Science and the Bible The Earth is Round. The Suspension of the Earth.

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Science and the Bible The Earth is Round. The Suspension of the Earth.

Science and the Bible

The Earth is Round

The earth is covered by one hydrosphere of connecting water, Genesis 1:9-10

Lanes of the Seas

Job - 2,500 B.C., “…fish declares…”David – 1000 B.C.,

“…passes through the paths of the seas…” Solomon – 1000 B.C.,

“…turning of the winds…”

Then 2,854 years later, 1854 A.D. -

Matthew Maury becomes “pathfinder of the seas”

based on his belief in the inerrancy of the bible.

Innumerable Stars

Gen. 15:4-5 Jer. 33:22 Hipparchus (Greece, 19-

120 B.C., 1,022 stars) Ptolemy (Egypt, 90-168

A.D., 1,026 stars) Galileo (Italy, 1564-1642

A.D., 1st to teach stars cannot be numbered)

Hubble Guide Star Catalogue, 15,000,000

Isaiah 38:5-8The earth revolves around the sun

English doctor and anatomist William Harvey, demonstrating his theory of the circulation of the blood to the British king Charles I and other physicians…

Zero Degree Roll Sixty Degree Roll Stability