Schedule and Plan for Home Learning - Best School in Gurgaon12. smith got cakes pastries muffin and...

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Transcript of Schedule and Plan for Home Learning - Best School in Gurgaon12. smith got cakes pastries muffin and...

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    Schedule and Plan for Home Learning

    Classes III (Session 2020-21)

    Lesson Plan (April 13 -18, 2020)


    The written work can be done in any notebook/register available at home.

    The assignments will be uploaded every week under Home Assignment section on school website.

    Follow the given schedule for better learning experiences.

    Recorded explanations by teachers are also included in the lesson plans.

    Answer Key of previous plan is attached for your reference.

    Post your subject specific queries using the link


    Schedule for Home Learning:

    Classes Monday












    III Hindi Calligraphy

    Activity, Life skills

    English (Punctuation)


    Mathematics (Comparing and Forming

    4-digit numbers)

    EVS (My Family and Me


    SUPW, Music Hindi (सॊऻा व उसके दो


    IV Hindi Calligraphy

    Activity, Life Skills

    Mathematics (Number System)

    English (Subject and

    Predicate Creative Writing- Picture

    Composition), Arts

    Hindi (सॊऻा व उसके बेद),


    Science (Plants-The Source of

    Food), SUPW



    (Looking at

    Our world)

    V Hindi Calligraphy

    Activity, Life Skills

    Mathematics (Comparing and

    formation of numbers),


    Science (Reproduction

    in Plants), Music

    Hindi (वर्ण ववचाय औय वर्ण


    English (Poem), SUPW




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    Schedule for Interaction with Subject Teachers (session 2020-21):

    Classes Monday










    III A, B & C (9:00 am


    Life Skills

    English Arts EVS Mathematics

    III D & E (10:15 am


    Life Skills

    English Arts EVS Mathematics

    III F & G (11:30 am


    Life Skills

    English Arts EVS Mathematics

    IV A & B (9:00 am


    Mathematics Life Skills

    Science Arts

    Social Science

    IV C & D (10:15 onwards)

    Mathematics Life Skills

    Science Arts Social Science

    IV E & F (1:00 pm


    Mathematics Life Skills

    Science Arts Social Science

    V A, B & C (11:30 am to

    12:30 pm)

    Science Arts Life Skills Social Science English

    V D, E & F (1:00 pm


    Science Arts Life Skills Social Science English

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    "हहॊदी सुऱेख गततविधध"

    प्यारे बच्चों, यह समय हम सभी के लऱए इततहास रचने का है। हम सभी को चाहे -अनचाहे यह अिसर लमऱा है कक हम आने िाऱी ऩीहियों के लऱए इस अनोखे इततहास के साक्ष्य बन रहे हैं। इस 'करोना' नाम के विषाणु के कारण सबका जीिन रुक -सा गया है। इततहास में ऩहऱी बार ऐसा हुआ है कक मानि घर के भीतर (अॊदर ) रहकर यह ऱड़ाई ऱड़ रहा है जबकक इससे ऩूिव जजतनी भी ऱड़ाइयाॊ हुईं हैं, मानि देश की सीमा ऩर जाकर ऱड़ा। इस समय को यादगार बनाने हेतु क्यों न हम अऩने अनुभिों को सभी के साथ साॉझा कर सॊजो ऱें। अऩनी रुधच और प्रततभानुसार नन्ही कऱमों से सुन्दर सुन्दर स्िणव अऺरों में अऩने भािों और विचारों को कविता, कहानी या ऱेख के रूऩ में कागज़ ऩर उतार दें। शब्दों की आऩके लऱए कोई सीमा नहीॊ है।

    नन्हें नन्हें इततहासकारों और ऱेखकों को हमारी तरफ़ से ढेर सारी शुभकामनएॉ !

    (The writing piece should be sent at by 15th April 2020)

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    Life Skills

    My Strengths and Qualities

    1. Things I am good at ________________________



    5. Compliments I have received




    2. What I like about my appearance _________________________



    6. Challenges I have overcome




    3. I have helped others by _________________________



    7. Things that make me unique




    4. What I value the most _________________________



    8. Times I have made others happy




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    Subject: English

    Grade: III

    Concept: Punctuation

    What will I learn?

    What is punctuation?

    When to use Capital letters?

    Difference between full stop (.), comma (,) and a question mark (?)

    Correct usage of punctuation marks.

    To punctuate sentences correctly.

    To See:

    SPS Faculty:

    Value Points:

    Question mark (?)- asking for something

    Period or full stop (.)-ending a statement, comment or sentence

    Comma (,)-connecting two or more thoughts To Understand:

    A sentence always starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop or question mark.

    The alphabet/word ‘I’is always written in capital letter e.g. I am going to play.

    Proper nouns begin with capital letters. e.g. Rahul, Sam, London, India, Agra, Gurugram

    Names of months and days of the week also begin with capital letters. e.g. Tuesday, October

    Names of rivers, mountains, school, roads, buildings, malls, markets begin with capital letter. e.g. the Ganga, Mount Everest, Salwan Public School, Ambience Mall, HUDA Market,

    Ashok Bhawan, M.G.Road

    Titles of stories, books, magazines begin with capital letters e.g. Little Red Riding Hood, Arabian Nights, The Times of India, Hindustan Times

    Question mark (?)- asking for something. e.g. What is your name?

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    How are you?

    When are you coming?

    Can I borrow your pen?

    Will you play with us?

    Period or Fullstop (.)-ending a statement, comment or sentence. e.g. Today is Tuesday.

    We are at the mall.

    We have a big classroom.

    I enjoy going to the beach.

    Children enjoy having ice-cream.

    COMMA (,)-connecting two or more thoughts. If there are more than two in the list, they are separated by a comma. The last item is separated from the previous one by ’and’

    e.g. Meena , Rani and Sita are my friends.

    I bought apples, mangoes and bananas.

    I need pens, pencils, books and notebooks.

    To Do:

    Topic: Punctuation

    Book: Tune in to Grammar

    Practice Exercise (Pg. 117 -119)

    Use capital letters where needed.

    1. i am going with nimi to nainital. 2. the prime minister addressed the nation . 3. i have just finished reading the arabian nights. 4. my birthday falls on 28 april. 5. this father's day, i will buy a silk tie for my father. 6. bachendri pal was the first indian woman to scale mount everest. 7. the story of jack and the beanstalk is my favourite fairy tale. 8. aditya ask his mother to buy him play dough. 9. my mother is going to england this monday 10. anam and arfa live in chandni chowk. 11. newdelhi is the capital of india. 12. varanasi is situated on the banks of river ganga.


    1. I am going with Nimi to Nainital.

    2. The Prime Minister addressed the Nation.

    Rewrite the sentences using full stops, question mark or commerce in the correct places.

    1. Where do you live 2. I love to read short stories 3. I collected watches books pen and colourful wrapping papers 4. I want to go to the theme park but I I think I am too young for it 5. Simone was upset because she had lost her money credit cards passport and some other

    important papers

    6. Have you seen my bag

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    7. I have travel to Spain France Italy Germany and Sweden 8. Ram is punctual efficient hardworking and intelligent 9. Do you know when is Independence day 10. My brother wants to lose weight so he walks 8 kilometre everyday 11. My sister was born on Monday August 18 12. Will Sudha Krishna Jhanki Rani and Punam go to the same school e.g.-

    1. Where do you live?

    2. I love to read short stories.

    3. I collected watches, books, pen and colourful wrapping papers.

    Rewrite the sentences using correct punctuation marks. Also use capital letters when heated.

    1. mini and bobo came from china on sunday 2. my mother's birthday falls on january 13 3. we celebrate raksha bandhan in the month of august 4. vinay ajay minu soni and lakshmi performed a dance at the parents day function in school 5. will you go to jai’s house on saturday 6. my father bought a woollen shawl for my mother from kashmir 7. in 1989 a war broke out between the british and the boers 8. isn't ritato tall to be on the dance team 9. he bought egg bread jam butter and milk 10. my friend aital is from nepal 11. are you looking for rahul 12. smith got cakes pastries muffin and biscuits from the bakery e.g.-

    1. Mini and Bobo came from China on Sunday. 2. My mother’s birthday falls on January 13. 3. We celebrate Raksha Bandhan in the month of August.

    Anuj has written a letter to his father but he has not used capital letter for some of the words.

    He has also not included any punctuation marks in the letter. Can you do this work for him?

    bishop school 19 may

    2016 mussoorie

    dear daddy

    hope you and mummy are doing well my examinations are going to start next month you will be

    happy to know that i am working very hard for the coming examination i am sure this year too i will

    stand first in my class

    i am writing this letter to request you to please send a wrist watch for me my old wrist watch isn't

    working and i need one for the examination

    rest everything is fine convey my regards to mummy


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    Bishop School 19

    May 2016 Mussoorie

    Dear Daddy

    Hope you and mummy are …..

    Subject – Art & Craft


    Concept- Drawing of a Landscape

    Material Required- sheet, pencil, oil pastel colours

    What will I learn?

    What are the basic colours?

    How to use oil pastel?

    How to mix oil pastels?

    To see:

    To Understand:

    Primary colours, secondary colours, Warm colours&Cool colours.

    Step by step drawing of a landscape.

    How to blend oil pastels.

    To create (on drawing sheet):

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    Subject: Mathematics

    Grade: III

    Concept: Comparing Numbers

    Forming Numbers

    What will I learn?

    Use place value to compare and order number.

    Will be able to compare and order number using symbols for less than, equal to or

    greater than.

    We never start a number with 0(zero). Hence it will come in the second place while

    forming smallest number from the given digits.

    To see:

    SPS Faculty:

    To Understand:

    A number having more digits is always greater.

    To compare numbers, always begin with the left most place.

    When two numbers have same value, use the equals sign ( = ) to express the

    relationship between them.

    When numbers are written from the smallest to greatest, they are in ascending order.

    When numbers are written from greatest to smallest, they are in descending order.

    To build the greatest number, we write digits in descending order.

    To build the smallest number, we write digits in ascending order.

    Zero takes second place, while forming smallest number and last place while forming

    greatest number.

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    Compare 5467 and 5469

    Th H T O

    5 4 6 7

    5 4 6 9

    Same Same Same 9 > 7

    So, 5467 3

    So, 6492 >6369


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    Compare 8102 and 972

    Th H T O

    8 1 0 2

    9 7 2

    The number with greater number of digits is greater.

    So, 8102>972

    Find me:

    1. Read the clue, write the number that matches and colour it.

    100 426 786

    350 598 949

    173 500 999

    a. A number greater than 915 and less than 950 ____________

    b. A number that is between 400 and 440 ___________

    c. A number that has 3 at ones place ___________

    d. A number that has 7 hundreds ___________

    e. A number that is closest to 600___________

    f. Smallest 3 digit number ___________

    g. A number that is 1 less than smallest 4-digit number ___________

    h. A number that has 5 tens ____________

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    i. A number that has no tens and no ones ___________

    2. Fill in the blanks:

    a. Greatest 3 – digit number______________

    b. Greatest 2 – digit number _______________

    c. Smallest 3 – digit number _______________

    d. Smallest 2 – digit number _______________

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    To Do:

    Q1. Compare the numbers with the correct symbol.(< , > , =)

    a. 1989 ________ 789

    b. 4933 _______ 4193

    c. 9001 _______ 9000 + 1

    d. 1120 _______ 2120

    e. 8008 _______ eight thousand eighty

    Q2. The chart shows how far some students

    travelled on their holidays.

    Who travelled?

    a. The greatest distance?

    b. The least distance?

    Q3. The heights and names of the top ten peaks are given below.

    a. Match the heights and names of the peak.

    Height Name of the peak

    8485 m Manaslu

    8156 m Dhaulgiri

    8848 m Cho Oyu

    8167 m Mt. Everest

    8611 m Annapurna

    8201 m Nanga Parbat

    8586 m Lhotse

    8126 m Kachanjunga

    8516 m K2

    8091 m Makalu

    b. Arrange the heights in both ascending and descending order.

    Name Distance Travelled

    David 825 km

    Soni 850 km

    Mohit 990 km

    Era 900 km

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    Q4. Form the smallest and greatest number using each of the digits once:

    Digits Smallest number Greatest number

    0, 2, 1 ,7 1027 7210

    5, 3, 0, 5

    8, 9, 6, 0

    7, 0, 5, 9

    Q5. Use digits 9, 0, 7, 8 to write three 4 - digit number in which:

    a. 0 is in one’s place

    b. 8 is in hundred’s place

    c. 7 is in thousands place

    Can 0 be in the thousand’s place for a Ans :___________

    4 – digit number?

    To Enjoy:

    Cut straws in 10 pieces in different sizes.(take parents help)

    Arrange 5 of these pieces in ascending order.

    The other 5 in descending order.

    Tape or glue the straw pieces to the paper.

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    Subject- EVS

    Class -3

    Concept-My Family and me (Worksheet)

    To See: (SPS faculty)

    Q1. Define the following terms:

    a. Family:


    b. Nuclear family:


    c. Joint family:


    d. Family resemblance:


    e. Single Parent family:


    Q2.Who forms the third generation in a family tree?

    Q3. When are new relatives added to our family?

    Q4. Write any two differences between a joint and a nuclear family.

    Joint family Nuclear Family

    Q5.Write any three values that you learn from your family.

    Q6. Why do members of a family resemble each other?

    Q7.Why is it good to keep in touch with your family members?

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    Subject: SUPW

    Grade: III

    Concept: Toilet Etiquettes

    I will be able to:

    know the importance of clean toilets for healthy communities.

    understand that bacteria and viruses can affect health and that following simple, safe

    routines can reduce their spread.

    learn about the importance of hygiene education in creating healthy communities.

    To make real choices and decisions (for example: issues affecting health and wellbeing)

    Value Points:

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    Watch the videos:

    To Understand:

    Good hygienic habits are much more than just hand-washing. Once you master the

    techniques of good sanitation during childhood, these habits are sure to last all through

    your lives. It is the best way to prevent the spread of contagions and disorders. Always

    remember, following the principles of correct hygiene at a nascent stage will aid you to live

    a healthy life in the future. Cleanliness should be made a part of everyday life.

    Expected Behaviour:

    Be your best

    Return to your classroom when finished.

    Follow bathroom rules.

    Be safe

    Keep hands to self

    Wait for your turn

    Be respectful

    Give others privacy

    Use level 1 voice (whisper)

    Use bathroom properly

    Be responsible

    Please flush

    Wash and dry hands

    Throw paper towels in trash

    Ask permission to use the bathroom

    Define & describe non-examples

    Disrupting privacy (i.e. opening doors, shutting off lights, throwing paper towels)

    Pushing ahead of others

    Running in or out of the bathroom

    Not washing hands or spending too much time washing hands to avoid class,

    leaving trash on the floor

    Using the restroom to avoid class and/or not returning to class when finished

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    Subject : Music (Vocal)

    Class : III

    Topic : Alankars, School prayer (हभको उजारों की ओय)

    What will I learn?

    Alankar & its meaning

    How to sing different Alankars

    Learn school prayer

    To Understand

    How to sing & make different patterns of Alankars

    The lyrics of school prayer and its composition

    To See



    Complete the following Alankars :

    1. Aaroh – Sa re sa , re ga re ,ga ma ga , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Avroh – Re sa re , sa ni sa , ni dha ni , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    2. Aaroh – Sa re , sa re ga , re ga, re ga ma, ga ma, ga ma pa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Avroh-- sa ni,sa ni dha,ni dha ,ni dha pa, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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    The lyrics of school prayer ‘ हभको उजारों की ओय ’:

    हभको उजारों की ओय रे चरो , जजसभे ना हो ग़भ के सामे

    उस याह ऩे हभें रे चरो.

    1. जजस जगह ऩे सयूज ऩह ॉच े ना ,

    हय ओय ननशा का वास हो

    आशा के तायों भें वहाॊ

    यौशन नमा ववश्वास हो

    वहाॊ धऩू उजारा रे आमे

    उस ओय बोय रे चरो

    हभको उजारों की ओय ----------

    2. जफ बी भ जश्कर ऩड़ े याह सझू े ना

    तफ हभें आ के त ू थाभ रेना

    तूफ़ान भें पसें इक नाववक को

    साहहर का नज़ाया देना

    वीयान े भें पूर खिर जाए

    वहाॉ इक फहाय रे चरो

    हभको उजारों की ओय - - - - -

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    ववषम -हहन्दह

    कऺा -तीसयह ववषम - व्माकयर् उऩववषम- सॊऻा व उसके दो बेद

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    (छात्र) सभझने भें सऺभ होएगा। सॊऻा ककसे कहते हैं ? सॊऻा के भ ख्म दो बेद कौन से हैं ? जानतवाचक औय व्मजततवाचक सॊऻा की कैसे ऩहचान की जाएॊ ?

    देिें SPS Faculty:

    आऩ सभझेंगे कक – जजस शब्द से ककसी प्रार्ी, वस्त , स्थान, जानत, बाव आहद के 'नाभ' का

    फोध होता है उसे सॊऻा कहते हैं | उदाहरण : याभ, मभ ना, आगया, दहऩावरह, गीता |

    व्मजततवाचक - ककसी ववशषे व्मजतत, प्रार्ी, वस्त मा स्थान के नाभ को व्यजक्तिाचक सॊऻा कहते हैं – जैसे रारककरा, हहभारम आहद

    जानतवाचक- जजन सॊऻा शब्दो से ऩयेू वगण मा जानत का फोध होता है उसे जाततिाचक सॊऻा कहते हैं जैसे – गाम, गाॉव, देश आहद

    सॊऻा के दो भेद हैं ।

    व्मजततवाचक सॊऻा जाततिाचक सॊऻा

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    ननम्नलरखित वातमो भेँ आए सॊऻा शब्दो को येिाॊककत कयके उनका बेद लरिें ।

    वातम बेद

    क. रड़की फाहय िेर यहह है ।

    ि. बफभरा भेयह ऩतकी सहेरह है ।

    ग. ताज भहर फह त स ॊदय है ।

    घ. आज यात भोदह जी ने बाषर् हदमा ।

    ङ. त म्हें ऩता है नदह ऩवणत से ननकरती हैं ।

    गततविधध हदमे गए सॊऻा शब्दो को उनके बेद के अन साय छाॉटकय लरिेँ

    हदल्रह, शहय , नदह , गॊगा , रड़की, स षभा , ऩहाड़ , हहभारम व्यजक्तिाचक जाततिाचक

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    Answer Key

    Subject- EVS

    Class -3

    Concept-My Family and Me

    To do-

    Fill in the blanks

    a. Our family teaches us good values.

    b. Traditions and customs are passed on from one generation to another.

    c. Two children born to same mother at same time are called identical twins.

    d. Our family is our first school.

    e. We meet other members of our family on special occasions and festivals.

    Answer Key (Lesson Plan-2)

    Topic: The Sentence

    Book: Tune in to Grammar

    Practice Exercise (Pg. 8 -13)

    Tick the group of words that make complete sense.

    Answers: 3, 5, 6, 12

    Arrange these words to make sentences. Remember to use a full stop or a question mark.

    1. Rex and Gail play cricket every evening.

    2. My school has a big library.

    3. Jack and Jill went up the hill.

    4. Nainital has nine lakes.

    5. The dog is a faithful animal.

    6. We must eat healthy to stay strong.

    7. Is this your pen?

    8. I practice the guitar after dinner.

    9. I went to Dehradun in my vacations.

    10. My father travels a lot.

    Match the column to make sentences.

    1-d ; 2-g;3-a; 4-j;5-b;6-I;7-c;8-e;9-;10-l;11-h-12-k

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    Insert a question mark or a full stop at the end of each sentence.

    1. These books are mine.

    2. I am seven years old.

    3. Where do you live?

    4. He is my brother.

    5. How old are you?

    6. What colour is the pen?

    7. I have a green dress.

    8. He plays badminton.

    9. Where is mother?

    10. Mother is in the kitchen.

    11. I have plenty of work to do.

    12. Will you watch the music show tonight?

    Fill in the blanks with Is or Are.


    Change these statements into questions.

    1. Is he tall?

    2. Is it very hot outside?

    3. Am I seven years old?

    4. Is my uncle a tennis player?

    5. Is John’s mother a nurse?

    6. Is it already ten o’clock?

    7. Is this my dad’s car?

    8. Is my brother having a pizza?

    9. Is my mother an English teacher?

    10. Is she not feeling well?

    11. Is it raining hard?

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    Answer key (Lesson Plan-2)

    Subject: Mathematics

    Grade: III

    Concept: Expanded form and short form

    Q1. Write in expanded form (any one way)

    a. 650= 600 + 50 + 0

    b. 9082 = 9000 + 000 + 80 + 2

    c. 8564 = 8000 + 500 + 60 + 4

    d. 324 = 300 + 20 + 4

    e. 4006 = 4000 + 000 + 00 + 6

    f. 8900 = 8000 + 900 + 00 + 0

    Q2. Look at the expanded form and then write the three-digit or four digits

    number. (One is done for you)

    Expanded form Th H T O

    4000 + 500 + 40 +3 4 5 4 3

    3000 + 80 + 9 3 0 8 9

    7000 +8 7 0 0 8

    900 + 2 9 0 2

    6000 + 600 + 10 +7 6 6 1 7

    To Create:

    Draw a picture of blocks and show 315 using exactly 36 blocks.

    1 block of 100 = 1 x 100 100

    20 blocks of 10= 20 x 10 200

    15 block of 1 = 15 x 1 15

    Total Blocks = 36 315


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    31 blocks of 10 = 31 x 10 310

    5 blocks of 1 = 5 x 1 5

    Total Blocks = 36 315

    Answer Kay (Lesson Plan-2)

    ववषम - व्याकरण गततविधध

    अन स्वाय औय अन नालसक का प्रमोग कयके 10-10 शब्द लरखिए ।

    अनसु्िार: ऩसॊद, प्रायॊब, यॊगीन, डॊडा, अॊगे्रजी, गेंद , नीॊद, फॊद, फॊधन, सामॊकार, रॊफी


    महाॉ, क आॉ, चाॉद, बाॉनत, काॉच , फाॉधकय, ऩह ॉच, ऊॉ चाई, टाॉग, ऩाॉच, दाॉत,े साॉस, यॉगी, अॉगूठा, फाॉधकय, फाॉट, अॉधेय, भाॉ, पूॉ कना, आॉिें, झाॉका, भ ॉह

    गततविधध: हदए गए वर्ो को छाॉटकय स्वय मा व्मॊजन के नीच ेलरिेँ ।

    ऩ, त, अ, ऊ, प, क, ए, ओ

    स्िर अ, ऊ, ए, ओ


    क, ऩ, त, प,

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