Richmond Sail and Power Squadron - · PDF fileRichmond Sail and Power Squadron The Bridge...

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Transcript of Richmond Sail and Power Squadron - · PDF fileRichmond Sail and Power Squadron The Bridge...

The Bullhorn 1

Next ExecutiveCommitteemeeting isMonday, April 10,2017. Contact theCommander aboutattending.

Richmond Sail and Power Squadron

The BridgeCommander:Robert Palmer, 794-2620

Educational OfficerLt/C Frank Timpano, 240-8591

Asst Educational OfficerLt. William 966-2998

Executive Officer:Lt/C Frederick Eddowes, 932-3139

SecretaryLt/C Mary Palmer, 794-2620

TreasurerLt/C Michael Silvay, 360-7756

Volume 57, Issue 1 Monthly Newsletter April 2017

Come for the Boating Education…Stay for the Friends ��

RUnited States Power Squadrons

Bob Palmer (L) is pledged in as the Commander byD/5 Executive Officer D/Lt/C C.M. Kohlenberg, P

The Bullhorn 2

Commander:Robert Palmer, SN13300 Lauren LaneMidlothian, VA

Just returned from the 2017 District5 Spring Conference at the PrincessRoyale Hotel in Ocean City, MD withreports of good news for Richmond.You may recall the District Rep forour Change of Watch was CMKohlenberg. He was elected andinstalled as the new D5 Commanderduring the Conference event whichwas held on Saturday, April 1.

Richmond had a good group of ourmembers participating, including theHospitality Suites on Friday nightwhere we “wowed” others attendingwith a unique game developed byJim Zeigler, blending air hockey withminiature golf skills as participantsshuttled disks around and through aseries of obstacles floating on ablanket of air set out as four legs.Scoring was determined by thenumber of tries needed to completeeach of the four legs. A finalwinning contestant was drawn byrandom pick from those with thelowest score. The ChiefCommander’s Rep (there to officiateat the District Change of Watch)was selected in the drawing to bethe winner of those efforts, and allwho participated had a veryenjoyable time.

Richmond’s judging of the BestHospitality Suite resulted inpresentation of the winning plaqueby us to the Annapolis and

Cambridge Squadrons. Overall,there were good interchanges ofexperiences and fun all around theatrium of the hotel’s pool deck.

During the Reports made onSaturday, Richmond was presentedwith several significant awards. AsCommander, I was called to acceptthem on behalf of the Squadron.Perhaps the greatest one was the2016 membership growth trophy (seepages 3 & 4) representing a 19.4%increase. This increase inmembership would not, or could nothave been achieved except for theconcentrated efforts of ourmembership in reaching out andconnecting with new members.

Also, there were District certificatespresented for excellence from ournewsletter (the Bullhorn) and for theRichmond website (see page 15).Congratulations to our Editor andWebmaster for their work with thosemeans of communicating.Continued on next page…

Since it was April Fool’s Day, I might have thought some tom-foolery couldhave been afoot but these all turned out to be real awards that are in ourpossession and will be displayed and formally presented at a convenient timeduring a future Squadron meeting. In addition, the Henry Sweet Trusteesawarded a new sextant to all 16 Squadrons which had submitted nominationsfor the Chapman Award. Thanks to our SEO, Frank Timpano for recognizingJim Zeigler, Richmond has received one to help with future celestial navigationtraining.

The final noteworthy entry for this article was obtaining details for the DistrictSummer Council to be held at Tidewater Yacht Marina and nearby lodging (inPortsmouth) on 27-30 July hosted by Nansemond River Power Squadron. Allthose interested were encouraged to promptly arrange for space at themarina. Additional details will be forthcoming. Plans are well underway forBoat Operator Certification certifications and for a Navigation Contest duringthe event. Please advise the Executive Officer or Commander if you areconsidering joining in the activities and fun in Portsmouth.

The Bullhorn 3

-Cdr, Bob Palmer

…continued from previous page

The Bullhorn 5

We are only a few weeks away from the firstBoater's Boot Camp scheduled for 20-21May, 2017, at Deltaville Yachting Center. Asecond session is scheduled for 17-18 Juneat the same location.  This year's program isfocused on presenting five topics importantto all boaters, experienced or not. Here isthe course summary that will be coveredduring the classroom session on Saturday,with on-the-water training the followingday.  Even if you've been boating for years,there are constantly new developments inelectronics, so even experienced boaters canlearn from this class.

1. Coastal Navigation: Today, electronicshave radically changed navigation, butunderstanding the basics helps you gainconfidence in your equipment and your ownskills. You will learn practical techniques toplan, navigate, and check your progress onthe water. You will develop situationalawareness skills using your eyes andnavigation tools to quickly point to yourposition on a chart, and be able to usebackup techniques when the electronicsbecome suspect.

2. Boat Handling Under Power: This seminarshows boaters how to depart and dockunder a variety of conditions as well as allabout trimming the boat underway. It comeswith a 6” x 8.5” color manual of the slideswith documentation suitable to be kept onthe boat or your bookshelf.

Educational OfficerLt/C Frank Timpano, SN16504 Estate LaneMontpelier, VA 240-8591

3. Anchoring: The knowledge gained in thissession will increase the student’sunderstanding of the conditions andsituations involved in anchoring a boat and theneed for a proper anchor choice.

4. Using DSC/VHF Radio: VHF radio is themainstay of coastal communication andessential for emergency communications. Thissegment explains basic VHF operation alongwith the operation of the new DSC radio,MMSI numbers, making emergency calls, andradio selection. Includes a VHF Quickguidehandy reference.

5. Weather and Forecasting: The safety andcomfort of those who venture out on the waterhave always been weather dependent. Thisseminar serves as an introduction to the basicsof weather and forecasting.

To register for this class, contact me directly.Squadron members pay only $100 for this classand will receive credit for 3 seminars. See thedetailed information included on page...

- Lt/C Frank Timpano, SN

Asst. Educational Officer1st Lt. Bill Simpson5618 Virginia Park DrProvidence Forge,

We spent the last weekend at District 5Spring Conference.  The Richmondinvolvement in the HospitalitySuites Competition was, as always, enjoyedand very much appreciated and our entrywas again the center of attention.

What was noticeable is that overallattendance across the District was downfrom last year. Richmond, on the otherhand, has experienced a great membershipincrease due to the efforts of the Boater’sBoot Camp activities. These boot camps area great start for building our Squadron’smembership up and now we need to helpthis along with other outside group activities.Two other activities we have are the VesselSafety Checks (VSC) and Coop-Charting.

Becoming a Vessel Safety Examiner (VSE)is an easy process but requires a little efforton your part. There is an “entrance exam”and a workshop to qualify you and then thefield work begins where you have theopportunity to meet the boating public andintroduce RSPS/USPS to them. Pleasecontact me if you are interested in taking partin this activity.

Coop-Charting is being revamped and thework of locating Geodetic Marks isapparently coming back as National andDistrict are working on the details toresurrect this once again. This has alwaysbeen a weekend fun activity. I’m sure therewill be more information on this later.

Over the next few months let’s put our headstogether to expand in other areas in yourSquadron.  Maybe it is simple fellowship butit is certainly fun and having fun together sogive it some thought and send me yourideas. After all, we are America’s BoatingClub.

The Bullhorn 6

Executive Officer:Lt/C Frederick Eddowes, AP11521 Doronhurst DriveProvidence Forge, 932-3139

SecretaryLt/C Mary H. Palmer, P13300 Lauren LnMidlothian, VA 23114R2pmhp@mindspring.com804-794-2620

-Lt/C Fred Eddowes -Lt/C Michael Silvay

- Lt/C Mary Palmer

            Welcome to our newyear of Richmond Sail & PowerSquadron.  Thanks to all whocame to our General meetingon Feb. 27 so we could acceptthe slate of officers andcommittees.  We had a lovely

time together at theChange of Watch.Several of ourmembers who travel towarmer places in thewinter attended.  Sonice to have you

home.            We currently have 189 members, but thanksto Jim Zeigler’s class we have 5 new members and2 with additional family joining.  Let’s support thesemembers, I’ll send out their names later.            If you wish to get our new roster by email,let us know.  It turned out very nice, thanks BobPalmer.  If any of you find errors, please let us knowright away so we can send out changes.

TreasurerLt/C Michael Silvay, P5233 Cobblers Stone CtGlen Allen, VA 360-7756

Details of the Squadron'sbudget and financialstatus are available fromthe Treasurer or anyBridge Officer. You maycontact us directly or

catch us at one of themeetings and we'll behappy to share thefinancial statements.We are currentlyrunning on a "break-even" basis for

Squadron events. We maintain areasonable balance in the checkingaccount and have a savings account aswell. All expenditures require approval ofthe Executive Committee and two officer'ssignatures.

The Bullhorn 7

It is with great sadness that I tell you of one of our squadron familymembers has died.

Janice Baker, widow of Malcolm Baker, died this past week.  Janice hadbeen a resident of Lakewood Manor for several years.  She recentlytransferred from independent living into Assisted Living and from thereinto the special care unit of the Rose Building.

Janice and Malcolm were longtime members of the Richmond Sail andPower Squadron and the Nautigals.  Malcolm was one of the firstmembers of the famous Sail Committee.  Their sailboat, the

and later their power boat could be counted on to be atevery squadron event and to welcome aboard any members who werejust walking the docks.  The made one trip tothe Bahamas and later a trip to Bermuda.  With this experience, Malcolmthen taught the Cruise Planning course.  Janice was always ready to lenda hand to whatever task needed to be done, either on land or on thewater.

A memorial service will beheld for Janice in the Simms Chapel ofLakewood Manor at 10:30 A.M. on Monday, April 17th.

It is with many fond memories that we say farewell to another memberof the Richmond Sail and Power Squadron family who has crossed thebar.

Lt Irene Kent Chamberlin, PChaplain

The Bullhorn 8

April10 - Executive Committee Meeting24 - Squadron Meeting - Location TBD

May6 - NOAA Coop Charting Workshop13 - Shakedown and Land Cruise20-21 - Boater’s Boot Camp #1

June10 - Norfolk Harborfest12 - Executive Committee Meeting17-18 - Boater’s Boot Camp #2

Calendar of Events

Richmond Sail & Power Squadron OrganizationBRIDGECommander Robert PalmerExecutive Officer Fred EddowesEducational Officer Frank TimpanoAsst. Educational Officer Bill SimpsonAdministrative OfficerSecretary Mary PalmerTreasurer Michael Silvay

Chaplin Irene Chamberlin

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEBridge OfficersAnita Hall – Member At Large


AUDIT WEBMASTERSusan Wright John EtheridgeDave TeetsDallas Wampler

NOMINATING “the Bullhorn” EDITORJames Ziegler Ernie BurnettDave Teets

RULESF. Richards RoopBetty EddowesJames A. Hall

The Bullhorn 9

From the Change of Watch

Mary Palmer - Member of the Year! 2017 Bridge Members taking the Pledge

(Thanks to Rebecca Silvay for the CoW photos.)

The Bullhorn 10


JJJJJoooooyyyyyce & Georce & Georce & Georce & Georce & Georgggg 8/16geeeee

Compliments of

Ginger & DaveGinger & Dave2/16

Anita & JimAnita & Jim

Ernie & Kathy2/16

Compliments of

Compliments ofGlamour Gal

Glamour Gal

Mag and Harlele6/16


SummerSummerSummer Wings

Anne & Jerry

TTThe "Rhe "RV"V"V"

MarMarMarMarMary & Sandy & Sandy & Sandy & Sandy & Sandyyyyy6/16


Captain's Choice

MarMarMary & Boby & Bob

Wright Stuff

Susan & J.T.T.T..... 4/16

Buoy Scout

Susie & Frrrankankankankank6/16

Compliments of

Transom Ads

Transom Ad Order Form Yes! I want to support the Squadron Publication with a donation of $15.00

Transom Ad Information

Boat Name:______________________________________________

Or, Select "Compliments of" format:_______

Check one: ____Power ____Sail ______RV _____emailing photo

Member's name(s) to show (format is usually "Jane & John" for example)


Make check payable to RSPS and mail to:

Lt. Ernie Burnett, 3313 Fox Chase Dr, Midlothian, VA 23112


(NOTE: All Transom Ads expire in March.)

This year for our Transom ads I’m going to try something new and that is to use a photo,supplied by you, in place of the graphic if you wish. Not all photos may suitable but I’ll try.

Please see the sample below.



The Bullhorn 11

Below is a sample of a redesigned life jacket label that is in the process of beingapproved by the Coast Guard and may start showing up in the near future.

The final design has not yet been fully approved.

Richmond Sail and Power SquadronA Unit of United States Power Squadrons R

Boater's Boot Camps@ Deltaville Yachting CenterTwo Sessions: May 20/21 & June 17/18

Course Summary

1. Coastal Navigation: Today, electronics have radicallychanged navigation, but understanding the basics helps yougain confidence in your equipment and your own skills. Youwill learn practical techniques to plan, navigate, and checkyour progress on the water. You will develop situationalawareness skills using your eyes and navigation tools toquickly point to your position on a chart, and be able to usebackup techniques when the electronics become suspect.

2. Boat Handling Under Power: This seminar showsboaters how to depart and dock under a variety ofconditions as well as all about trimming the boat underway.It comes with a 6” x 8.5” color manual of the slides withdocumentation suitable to be kept on the boat or yourbookshelf.

3. Anchoring: The knowledge gained in this session willincrease the student’s understanding of the conditions andsituations involved in anchoring a boat and the need for aproper anchor choice.

4. Using DSC/VHF Radio: VHF radio is the mainstay ofcoastal communication and essential for emergencycommunications. This segment explains basic VHFoperation along with the operation of the new DSC radio,MMSI numbers, making emergency calls, and radioselection. Includes a VHF Quickguide handy reference

5. Weather and Forecasting: The safety and comfort ofthose who venture out on the water have always beenweather dependent. This seminar serves as an introductionto the basics of weather and forecasting.6. Software CDs with Nautical Charting software andChesapeake Bay and Mid Atlantic area NOAA raster chartsPLUS a DSC/VHF radio simulator.

7. On The Water Hands-On Training:  The second day ofthe course is held on a boat captained by an experiencedPower Squadron instructor where the first day's classroomtraining will be practiced and reinforced.

8. Weekend Navigator Textbook: The Weekend Navigatoris a 280 page book that teaches you simple boat navigationusing GPS and electronics. Learn to navigate if your GPSquits, and get the full picture with your RADAR and depthsounder. Learn how to use both paper and digital charts withthis comprehensive guide to electronic navigation.

9. Full year’s family membership in United StatesPower Squadrons!

Cost for this two-day intensive hands-on training program is$200 per student.* Space is limited and seats are reservedon a first come first served basis.

Electronic Navigation and OnTheWater Boat Operation Training

To get more information or pre-register for this course, send an email with your contact information to information and a registration form will be emailed back to you. A deposit of $100 will be required at time ofregistration with the balance due at the time of the training program. Visit for more information aboutRichmond Sail and Power Squadron.

Expanded and ImprovedCourse for 2017!Two Full Days!

Email for more information or to register.

Updated Program for 2017!

*Couples that register and attend the course together and share classroom materials will pay only the singlestudent price of $200 for the two-day class.

Course SummaryThis two-day intensive training course covers the essentials of recreational boating—from planning and navigating a cruiseto using onboard electronics including chartplotters, radar, AIS and DSC VHF radios.  This program includes one full dayof interactive classroom instruction (starting at 9:00 am) followed by a second day of on-the-water training (starting 9:00am at a local marina) by experienced boaters who are members of the United States Power Squadrons, the largest andmost widely respected boater training organization.

The Boater’s Boot Camp program will focus on electronic navigation topics including the use of a computer for planningtrips, basics of GPS positioning systems, use of chartplotters, radar and AIS systems.  You will learn how to plan a cruise,identify and enter waypoints, build a route in your chartplotter, navigate a boat following a route, adjusting routes duringthe course of a trip,  and using chartplotter functions to improve the safety of your trip.

The basics of RADAR operation, MARPA and collision avoidance will be covered, as well as the use and benefits of AISreceivers and transceivers.  Students will get hands-on experience operating all of these devices and more.  Theinstallation of DSC/VHF Radios has become commonplace, but many boaters don’t understand how to use the DSCfunctions. In this class, you will use a demonstrator unit in the classroom to place and receive calls, then, aboard atrainer’s boat, practice using the DSC radio functions—both for placing calls as well as for sending and receiving positionrequests.  The DSC/VHF radio is an essential safety tool for every boater, and familiarity with its operation is importantfor every boater.

Additional classroom topics will include on-board weather forecasting and navigation using portable electronics(smartphones, tablets).  Learning how to obtain and interpret weather information, identify dangerous weather, predictingstorm movements and risks can greatly improve your safety on the water.

Included  in  the course  fee  are  the  following  student materials1. Seminar materials handouts for each subject covered in the classroom.2. Maptech Chart Viewer software and Chesapeake Bay and Mid Atlantic area NOAA raster charts.3. Weekend Navigator Textbook. 280 pages,  Learn to navigate if your GPS quits, and get the full picture with your radarand depth sounder. Learn how to use both paper and digital charts with this comprehensive guide to electronic navigation.4. Full year’s family membership in United States Power Squadrons. Provides access to a wide array of additional trainingprograms including Seamanship and Piloting, Advanced Piloting, Engine Maintenance, Inland and Coastal NavigationCertification Programs, and over 50 other courses and seminars.  Membership in USPS provides access to dozens ofother discounts and benefits including BOAT/US and insurance discounts for members.  Visit USPS.ORG for all thedetails and benefits of membership.

Cost for this two-day intensive hands-on training program is $200 per student.*  Space is limited and seats are reserved ona first come first served basis.

*Couples that register and attend the course together and share classroom materials will pay only the single student priceof $200 for the two-day class.

To get more information or pre-register for this course, send an email with your contact information Additional information and a registration form will be emailed back to you. A deposit of$100 will be required at time of registration with the balance due at the time of the training program. for more information about Richmond Sail and Power Squadron.

Boater's Boot CampCoastal Navigation, Marine Electronics and

Hands-On Boat Operation TrainingA two-day (Saturday/Sunday) training program covering the essentials of electronic navigation, use of GPSand Chartplotters, DSC Radios, anchoring, boat handling and onboard weather forecasting. The second dayincludes one-on-one hands-on training aboard an instructor's boat, practicing the skills taught during theclassroom session. This class will increase your boating confidence and help you stay safe on the water.

Richmond Sail and Power Squadron

The Bullhorn 14

The Hospitality Suite UnderConstruction for the Spring Conf.

The Bullhorn 15The crew relaxing after getting set up. The finished product.

The Hospitality Suite UnderConstruction for the Spring Conf.

Squadron MemberAddress 1Address 2City, State, zip

Richmond Sail andPower Squadron

SecretaryLt/C Mary Palmer13300 Lauren Ln

Midlothian, VA 23114

We would like to recognize and thank our donors for their sponsorship of the Squadron's activities and mission.

For more information, visit our website at Bullhorn is published monthly by and for the members of Richmond Sail and Power Squadron. Copyright 2017. Noportion of this publication may be reprinted or reused without express written consent of the Editor. Contact the Editor,Lt Ernie Burnett, AP-IN at; 3313 Fox Chase Dr., Midlothian, VA 23112. (804)241-4170.

Next Squadronmeeting will beon April 24,2017 at7:00PM.The locationwill beannounced.

Pictures of the plaques awarded to the Bullhorn (L) and the RSPS Website as Distinctive Communicators.