Land Measurement - Session 1

Week 1 A

Transcript of Land Measurement - Session 1

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Week 1


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This is a l teaching method used internationally to improve learning outcomes:

n You will see how this method is implemented in detail in the next couple of sessions

This unit implements aTeam-Based Learning method

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Follow these instructions for team allocationn Form a line, one person behind the other, in the

computer roomn Organise yourselves in alphabetical order of your

first name

Now, let’s get into teams…

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Now, we will give each person a number – so that we will have teams of 4

When this has been done sit in your new teams by your number

n Sit in the general locations indicated on the boardn Organise yourselves so that you are sitting in so

that you can communicate easily

Team allocation

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Team name & Team Introductions

Next: introduce yourselves to your team members

Name, preferred name, email contact details, where are you from, what is your background?

Record names and contact details in the worksheet

Now, in your teams, work out a name for your team that you will feel comfortable with - just for this course …

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Now, please sit apart from other people

Make sure that you have a blank sheet of paper …

Question: Why are you doing this course?

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On the blank sheet of paper ...Please write (clearly):A: M if you are male, F if you are femaleB: L if you are a local student, IS if you are enrolled as an

international studentC: Two reasons why you enrolled in this course

(motivations)D: Two things you want to get out of the course

(expectations)E: (if applicable) give the names of any previously

experience you have with GISDo not write your name on the sheet of paper!Data collected through this survey will be used to inform improvements at Inverness

College UHI and could also be used in external publications and presentations. Individual responses will remain confidential and no individuals will be identified.

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Why are you doing this course …?

Now:crumple your sheet of paper into a ball, and throw it to the front of the lecture theatre

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Why are you doing this course …?

In your teams, summarise the results of your “random survey” of comments on the papers your team members have collected, regarding:

C: Why people enrolled in this courseD: What they want to get out of the courseE: What previous similar courses they might have studiedPick one team member to report your “survey” summary

to the class.

Summarise the comments on the Worksheet (Step 2). Do not write on the individual sheets of paper you collected! I will collect all the anonymous sheets of paper at the end of the exercise. You will get the summary results in the unit review session. These results will be useful for you and will help us to improve the course.

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Class IntroductionsOne person from each team please: Give the name of your team Introduce your team members by their preferred

names Tell us where they are from and a bit about their

background Report the summary results of your “survey”: C: The main reasons why people are doing this

particular course, and D: The main things that people would like to get

out of this course E: What previous experience people might have

with GIS

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Now we will collect all the sheets of paper

We will use these for our final unit review session

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You are here to learn ...

I would like to hear your personal views about what you think you need for you to learn effectively in this unit …

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First draw a bold diagonal line across your sheet of paper, as shown…

Paper drawing exercise...

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Now, fold your sheet of paper into 3, as shown…

Paper folding exercise...

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For the rest of this exercise, use the clean side of the paper WITHOUT the line...

On the FIRST fold of your sheet of paper, write:

A: M if you are male, F if you are female

B: L if you are a local student, IS if you are enrolled as an international student

What about learning ?

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QUESTION 1 How would YOU answer this question?

“The MOST IMPORTANT thing for ME is”:

What about learning ?

1: Getting information (learning facts, principles, concepts)

Write Q1, a number 1 and one reason

2: Learning how to use information and apply knowledge in new situations

Write Q1 and a number 2 and one reason

3: Developing life-long learning skills

Write Q1 and a number 3 and one reason

Reason ....


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QUESTION 2 “Which do you think that you can do effectively on your own (or in teams) OUTSIDE the classroom?”

Each is important… how do we best achieve each of these goals?

1: Getting information (learning facts, principles, concepts)

Write Q2, a number 1 and one reason

2: Learning how to use information and apply knowledge in new situations

Write Q2 and a number 2 and one reason

3: Developing life-long learning skills

Write Q2 and a number 3 and one reason

Reason ....


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QUESTION 3 Which do you think is best achieved IN CLASS, working with your classmates and with the lecturer?

Learning facts, applications and learning how to learn...

1: Getting information (learning facts, principles, concepts)

write Q3 and a number 1 and one reason

2: Learning how to use information and apply knowledge in new situations

Write Q3 and a number 2 and one reason

3: Developing life-long learning skills

Write Q3 and a number 3 and one reason

Reason ....


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But ... what do you need to do to be successful?

The GIS part of this unit has 2 assessments: A team assignment (a poster displaying a

thematic map that will discuss later) An individual assignment (a report on

how the thematic was produced)

We have learned: Why people have enrolled in this course What people expect to get out of the course What people’s learning priorities are.

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On the new blank sheet of paper write (clearly):A: M if you are male, F if you are femaleB: L if you are a local student, IS if you are enrolled as

an international studentC: Two or three things you think you personally need

to do for you to be successful in this courseD:Two or three things you think your team members

need to do for your team to work effectively and successfully

E: Two or three things you think the lecturer needs to do to help you to be successful

What do we need to DO to be successful?

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What do we need to DO to be successful?Again:crumple your sheet of paper into a ball, and throw it to the front of the lecture theatre

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In your teams, summarise the results of your “survey” (use the worksheet Step 3):

C: Things people think they personally need to do for them to be successful in this unit

D: Things that people think team members need to do for their team to work effectively and successfully

E: Things people think the lecturer needs to do to help them to be successful

You may think of things that your team could add to the results of your “survey”. Record these on your worksheet (Step 4)

Prepare for a different person to report to the class

What do we need to DO to be successful?

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Why have we started the course in this way?What do you think is the purpose of each

activity? Team formation process Finding a name for your team Motivations and expectations exercise Introducing teams to the class Learning content, applications, how to learn

exercise Things to do to be successfulHow do these contribute to the course?

A moment for reflection …

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Some observations on the way that this course will be delivered…

You will need to work in your teams in advance of our class sessions

You will learn a great deal from your team members, peer support is a large part of the GIS part of unit

You will learn a great deal through completing exercises that apply the GIS skills & knowledge to actual situations

This is not a conventional “I lecture, you listen” course – this course delivery is different…

You have just told me what is “my bit” and identified what is “your bit” (I will pull the information from today together and put this on our Blackboard course site .. More on this now).

Another moment for reflection …

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Check the readings and additional information! These support the practicals You will need them for assessment

Check the Blackboard course site & your Email! This is really important! Announcements send to your IC student email

and on the course

Individual preparation

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Some important things about the course

Make sure that you spend some time going through the Blackboard site for this course

It includes very important information!

Check the Blackboard site!

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Preparation for the next sessionn Each team selects a topicn Each team will prepare a 10-15 minute

presentation on their selected topicn Followed by 5-10 minutes question timen 2 people will present, 2 people will answer

questionsn There is not a lot of guidance (on purpose),

but you are free to ask me any questionsn Next session will be the start of your

introduction to GIS, using a team-based approach 27

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Confer in your teams and check:n You have access to our Blackboard course siten You have access to your group pagen Your availability over the next two weeksn When you will meet as teams to work on your


In particular work out: Time and place to meet How you will communicate with each other

Team preparation

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Now, please score the first session on a scale from 0 to 10

10010 = extremely

useful0 = waste oftime

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The first session in this course …

Please: nA: Write a whole number score using the scalenB: Write F = Female, or M = MalenC: Write L = Local Student, or IS = International StudentnD: Give two reasons for your scorenE: Give two possible improvements to this session

Thank you!