in the past 6 months” utilizing Twitter


• E&Y on Facebook answer recruitment questions directly, sources of advice

• 85% of College Students have a profile on Social Networking sites

• They have a community of 33k potential employees

• Each employee goes on to earn £ms for E&Y(Source: Li and Bernoff)

• Lion Brand Yarn launch Blog and Podcast to engage the Knitting Community

• 15-20,000 podcast downloads. • Tens of thousands of readers of blog.• Those using social media to interact

- 83% more likely to identify as ‘very brand loyal’

• Traffic from social media routinely converts at a much higher rate than other sources

(Source: Converseon)

• Mini “listens in” to its owners and realises there is a strong sense of community

• Mini targets existing owners with a series of rallies across the US and a unique promotion

• 3,000 attend spawning 21,000 Flickr photos and lots of chatter

• Although sales down 4%, this was in a year with no new models

• Online Promoter Score links Web Buzz to Sales Activity

(Source: Li and Bernoff)

Social Media Monitoring

Social Media Monitoring Tools

A range of applications to track and analyze all aspects of your wider web presence.

Monitor and evaluate what is being said, by who, where and what impact

Deliver Actionable Insight

There are more than 100 of these tools…

SMM Benefits

They provide the following organisational benefits: Market Knowledge and Intelligence. Where your customers,

partners, competitors and staff are hanging out online. Customer Insight and Understanding. What your customers

and their influencers are saying about you or your competitors. Identify and network with high value, high growth

prospects. Identifying key posts and follow-up actions. Interaction with Key Influencers. Identify influential sources

for incorporation into a wider strategic response. Reputation Management. Timely identification of potential

reputation issues. Improved Sales and Marketing. New prospects, customer and

market opportunities. Improved Performance Monitoring. Support a 4Is approach.

The 4i’s

1. Involvement – network/community numbers/quality, youtube and flickr views, time spent, frequency, geography

2. Interaction – actions they take – read, post, comment, reviews, recommendations

3. Intimacy – affection or aversion to the brand ; community sentiments, opinions expressed etc

4. Influence – advocacy, viral forwards, referrals and recommendations, social bookmarking

Social Media Monitoring Tools –Audit, Assess, Impact

SMM Functions

The most effective of these tools do a number of things well:

1. Search and Relevance Filters. If Search Returns are the

"River of News" these filters are the floodgates.

2. Categorisation and Tagging. Assign a level of additional

importance or categorisation, including Events, Sentiment.

3. Analysis. Allow the user to visualise and analyse the results in

a variety of useful ways

4. Alerts. Ability to feed new updates as they happen

Some Examples…

United Breaks Guitars

United Breaks Guitars

Dave Carroll posted his video on July 6th

Web Chatter on United Airlines after the launch of the video United Breaks Guitars

Boycott Scotland

Merchant City



iPhone SatNav Applications

Comparing SatNav iPhone Apps – TomTom gets most buzz

Sentiment is similar by brand, Co Pilot more negative

Further analysis indicates issues and points for action e.g. Problem mentioned in more posts for Co-Pilot

What we offer

Full Service Social Media Monitoring:

Consultation and Set-Up (mandatory). Report Development (mandatory). Monitor daily alerts (optional).

The following can be discussed upon request:

Engagement (optional). Strategy Audit (optional). Strategy Development (optional).

Questions and Discussion

Thank You