Rich North and Poor South

Post on 25-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Rich North and Poor South

Rich North – Poor South

The North:

Consists of wealthy countries of the world such as those in North America and Europe.

Rich North – Poor South

The South:

Consists of the poor countries of the world, such as those in Africa and South America.

Almost 80% of the population live in the South yet they only use 14% of the world's wealth.

Contrasts between Ireland and Uganda

Ireland Uganda

Area (km2) 70,280 236,040

Child mortality (per 1000 live births) 6 140

Life expectancy(in years) 78 48

Birth rate (per 1000 of population) 14.6 47.4

Percentage of people with AIDS 0.3 4.1

Child mortality:

What is child mortality? (pg 217)

Child mortality rates are much higher in the South than in the North.

A child dies every three seconds in the third world because of the poverty and injustice.

Child mortality

One child in seven dies before the age of five.

Reasons for Child mortality:

Lack of clean water – many people do not have access to clean water and many children suffer and die from sickness.

Can you name one sickness caused by dirty water?

Reasons for child mortality:

Malnutrition – hundreds of millions of children in the third world don't have balanced diets. This weakens their resistance to disease. Poorly fed children are weak and often die from diseases like measles and whooping cough.

Reasons for child mortality:

No preventative medicines – no vaccinations against whooping cough and childhood diseases. They cannot afford medical treatment and most governments won't provide them for free.

Life expectancy:

Life expectancy rate is the average number of years which a newborn can be expected to live.

Life expectancy

Countries in North America and Western Europe all have average life expectancies of more than 75 years.

Africa is the continent where life expectancy is lowest. The average life expectancy rate in Africa is less than 60 years.

Factors of why life expectancy is longer in the North than in the


Life expectancy greater in the

North than South