Schadenfreude as a Moral Philosophy in 'America's Next Top Model' and 'So You Think You Can Dance.'

Post on 27-May-2015

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Reality tv viewers articulate their moral philophies through how they interact with contestants and proceedings on reality tv shows such as ANTM and SYTYCD.

Transcript of Schadenfreude as a Moral Philosophy in 'America's Next Top Model' and 'So You Think You Can Dance.'

SCHADENFREUDE: What is it good for?

Lee WangPCA Conference 2009

Glossary ISchadenfreude

Pleasure derived from the misfortune of others.

Glossary IIDesert

The state or fact of deserving reward or punishment.

SchadenfreudeDesert (abstract)Resentment (irrational)

Structures our impulses according to our moral beliefs

Desert (or lack thereof) + Resentment = SchadenfreudeSchadenfreude inextricably tied to competitive reality TV

Footnote 1We rarely celebrate the bad things that happen to the poor, the crippled, the powerless.

Portmann, John. When Bad Things Happen to Other People. New York: Routledge, 2000. p. 59.

[We] are unlikely to feel Schadenfreude toward people with little or no self-esteem.

Portmann, p. 48.

SYTYCD: Comfort

Footnote 2I can't hate Comfort enough. I don't really like Kourtni, but isn't it time to send the perpetual underperformer off first? Comfort's solo was dismal. Uncomfortable to watch to say the least. And I get the distinct impression that the rest of the dancers weren't too chummy with her either.

eastdevil, Television Without Pity. 2008-7-3,

SYTYCD: Comfort

Glossary IIITerpsichorean

Of or relating to Terpsichore, Greek Muse of dance.

Footnote 3[Tyra Banks, Goddess of Fierce,] studied another photo. “This girl is a bombshell,” she said. “Is she Southern?”

“Yes,” [co-executive producer Ken] Mok said. “I wonder if she’s bigoted. That could be interesting.”

Hirshberg, Lynn. “Banksable,” The New York Times. 2008-6-1,

ANTM: Clark

ANTM: Isis

ANTM: Clark on Transgender

Footnote 4In most of the modern world, beliefs and principles are more prevalent forms of aggression toward others than physical attacks.

Portmann, p. xviii.

ANTM: Clark’s Best Picture Ever

ANTM: Clark

ANTM: Clark on Her Awesomeness

Footnote 5Because of the competition between belief systems, we identify with the force we imagine caused another’s suffering. This force may be God, reason, or the invisible hand of natural justice. Whatever we perceive this force to be, we identify with it and celebrate its strength.

Portmann, p. 62.

Footnote 6[…] the essence of punishment is not rationality or instrumental control but rather irrational, unthinking emotion stirred up by a perceived violation of the sacred.

Portmann, p. 141.

Footnote 7Professor [John] Tooby argues that our brains are hard-wired for the small social groups to which humans were limited since caveman days. The information age of the last 50 years -- an "eye-blink," in evolutionary terms, Professor Tooby said -- has complicated matters by making us feel close to, and sometimes competitive with, people we don't actually know.

St. John, Warren. “Sorrow So Sweet: A Guilty Pleasure In Another's Woe,” The New York Times. 2002-8-24,

Footnote 8When people around us falter, the theory goes, we often look better to ourselves.

St. John.


SYTYCD: Twitch




Footnote 9I have watched every episode since the beginning of season 1, but I think I may be done. I am disgusted. . . . I've got to tell you that as an informed dance fan my entire life I simply do not get the appeal of Mark. His personality, sure. His dancing? No way.

Unknown, quoted by bluenote123. Television Without Pity. 2008-7-24,

Footnote 10I really hope there isn't a strong Mark backlash because I expected him to be in the bottom 2 and was hoping my votes would save him.

ireney, Television Without Pity. 2008-7-27,

SYTYCD: Twitch

Footnote 11Twitch's over-the-top, childish reaction to being in the bottom two spots was very unprofessional. If he wants to be a pro, he is going to have to get used to things like rejection. While it was very sweet when Cat went over to comfort him, I really wish she had said: "Suck it up, Twitch, and be a man!". Twitch acted like a widdle baby who had had his toy snatched away from him. I was embarrassed to see such a diva response to his bad news.

hopebetter, Television Without Pity. 2008-7-24,

~ FIN ~Reality TV provokes intense, reflexive responsesSchadenfreude takes those responses, plugs them into moral system