Romeo And Juliet Josh Andy Dylan Brent

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Romeo And Juliet Josh Andy Dylan Brent


Andrew Filion

Josh Laws

Brent Parker

Dylan Tingler

Abram –servant for montagues

Benvolio – The nephew of Lord Montague. Also Romeos’ friend.

Capulet – Juliet's’ family and the enemy of the Montagues.

Dagger – What Juliet killed herself with when she finds out Romeo killed himself.

Escalus - Prince of Verona

Friar Laurence – The person who marries Romeo and Juliet.

Gregory – He’s the servant of the Capulet's and provokes the Montague's into a fight.

Households – The two main families in the story, the Montague's and the Capulet’s.

Idolatry- Juliet says Romeo is her idol, she worshipped him like a god.

Juliet- daughter of Lord Capulet, Romeo’s wife.

Killing- Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo killed Tybalt.

Lady Capulet- wife of Lord Capulet

Montague- Romeo’s family and enemy of the Capulet's.

Nurse- She has cared for Juliet her entire life.

Obstacles- there are many obstacles in the way of Romeo and Juliet.

Paris- He was fixed to marry Juliet by her father.

Queen Mab- the queen of the fairies.

Romeo- son of Lord Montague, Juliet’s husband

Sampson- the other servant of Capulet that provokes the Montague’s into a fight.

Tybalt- Juliet’s cousin, who kills Mercutio, and in return is killed by Romeo.

Unworthy – the Nurse thinks Romeo is unworthy compared to Paris for Juliet’s hand in marriage.

Verona- a city in Italy where “Romeo and Juliet” takes place.

Woe- Juliet woes when she hears about Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s exile.

eXile- Romeo was exiled from Verona after he killed Tybalt.

Yearn – the Capulet's yearn over Tybalt’s death.

Zounds- slang for “God’s wounds.” Mercutio says that to Tybalt before they fight.