Sequência Didática 1 - The fox and the grapes

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Transcript of Sequência Didática 1 - The fox and the grapes

  • 8/13/2019 Sequncia Didtica 1 - The fox and the grapes


    Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA

    SECRETARIA DO ESTADO DE EDUCAO DE MINAS GERAISSuperintendncia Regional de Ensino de Curvelo

    Acesse: p ipcbccurvelo

    Sequncia Didtica1

    Matriz de Referncia

    Questo Gabarito Habilidades Valor

    01 C

    1.1.-Identificar (fazendo uso de skimming) o tema geral do texto eestabelecer alguns aspectos de suas condies de produo (ognero a que pertence, funo scio-comunicativa, finalidade,suporte, autor, data e local de publicao).

    02 D

    1.1.-Identificar (fazendo uso de skimming) o tema geral do texto eestabelecer alguns aspectos de suas condies de produo (o

    gnero a que pertence, funo scio-comunicativa, finalidade,suporte, autor, data e local de publicao).

    03 A

    4.1. - Inferir o significado de palavras e expresses desconhecidascom base na temtica do texto, no uso do contexto e noconhecimento adquirido de regras gramaticais (flexes, posiesdas palavras nas frases, tempos verbais, preposies de tempo elugar, advrbios de tempo, modo e lugar).

    04 C1.3. - Integrar informao verbal e no-verbal na compreensoglobal do texto escrito de vrios gneros.

    05 C

    4.1 - Inferir o significado de palavras e expresses desconhecidascom base na temtica do texto, no uso do contexto e no

    conhecimento adquirido de regras gramaticais (flexes, posiesdas palavras nas frases, tempos verbais, preposies de tempo elugar, advrbios de tempo, modo e lugar).

    06 A2.3. - Identificar e/ou localizar as caractersticas bsicas de cadagnero textual, tendo em vista a compreenso global do texto.

    07 D2.1. - Localizar informao especfica (scanning), de acordo com osobjetivos de leitura dos vrios gneros textuais.

    08 B4.3. - Inferir sentido a partir das caractersticas lexicais e sintticasprprias de alguns dos tipos textuais (injunes, descries,narraes) em gneros textuais diferentes.

    09 A 6.1. - Fazer uso, nos textos produzidos, de recursos coesivosgramaticais e lexicais, como, por exemplo, os pronomes, asconjunes, os hipernimos, os sinnimos e os antnimos.

    10 D3.1. - Estabelecer relaes entre termos, expresses e ideias quetenham o mesmo referente, de modo a construir os elos coesivos(lexicais e gramaticais) em gneros textuais diferentes.

    11 B3.1. - Estabelecer relaes entre termos, expresses e ideias quetenham o mesmo referente, de modo a construir os elos coesivos(lexicais e gramaticais) em gneros textuais diferentes.

    12 C

    VIII. - Funes scio-comunicativas dos modais em textos dediferentes gneros.

    Fazer o uso adequado nos modais no processo derecepo/produo do texto oral e escrito.

  • 8/13/2019 Sequncia Didtica 1 - The fox and the grapes


    Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA

    The Fox and the Grapes

    One hot summer's day a hungry Fox saw some clusters of ripe grapes hanging from a

    vine. But the vine on which the grapes hung was too high for him to reach.

    Drawing back a few steps, he took a running leap at it, but he missed the bunch.

    Again and again he tried, but in vain. At last, he had to give it up, and walked away

    with his nose in the air, saying, "They must be sour."

    It is easy to despise what you cannot get.


    1- The text is ?

    a) Comic strip

    b) Tale

    c) Fable

    d) Prayer

    2- The finality is:

    a) Show mood.b) Show animals.

    c) Just be a simple storie.d) Show a moral lesson.

    3- In the sentence:One hot summer's day a hungry Fox saw some clusters of ripe grapes

    hanging from a vine. The underlined expression gives idea of: h

    a) Time.b) Addiction.

    c) Fable.d) Opposition

  • 8/13/2019 Sequncia Didtica 1 - The fox and the grapes


    Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA

    4- In the text, the Fox finished:

    a) Happy.b) Sad.

    c) Scorned.d) Laughing.

    5- In the sentence:But the vine on which the grapes hung was too high for him toreach. The underlined word refers to:

    a) The fox.b) The grapes.c) The vine.d) The But.

    6- The characteristic of this text is:

    a) Short text and moral.

    b) Long text and moral.c) Short text and joke.d) Long text and images.

    7- The fox made several attempts to pick the grapes, so she finally:

    a) Picked grapes and smiled.b) Ate the entire bunch of grapes.c) She called reinforcement to pick grapes.

    d) She could not pick the grapes.

    8- Whats the textual type:

    a) Description.b) Narration.c) Injunction.d) Dissertation

    9- In the sentence: One hot summer's day a hungry Fox saw some clusters of ripe grapeshanging from a vine. The underline word can be replaced by:

    a) Bunch.b) Vine.

    c) Vain.d) Grapes.

    10- In the sentence: Again and again he tried, but in vain. The underlined word refers to:

    a) The hot summer.b) The grape

    c) The vain.d) The fox.

  • 8/13/2019 Sequncia Didtica 1 - The fox and the grapes


    Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA

    11- In the sentence:Drawing back a few steps, he took a running leap at it, but he missedthe bunch. Again and again he tried, but in vain. The underlined expression gives ideaof:

    a) Routine.b) Persistence.

    c) Sadness.d) Force.

    12- In the sentence: "They must be sour."The underlined word gives idea of:

    a) Certainty.b) Ability.c) Probability.d) Flavor.