Rich and Poor during Tudor times

Post on 27-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Rich and Poor during Tudor times

Rich and Poor in Tudor times

Rich Poor


Made of bricks, wooden frames

Had chimneys ,fireplaces ,glass windows

Huge houses Lots of rooms Lots of servants

Cottages Made of daub No servants Have 1 or 2 rooms No chimneys , fireplaces, or

glass windows

Food Venison (deer) Wild boar Swans

Vegetable Bean soup Sometimes rabbits

Clothes Made of: Silk and velvet

Had shabby clothes So less clothes


Enjoyed: Hunting Playing sports Archery Watching Plays

Enjoyed: Cock fighting Bear-baiting

Poor Tudors There were many kinds of poor people

People on the breadline

The "deserving poor",e.g. the very young, the very old, and disabled people

Sturdy rogues: vagabonds and people who moved about looking for work

Poor Tudors Poor Tudors life was harsh

Poor people had to work long hours but still couldn’t afford good houses to live or food to eat

Few of them could read and write

Peasants would often work in farmlands

The church would usually own the farmlands that the peasants worked on

Sometimes poor Tudors would work in the kitchens in palaces but some monarchs thought they were really dirty.

Poor Tudor children

poor children would have to work to earn money or help around the


Poor children didn’t go to school, because they had to work

When they worked to help around the house, they would do jobs such as spinning wool and collecting eggs

To earn money, they would do jobs such as baking bread or making shoes

Houses Poor people houses were like cottages

They were made of daub (mud and animal dung)

They had no servants They had one or two rooms There were no chimneys or fireplaces

There windows was a hole in the wall

They threw their rubbish in a bush

All they had for a toilet was a hole in the ground

Clothes There clothes were shabby

Some people made their own clothes out of poor materials such as wool

Lower class people were only allowed to wear wool, linen and sheepskin

Men wore a hose of wool and tunic

Women wore a dress of wool, apron, cloth bonnet and linen scarf

They had so less clothes

Clothes Working Women

Working women tended to wear shorter dresses than thewealthy. They also rolled up their sleeves when working.Their clothes were made out of wool.

Working Men

Working men wore loose fitting tunics and shirts made ofwoolen cloth. They also wore shirts that were made ofwool rather than silk or linen. They wore boots on their feet


Poor Tudor girls wore dark skirts, white blouses and bright coloured waist coats

Poor Tudor boys wore trousers pulled in at the shin, brightly coloured socks, a shirt and a waist coat

Shoes were made of leather. High shoes were fashionable for both men and women. The toes were squared off and there was braid decoration down the front


Poor people in Tudor times didn’t eat much food

They ate Vegetables and bean soup

Sometimes they catch rabbit or poach fish

If they went to market they would buy beef

Vegetable and bean soup


Poor people ate bread made out of rye or ground acorns

Sometimes they ate butter and egg

The poor people drank ale, cider or buttermilk.


Poor people enjoyed cock-fighting and bear baiting

Poor children played with wooden hoops and balls made out of pigs bladders


2 straw mattresses

1 table

1 chair

2 stools

6 trenchers

1 pig

1 woolen cloak

Rich Tudors

Rich people were Nobles, Bishops, Lords and Ladies

Merchants, Yeoman and craftsmen were quite rich too

They had good houses

They could read and write

They ate lots of meat

They wore clothes made of silk and velvet

HousesHuge houses

Rich people houses were made from bricks or wattle daub

Houses had chimneys , fireplaces and glass windows

There are lots of servants

They have lots of rooms

They had tapestries hung on the wall to keep out draughts

Clothes Tudor England is famous for

its beautiful and ornate clothing, particularly during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I

They wore clothes made of silk and velvet

The clothes of the wealthy were decorated with jewels and embroidered with gold thread

Middle class people like traders and craftsmen wore plainer versions of these outfits

Women ClothesHead dress

Corset - stiffened with wood

Gown - split at the front to reveal the kirtle. Sleeves were either sewn in or tied on

Kirtle - the main underskirt, coloured

at the front

Men Clothes


Doublet – tight-fitting jacket that was stuffed and then quilted


Breeches – tied at the knee with laces


Children Clothes Rich Tudor girls wore dresses that puffed out at the top of the


Boys wore girls clothes until they were nine. Then they could wear trousers that pulled in at the shin, a shirt and maybe a waist coat with gold embroidery

Children usually wore mini versions of their parents clothes

Tudor Jewellery

Both men and women wore jewellery

They wore rings, chains, earrings and decorated hats and belts in semi precious stones

Food The main part of each meal was meat. They ate: Beef Lamb Pork Poultry Rabbit Deer Goat Wildfowl

Rich people even ate swans!

Everyone, by law, ate fish, not meat, on Fridays and during Lent.


Until the 1580’s, vegetables and fruit were less popular. By the end of the century there were many more vegetable and fruit gardens, and many new varieties were available, but only for the rich

From Europe it came raspberries and gooseberries

From America came pepper, pumpkins and potatoes


The rich people at bread made from flour

The rich drank wine from France and Spain


The rich people enjoyed Hunting Playing Sports Archery Watching plays


3 beds

4 feather mattresses

6 oak chests

8 silver plates

2 tapestries

25 cows

20 barrels of wine

GlossaryCraftsmen: people like tailors and goldsmiths

Yeomen: farm owners

Breadline:1:a queue of people waiting for free food given out by a government agency or a charity organization

Merchants: A person who buys and sells commodities for profit , dealers

Deserving Poor: the very young, the very old, and disabled people

Vagabonds: Vagabonds are homeless people who traveled road begging or stealing

Monarch: a hereditary sovereign, as a king, queen, or emperor

The end

Presented by: Hams YasserClass 6A