Retailing Trade in India

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Retailing Trade in India


Presented byAswani Raj

There are many types of retailers in India.On the basis of classification is whether or not they have a fixed place of business. On this basis, there are two categories of retailers:1.Itinerant retailers and2. Fixed shop retailers

I t i n e r a n t r e t a i l e r s

itinerant retailers are traders who do not have a fixed place of business to operate from.

Types of Itinerant Retailers

1.Peddlers and hawkers

2.Market traders

3.Street traders (pavement vendors)

4.Cheap jacks


They are small producers or petty traders who carry the products on bicycle , a hand cart, or on their head.

Market traders open their shop on fixed days or dates.

Street traders (pavement vendors)

They are small retailers who commonly found at where huge population gathered

Cheap jacks

They are petty retailers who have independent shops of a temporary nature in a business locality.

Review Questions

1. What are the different types of retailing trade?2. What are the different types of Itinerant traders ?

AssignmentCollect paper cuttings on the types of Itinerant retailers