Search Marketing_Wrong Keywords_Greekglish

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Let's examine a different way of tackling keywords.

Transcript of Search Marketing_Wrong Keywords_Greekglish

Search | Keywords


search marketing = content = keywords

are we doing it totally right?

how do international people living in the US search?

they might be residents of the US, do they think like Americans though?

what if they don’t ?

is there an opportunity to become visible, with a low cost targeting those “wrong” keywords?

what?good morning

378,000 results



93,200 results

there is even a website built on

this “wrong” keyword

how does a Greek person living in the US search?

searching habits vary

Lawyer or Dikigoros

what keyword do they rank for?


Target Audience: Greeks staying in New York.

Insight: They look for Greeks to work with because they trust them more and because they already know the way the work.

Campaign: We will optimize some of the website’s pages for keywords spelled in Greekglish.