Rosebery · 2020. 3. 6. · Year 8...

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Transcript of Rosebery · 2020. 3. 6. · Year 8...


Dear Parents and Carers Sunday 8 March is International Women’s Day and in assemblies and tutor time this week we have explored this year’s theme, #EachforEqual. Students have been considering the pledges they can make to help forge a gender equal world, to celebrate women’s achievements and to raise awareness of gender bias. Recent pay disputes at the BBC and the #MeToo movement demonstrate that whilst considerable progress had been made over the last 20 years, there is still some way to go before there is genuine equality. I am delighted that we were joined by Deborah Campbell, founder of the gender equality platform Future Fe+male, for a lively discussion and workshop and she has now released the Born Equal podcast, an episode of which features our brilliant students, Jasmine, Amy and Emily offering very insightful and wise observations on equality issues for young women today. I am very grateful to Ms Rad and Miss Lowe for organising this week of events and discussions.

This week our Sixth Form students have attended the Apprenticeship Fair, have met inspiring artists on the Art in Action trip, have attended the Frantic Assembly theatre production, our Year 10 tutor groups have danced, baked and washed cars for their charity week and students and staff have marked the 20s themed World Book Day by dressing up, swapping books, and attending literary discussions. Year 11 have started their core mock examinations and have again impressed with their diligent and focused approach to these. There have been no changes to guidance to schools on managing the coronavirus this week, but the situation is evolving on a daily basis and I will report anything that arises of significance as and when it does so. We are continuing to emphasise the fundamentals of good hand hygiene with all our students. Have a lovely weekend.

Ros Allen @RoseberyHT

Rosebery News 6 March 2020

Week 2 w/c Monday 9 March

All week British Science Week

9-10 March Year 11 PE Practicals

9 March Year 12 Drama Exam C1 - D3

10 March Sixth Form Speakers’ Club Final Show D2 3.15pm-4.30pm

10-11 March Year 7 Medieval Day (Happening Histories) Hall

11 March Year 8 Options Evening Careers Fair 5.45pm-8.00pm

12 March A Level Music Recital 3 Hall 6.00pm-7.30pm

12-13 March Year 7 Robotics Challenge Final Birmingham NEC

13 March Pi Day (see page 3 for details of Year 7 Cake Competition)

14 March Leith Hill Young Choir Competition Dorking Halls

15 March DofE Initial Training Session (by invitation)

Week 1 w/c Monday 16 March

16 March A Level PE Exam

18 March Spring Concert Hall 6.30pm—8.00pm

19 March

Student Late Start 9.45am (Rosebery Collaborates 4) Students to arrive and go straight to P2

Year 8X Parents’ Evening Hall 4.00pm—7.00pm

20 March

Years 9—13 Music GCSE & Rosebery Singers Madame Butterfly London Coliseum, WC2N 4ES 5.20pm—11.45pm

21 March

Years 11 & 12 Operation Wallacea Dive Referral Training, Epsom

DofE Initial Training Session (by invitation)

Dates for your Diary (Subject to Alteration)




Netball Monday 2 March Year 10 Year 11

St Teresa’s Won Cancelled

Hockey Tuesday 3 March Year 11 Sixth Form

St Teresa’s

Netball Wednesday 4 March Year 7 Year 8

Box Hill Cancelled Cancelled

Netball Thursday 5 March Year 7 Year 9

Therfield Cancelled Cancelled




Netball Monday 9 March Year 9 & Year 10 Three Rivers Away

Netball Monday 9 March Year 7 & Year 8 Blenheim Home

Football Tuesday 10 March Year 9 / 10 St Andrew’s Home

On Tuesday our student co-planners in Years 7-9 worked with a group of staff from a range of schools. Their focus was KS3 Maths and staff gained a huge amount from the helpful feedback our students provided. Our co-planners help us to really understand how our planned activities work, from a student’s perspective, and all the staff involved took away useful ideas to make their teaching even better. Many thanks to those involved and to Miss Reilly for running the session.

Mrs K Cook, Senior Teacher - Strategic Partnerships

The Music Department would like to congratulate Katerina E 12C for achieving a distinction in her Grade 8 flute exam this term. This is the final graded exam before students progress on to diplomas and it is no mean feat! Well done for your hard work and dedication Katerina!

Miss H Subramaniam, Head of Music




Before half term around 120 Year 9 and 10 students took part in the Intermediate Maths Challenge. We have now received the results, and the students have done really well, with 26 students earning bronze, 11 earning silver and 3 earning gold certificates. Particular congratulations go to Rachel A and Emily R in Year 9 and Charlotte L, Sophie R and Greta L in Year 10, whose high scores mean they qualified for the next round of the challenge.

Well done and thank you to all the students who took part.

Miss A Watson, Maths Department


For a full list of clubs and enrichment opportunities click HERE



Spring Concert

Wednesday 18 March

Main Hall @ 6.30pm

Tickets £3.00 each

Payment via ParentPay using the service ‘Spring Concert 2020’ and

student names will be on the door

Saturday is the 14th day in March. March is the 3rd Month.

We write this as 14/3 however in other countries around the world it is written as 3/14

π = 3.14 As we are not in school on Saturday, we will be celebrating Pi Day all week during form

time with some π activities.

Year 7 Maths students will be engaging in a Pi lesson this week delivered by their Maths teacher.

Pi Cake Competition On Friday 13 March there will be a Pi Cake Competition and we encourage Year 7 students to bake a cake to represent Pi Day. Pi cakes will be judged at break by the Maths Department.

All entries welcome - all entries will earn house points, with points awarded for both taste and presentation.

To enter:

• Please bring the cake to the Hall at the start of the day and put it on your House table

• Complete an entry form and put it under your entry

• Competition entries must follow all allergen advice below

Allergens and other advice

⬧ Your cakes should not contain nuts or uncooked eggs/cake mixture ⬧ Must not contain fresh cream

⬧ Store cakes in a clean, sealable container, away from raw foods ⬧ Transport cakes in a clean, sealable container

⬧ Always wash your hands before preparing food



Rosebery School Careers Fair

Wednesday 11 March 2020 6.00pm – 8.00pm

Rosebery School will be hosting our annual careers event in the Sports Hall, in conjunction with Year 8 Options Evening, for all of our students and their parents/carers in Years 8 - 13.

An exciting range of exhibitors and alumni will be in school to offer students information, advice and guidance about the world of work in a variety of industry sectors and pathways including option choices,

FE, HE, apprenticeships, volunteering, work experience and future employment.

We look forward to seeing you there.

For further details please email



Four of our Year 9 students Emma B, Ysabel C, Noémie W and Tilly A-S represented Rosebery at the Grand Opening of Atkins’ new Woodcote Grove office on Monday 2 March 2020, celebrating their history in Epsom.

Students from local schools who attended were put into mixed teams and took part in a parachute egg drop experiment looking at gravity and air resistance.

Top Atkins engineers judged the winning team whose participants then got to cut the red ribbon for the new


Mrs F Keaveney, Careers Lead

As part of our PSHCE curriculum this half term students in Years 9 and 11 will be receiving lessons on Relationships and Sex Education. Year 9 will be focussing specifically on relationships and sex and Year 11 will be studying healthy choices, including relationships and sex. As you may already be aware Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) along with Health Education, will soon be forming part of the national curriculum and has always been an important part of our PSHCE programme. These session with be delivered by the pastoral team, tutors and school nurses. For more details about what will be covered in each unit please see the PSHCE section of our website which includes a curriculum overview for each year group:

Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child from sex education delivered as part of RSE in secondary schools which, unless there are exceptional circumstances, will be granted up to three terms before your child turns 16. I am sure that you share our enthusiasm for the successful implementation of this element of the curriculum, however should you have any questions or concerns, or wish to discuss withdrawing your child from sex education, please contact me at

Miss H Lowe , Assistant Headteacher: Student Learning, Leadership & Development



Miss N Bailey, Head of Maths

Year 7 Lauren L (7CY), Shalanee M (7EX), Sylvie M (7CX), Emma G (7CY) Year 8 Kate B (8PX), Emma L (8EX), Simran P (8EY), Helena S (8MX)

Year 9 Tia H (9EY), Katie L (9EY), Katie H (9MY) Year 10 Ella F (10CY)

Well done! You will see your name outside the Maths office on the Weekly Notices board.

Miss S Reilly, Deputy Head of Maths & KS4 Maths Coordinator

Aleksandra N 7CX

Anna G 8EX

Lucy Z 9MX

Anna D 10EX

Freya B 11EY

Stars of the Week!




Thursday 19 March 4.00pm—7.00pm

Bookable via INSIGHT from 12 March 2020


Approval has been given to update the admission arrangement for 2021/22. These can be found on the school website on the following link:!website/joining-us-2/september-2021

Important Notice Regarding InTouch Communications Please can all Parents/carers be reminded that all InTouch communications are sent from a non-reply email address. This email inbox is not monitored and therefore, replies will not be immediate.

Please respond to the email address of the staff member included in the correspondence, or via our general enquiries email address

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

All unnamed lost property is on a table just outside the Student Hub. If your child has lost any items, please would you ask them to come and check. If the lost property is named, your child will be sent a message via the school registers. Reminder: please name all items ensuring, if lost, that they can be returned


A number of pupils from Rosebery competed this weekend in the Eastern Championships, as part of their teams at Surrey Starlets! The 'Lavender' Team, pictured left, were winners of their division, with a number of other athletes placing in the top 3 in their divisions! As always, the girls showed high levels of sportsmanship, and professionalism and did their programme proud! 1st place: Olivia C 8CY, Queenie S 8EY, Ceira F 9EX, Zizy S 9PX, Lola B T 7PY, Maddie F 8EY, Gabi S 11EX, Sasha T 11EX, Esme S 9PY and Chloe D L 9EY

2nd place: Megan P 10MY, Lily C 10MY, Ava G 8EY, Eva S 10CY, Sam F 10MY, Annabelle M 9PY and Amelia A 10MY

3rd place: Hannah C 11MX and Holly W 10MY

5th place: Wai Kwan W 8EY, Tessa F 8PY, Jemima H 8CX, Ellie S 8MY and Amy R 8MY

Miss E Haggis, Surrey Starlets



The Dog Runner, by Bren MacDibble Many books currently being published have an environmental theme. This story is set in Australia. The world is faced with famine as all the grass, wheat, oats and rice in the world have been destroyed by a fungus. Two children escape from a city where martial law has broken down and food deliveries are no longer available. Their father sets out to rescue their mother and the children set out for a farm over 200 miles away. They have 5 dogs attached to a cart to help them carry their supplies. This is an adventure with some thrilling moments. It is full of hope, friendship and love.

Mrs J Little, Librarian READING AUDIENCE: Suitable for everyone.


Rosebery staff and students enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day on Thursday 5 March. This year’s theme was 20's - details of the winning costumes to be published with prizes next week.

All tutor room doors were decorated, following the 20's theme - details of the winning doors to be published in due course.

Students had the opportunity to participate in a Book swap today and KS3 students were given their £1 book token. There was also the opportunity for students to enter two creative writing competitions.

Thank you to staff and students for supporting events this week.

Mrs S Blake, English Department