Rights guide Aletria Bologna 2016

Post on 28-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Rights guide Aletria Bologna 2016


Just between us? It is over that time when a child was seen as “an empty vessel” or “a blank page”. Publishing good children literature is consider children beings in formation, who possess, in all phases of their upbringing, the capacity to understand, contest, think, deduce, enjoy, hate, imagine! This is the purpose that Aletria has imposed to itself since the beginning of its activities in 2009: attract readers with books that propose symbolic and creative situations that bring reflection, learning and fun.

Besides that, there is the care of combining the excellence of the graphic project and the editorial quality to illustrations that provide the reader with an aesthetic experience of real value. The importance of preserving the subtleness of the dialogue between text and image has been, for us, a challenge that is reflected on the capacity of producing books that not only teach how to read but also how to see. And, of course, as a top priority, there is the careful choice of literary texts containing good stories.

In 2012 we opened an editorial segment focused on the qualification of educators and, in this segment, the book The Condemnation of Emília: the politically correct [ideas] in children literature received the “Highly Recommended” tag by FNLIJ (National Foundation of Books for Children and Young People – the Brazilian section of the International Board on Books for Young People – IBBY). From 2013 on, our focus has expanded to reach also the young reader. Cordel, comic books, mystery, memoirs, diaries and classics like Voltaire and Herman Melville are publications to the young audience.

Due to what was previously mentioned, our books have been pleasing readers of all ages, from kids to adults. For us, children literature is a serious business, a real literature, art and workmanship. Various titles of ours were awarded and selected by programs of the federal government and city halls around Brazil. Our catalogue includes Brazilian and foreign authors and illustrators, newcomers and renowned ones. We also invest in the digital publication of books in the main media available in the market, narrated in studio and with soundtrack, amplifying, therefore, the reader’s experience.



Author e illustrations Laerte


ISBN 978-85-61167-70-7 • pages: 36 • 20 x 26 cm • 1st edition 2015


Carol is not a boring little girl that is frightened by the fear of dirtying her pink dress in the puddle of mud of this world. Conscious of its child condition, she tries to compensate her lack of experience with an uncontrollable impetus of exploring, discovering and inventing, which has lacked to many people. In the brilliant Laerte’s comic strips, Carol stays over there in a place among Mafalda and Little Lulu, but with the advantage of not getting worried with the international news and having a lot of friends, because it does not matter for her if people are boys or girls.

ISBN 978-85-61167-04-2 • pages: 48 • 22 x 24 cm • 1st edition 2009


A bat, a frog, a lizard, a gecko. This book is not just about well-known creatures, it’s about other ones too. Ronaldo Simões Coelho discovers their details and similarities and writes about them, helping us see how they are similar in many ways to the world around us. Coelho writes in a poetic style such as that of the Woody Woodpecker stories that “tickles a giant treeand the locust that pretends to be a leaf.”The illustrations for this award-winning book are by Angela-Lago.

Jabuti Finalist 2010 • FNLIJ 2010 Award in the Poetry category • White

Ravens Catalog – Library of Munich – 2010 • 2nd place in the National Library Foundation’s 2010 awards, category: children’s books

Author Ronaldo Simões Coelho • illustrations Angela-Lago


Author Maria Inez do Espírito SantoIllustrations Anabella López

ISBN 978-85-61167-71-4Pages: 40 • 30 x 24 cm • 1st edition 2015

The stories that native peoples transmitted to us are a fundamental part of the identity of our people. In this book, they are retold by Maria Inez do Espírito Santo and they relate to disputes between creatures from the forest and to how, in immemorial times, sagacity can win brute force. The contact of native peoples with surrounding communities became some of these well-known stories, which Aletria now is proud to offer to young readers. Anabella López’s illustrations are pure art!

Brasília Prize for Literature 2014

ISBN 978-85-61167-56-1 • pages: 40 • 24,5 x 27 cm • 1st edition 2012


April is a girl with hole at the bottom of her heart. However, April is not only in pursuit of an explanation to this emptiness, which she thought she was the only one to possess. During her journey, she makes friends and discoveries, but her learning goes far beyond what she was looking for. A book about the infinite possibilities of love, encounter and solidarity. A sensitive theme, explored masterfully in the text of Mauro Martins, which perfectly dialogues with the illustrations by Marlette Menezes.

Author Mauro Martins • illustrations Marlette Menezes

Rafaela is one of those kids that, facing a big pregnant woman’s belly, do not hesitate to ask: how did he make it to the inside? In this funny story written by Ilan Brenman and illustrated by Vanessa Prezoto, a girl will find out, not before listening to the most dazzling hypothesis, how babies that get out of their mothers’ bellies are formed. A lovely book with the taste of children’s own discoveries.

Selection FNLIJ for Bologna’s Catalogue 2014

ISBN 978-85-61167-67-7 • pages: 32 • 25 x 25 cm • 1st edition 2015

HOW DID HE MAKE IT TO THE INSIDE?Author Ilan Brenman • illustrations Vanessa Prezoto

ISBN 978-85-61167-92-9 • pages: 36 • 22 x 24 cm • 1st edition 2016


In this book the texts and images combined present apparently eccentric and complex views in a subtle way, as a child’s look. The relation between the written narrative and the illustrated one is established as a game: while the text narrates an ordinary situation of the character’s life, the illustration reveals an eccentric side of the same character. Inspired by Edward Lear and Lewis Carrol works, Flies and Other Memories is an intriguing book, as children’s look to diverse realities they face.

Honorable Mention Award in João-de-Barro Prize 2015

Authors Eve Ferretti and Fabíola Werlang

Do you know any jokesters? They can be so funny and they can be called many things…you might even say: “What a character!” Some of these “characters” have children and these children might say: “My dad is a character.” And yours? Written by storyteller Rosana Mont’Alverne, this book is illustrated by Maurizio Manzo who found a very fun way for the reader to play around with the jokester father. Because, let’s be honest, everyone has one!

Selection FNLIJ for Bologna’s Catalogue 2012

ISBN 978-85-61167-31-8 • pages: 40 • 20,5 x 26,5 cm • 1st edition 2011

MY FATHER IS A CHARACTERAuthor Rosana Mont’Alverne • illustrations Maurizio Manzo

ISBN 978-85-61167-90-5 • pages: 48 • 17,5 X 25 cm • 1st edition 2016


In this book, Rodolfo Castro dive into the origin of fairy tales and makes his way to the Middle Age to recover classic tales like Sleeping Beauty (The matter of silence), Cinderella (Damned small foot) and Little Red Riding Hood (The wild lady). The tales are here in versions that seem to us “notes”, besides the fact that its composition intentionally unites variations that are not familiar to the public. The narratives regarding Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are a suitable contribution to expand the reader’s horizons, not only in relation to the fantastic world, but also related to magic realism. The book enhances its power with the sinister psychological images created by the prizewinner brazilian illustrator Alexandre Camanho.

Author Rodolfo Castro • illustrations Alexandre Camanho

Janaina’s fuxico brings, the way African griôts do, mythical narratives of religiosity of Afro-Bantu origin. Janaina represents aspects of the syncretism; she goes through imaginaries of several cultural traditions. The story of this book is a recreation based on the oral history of the Angola’s “saint people”, narrated by Tata Kajalacy, who is also known as Ataualpa de Figueiredo Neto. The reading of Janaina’s Fuxico allows us to get closer to a Brazil little known. Therefore, though it is recommended to children and young people, it will certainly arouse curiosity and attention on readers interested in Afro-Brazilian myths.

JANAINA’S FUXICOAuthors Janaína de Figueiredo e Tata Kajalacy Illustrations Paulica Santos

ISBN 978-85-61167-86-8 • pages: 40 • 20 x 28 cm • 1st edition 2015

ISBN 978-85-61167-78-3 • pages: 36 • 17,5 x 30 cm • 1st edition 2015


Get to know the story of this armadillo that dreamt of becoming a balloon. Determined, the armadillo climbed the mountains to the top every day and threw himself dreaming of becoming an armadillo-balloon. Will he be able to make his dream come true? This beautiful story about the right to dream is told in verses by the writer Sonia Barros. The poem gains more beauty with Simone Matias’ illustrations.

Author Sônia Barros • illustrations Simone Matias

What can a child do when she starts missing someone sincerely? A result of a close partnership between author and illustrator, The Boy Who Wanted to Become Wind proves that to transpose long distances between people that love each other is possible making good use of imagination and sensibility. The artist Luisa Helena Ribeiro illustrated and signed the creative graphic project, which offers a playful trip to young readers.

2 place in João-de-barro Prize 2012

ISBN 978-85-61167-57-8 • pages: 56 • 20 x 20 cm • 1st edition 2012

THE BOY WHO WANTED TO BECOME WIND Author Pedro Kalil • illustrations Luisa Helena Ribeiro

ISBN 978-85-61167-73-8 • pages: 44 • 20 x 28 cm • 1st edition 2014


Get to know the story of Salopão, a courageous and smart donkey, whose owner did not recognize his value. The sage of the donkey was weaved into cordel by the hands of a dramatist who was born in Pernambuco [a state in the Northeast of Brazil] and rooted in Belo Horizonte [a city in the Southeast of Brazil], Fernando Limoeiro. Action, conflict and strong dialogues in stanzas are features of this text that enables a stronger dramatic game in action and favor interpretation. Beyond the theatrical possibility, this cordel is a pleasing and fun literary experience. The artist Tales Bedeschi, from Minas Gerais [a state in the Southeast of Brazil] looked for inspiration in this traditional Northeastern art to create xylographs that illustrate the book.

Selection FNLIJ for Bologna’s Catalogue 2016

Author Fernando Limoeiro • illustrations Tales Bedeschi

Available in e-book

ISBN 978-85-61167-60-8 • pages: 40 • 20 x28 cm • 1st edition 2013


No one remembered the day when Jacinto narrated his first tale under that tree. On the neighborhood, rumors said that he had always been there. The older ones used to say that only the tales came before him and there were plenty of people to guarantee that the tree, the houses and everything else existed only because Jacinto narrated them. Everyone believed that his tales would be heard forever, but then one day… An enchanting book for children and young people, which adults will enjoy a lot. Written by the Argentinian author and storyteller Rodolfo Castro and illustrated by the renowned Mexican illustrator Enrique Torralba.

Author Rodolfo Castro • illustrations Enrique Torralba


Come learn the story of Zara, a cleaner of stars. As if this job weren’t magical enough, Zara’s best friend is a dog named Lurijo who has a special dream… to win the annual contest for the most beautiful Christmas tree in town. You’ll never guess what Zara does to help her friend Lurijo win. This is the debut work of Russian author and illustrator Nadia Heppell.

ISBN 978-85-61167-20-2 • pages: 32 • 20,5 x 28 cm • 1st edition 2011

Author and illustrations Nadia Heppell

ISBN 978-85-61167-72-1 • pages: 52 • 16 x 24 cm • 1st edition 2015


The cabbage seller was an object of constant suspicion. The neighbors used to say that she was a witch. Others suspected she had a disease that deformed her body, as she lived permanently covered from head to toe. The truth is that nobody knew the story of that cabbage seller, which is only revealed when her life changes radically. The reason for the change? A clue: this is a fairy tale, though we cannot call “prince” the character who… Well, now it is time for you to find out. The book is the debut of the spanish illustrator Raquel Díaz Reguera in the brazilian publishing market.

Author Claudia Nina • illustrations Raquel Díaz Reguera

FOREIGN RIGHTSJuliana Mont’Alverne Floresjuliana@aletria.com.brPhone: +55 31 99205 3585

ADDRESSAv. Afonso Pena, 748 • Salas 711, 712 e 713Belo Horizonte | MG • Brasil • 30130 904

PHONE +55 31 3296 7903 MORE ABOUT USeditora@aletria.com.br • aletria.com.br


