SECTION 5Traditional Festivals · 4. March or February. Maslenitsa 5. 8th March. International...

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Transcript of SECTION 5Traditional Festivals · 4. March or February. Maslenitsa 5. 8th March. International...


SECTION 5 Traditional Festivals

88 Listen, repeat and read about some festivals and holidays popular in Britain.


Some British festivals and holidays

1. 25th December. Christmas2. 1st January. New Year3. September. Harvest Festival4. February. Pancake Day5. 14th February. St Valentine’s Day6. 30th Match. Mother’s day7. 1st April. April Fools’ Day8. 15th June. Father’s Day9. 31st October. Halloween

10. 5th November. Bonfire Night

Some Russian festivals and holidays

1. 1st January. New Year’s Day2. 7th January. Christmas Day3. 23rd February. Defender of the Moth-

erland Day4. March or February. Maslenitsa5. 8th March. International Women’s day6. 1st May. Spring and Labour Day7. 9th May. Victory Day8. 12th June. Russia Day9. 1st September. Day of Knowledge

10. 4th November. Day of National Unity

89 Look through the list of holidays again and say:

a) which festivals and holidays are similar in both countries;b) which holidays are similar but are celebrated on different dates;c) which holidays and festivals are celebrated only in one of the countries.


90 Read and remember.

English Russian Tense

I usually celebrate all holidays with my family.

Обычно я праздную все праздники со своей семьёй.

The Present Simple

I am writing a special ‘Mother’s Day’ card now.

Я сейчас подписываю маме поздравительную открытку.

The Present Continuous

I have just written a special ‘Mother’s Day’ card.

Я только что подписала маме поздравительную открытку.

The Present Perfect

Yesterday I celebrated the holiday with my family.

Вчера я отмечал праздник со своей семьёй.

The Past Simple

I’ll celebrate the holiday with my family tomorrow.

Завтра я буду отмечать праздник со своей семьёй.

The Future Simple


UNIT  4 Section 5

91 Read the beginning of the story. Say who granny was knitting the scarf for.

It was Sunday morning and it was Mother’s Day. Katie woke up early, but she could hear dad and grandpa were do-ing something in the kitchen. Mum was still in bed sleeping, so was Katie’s granny. Katie went outside quietly. In the yard she saw Bruno, their dog. Bruno barked and chased her. ‘Hi, Bruno! Are you ready for a walk, too?’ Katie said as she ran into the hills.

Soon they came to a field of white dai-sies. They were white with small yellow centers and long green leaves. ‘Aren’t they beautiful?’ Katie asked smiling. There were a lot of butterflies in the field. Bruno chased a big yellow butterfly. The dog was trying to catch it. Katie picked some white daisies for her mum and granny. She also picked some more to make a chain1 for her head. Then she ran home, Bruno chased her.

When Katie came into the house, her mum and granny were in the sitting room. ‘Happy Mother’s Day!’ Katie said giving her mum and granny the f lowers. ‘Thank you, Katie. They are very nice,’ said her mother ‘And I like the daisy chain on your head.’

Granny was sitting in a chair knitting a scarf. ‘Who’s that for?’ asked Katie. ‘It’s for your mum’ answered granny. ‘Isn’t it lovely? I love your daisy chain, too.’ She hugged Katie tightly. ‘That scarf is just wonderful, granny,’ Katie said, kissing her on the cheek.


to chase — гоняться, бежать заа white daisy — ромашкаа butterfly — бабочкаto knit — вязать

1 a chain [tʃeɪn] — венок

92 Find the sentences in the text, which match the pictures. Read them aloud.


UNIT  4 Section 5

93 Say who in the text:

a) got up earlier than the other members of the family;b) went for a walk in the hills;c) made the daisy chain;d) chased the butterfly;e) thanked Katie for the f lowers;f) was knitting a scarf.

94 Say if these sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.

1. Katie got up earlier than her mother.2. When Katie woke up, her dad and grandpa were in the sitting room.3. Katie picked up the white daisies in the garden behind the house.4. Katie made a daisy chain for her dog.5. Katie’s mum thanked her daughter for the f lowers.6. Katie’s granny was knitting a scarf for her husband.

95 Guess what happened in the house next.

96 Read the end of the story and check if you were right.

Dad came into the living room. ‘Time for a photo’, he said. And he picked up the cam-era. Katie sat on the f loor in her daisy chain, Bruno sat next to her. Mum stood behind Granny’s chair holding white daisies in her hands, and granny kept on knitting. ‘Say cheese,’ dad said. Katie smiled a big smile as the photo was taken.

At that moment grandpa came into the room with a traditional almond1 cake. ‘It’s for you, ladies!’ Grandpa announced. ‘Thank you, grandpa,’ Katie said, taking a piece of cake. It was really delicious.

After that, they spent the rest of the day together, enjoying their time as a family. They were talking and laughing. Grandpa told Katie funny stories about his child-hood. Katie laughed and laughed, and so did grandpa. Dad told funny stories about Katie, when she was a little girl. Everyone was happy. It was Mother’s Day to remember!

97 Put the following sentences in the correct order. 1

‘It’s for you, ladies!’ grandpa said holding an almond cake. It was Mother’s Day to remember! ‘That scarf is just beautiful, granny,’ Katie said. ‘Time for a photo,’ dad said. And he picked up the camera. Then dad told stories about Katie, when she was a little girl. ‘Happy Mother’s Day!’ Katie said, giving her mum and granny the f lowers.

1 an almond cake — миндальный пирог (торт)


UNIT  4 Section 5

98 Before you read the texts about British festivals, guess the meanings

of the following words and phrases.

a frying pan race

to eat pancakesto throw a pancake in the aira celebration of the food grown

to give thanks for successful harvests

99 Work in pairs. Read the different texts. Ask your partner about the

festival which he / she has read about. Use the questions given after the texts.

Pancake Day

Pancake Day is the last day before the period which Christians call Lent1 in Feb-ruary or March. It is traditional to eat pancakes on this day. A pancake is a thin, f lat cake fried in a frying pan. For pan-cakes you need f lour, eggs and milk. You can eat them with lots of things including sugar, syrup, jam, and honey. Some peo-ple add lemon juice. In some parts of Brit-ain there are pancake races on that day. People race with a frying pan in one hand. They have to throw a pancake in the air and catch it again in the frying pan as they run.

1 Lent — Великий пост

The Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival is a celebration of the food grown on the land. Thanksgiv-ing celebrations for a successful harvest are very ancient. In Britain, people have given thanks for successful harvests since for centuries. People decorate churches and their houses with baskets of fruit and food for the Harvest Festival. It is usually celebrated during the month of Septem-ber.


a festival [ˈfestɪvl] — праздник, фестиваль

a harvest [ˈhɑ:vest] — урожай

1. When is the festival celebrated?2. What do people do during the festival?3. Do Russians have a similar festival?


UNIT  4 Section 5

100 a) Discuss in groups what other Russian festivals and holidays you know.

Don’t forget your local festivals. Make a list.

b) Compare the lists made by different groups.

c) Say what people do during these special days.

Use: decorate the city / the town / the village, have a military parade / demonstra-tion, have concerts in the parks and squares, wear national costumes, put f lowers on monuments, take photos, sing folk songs, take part in national sports competitions, set off firework, watch TV, invite friends and relatives, cook special dishes, have a good time, etc.


Do the exercises in your Workbook.

City Day




Victory Day





Послушайте четыре рассказа британских школьников

о любимых праздниках. В задании 1 установите соответствие

между рассказом каждого говорящего и картинками.

Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Progress check


Speaker A B C D


Merry Christmas


Guy Fawkes’ Night


Mother’s Day


Pancake Day



UNIT  4 Progress check

Послушайте диалог Марка и Оливии. В заданиях 2—5 определите, какие

из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию диалога (True),

какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите соответствующую букву.

Вы услышите запись дважды.

2 Mark has a wonderful birthday present for Olivia.

a) True b) False

3 Olivia has got a new bike from her parents.

a) True b) False

4 Mark cannot come to Olivia’s party.

a) True b) False

5 Mark has been on a geographical expedition with his brother.

a) True b) False

Points:  / 8


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 6—12.

Emily and Christie were twins. They were 10. The girls lived with their parents in a big city. They lived a quiet life. Every day except Saturday and Sunday they went to school. Then they did their homework, watched TV or played board games.

But one day their mum and dad decided to go on a hiking trip. Emily and Christie had to go with them. The girls were upset by the trip. They didn’t want to go camp-ing. They didn’t want to sleep in a tent, or eat plant roots and drink water from a riv-er. All they wanted was to stay at home in their nice warm beds, with no f lies and mosquitos, wild animals, or dirty ground.

However, they had to walk along the forest path together with their mum and dad. After crossing a river their socks and shoes were wet. It was terrible! They were so tired, they only wanted to lie down and fall asleep.

At last they stopped for the night. Dad set up the tents and made a fire. Then he caught some fish in the river for supper. Emily and Christie didn’t like fish very much, but they had to eat it because they were very hungry. After supper, the girls pulled their wet clothes off, and put on their nice pajamas.

‘Mum, it’s uncomfortable to sleep in a tent,’ said Emily.The girls wanted to fall asleep, but they couldn’t.‘What’s that noise?’ Christie asked.‘HOO! HOO! HOO!’‘EEEEEEE!’ screamed the two sisters.Mum and dad jumped out of their tent.‘There’s a monster in that tree!’ screamed Emily.Dad laughed. ‘It’s only an owl. Now go back to sleep, please!’‘CROAK! CROAK! CROAK!’‘EEEEEEE!’ screamed the girls.‘That’s just a frog. It won’t hurt you. Please go to sleep, girls!’ mum said.


UNIT  4 Progress check

At night Emily woke up again. She looked outside the tent and saw a big shadow1. She screamed again, ‘EEEEEEE! Dad! Help!’

‘Girls, it’s only me,’ mum said. ‘It was cold, so I went to get a sweater out of my backpack.’

Next morning the girls felt a little silly about what happened during the night.‘We’re sorry, mum, dad. We were like babies last night,’ said the sisters.‘It’s all right, girls,’ dad said. ‘At least tonight you won’t be scared because you

know what those noises are.’They hiked a long distance that day and got very tired. The girls happily went to

their tent. Dad wished everyone ‘Good night!’‘HISSSSSSSSS!’‘EEEEEE!’ screamed the girls.Dad looked at mum and sighed, ‘Here we go again!’

6 В задании 6 выберите наиболее подходящий заголовок к тексту.

Обведите соответствующую букву.

a) A Camping Holiday b) Family Problems c) A Dangerous Animal

В заданиях 7—12 выберите правильный ответ на вопрос

из трёх предложенных. Обведите соответствующую букву.

7 Who was Emily and Christie in the forest with? — They were with . . .

a) their friends. b) their parents. c) their class.

8 How did Emily and Christie feel about the camping holiday? — The girls . . .

a) liked it. b) hated it. b) felt indifferent.

9 What did Emily and Christie have for supper the first evening? — The girls

had . . .

a) some fish. b) some mushrooms. c) some sandwiches.

10 Where did Emily and Christie sleep on the first night of their holidays? —

The girls slept . . .

a) in a hotel. b) in a tent. c) under a tree / on the grass.

11 Why did Emily and Christie have problems in getting to sleep? — It’s because

the girls were . . .

a) cold. b) hungry. c) scared.

12 What animal troubled the girls during the second night? — It was . . . 1

a) a large owl. b) a busy hedgehog. c) an unknown animal.

Points:  / 7

1 a shadow [ˈʃædəʊ] — тень


UNIT  4 Progress check


Примите участие в опросе, который проводит спортивный центр Active Life.

Вам необходимо ответить письменно на вопросы анкеты.

Ответы должны быть в виде полных предложений.

Example: How many P.E. lessons do you have a week?  — I have 3 P.E. lessons a week.

13 How many hours a day do you spend outdoors? —

14 What sports do you do regularly? —

15 What sport would you like to go in for (if you could choose any)?

16 What sports facilities do you have in your school?

Points:  / 5

20—18 17—14 13—10 < 10

Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again!



17 Выберите одну одну из карточек. Дайте устный ответ.

Card 1 Card 2

Talk about Russia. Say:• what city is the capital of the country;• what places in the country are

interesting to visit;• what the place you live in is famous


Talk about holidays. Say:• what British holidays you know which

are similar to Russian ones;• which one of these holidays you like

most of all and why;• how you usually spend it.


UNIT  4 Progress check

18 Выберите один из диалогов и разыграйте его со своим одноклассником.

Dialogue 1

Student 1 Student 2

• Ask your classmate:— whether hiking trips are popular

in Russia;— whether he / she would like to take

part in a hiking trip and why;— what clothes people need on a hiking

trip;• Answer his / her questions. (You begin the conversation.)

• Answer your classmate’s questions.• Ask him / her:— whether he / she has ever taken part

in a hiking trip, how long he / she walked;

— what season is the best for a hiking trip and why;

— why people take part in hiking trips.

Dialogue 2Situation: You are talking in a school yard. Student 1 is from Russia. Student 2 is from Britain, but now he / she is spending a term in a Russian school.

Student 1 Student 2

Hi, Max! You’ve got a great backpack!

Thank you, Alex! I like it, too. It’s very good for travelling and camping, and hiking.

Right. And that reminds me. At home we like taking hiking trips.• Ask whether hiking trips are popular

in Russia.

• Answer the question.• Ask whether your friend would like

to join you for the hiking trip next month.

• Answer the question.• Find out the details of the hiking

trip (where / how many days).

• Answer the question(s).• Say that you have to be off.

• Say goodbye.

• Say goodbye.

Project‘Our School Website’

• Read the instructions and do the project in your Workbook.