Running Lean in some slides

Post on 13-May-2015

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This is a presentation that tries to resume the essencial parts of the book Running Lean by Ash Maurya See his website:

Transcript of Running Lean in some slides

Presentation about the methodology in the book:

Running Lean by Ash Maurya


Author: Thiago Oliveira de PaivaTwitter: @ThiagoPaiva


(in portuguese)

Running Lean

Prioritize Where to Start

Importance order:

1. Customer pain level

2. Ease offer reach

3. Price

4. Market Size

Your objective is to find a big enough market you can reach

with customers who need your product that will pay a price

you can build a business around.

Lean Canvas Stages

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

• At each stage there are only a few actions that matter, the rest is waste of resources

Best moment to seek for investment

Source: Book Running Lean, Ash Maurya

Right Action, Right Time

Bijoy Goswami

Lean Canvas Stages

• Pivot: Change your plan so you can find one that works

• Optimization: Accelerate a plan that it’s proven that


Learning and Pivot before product/market fit, Growth and Optimization after

product/market fit

• Stage 1: Do I have a problem worth solving?

• Stage 2: Have I built something people want?

• Stage 3: How do I accelerate growth?

Key Questions

Learning and Validating

• Stage 1: Learning Loop, Customer Discovery Workflow,

Rules and Lean Canvas

During the Learning and Validating stages there are some tools we will use:

• Stage 2: Product Launch Workflow

Learning Loop

Mockup, Landing Page, Presentation…Anything that can test the idea

A lean fundamental learning loop is a Build/Measure/Learn loop

Collected from customers

Data validate or refute the hypothesis

Source: Eric Ries

Rules of Experimentation


Run out of resources

Chasing your tail

The optimal learning loop

There are a set of rules that helps you correctly define and run experiments

1. Formulate testable hypotheses

• Not measurable: “Being know as expert will drive early adopter”

• Specific and testable: Blog post will drive 100 sign-ups”

2. Maximize for Speed, Learning and Focus:

Source: Book Running Lean, Ash Maurya

Rules of Experimentation

3. Validate qualitatively, verify quantitatively

• You need only a few customers interviews to have a strong

signal (positive or negative) to validate or refute your


• Later you will need a larger sample to test if it is scalable

4. Create accessible dashboard

• It’s important to share the hypothesis and the results of

your experiment with your team

5. Communicate learning early and often

• Communicate your lessons learned weekly to your internal

team and monthly to your external advisors and investors





Problem/Solution Fit

Is your problem worth solving? This workflow helps you discover with support from


Source: Book Running Lean, Ash Maurya

Problem/Solution Fit

A problem worth solving boils down to three questions

1. Is it something customers want? (must-have)

2. Can it be solved? (feasible)

3. Will they pay for it? If not, who will pay? (viable)

Document Your Plan A

• Probably your plan A will change over it’s

implementation, but it’s very important you

have it documented.

• Lean Canvas is an one sheet model, what

makes it very easy to use, to share and to


Lean Canvas

1 13




5 5


Source: Book Running Lean, Ash Maurya

Problem and Customer Segment


• Write down the Top 3 problems

• List existing alternatives to these problems

Customer Segment:

• Identify users and their roles

• Hone in on possible early adopters

Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Good Tips:

• Be different, but make sure your difference matters

• Target early adopters

• Focus on benefits that your customers will have after using your product

• Pick words carefully and own them

• Answer: What, Who and Why

• Study UVP the enterprises your respect

• Create a high-concept pitch (short phrase describing your concept)

“A single, clear compelling message that states why you are different and worth buying.”

Steve Blank


• Simply sketch the top 3 features or capabilities

that solves each one of the 3 problems


Some characteristics to think about the


• Free vs Paid

• Inboud vs Outbound

• Direct vs Indirect

• Personal vs Automated

• Retention vs Referral

• Content Marketing

The path you will use to get to your customers

Revenue Steams and Cost Structure

Some tips:

• Start charging from day one

• Use a “Free Trial” plan

• Pick a price to test

• Take your costs into account

• Start with a single pricing plan

How you make money and how much you charge

Your costs and the break even point

Key Metrics

What are the key activities that drive your startup and how to measure


Unfair Advantage

• Think about how you can make yourself

different and make your difference matters

• If you still don’t know, leave this box in blank

“A real unfair advantage is something that cannot be easily copied or bought.”

Jason Cohen

Example: Book Running Lean

Source: Book Running Lean, Ash Maurya

Product Lauch Workflow

This workflow will help you define your MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and test it

Source: Book Running Lean, Ash Maurya

Now what?

Okay, I’ve done exactly as you said and everything is going fine (or not everything),

now what? How do I scale?

“I suggest you to read the great book Running Lean, which I tried to resume in this presentation, but wasn’t possible to resume all the book. I sure will think about

building a complementary presentation. Thanks!”


References Books

The Four Steps to Epiphany, Steve Blank

• This book talks about the customer development methodology for startups

Running Lean, Ash Maurya

• It’s a practical book for starting a web-based startup using the lean canvas and lean startup methodology, all this presentation was based on this book

Business Model Generation, Alexander Osterwalder

• This book presents the business model canvas that it’s a very good and easy model for describing business models