Sectionsofthelibrary 101101205646-

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Transcript of Sectionsofthelibrary 101101205646-

Sections of the Library

Kathleen Reis September 2010

This is the Circulation Desk.

This is where you check out and return books.

This is the Fiction section.

Fiction books are imaginary stories invented by the author. Some examples of fiction books are

mysteries, fantasies, science fiction and historical fiction.

This is the Non-fiction section.

Non-fiction books are books that are written about a subject that state true facts.

This is the Everybody section.

Everybody books are picture books that everybody can read and enjoy.

This is the Beginning Reader section.

These books are great for students that are just beginning to read.

This is the Biography section.

These books are true stories about real people.

This is the Reference section.

Books like an atlas, dictionary, encyclopedia and handbook can be found in the reference section.

This is the Magazine section.

You can check out magazines from this section.

These are the computers.

You can look up and find out what section of the library the book that you are looking for is located.