SACATON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT District Newsletter · and basketballs. Lots of smiles as...

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Transcript of SACATON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT District Newsletter · and basketballs. Lots of smiles as...


District Newsletter

October (Sepjig Mashath) 2017


President, Mrs. Elaine Moyah Clerk, Ms. Jane Johnson

Member, Ms. Judy Antone Member, Mrs. Laurie Thomas

Member, Ms. Anika Evans

District Superintendent: Cherryl Paul District Website: Follow us on Twitter: @SESD_YES


Superintendent’s Corner

Dear Parents, Families, and Guardians,

Sacaton Elementary School District is working to align and integrate key processes across all levels of the

system with fidelity, allowing for a focused deployment that will ensure a culture of shared values and beliefs.

SESD is documenting the current verbalized procedures so all levels of the system are less overwhelmed

and committed to continuous improvement processes that have sufficient simplicity and clarity to allow for

effective deployment.

The strategic planning process is an iterative cycle designed to capture the voice of all stakeholders to inform

a meaningful and relevant strategic plan. We recognize our stakeholders as: students, parents/guardians,

staff, community members, business partners, post-secondary, and Governing Board members.

Stakeholders selected the top 11 Core Values with descriptors to move forward for further review and

narrowing. Those 11 Core Values are posted on the website and everyone has the opportunity to vote (rank

order top 5) using this link: Please take a couple of minutes to rank your top 5.

By selecting fewer Core Values within the Strategic Plan, organizational effectiveness will increase as all

school improvement activities are developed and deployed with intentionality. The Superintendent supports

the need to select a few key strategic priority areas to ensure improvement. The four key strategic priority

areas proposed are: Excellence in Student Learning, Excellence in Employee Engagement, Excellence in

Organizational Improvement, and Excellence in Community Relations.

We will continue to host focus group sessions (training sessions) to gather input from all stakeholder groups

in support of developing a refined strategic plan to achieve our vision and exceed organizational goals

through 2023. Currently, approximately 120 stakeholders have participated in focus group sessions/trainings

and provided feedback on the core values essential to the success of our school district. Throughout the

next year, focus group sessions and individual conversations will continue to be both publicized and

specifically targeted to ensure each stakeholder group is represented. Sacaton Elementary School District

values the voice of all stakeholders as we continue to gather input on a future-focused strategic plan.

Two Schools One Voice. We are Sacaton Braves. YES! Mrs. Cherryl Paul Superintendent @cherryl_paul

New Staff Joining the Sacaton Family

We extend a warm welcome to our newest Sacaton Braves!

Sacaton Elementary School District will honor the following staff for years of service at the upcoming Governing Board Meeting. Their dedication, devotion, and passion to educate the students of Gila River Indian Community is greatly appreciated.

Staff Recognition: 15-42 Years of Service

Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Where: District Office Governing Board Room

Time: 5:30 pm

Mrs. Connie Jackson Mrs. Linda Martin Ms. Joella Antone Mrs. Jo Ellen Kinnamon Ms. Linda Harmeyer Mrs. Tonya Molina-Pedro Ms. Maria Tapia Mrs. Marcia Rector Ms. Tracey Brooks Ms. Janelle Blaine

Mr. Orlando JuanCustodian

Ms. Ariadna CrockettPreschool Special Education IA

Mr. Michael GarciaSubstitute Teacher

Ms. Kim ReddingExecutive Administrative Assistant

Ms. Daileen ChapmanPayroll/Insurance Clerk

Ms. Aileen GonzalezPersonnel Specialist

Mr. Guljeet KaurSubstitute Teacher

Ms. Sheila WallsSubstitute Teacher

5th & 6th Grade Science Discovery and Instruction Sacaton Middle School 5th and 6th grade students are actively involved in their second year of SCIENCE discovery and instruction! All 5th and 6th grade students have the opportunity to learn about and put into practice the Scientific Process of Inquiry through the use of the new Science lab established last year. In 2016-17, they worked though several mini-labs as well as two FOSS Science kits: 1) Sun, Moon, and Planets and 2) Living Things. This year, 5th graders will add a third FOSS kit (Mixtures and Solutions) and 6th grade will tackle 3 brand new kits: 1) Weather and Water, 2) Gravity and Kinetic Energy, and 3) Diversity of Life (including study with aquatic/water creatures and hissing cockroaches!). In the lab, students have already developed questions, hypotheses, and experiments to learn about the world around them. In addition to increasing exposure and understanding of the AZ Science standards, students are learning about cooperative group behavior, safe science practices in and out of the lab, and how math and writing skills tie into science. All of the science, math, and writing skills practiced in the 5th and 6th grade science classes will improve our students’ ability to perform on the AZ Merit science test required in upper-middle school.

Elementary School Student Council News This year student council has taken over Sacaton Elementary’s morning announcements. Fourth grader Amare Pratt, who has a bright future in broadcasting, anchors the daily announcements. Each week a new student council class representative co-anchors the announcements and everything from what is on the menu to responses from the weekly Highly Effective Habits of the Mind questions are heard over the announcements each morning at precisely 8:10. Both Mr. Ross’ and Ms. Brooks’ class write their personal answers in response to the weekly questions. Keep it up third grade!

Student Council also voted for its officers, raised the national and state flags over 35 times, sold snow cones one hot Tuesday, and sponsored Talk/ Dress like a Pirate Day. This day was also used to bring awareness to the International Coins for Kids with Cancer Day – $30.50 was raised and will be sent to the Phoenix Ronald McDonald House. That pays for a two-night stay for a family with a child with cancer.

PBIS and Perseverance in Action! Teachers and staff members worked hard with students this month teaching not only our PBIS rules (Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe), but also how students need to learn in their classroom. These students are demonstrating how they work collaboratively and persevere in their reading and mathematics problem solving.

SAY YES 2 LIFE Poetry Contest Winners! We are excited to announce that we had, not one, but TWO winners in the SAY YES 2 LIFE Poetry Contest sponsored by GRIC this month. They are Jules Mercado and Allaya Antone from Ms. Hensley’s class. Way to go 4th grade! Join us in celebrating these students’ accomplishments at the upcoming Governing Board Meeting on October 10, 2017.

YES TO LIFE By Jules Mercado

Yes 2 Living

Yes 2 Life

Yes 2 everything

In Life

Make your life great

By helping others

Give to people

By living your dream

And saying


Live life 2

Try new things 2

Help people 2

Travel the world 2

Visit new cultures By living life

2 The fullest.

By Allaaya Antone

Diamond Backs STEM Showcase Parade SESD students participated in the D-backs STEM Showcase Parade before the Diamond Backs game on Friday, September 22, 2017! This exclusive opportunity celebrated the efforts our teachers and students are making to advance STEM education in Arizona. Our students were among the first 2,000 kids who received a FREE Science of Baseball shirt courtesy of Chase Bank.

On Thursday, September 21, we hosted our annual Family Reading and Math event for 80 students and 52 family members. To start off the evening, we gathered in the cafeteria for some tasty chili, compliments of Mr. Trotter’s staff. Then we rotated through 16 stations spread out in the middle school gym.

The evening wrapped up with a raffle of several items, including books, t-shirts, and basketballs. Lots of smiles as students shared their success. Thank you, parents, for partnering with us to celebrate your children’s learning!

Many families picked up “take home” packets with ideas for helping their children. They also listened to student presenters explaining math and reading strategies and games learned. Several people signed up to join us as volunteers.

Others took the opportunity to help our district by taking the online dress code survey. Please take the survey using

this link:

Opportunity to help

our district by taking a dress code survey.

Some families signed up for library cards at the tables for Chandler Public Library and Ira Hayes Memorial Library. They also learned about a Tribal Ed program offering children’s books written about our community.

We wrapped up the night with a raffle that included books, t-shirts, and basketballs. Throughout the evening, we saw lots of smiles as students shared their success!

Thank you, families, for partnering with us to CELEBRATE

SESD children’s learning!

SESD Sports

Sacaton Flag Football 2017-2018 Season Recap Starting out this football season was a little rough with a 0-3 start. In each of the first three games the Braves were always in the game up to the last quarter. The second half of the season was a different story. The Sacaton Middle School Braves flag football team achieved their first win in the 4th game of the season. The boys never gave up despite the close games and achieved victory! They finished the year with only a 28 point difference in the overall total score. After a14-18 loss to Red Rock earlier in the season, the team traveled to Red Rock for the last game of the season. The team returned home with a win in the last second of the game with a touchdown pass from Joey Notah to Nathan White for the go-ahead score in a 21-20 win! Coaches Utter and Harris wish the best to all of the team members. Next year's team will be led by returning players who were an important part of the team this season. Thanks to everyone for supporting the Braves flag football team during this early sports season, including the folks who were able to travel and attend the away games. We appreciate you!

Volleyball Wrap Up After bursting out with a 2-0 start, the Sacaton Middle School Lady Braves volleyball team lost 3 of their last 4 games to end their season at .500. Leading scorers for the team were Heather Raphael,

Tiyana Johns, Illianna Miguel, Mandy Antone and Simone Natani. On the bright side, the young ladies were very gracious in both victory and defeat. The Lady Braves also practiced and learned new bumping and setting skills. Coaches Paulson and Lang wish the best to our promoting team members: Mandy Antone, Belen Burnette, Illianna Miguel, Deseray Miles, Lindsy Miller, Simone Natani, Heather Raphael, Syann Rocha, Mirasol Monnarez, Gracie Niedo and Aliya White. We anticipate next year's team being led by returning players Dora Escalante, Trinity Hoover, Tiyana Johns, Ciprianna Miles, and Analysa Morgan. Thanks to all the family members who came out to support the Lady Braves

during this early sports season, especially the folks who took the time and effort to travel to the "away" games. We appreciate you!

Parents and guardians please be aware that summer is the best time to have your student/athlete schedule their physical so they will be eligible to participate in sports' practices when the school year begins.

Positive Parenting is a series of classes open to ALL parents with children in Preschool through 8th Grade.

You may attend any of the individual seminars, however, the entire series is recommended.

Meetings are scheduled for Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

DATES: 10/13/17: Positive Ideas to Manage Behaviors

11/17/17: Getting Your Child to Mind Without Losing Yours 1/19/18: Practical Systems to Build Appropriate Habits

2/23/18: Making the Home-School Connection 4/13/18: The ABC’s of Problem Solving

LOCATION: Sacaton Middle School Library 92 S. Skill Center Road, Sacaton, AZ 85147

PRESENTORS: Dr. Davidsen, Director of Exceptional Student Services

Sacaton Elementary School District (520) 562-8600 ext. 2030

Mrs. Julie Niven Pinal County ESA

(520) 450-4508

Door Prize Drawing: $25.00 Gift Card

To provide excellence in student achievement, community involvement and educational guidance for the future of our children.

Dynamic Data Report School Letter Grades for SESD The A-F Accountability System is not designed to stigmatize schools but rather to help the state identify which are in need of support. Both SESD schools received a D letter grade. The Arizona Department of Education will partner with D and F schools to improve their A-F ranking through the development and implementation of a comprehensive improvement plan. Once improvement plans have been implemented, schools are reassessed and schools that continue to perform poorly will receive additional involvement from the state. D and F schools are also potentially eligible for additional federal funds.

Students Seeking Success

Students throughout the district are already experiencing success as they track their progress on weekly assessments. Teachers have reviewed beginning of the year data with students and have set goals to achieve for this school year. Starting in second grade, students graph their own progress. This allows students to observe what their strengths are and increase skills needed to show improvement. Preschool through eighth grade teachers are able to support the needs of their students by using data to plan their lessons.

Mrs. Amanda Billings Manager of Data Analysis and Continuous Improvement

Tailored Technology Report Did you know that October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month? It has been around since 2004. I thought it would be interesting to talk about some common myths and the reality of what you need to know about these myths.

Myth: Anti-virus software and firewalls are 100% effective. Truth: These are important elements that can protect your information, however, neither

of them guarantee to protect you from every attack. To reduce risk, combine these technologies with good security habits. What are good security habits? Check out this link from the US Department of Homeland Security:

Myth: Once software is installed on your computer, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Truth: Vendors will from time to time release updated versions of software to address bugs or fix security vulnerabilities. For example Microsoft releases updates every second and sometimes fourth Tuesday of each month. Sometimes software can be set to auto update and other times you have to download it manually. The most important thing to keep in mind is to be sure your anti-virus software is always up to date. Myth: There is nothing important on your machine, so you don't need to protect it. Truth: If you have personal or financial data on your computer, attackers may be able to collect it and use it for their own financial gain. Myth: Attackers only target people with money. Truth: Anyone can become a victim of identity theft. Attackers are always looking for the biggest score or reward. Attackers will often send a large number of general attacks in hopes that a few will net them a large payout.

If you have any questions or concerns, the National Cyber Security Alliance, one of the sponsors of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, has a very informative link on making the internet safer and more secure for everyone: Mr. David Roman Technology Integration Specialist

District Technology Initiatives We are in the process of replacing all of the Smart Boards in the District with Interactive TVs. Teachers’ professional workstations are being upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Middle school will be finished within the next few weeks, leaving 20 rooms at the elementary school to complete. Our 100 Megabyte bandwidth fiber connection for internet access is able to handle over 450 staff and student computers plus all of our mobile devices. During the spring AZMerit testing, we had 374 wireless connections at one time and no one was dropped from the website. Students at Sacaton Elementary School District have daily access to various technology components to develop their technology skills and meet the Arizona State Standards (Chromebooks, Windows Laptops, iPads, computer lab). We are currently looking into replacing our Windows laptops with Chromebooks to allow 1:1 Chromebook access for all students. Classrooms are also equipped with teacher and support staff workstations. Our ‘All-Call’ PA systems are being upgraded so both campuses will be on the same communications platform. Currently both campuses are connected by a fiber feed from the middle school server room which forces the elementary school to use the Bogen analog phone in the front office for their ‘All Calls.’ We are also adding another file storage server to our virtual array, and upgrading our VCenter to the latest firmware and software releases currently available. Serving our student and staff technology needs is a priority at SESD. Upgrades and equipment maintenance requests are completed in a timely manner to keep our technology in good working order for our students and staff. Mr. Michael Hulcy Technology Coordinator

Snake Wrangler News! Mr. Bonds: “Resident Snake Wrangler.” Students are impressed with Mr. Bonds’ snake wrangling abilities. He captured a snake that had wandered onto the

middle school campus!

School Announcements Parents, please watch for registration forms to go home in regards to Sacaton Elementary School’s After School Programs. This year we are hosting a variety of electives in our after school programs. From Girl Scouts to robotics; there should be something to peak your child’s interest!

Student Information

Any Student interested in joining Sacaton’s very own marching band, please see Mrs. Kennedy at the elementary school!

Any girls interested in joining Girl Scouts, please see Mrs. Weddle at the elementary and middle school.

Speaker’s Corner Our Speaker’s Corner is dedicated to anyone who would like to suggest information that would be helpful to parents, guardians, and community members. Suggestions will be considered for the following month’s newsletter. To make a suggestion, please email Dr. Patti Wann:

Quote of the Month

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”

~ Jane D. Hull