Russia Review Game! Mr. Oakes Russia Review. 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Political Institutions 100 Question Who appoints the prime minister?

Transcript of Russia Review Game! Mr. Oakes Russia Review. 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500...

Russia Review Game! Mr. Oakes Russia Review Political Institutions Political Process Political Behavior Fun Facts Current Issues Political Institutions 100 Question Who appoints the prime minister? Political Institutions 100 Answer The President Political Institutions 200 Question What are the two houses? Political Institutions 200 Answer Duma and Federation Council Political Institutions 300 Question Which house can issue a vote of no confidence? Political Institutions 300 Answer Duma Political Institutions 400 Question The federal government consists of how many structures? Political Institutions 400 Answer 89 (21 non-Russian ethnicities) Political Institutions 500 Question Why cant Russia have democracy? Political Institutions 500 Answer The current political intuitions are dominated by the political elites, who prohibit democracy Political Process 100 Question How is their President elected? Political Process 100 Answer Fixed elections Political Process 200 Question How are party leaders determined? Political Process 200 Answer They climb the ranks of the nomenklatura Political Process 300 Question What is the role of political parties? Political Process 300 Answer The recruitment of new political office holders Political Process 400 Question How do political parties provide a way of communication? Political Process 400 Answer They act as a channel for information to flow between government and populace Political Process 500 Question What are two ways citizens participate in politics? Political Process 500 Answer High voter turn out and youth movements Political Behavior 100 Question What is the rank of Russias geography? Political Behavior 100 Answer 1 st, Largest Political Behavior 200 Question What percent of the population is Russian? Political Behavior 200 Answer 80% Political Behavior 300 Question Describe Russias population pyramid. Political Behavior 300 Answer An aging population. Larger in the adult ages Political Behavior 400 Question What is Russias unemployment rate? Political Behavior 400 Answer 5.7% Political Behavior 500 Question What is Russias GDP? Topic Answer $2.053 Trillion Fun Facts 100 Question What are the three most popular sports in Russia? Fun Facts 100 Answer Soccer, Hockey, and Chess Fun Facts 200 Question What does a typical Russian meal consist of? Fun Facts 200 Answer Fish, potatoes, vegetables, and bread Fun Facts 300 Question How much of governments income comes from the sale of vodka? Fun Facts 300 Answer 10% Fun Facts 400 Question What are three of Russias largest natural exports? Fun Facts 400 Answer Oil, natural gas, and timber Fun Facts 500 Question How many seas does Russia have? Fun Facts 500 Answer 12 Current Issues 100 Question Who is Russias chief of state? Current Issues 100 Answer President Vladimir Putin Current Issues 200 Question Who is the head of government? Topic Answer Dmitriy Medvedev Current Issues 300 Question Where does Russia rank in Transparency Internatinals corruption list? Current Issues 300 Answer 143 rd Current Issues 400 Question What is one reason for the population decline? Current Issues 400 Answer High death rate, high rate of abortions, low birth rate, or low level of immigration Current Issues 500 Question What is Russias birth rate? Current Issues 500 Answer 12.3, 160 th in the world