Rome Republic

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Rome Republic

The Government of Roman Republic

Ryan BezonaJuwan SabadoBeaver Lenhert

Government• All people elected to the government all had military training.

Senate• They serve for life

• They were not elected, you have to have been previously elected as an executive official.

Conflict of the Orders• Rome was reinventing itself as a republic

• It sought to expand its territory

• Grew through the Italian peninsula and beyond

• Romans citizens struggled against each other for civil rights

• Between the aristocratic ruling class of patricians and the large class plebieans

Consuls• Senate is two executive cheifs

• Served as commanders in chief of the military

• Were almost always patricians

Tribunes• Elected by small farmers and aristocrats.

• Well protected and held great power on behalf of plebeians.

Assembly of the Plebs• Presided over by tribunes

• Allowed expanded democracy by allowing plebians to elect certain offcials

• Try criminal cases involving plebians.

• Pass legislation

Censor • There are two censors

• They collected taxes and organized military duties.

• Relived the consuls of duty taking the censors.

Twelve Tables• Twelve laws that were written on a bronze tablet

• Made to avoid arbitrary decisions concerning the law