Sesion 3 Admin Linux

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Transcript of Sesion 3 Admin Linux

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Editing Files

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux



    After completing this unit, you should be able to:Determine the type of file using file

    Edit text files with vi

    Discuss other text file editors such as kedit

    Discuss the ways non-text files can be edited

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Editing Files

    Use file command to determine the content of a file

    To edit text files, use an editor

    Non-text files can only be changed using the applicationthat created them, or with a "hex editor"

    But most configuration files under Linux are text files!

    $ file /etc/passwd

    /etc/passwd: ASCII text

    $ file /usr/bin/passwd

    /usr/bin/passwd: ELF 32-bit LSB executable

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    The "vi" text editor

    Default editor in all UNIX operating systemsUsually the only editor available in emergencies

    Relatively hard to learn, but really powerful

    As a Linux user, you should be able to use vi for basicediting tasks

    But it's OK if you prefer another editor for daily work

    vi in Linux is usually vim (vi improved):Syntax highlightingArrow keys, Del, BS work in insert modeMulti level undoMouse support

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    vi Modes

    vi knows three modes of operationCommand mode (for simple, one-letter commands)Edit mode (insert text)ex mode (for complicated commands)

    Can easily change between modes

    Command mode Edit mode

    ex mode

    Allows you to type simple,

    one-letter commandsAllows you to insert text

    Allows you to execute

    complex commands

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Starting vi













    "myfile.txt" [New File] 0,0-1 All

    $ vi myfile.txt

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  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Editing Text in Command Mode

    To delete a single character under cursor xTo delete a single character left of cursor X

    To replace a single character r

    Undo the last change u

    To repeat last command .

    To join two lines together J

    command mode

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Switching to Edit Mode

    To insert text at begin of line ITo insert text before cursor i

    To append text after cursor a

    To append text at end of line A

    To go back to command mode

    Command mode Edit mode



  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Adding Text in Edit Mode

    This file contains some lines.

    Line 2.

    And this is line 3.

    Line 4 follows line 3.The last line is line 5.





    -- INSERT -- 3,8 All

    Keystroke "i" switches vi to edit mode. New characters

    can be inserted at the current position of the cursor

    E iti th Edit M d

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    Exiting the Edit Mode

    This file contains some lines.

    Line 2.

    And this for example is line 3.

    Line 4 follows line 3.The last line is line 5.






    3,8 All

    Keystroke "ESC" leaves the edit mode.

    S hi f P tt

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Searching for Patterns

    To search for a pattern (in command mode): /To repeat the previous search: n

    This file contains some lines.

    Line 2.

    And that for example is line 3.

    Line 4 follows line 3.

    The last line is line 5.








    R l i P tt

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Replacing Patterns

    Advanced search and replace can be done in exmode:To replace old with new: :1,$s /old/new/g

    This file contains some lines.

    Line 2.

    And that for example is line 3.

    Line 4 follows line 3.The last line is line 5.






    : 1,$s/this/that/g

    C t C d P t

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    To cut a whole line into buffer: ddTo copy a whole line into buffer: yy

    To cut a word from the current cursor

    position to its end: dw

    To paste contents of buffers here: p

    To cut, copy multiple lines, proceed command bynumber: 3dd, 8yy

    Cut, Copy and Paste

    Cut and Paste

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Cut and Paste

    This file contains some lines.

    Line 2.

    And that for example is line 3.

    Line 4 follows line 3.The last line is line 5.

    This file contains some lines.

    Line 2.

    Line 4 follows line 3.

    The last line is line 5.And that for example is line 3.

    cut line 3 by pressing "dd"

    ...and insert it afterline 4 by pressing "p"

    Copy and Paste

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Copy and Paste

    This file contains some lines.

    Line 2.

    And that for example is line 3.

    Line 4 follows line 3.The last line is line 5.

    This file contains some lines.

    Line 2.

    And that for example is line 3

    Line 4 follows line 3.The last line is line 5.

    And that for example is line 3.

    copy line 3 by pressing "yy"

    ...and insert it afterline 5 by pressing "p"

    vi Options

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    vi Options

    Options entered in ex mode change the behavior of the vieditor::set all:set autoindent/noautoindent

    :set number/nonumber:set list/nolist:set showmode/noshowmode

    :set tabstop=x:set ignorecase/noignorecase:set wrapmargin=x:set tx/notx

    :set hlsearch/nohlsearch:syntax on/off

    To make this options available to all vi sessions,put it into a .exrc or.vimrc file in your HOME-directory

    Exiting vi

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    Exiting vi

    To save and exit in command mode ZZTo save in ex mode :w

    To forcefully save file in ex mode :w!

    To quit without saving in ex mode :q

    To forcefully exit in ex mode :q!

    To save and exit in ex mode (recommended) :wq

    To save and exit in ex mode, shorter :x

    vi Cheat Sheet

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    vi Cheat SheetEdit mode

    Ex mode




    cursor move


    ZZex mode



    search, repeat

    / nundo, redo

    u .

    Command mode

    I i a A To edit mode

    cut, copy, paste line

    dd yy p

    join lines






    search and replace

    :%s /old/new/g

    change settings

    :set, exit

    :w :w!:q :q!

    Can now type

    text. Note: in

    vim arrow keys,Del, Backspace

    will work!delete char, word

    x X dw


    Other Editors

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Other Editors

    A typical Linux distribution comes with a large number ofeditors. Examples:

    Text mode editors

    pico (really simple)Originalviemacs (even more powerful and complicated than vi)

    Graphical mode editorskedit, kwritegedit

    Hex editors allow you to change non-text files if you knowthe internal structurekhexedit

    Unit Summary

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Unit Summary

    The most common editor on any UNIX is vivi has three modes of operation: command mode, editmode and ex mode

    vi makes a copy of the file you are editing in an editbuffer. The contents are not changed until you save thechanges

    A typical Linux distribution comes with a lot of othereditors as well

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Linux Utilities


  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux



    After completing this unit, you should be able to:

    Use the find and locate command to search for files

    Use the cut command to list specific columns of a file

    Use the grep command to search text files for patternsUse the head and tail commands to view specific lines ina file

    Use the sort command to sort the contents of a file

    Use the type,which and whereis commands to findcommands

    Use the file command to find out the content of a file

    Use thejoin and paste commands to combine files

    Manipulate files with gzip,gunzip and zcat

    The find Command

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    The find Command

    Search one or more directory structures for files thatmeet certain specified criteria

    Display the names of matching files or execute

    commands against those files


    $ find path expression

    Sample Directory Structure

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Sample Directory Structure



















    Using find

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Using find

    Generally, you want to search a directory structure forfiles with certain names and list the names found.

    $ cd /home/joe

    $ find . -name phone./shape/phone


    On many other UNIX systems, with find you have to tellit specifically to print the names using -print

    $ find . -name phone -print./shape/phone


  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Interactive Command Execution

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    The -ok option also causes command execution but onan interactive basis:

    $ find . -name b\* -ok rm {} \;< rm ... ./color/blue > ? y

    < rm ... ./color/brown > ? y

    < rm ... ./shape/box > ? y

    < rm ... ./size/big > ? y< rm ... ./blues > ? y

    Additional find Options

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux



    -type fd

    ordinary filedirectory

    -size +n-nnc

    larger than n blockssmaller than n blocksequal to n characters

    -mtime +x-x


    modified more than x days agomodified less than x days ago

    modified x days ago-perm onum

    modeaccess permissions match onumaccess permissions match mode

    -user user finds files owned by user-newer ref.file file was modified more recently

    than ref.file-o-a Logical ORLogical AND

    find Examples

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux



    $ find . -perm 777


    File matches expr 1 and expr 2:$ find . -name 's*' -type f -a -size +2\

    >-exec ls -i {} \;

    187791 ./shape/square

    202086 ./size/small

    File matches expr 1 or expr 2:

    $ find . -name big -o -name 'c*'




    locate Command

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    locate allows you to quickly find a file on the system,based on simple criteria

    Requires that the superuser runs updatedb regularly

    Most distributions run updatedb automaticallySuSE does not install locate/updatedb by default

    $ locate passwd




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    cut Example (1)

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    $ cat /etc/passwd

    root:x:0:0:Big Brother:/root:/bin/bash



    $ cut -f1,6,7 -d: /etc/passwd




    cut Example (2)

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    $ ps


    374 p0 S 0:00 -bash460 p0 R 0:00 ps

    $ ps | cut -c-5,20-

    PID COMMAND374 -bash

    471 ps

    The grep Command

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Searches one or more files or standard input for linesmatching pattern

    Simple match or Regular Expression


    grep [options] pattern [file1 ...]

    grep Sample Data Files

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    Phone 1:

    Phone 2:

    Allet 10300 intern

    Judith 20500 intern

    Kees 30500 externLeo 40599 extern

    Nannie 50599 extern

    Peter 60300 intern

    Allet 1342 intern

    Judith 2083 internKees 3139 extern

    Leo 4200 intern

    Nannie 5200 intern

    Peter 6342 extern

    Basic grep

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    $ grep 20 phone1Judith 20500 intern

    $ grep 20 phone*

    phone1:Judith 20500 intern

    phone2:Judith 2083 intern

    phone2:Leo 4200 intern

    phone2:Nannie 5200 intern

    $ grep -v Judith phone2

    Allet 1342 intern

    Kees 3139 extern

    Leo 4200 internNannie 5200 intern

    Peter 6342 extern

    grep with Regular Expressions

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    Patterns with metacharacters should be in single quotes(' ') so that the shell will leave it alone

    Valid metacharacters with grep: $ . * ^ [ - ]. Any single character* Zero or more occurrences of the

    preceding character[a-f] Any ONE of the characters in the

    range a through f^a Any line that starts with a

    z$ Any line that ends with z

    grep Options

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    -v Print lines that do not match

    -c Print only a count of matching lines

    -l Print only the names of the files with

    matching lines

    -n Number the matching lines

    -i Ignore the case of letters when makingcomparisons

    -w Do a whole word search

    -f Read expressions from file instead of

    command line

    Other greps

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    fgrep allows only fixed strings (no regular expressions)

    egrep allows for multiple (alternate) patterns

    What does the following command do?

    $ egrep '20500|40599|50599' phone1

    Judith 20500 intern

    Leo 40599 extern

    Nannie 50599 extern

    $ grep 30 phone1 | grep intern


    The sort Command

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    The sort command sorts the lines in the file specified andwrites the result to standard output

    sort -t(delimiter) +field -options file

    $ cat animals



    $ sort animals



    sort Examples

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    $ sort +0.1 animals




    $ sort -t. +1 animals




    $ sort -t. -n +1 animals





    -d sorts in dictionary order. Only letters, digits and spaces are

    considered in comparisons

    -r reverses the order of the specified sort-n sorts numeric fields in arithmetic value

    The head and tail Commands

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    The head command can be used to view the first fewlines of a file or files. The command syntax is:$ head [-lines] file(s)

    The tailcommand displays the last few lines of a file or

    files. The command syntax is:$ tail [{-lines|+lines|-f}] file(s)

    $ head -5 myfile

    $ ls -l | head -12

    $ tail -20 file

    $ tail +20 file

    $ tail -f file

    The type, which and whereis Commands

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    To find out what the path to a command is, use type

    To find out where the binary is located, use which

    To locate the binary, source and manual page files of a

    command, use whereis

    $ type find echo

    find is /usr/bin/find

    echo is a shell builtin

    $ whereis find echo

    find: /usr/bin/find /usr/man/man1/find.1

    echo: /bin/echo /usr/man/man1/echo.1

    $ which find echo



    The file Command

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    With the file command, you can find out what the type ofdata in the file is.

    $ file /etc/passwd /bin/ls /home/peter /tmp/fake.jpg/etc/passwd: ASCII text

    /bin/ls: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386,version 1, dynamically linked, stripped

    /home/peter: directory/tmp/fake.jpg: PDF document, version 1.3

    The gzip, gunzip and zcat Commands

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    $ ls -l file1

    -rw-rw-r-- 1 team01 team01 32031 Apr 6 23:40 file1

    $ gzip -v file1file1: 89.9% -- replaced with file1.gz

    $ ls -l file1.gz

    -rw-rw-r-- 1 team01 team01 3265 Apr 6 23:40 file1.gz

    $ zcat file1

    (output is the same as the output of the cat command with

    the uncompressed file)

    $ gunzip file1

    $ ls -l file1

    -rw-rw-r-- 1 team01 team01 32031 Apr 6 23:40 file1

    To compress or uncompress files use gzip, gunzip orzcat

    The join and paste Commands

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    $ cat one

    a apple another

    b bee beast

    $ cat two

    a ape

    b broken

    $ join one two

    a apple another ape

    b bee beast broken

    $ paste one two

    a apple another a ape

    b bee beast b broken

    join and paste combine files

    Unit Summary

  • 8/14/2019 Sesion 3 Admin Linux


    The following commands were considered:

    The find command is used to recursively searchdirectories for files with particular characteristics

    The grep command is used to select entire linescontaining a particular pattern

    The head and tail commands are used to view specific

    lines in a fileThe sort command sorts the contents of a file by theoptions specified

    Find out where you can find commands with type, whereand whereis

    The gzip, zcat and gunzip commands can be used to

    create and work with compressed files