Sejuta Ide - Credential for Youth

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Transcript of Sejuta Ide - Credential for Youth

Making Ideas Happen

The Journey

• The Story Behind

• Our Mission & Core Values

• How it Works

The Story Behind

“We all have the power to change the world.“”- Once upon a time, we heard words of wisdom from these crazy people

Idea is powerThat’s why we believe that “Idea” is the most powerful tool to change the world. And the good story? Everyone has it.

Too many ideas: R.I.PBut today’s reality is sad:“I don’t have the money”;“I don’t know how to start”; or “My idea

sucks”. Think of all impacts that could have happened if we do something about ideas.

Imagining a world of innovationThen what if every great ideas -whether it sounds crazy, strange and impossible- could have happened, what kind of world we will live in?

That’s why we exist. Sejuta Ide is the new way to make ideas happen.

Our Mission & Core Values

“Make ideas happen for better world, together””Our Mission

Our dream is to provide source of

game-changing innovation for

Indonesia & the world.

Make ideas happenWe believe our platform enables people to make ideas happen.

Better world


We believe in ideas that stand for betterment of the world, not for personal benefit.

We believe in collaborative approach in making ideas happen.

Elements of Our Mission

DaringWe dare to think differently. We

challenge status quo.


Our Core Values


We do what we say we will do. We fulfil our promise. 

We aim for perfection of user experience. We do our best to enable people to do

something great through ideas.

We love what we do. We are driven by our genuine excitement for ideas and to share

our loves for ideas to others.


How It Works

Sejuta Ide is the online platform that connects people through ideas. We help people to get their idea out of their mind and gain support from

other people in making it happen. Some people call it: crowdsourcing.

So, what is it?

A lot of people

Future innovators

Great ideas

What ideas we help?We pool any positive idea as long as it has clear purpose and can be shared to others. It can be:






Physical/consumer product

Other form we may invent…

What supports we facilitate?

People to donate money as seed funding for innovators to work on

the ideas

People to join the innovators’ team to work together making ideas


People to provide guidance and share experience for innovators to

learn from

People to give feedback and thought for the ideas

Our platform helps people to share their big ideas

Then we let people response to the ideas through feedback

How we do the magic?

If many people like the ideas, then we will facilitate the ideas to get supports they need

We will enable everyone to stay in the loop to share stories while making ideas happen

How we ensure it works?

We design our platform in a way for people to connect through

ideas and collaborate each other

We are actively partnering with professionals & corporate

sponsors to support your ideas

Getting ideas out of mind could be as simple as posting status in


Never Been Easier

Collaborative Community

Netwok of Supporters

Interested to learn more?


+628 212 494 1440


+628 211 208 5657

Let’s Make Ideas Happen!