Rural Health Care Program: Program Overview

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Presentation by Paloma Costa, Outreach Program Manager, USAC

Transcript of Rural Health Care Program: Program Overview

Rural Health Care Program

Program Overview


March 15, 2012 2

USAC, the Universal Service Fund (USF), and the FCC

The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) administers the Universal Service Fund (USF) on behalf of and under the auspices of the FCC

Rural Health Care

($80 million)

High Cost

($4 billion)

Low Income

($1.3 billion)

Schools and Libraries

($2.25 billion) 3

Current Program

Rural Health Care 4

• Pilot Program (closed to new applicants) supports 85% of the cost of broadband networks.

• Primary Program provides discounts for telecommunications services and Internet access for rural health care providers (HCPs)

The RHC Program

Overview 5

• For telecommunications services, RHC funds the difference between the urban and rural rates

• For Internet access, RHC funds a straight 25% discount off the rural rate

Primary Program Basics

The RHC Program 6

• Connectivity to:

• Telephone service

• Internet access

• Telecommunications services

• Wireless services

Must be used for the provision of health care

What does the RHC program fund?

The RHC Program 7

1. Eligible location (rural)

2. Eligible status (non-profit or public)

3. Eligible organization type

Three criteria to be deemed eligible

Eligibility 8

• Determined by FCC definition of rural

1. Eligible Location


2. Eligible Status

• Non-profit


• Public 9

• Not-for-profit hospitals

• Rural health clinics

• Community mental health centers

• Local health departments or agencies

• Post-secondary educational institutions offering health care instruction, teaching hospitals, and medical schools

• Community health centers or health centers providing health care to migrants

• Dedicated emergency departments of rural for-profit hospitals

• Consortia of HCPs consisting of rural not-for-profit hospitals

• Part-time eligible entities located in facilities that are ineligible

3. Eligible Organization Type

Eligibility 10

Eligible Health Care Providers by Type

Post secondary inst: 1%

Community health center:

8% Local health

dept or agency: 9%

Community mental health

center: 7%


hospital: 29%

Rural Health

Clinic: 46%

Emergency Dept: < 1% 11

1. Health Care Provider’s eligibility is determined

2. HCP requests services, and Service Providers (SPs) provide bids for the HCP to evaluate (1st Form: 465)

3. Once HCP has selected services/service providers, HCP notifies RHC of selection (2nd Form: 466/466-A)

4. Once approved for support, HCP notifies RHC that services have been received (3rd Form: 467)

Four Steps for Health Care Providers:

The RHC Program 12

Description of Services Requested and Certification Form

• First form filed by the HCP to initiate program participation

• Certifies that the HCP meets eligibility requirements

• Used to request bids from service providers for eligible services

What is the Form 465?

Second Step: Form 465 13

Competitive Bidding

Second Step: Form 465

• HCPs must not enter into a contract or service agreement until the Allowable Contract Selection Date (ACSD), or the 29th day after the 465 is posted

• HCPs must select the most cost effective bid 14

Competitive Bidding

Second Step: Form 465

• USAC encourages the use of an (optional) scoring tool/scoring matrix

– HCPs should choose the selection criteria most important to them. Some examples include but are not limited to:

Technical support Previous experience with service provider Cost for service Rapid response Service provider to provide a single point of contact 15

Funding Request and Certification Form

• Second form(s) filed in the application process

• Identifies the HCP’s selected service(s), rates, carrier(s), and date of carrier selection

• The HCP must submit one form for each service

• Funds cannot be committed until RHC receives a completed form and required supporting documentation

What are the Forms 466 and 466-A?

Third Step: Forms 466/466-A 16

Connection Certification

• Third and final form required in the application process

• Used to confirm the following: – When service was provided (service start date) – When/if service was disconnected (service end date) – If service was never turned on

• The HCP will NOT receive support until the Form 467 is submitted

What is the Form 467?

Fourth Step: Form 467 17 18

18 19

RHC Primary Program

April 16, 2012 Prior to the beginning of the funding year, filing window opened so that HCPs can submit a Form 465

June 2, 2012 Last day to post Form 465 to receive a

full year of funding. Support is pro-rated if Form 465 is posted after this date

July 1, 2012 • First day of Funding Year • First day funding can be committed

June 30, 2013 • Last day of Funding Year • Deadline to submit Form(s) 466/466-A 20

• Window opening:

– Earliest date that the Form 465 can be posted for upcoming Funding Year

– Typically occurs March – April

– Remember to allow time in addition to 28 days to review bids, sign a contract, and get services prior to July 1st

• Full year of funding:

– Form 465 must be posted at least 28 calendar days prior to the start of the upcoming Funding Year (June 2nd)

Timeline 21

• Welcome Packet

Training and Website

21 22 23

23 24 25

25 26

Changes to the Program

Rural Health Care 27

• Additional training – live and online – is in development

• Complete website overhaul nearing completion!

• New system for application submission and processing to launch for FY 2012

Changes to the RHC Program 28

New application system

• User-friendly:

– Think “Turbo-Tax” format

– More pre-populating of data for applicants

– If you’re evergreen, circuit info will pre-populate

– All electronic communication – no paper mailings

Changes to the RHC Program 29

• Streamlined process: – Online forms can be saved and stored

Show status of work in progress

– Updated systems and redesigned workflow to improve accuracy of submissions and reduce processing time

– Redesigned forms / reduction in total number of forms proposed

• Secure portals for applicants: – Forms and document repository:

Application supporting documentation

RHC correspondence


– Applicants and service providers can upload information

– Information for all fund years can be stored in the portal

System Improvements 30

• Welcome Packet and Handouts

• Ongoing exhibits and training for current program at conferences such as ATA, NRHA, APHA, etc.

• Webinars on the RHC site:

– Competitive Bidding and Evergreen Contracts

– The Role of the Service Provider

• Training on new systems – My Portal

• RHC website is undergoing complete overhaul – we hope to have it live in the next few months

Training and Website 31

• Customer Support Center

• 1-800-229-5476


• Conference Calls

• 2nd Thursday of each month for applicants and service providers

• Newsletter

• Quarterly

Ongoing Training 32

Thank you for joining us today!

Paloma Costa

