Samantha Sammons profile

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Samantha Sammons profile

My name is Samantha Sammons I am 16 years old and my birthday is on May 12. I live in Tacony and I am a junior currently attending MaST Community Charter School. Everyday after school I work at the local Free library in Tacony helping children with their homework and getting them involved with arts and craft activities. I believe I am very independent and very determined to achieve all of my goals.

I have one real sister, Amanda, 18, two step sisters, Crystal, 23, Amybeth, 17, and a step brother Eddie, 16. I live with my mom, stepfather, and my step sister Amybeth. I have a Yellow Lab named Buddy and a cat named Angel that I found in a tree about 9 years ago. My real father lives in Croydon and I visit him and my step mother every other weekend and during holidays.

As I stated before, I am currently attending MaST Community Charter School and I am in my junior year. I have been attending MaST ever since it first opened and I was in third grade. My favorite classes were always science and math because they were really easy. Now that I am in high school I am more interested in Health and English. I do participate in after school activities at MaST, I am a member of the S.A.D.D. program, Students Against Destructive Decisions and I used to be a cheerleader and a part of the Student Council.

My goals in school are to focus on my work to keep my grades up so that I can be successful and get ready for college. I don’t quite know why but I was always interested in becoming a nurse and so I know that is what I wan to do. I am not really sure what college I want to go to yet but I am looking and the schools wonderful counselor, Mrs. Wolf has always been there to help me and answer any of my questions.

I was mostly inspired to do good in general by the members of the community at MaST. They are all such great people who try their very hardest to encourage and work with all the students. My parents have inspired me by supporting me in everything I do, although they have not gone to college themselves, they have taught me that school is very important and they have helped me with my studies.

Things that I love to do with my free time are….

• Read• Learn new things• Draw • Arts and Crafts• Making scrapbooks• Taking pictures• Shopping• Go to the gym

• Spend time with my family• Spend time with my boyfriend• Go Camping• Watch Horror Movies• Travel to new places• Play with my dog• Paint my toe nails• Do my hair• Clean ( I like to be organized)• Play computer games• Listen to music