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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016


The Chimes


To minister to the spiritual needs of its faith community through worship, service and

education and to provide outreach, support, and

welcome in an affirming environment. All are called to evangelize and be stewards on

the journey, to model the life of Jesus while striving to develop

a spiritually active and financially stable faith




SATURDAY: 8:30 AM & 5:00 PM SUNDAY: 8:00 & 10:30 AM WEEKDAY: Monday thru Friday 6:30 AM HOLY DAY: Check Mass Schedule CIVIC HOLIDAY: Check Mass Schedule


RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM or call the Rectory for an appointment

WEDDINGS: Please call the rectory and make arrangements with a priest at least six months in advance.

BAPTISM: Baptisms are held on the second Sunday of each month during the 10:30 mass. Mandatory meeting for parents and godparents is held the 1st Wednesday in the Convent Dining Room at 7:30 PM. Call 366-0839.

CARE OF THE SICK: Please inform rectory of anyone confined at home or hospitalized.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes for public grammar school students: Sundays, 9:00 - 10:15 AM (K thru 8th grade) Tel: (708) 366-3553

RECTORY: Tel: (708) 366-0839 Fax: (708) 366-3136 Parish E-Mail Address: Pastor’s E-Mail Address: Web site:

Facebook and Twitter #IAmSaintBernardine

SPRED: (708) 771-3567

Saint Bernardine Church 7246 W. Harrison Street Forest Park, IL 60130

Pastor Rev. Stanislaw Kuca

Business Manager

Della DeSonia

Parish Secretary Kathy Teska

Director of Religious Education

Ann Stauffer

Director of Music Jurate Lukminas

Parish Council Chairperson

Julie Doloszycki

Finance Council Chairperson Michael O’Brien

ARTICLES FOR THE CHIMES It is recommended that articles are submitted by Thursday, for the following week's sub-mission. In other words, articles should be in at least 10 days before you would like them to appear in the CHIMES.

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 3

Dear Parishioners,

As the Jubilee Year of Mercy en-ters its final month, we gather to celebrate our loving and merciful God by hearing the prayer of the tax collector in the Gospel: “O God, be merciful to me a sinner.” As hard to believe as it may be that in all this vast universe God hears our prayers, the scriptures tell us today that “the prayer of

the lowly pierces the clouds.” So today let us make humble and honest prayers together to our merciful and loving God.

As you may know, October is Domestic Vio-lence Awareness Month. Here at St. Bernard-ine we have a special guest this weekend, Fr. Chuck Dahm. Fr. Chuck will preach at all masses about domestic violence.

Tuck-pointing of our church is continuously in progress. Work is focused on the bell tower and the north side of the church building.

Another training for new altar servers will be on Wednesday, October 26th at 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. All boys and girls 5th grade and older who would like to be trained, please come to the church.

CCD Pancake Breakfast will be held on Sun-day, October 30th 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Please come, be hungry and support our CCD pro-gram.

28th Annual Game Day will be on Sunday, No-vember 13th. We have a special price for our parishioners - $15.00. You can buy tickets at the door after every mass.

I’d like to take this time to acknowledge all those who have worked very hard to make our new Directory possible. As of this writing over 160 families have come in to have their photos taken for the Directory. The last of the photos were taken on Tuesday (18th), and our new Di-rectory should be available before Christmas! Thank you to the Directory Committee mem-bers: Mary Beth Cobleigh-Beal, Lin Beribak, Della DeSonia, Donna Gawlas and Helen Kreidermacher for all their time and hard work, and thank you to the many volunteers who helped or offered help during the photo sessions:

Ellen Carr Jan McGrath Lillian Coleman Katie McGuire Donna Dorney Deb Michalak Mercedes Eitz Ann Murray Mike Espinosa Sandy Nutley Carol Good Josephine O’Brien George Isdale Kathy Plepel Nancy Isdale Kathy Rush Karen Johnsen Aggie Stempniak Mary Johnson Jeanne Villari Pat Kautz Terry Wawzenek Joanne Leber

Lately second collections were taken for semi-narians and for the missions. We collected $1,070.00 for seminarians and $1,046.00 for missions. As always – thank you for your gen-erosity.

May God bless us all for the week bringing us closer to All Saints and All Souls celebrations. Fr. Stan

From the Pastor’s Desk


Weekly Calendar–October 23-30, 2016 Sunday, October 23 Nothing Scheduled Monday, October 24 Nothing Scheduled Tuesday, October 25 CH Prayer Group 6:30-8 pm C Game Day Mtg 7 pm RB St. Vincent de Paul 7:30 pm Wednesday, October 26 CD Men’s Bible Study 8:30-11:30 am CH Altar Server Tng 4-5 pm CD Diaconate 6:30-8 pm CH Choir 7-8:30 pm Thursday, October 27 C ICF 7-10 pm FH Films 2 pm & 7 pm Friday, October 28 Nothing Scheduled Saturday, October 29 C Pre-Cana 9:30-4:30 FH CCD set-up 5-8 pm Sunday, October 30 C,K,FH CCD Pancake Breakfast

CD=Convent Dining Room CH=Church ANX=School Annex RB=Rectory Basement C=Cafeteria K=Kitchen RD=Rectory Dining Room FH=Fearon Hall

Are You Registered?

All Catholics who worship at our parish or who are a part of our parish services are requested to register. In registering, you are becoming an active member of St. Bernardine Parish. If you have not registered, please complete the following and give the slip to one of the Church Ministers of Hospitality (ushers), priests, or put it in the collection basket and registration forms will be mailed to you. If you would like to phone for these forms, call 708-366-0839.You are not considered registered until the Pastor receives your completed registration form.

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

City: ___________________________ Zip: _______________

Phone: __________________ email address_______________________

Date: _______________

How long have you been coming to St. Bernardine Church? ________

Would you like to receive our parish newsletter via email? _______

Welcome New Parishioners

All are invited to a Holy Hour of

Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction: 1st Monday of every month

7 pm in the Chapel

BOOK CLUB Mark your calendars: November 14, 7:00 pm, Ann Murray's home, 508 Hannah in FP, we are meeting to discuss Of Irish Blood by Mary Pat Kelly. Goodreads says: Author Mary Pat Kelly weaves histor-ical characters such as Maud Gonne, Wil-liam Butler Yeats, Coun-tess Markievicz, Michael Collins, and Eamon de Valera, as well as Gabrielle Chanel, Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, and Nora Barnicle, into Of Irish Blood, a vivid and compel-ling story inspired by the life of her great-aunt. It's 1903 and Nora Kelly, twenty-four, is talented, outspoken, progressive, and climbing the ladder of opportunity, until she falls for an attractive but dangerous man who sends her running back to the Old World her family had fled. But when she stumbles into the centuries-old Collège des Irlandais, a good-looking scholar, an unconventional priest, and Ireland's revolutionary women chal-lenge Nora to honor her Irish blood and join the struggle to free Ireland.

Join us! Contact with questions.

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016 5

Pray For Our Sick

St. Bernardine Organizations Please join one of your organizations:

ALTAR SERVERS: Father Stan, (708) 366-0839 BAPTISM CLASS: Helen Kreidermacher, (708) 771-3567 BOOK CLUB: Lin Beribak, (312) 882-3386 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Kevin Hibbitts, (708) 488-1075 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Julie Doloszycki, (708) 366-4382 FIL-AM PARISHIONERS: Josephine O’Brien FINANCE COUNCIL: Michael O’Brien, (708) 366-2898 HOSPITALITY: Kathy Capron Jankun, (773) 882-1605 ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION: Al Cimino, (708) 345-4173 KINGDOM RETREAT: Jim Murray, (708) 366-8427 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Wally Westervelt, (708) 488-9434 LECTORS: Mary Beth Beal, (708) 366-7567 LITURGY COMMITTEE: Fr. Stan, (708) 366-0839 MUSIC MINISTRY: Jurate Lukminas, (708) 257-0645 PARISH COUNCIL: Julie Doloszycki, (708) 366-4382 PRAY & PLAY: Kathy Capron Jankun, (773) 882-1605 PRAYER GROUP: Betty Huebner PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Helen Kreidermacher, (708) 771-3567 R.C.I.A.: Father Stan, (708) 366-0839 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Ann Stauffer, (708) 447-6894 RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE: Leslie Huzyk, (708) 366-7441 ST. VINCENT DePAUL: Jim Murray, (708) 366-8427 SPRED: Helen Kreidermacher, (708) 771-3567 USHER: Tom Gill, (708) 848-6454 WOMEN’S CLUB: Patty Mullin, (708) 848-1214 YOUTH GROUP: Kathy Capron Jankun, (773) 882-1605

Maria Lopez, Mary Beribak, Anna Moravek, Daniel Rishikov, Melissa Romano, Michael Doloszycki, Mary Jane Robinson, Laura Hogan, Vince Pusateri, Mary Sladek, Nicholas Moskos, Dorothy Lambke, Debbie Palumbo, Thomas Hobin, Dolly Mohr, Michaeleen Nutley, Mary White, Grace and Jack Belmonte, Sarita Connelly, Albertredia Harris, Carmella Bielawski, Dave Claudon, Meg Murphy, Thomas McNulty, Sybil Sporer, Ken Wojtas, William Hancock, Roland Schaw-el, Doris Keating, Laverne and Rich Murphy, Chuck Michalak, Therese Martone, Wally Solberg, Sr., Teresa Meyer, Eileen and Martin Hudik, Shirley Hamilton, Helen Kreidermacher, Ann Keller, Lorraine Boy, Hen-rietta Daniello, Dan Martone, Gene Fletcher, Betty Maslauskas, Marge Moskos, Rosemarie Beribak, and Fr. Frank Grady. Please pray for these parishioners, their families and caregivers. Please call the parish secretary to add or delete names on the list. Names will automatically be removed after 3 months unless renewed.

“Operation Sweaters for Veterans”

On Friday, November 11th, 2016 Americans throughout the world

commemorate Veterans Day, a day set aside to thank the nation’s veterans for service given and sacrifices made to protect the

freedoms of our great nation. KURATKO-NOSEK FUNERAL HOME is

proud to sponsor a unique way to honor these he-roes with the 9th annual

“Operation Sweaters for Veterans”

Beginning November 1st and running through Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11th,

KURATKO-NOSEK FUNERAL HOME will collect new or gently used sweaters & gloves to be donated and delivered to deserving veterans

that are in VA hospitals, Veterans Homes and Veteran’s Service Organizations nationwide.

Everyone in the community is invited to partici-pate by dropping sweaters at gloves off at

Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home.

Drop- Off Information

Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home 2447 S. DesPlaines Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546

(708) 447-2500

Hours for drop-off: Monday through Saturday

10:00am – 3:00pm

THANK YOU I would like to thank the St Bernardines communi-ty for all the prayers and Mass cards that were done; it was wonderful to know that I had a lot of prayer while going through this most difficult time. I am on the mend. I am in remission from stage 2 follicular thyroid cancer. Thank you with love, Laura Hogan


October 23-30, 2016 Sunday, October 23 8:00 am † Margaret O’Brien Ashley Lauren Strong on her birthday 10:30 am † John Lattner † Alois J. Iwanski Monday, October 24 6:30 am † John Lattner Tuesday, October 25 6:30 am † Vincent Trungale Wednesday, October 26 6:30 am † Major General R.G. Fergusson Thursday, October 27 6:30 am † Ralph P. Grabow Friday, October 28 6:30 am Intentions of Parishioners Saturday, October 29 8:30 am Briccio Millar in thanksgiving 5:00 pm † Ed McGrath † James Ahamnos Sunday, October 30 8:00 am † Marciana and Anthony Jumaoas William Strong on his birthday 10:30 am † The Woods and Durkan Family † Pat Powell Dwyer

October 29 & 30, 2016 Celebrants 5:00 pm Fr. Stan Kuca 8:00 am Fr. Stan Kuca 10:30 am Fr. Andrew Wisdom Readers and Lectors 5:00 pm Francis Espedido 8:00 am YOUTH GROUP—Kal Scollard 10:30 am Mary Beth Beal Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 pm Nancy Isdale, Joan Hopkins Kathy Capron-Jankun 8:00 am Ben D’Souza, Dawn Leninger, Kristin Robins 10:30 am Tina Rhoten, Isaac Beal, Valerie Powers Servers 5:00 pm Charlie Lock, Jasmine Dass 8:00 am Krystyn Raza, Finnur Shelton 10:30 am Colin Daly, Roberto Marquez Cantors 5:00 pm TBA 8:00 am TBA 10:30 am TBA

10/16/16 COLLECTION ENVELOPES (113) ………………………….. $3,647.50 LOOSE CHECKS & CASH …………………. $566.27 SUNDAY COLLECTION TOTAL ………….. $4,213.77 BUDGET COLLECTION……………………. $5,000.00 DEFICIT…………………………………….. $786.23 BUDGET TO DATE ………………………… $80,000.00 SUNDAY INCOME TO DATE……………... $73,209.30 SUNDAY COLLECTION DEFICIT TO DATE. $6,790.70


Monday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 5:21-33 or 5:2a, 25-33; Ps 128:1-5; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Saturday: Phil 1:18b-26; Ps 42:2, 3, 5cdef; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Wis 11:22 — 12:2; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14; 2 Thes 1:11 — 2:2; Lk 19:1-10

Weekly Readings

ELECTRONIC CONTRIBUTION Electronic contribution is an automatic trans-

fer program which allows you to make contributions without writing checks. Forms

are available in the back of church. If you have any questions you can call Kathy

at 366-0839.

HAPPY ARE THEY Happy are they who grieve not for what they have not, but give thanks for what they do have.


7 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016


St. Bernardine Rummage Sale! November 5th from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm

and after 5:00 mass November 6th from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm

Located in the rectory garage


The St. Vincent de Paul Society has been very busy during the last couple of months and our food supply has dwindled significantly. We need coffee, tuna, cereal, peanut but-ter, jelly/jam, pasta, pasta sauce, corn, and canned meat, but we can use just about any non perishable food items you give us. Of course, cash donations are always

welcome. You can put the cash in the collec-tion basket in an envelope made out to St. Vin-cent de Paul. The food items can be put in the container in front of Mary's altar. We promise we will use your contributions to help those in need as best we are able. God bless you.

9 Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2016

RESPECT LIFE This Thursday, Oct 27, at 2 pm and 7pm, St.

Bernardine will present Being Mortal, a one-hour documentary on human dignity and autonomy faced with mortality. Based on Atul Gwande’s best-selling book, the movie is a reflection on our medical system’s response to catastrophic illness, where the system has failed, and how doctors can dramatically improve the end of life for terminally ill patients. Commenting on the international rush to accept and even promote assisted suicide, Dr Dwan-de notes in his book that “our ultimate goal [shouldn’t be] a good death, but a good life to the very end.” See how this can be achieved with hones-ty, patient advocacy, and real compassion.

Join us in Fearon Hall for this award-winning documentary, refreshments and free literature! Also available: Free copies of Five Last Wishes (a $5 val-ue!), an easy-to-understand, and morally sound guide through your personal end-of-life decisions—endorsed by Dr Gwande himself. Once signed and witnessed, it becomes a legal document that replaces the flawed POLST forms most patients are required to complete upon admittance to a hospital. Whatever your age or physical condition, these conversations, reflections, and decisions can remove the very hu-man fear of being mortal for you and your loved ones. Wheelchair accessible at entrance from south side of the school parking lot.


AND POLISH! Have you ever considered counseling, but you couldn’t find the time? Given the “Stressful Times” in which we all live, maybe the time is NOW! The Holbrook Counseling Center, a profes-sional service of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago, provides coun-seling at our West Regional Office, 1400 S. Austin Avenue in Cicero and at other locations. Our Therapist in Cicero is Ms. Margaret Lukomski, LCPC, and she is bilingual English/Polish. Ms. Lukomski has many years of experience, and she works with individuals, couples and fami-lies. Her professional fees are reasonable. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (312) 655-7725.

NO COMPARISONS How many times have we read or heard about someone who’s gotten into trouble—maybe even fired from a job—because of a brush with the law? While our “Christian” minds tell us to be sorry and even pray for the person, a little voice inside our heads may also be saying, “I’m glad I would never do anything like that.” And perhaps we wouldn’t. But are there some things we do that are still not pleasing in God’s eyes? Today’s readings caution us not to look so in-tently at someone else’s wrongdoing that we over-look our own weaknesses and shortcomings. When we measure ourselves against the worst people we can think of, we come out looking pretty good. There is a danger, however, in using someone else’s behavior as a way of reflecting our own goodness. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.