Science 6º 3 de octubre

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Transcript of Science 6º 3 de octubre

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2. Unit 1: Living things reproduction. INDEX 3. Unit 1: Living things reproduction. INDEX 4. Unit 1: Living things reproduction. Writing activity. 5. 1. Newwords. Find , at least twenty new words and translate it into Spanish . Do not forget to copy it in your notebook. 6. 1. New words. -To germinate- germinar. -Bud brote, capullo --spores- esporas. --progenitors- an ancestors by birth / padre o madre. --descendents- opposite by ancestors. -Offspring- a child or animal in relation to its parents. -Zygote- cigoto/ a type of cell resulting from the union of an ovum and a spermatozoon. --gamete- gameto- reproductive cell, a cell that unites with another such cell for a new organism. --ovum- unfertilzed female. (vulo). --fertilize- to make the cell capable of development by writing it with the male sex cell. -- male- masculino - female- femenino --flower (pistil- pistilo, stamen- estambre 7. 1.- Reproduction. Reproduction is one of the three vital functions of living things. With this function we produce new living things similar to ourselves. 8. The organisms that reproduce are called progenitors and the organisms that result are called descendants or offspring. 9. 2.- Types of Reproduction Reproduction can be asexual or sexual. 2.1.- Asexual Reproduction. * It involves only one organism. Descendants develop directly from the body of the progenitors. * The descendants are identical to the progenitor. 10. CASES * in unicellular organisms the cell divides in two new cells. 11. * in some simple invertebrates, the descendant forms on the body of the progenitor, like a bud. 12. Many plants grow new plants from a root or a fragment of the stem. Other produce cells called spores, that produce new descendants. 13. 1. spx 2. ogy_basics/characteristics_life/ characteristics_of_life_livining_ things_5.php 3. .uk/science/powerpoint/flower_ pol.swf LINKS 14. 2.2.- SEXUAL REPRODUCTION 15. Sexual Reproduction involves two different organisms, one produces female reproductive cells an the other male reproductive cells. It has three phases: *Theformation of reproductivecells. *Fertilization. *Development ofthe zygote. 16. -The formation of reproductive cells. The reproductive cells, called gametes are formed inside the progenitors reproductive organs. 17. Fertilization: It is the union of a male and female gamete. A single cell called zygote is formed. 18. -Development of the zygote: The descendents develop form the zygote. 19. *The descendents characteristics are a mixture of the two progenitors. NEXT TASK ORAL EXPRESSON Discuss questions on page 9 and then answer them orally. 20. 3.- SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN ANIMALS 21. In most animals, there are male individuals with male reproductive organs and female individuals with female reproductive organs. 3.1 ANIMAL REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. 22. In some animals each individual is hermaphrodite: they have both types of reproductive organs. 23. 3.2.- PHASES OF SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN ANIMALS. oIt has three phases. DO YOU REMEMBER THEM? * Production of gametes * Fertilization * Development of the zygote and embryo. 24. Production of gametes: The female reproductive organs, called ovaries produce gametes called ovules. The male reproductive organs, called testicles produce gametes called sperm. 25. Fertilization There are two types: External Fertilization: the union of the ovule and the sperm occurs outside the female reproductive organs. Internal fertilization: it occurs inside the female reproductive organs. 26. Development of the zygote and embryo. The zygote formed by fertilization forms an embryo. It can complete its development in two ways: 27. OVIPAROUS DEVELOPMENT: inside an egg. The embryo feeds on nutritious substances from the egg. It breathes through the shell. When development is complete, the descendent hatches. The female lay eggs The descendent hatches. 28. VIVIPAROUS DEVELOPMENT: inside the female reproductive system. The embryo takes food and oxygen from the mothers body. When development is complet the mother gives birth. The descendent develops inside the reproductive system of the mother. The mother gives birth to the descendent. 29. Interesting videos Asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction. 30. 4.- Sexual Reproduction in flowering plants What we are going to learn about today is: 4.1.-About the plant reproductive organ: the flower. 4.2.-What the phases are. 31. A Flowering Plant It is important for us to learn the parts of a flowering plantdo you know any already? Lets make a list 32. Flower Parts 33. What do all the parts do? THE COROLLA: All these leaves around the stamen, called PETALS attract insects by being colourful and scented. THE CALYX: It is the lower part of the pistil, and protects it by small leaves called SEPALS. 34. A Flower also has MALE and FEMALE parts! THE PISTIL is the female part. It is shaped like a bottle. Has three parts The stigma which is sticky and collects pollen. The style which holds up the stigma The ovary which contains the ovules. The STAMENS are the male part. Pollen grains are formed here. Has two parts. The Anther which produces the pollen. The Filament which holds the anther and allows it to move. 35. Anther A small leaf that protects the flower before it blooms Filament They contain pollen Ovary Tiny grains that contain sperm cells Ovules The male part of the flower Petal The part of the pistil between the stigma and the ovary Pistil They grow from a pollen grain to an ovule Pollen The female part of the flower Pollen tube They contain the egg cells and develop into seeds Sepal A part of the plant that attracts insects Stamens A stalk that supports the anther Stigma The sticky top of the pistil Style The part of the pistil that contains the ovules WRITE LETTERS TO MAKE MATCH THEM 36. NOW IT IS YOUR TURN 4.1 The plant reproductive organ: the flower. Write all the parts ofthe flower and make a drawing. 37. 4.2.- PHASES OF SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS. 38. 1.- It is the journey of the grains of pollen from the stamen to the pistil. 39. There are two types: SELF POLLINATION HOW DO YOU THINK IT HAPPENS? 40. CROSS-POLLINATION 41. Bees are really important for pollination, why? How does the pollen stick onto the bee? 42. 2.- Fertilization 1.-When a grain of pollen reaches the pistil it introduces a fine tube into the pistil. 2.- The male gametes pass along this tube to the ovules. 3.- The union of the gametes or fertilization produces a zygote, which forms the embryo. 43. 3.- Formation of the fruit and the seed. 1.-The flower loses the stamen and corolla. 2.-The pistil develops. 3.-The fruit and the seeds form 44. 4.- The Germination of the seeds. 1.-The buried fruit decomposes. 2.-The seed germinates. The roots appear 3.- A stem and small leaves start to appear. 4.-A new plant forms. 45. A new plant forms.