Salford quays screen shts edit

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Salford quays screen shts edit

Before After

What I did on this photo is darkening the sky and went over on the colouring on the building; if you look carefully you will see the difference in colour…

Before After

imediately you can see a diffence between the two images, the sky is much brighter and colour burned. What I did to make this change.. well all I did is add Hue and Sauration on to the image I onl used it on the sky because I thought it would be to much adding it to te full picture I wanted some darkns parts in e image so I decided to eave it and just concentrated on the sky I also added exsposure to the building to give it that look.

Before After

The only change I made on thisimage was adding exsposure to it the reason why I only added exposure was because when I added it that was all it needed to make a difference and it looks great.

Before After

On this image as you I darkened the sky and it looks incredible in my opinion I was happy that it turned out like this it was exactly how I wanted it to look then I had to darken the building on the side I knew I couldn’t leave it bright so I went over the building with the polygon tool and added exsposure and darkened the image and this is wahat it turned out to be.

Before After

I went over the buildings with the polygon tool and darened it because the bightness was high then I went over the sky by using the polygon tool again and added exposure to the sky which makes it what it looks like now.

Before After

During editing this image I chage most of it as you can see there is a major difference what I did is an overlay on the water in the canal you can see that it looks flat and clear, I went over te boat as well youcan see the difference in colour and the buildings look a lot darker so I went over the buildings and put some exposure effect. Here the changes I made in is picture and I am proud of it.

Before After

Before I started ediin this image I was looking at ifor a moment and decided I want I to look like there was a sun rise and it worked well this is how I aned it to be. What I did is added exsposure to the full image then for the building I added photo filter to give it this sunrising look reflecion. For the sky I added color balance

Before After

Here I did an overlay on the building if you look carefully you can see the difference in colour the only part I changed in the sky is the litte spot beside the building as you can see it looks darker you can see that there is a difference from hat part osky to the rest in the image.

Before After

On this image I didn’t make as much changes I only made one change and that was the buildings threshold the image that was all.