Sakuting (Philippine Folk Dance)

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Sakuting (Philippine Folk Dance)

Description The sakuting dance, originally performed solely by boys, portrays a mock

fight using sticks. A sakuting stick is striped or bamboo and is about 1½ feet

long and tapered at the end, like a candle. Its original use was for combat

training. During the playful folk dance, two teams, one representing each

side, circle and clash bamboo sticks in a gentle imitation of martial arts

sparring. Its dance form is the comedia (a theatrical dance, also called moro-

moro) and features a battalla (choreographed skirmish).

History Sakuting (pronounced seh-KOOH-tihng) comes from the province of Abra,

home to the Ilocano people native to the lowlands and the Tingguian

mountain tribes. The Spanish established a garrison to protect Ilocanos who

converted to Christianity, and their capital city, Bangued, from raids by the

mountain tribes. Introduced by Spanish missionaries as religious ritual, the

sakuting dance portrays this struggle between the lowland Christians and the

non-Christian mountain people. Sakuting’s origins, however, appear much


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Origin Arnis, the traditional Filipino art of stick fighting, employed readily available

weapons by simple people seeking self-protection. The occupying Spanish

banned the practice of Arnis, forcing it into secret. Filipinos found ways to

openly retain the practice by making the Arnis movements part of folk

dances. Sakuting is actually a two-stick Arnis exercise set to music.

The Music The traditional music styles for sakuting portray the dual influences of China

and Spain. Its staccato inflections and rhythmic tapping suggest a strong

Chinese influence. The music itself is played by a rondalla, a native string

ensemble of plectrum (plucked with tortoiseshell fingerpicks) instruments

influenced by Spanish stringed instruments, that includes bandurria, laud,

octavina, mandola, guitarra and bajo de uñas, or double bass.

The Dance Dancers use one and two sticks throughout the performance to tap the floor

and each other's sticks. Dance steps are a combination of marching and

small forward or sideways shuffle steps while circling and interchanging

positions with other dancers. Some modern interpretations are more

athletically demonstrative of the martial arts, while others add ballet

movements. Dancers twirl the sticks, hitting them against opponents’ sticks,

displaying a mock fight.

Performances The Ilocano people customarily perform the sakuting dance as part of

Christmas celebrations. Performed at the town plaza or from house to house,

the dance allows the opportunity for spectators to give the dancers

aguinaldos—gifts of money, drinks, fruits and refreshments prepared

especially for Christmas much like the English custom of caroling.

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