Research Proposal 2009(Final)

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Transcript of Research Proposal 2009(Final)


A. Basic Information

1. Research/Project TitleAssessment of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Programs of the Province: Bases for Intervention

2. Proponent & Institution Name Orley G. Fadriquel Designation Assistant Professor 1 Agency & Address Romblon State University, Odiongan, Romblon Tel & Fax Nos. (042) 567 5580, (042) 567 5588 E-mail

3. Implementing Agency/Agencies Lead Romblon State University Collaborating Agencies OMNC

4. Research/Project Components

a) Program Thrust: Environment b) Project Priority Area:

Waste Management and Utilizationc) Study

Assessment of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Programs of the Province: Bases for Intervention

5. Project Duration January –December 2010

6. Total Budget Requested200 Thousand Pesos

B. Technical Description

1. Rationale

Republic Act 9003 which was approved on January 26, 2001 is an act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds therefore, and for other purposes was enacted by the Senate and House of Representative of the Philippines in Congress assembled.

Section 2(e) of this Act states that it is hereby declared the policy of the State to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program which shall “retain primary enforcement and responsibility of solid waste management with local government units while establishing a cooperative effort among the national government, other local government units, non- government organizations, and the private sector”

Pursuant to Section 10 of RA 9003, LGUs shall be primarily responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of this Act within their respective jurisdictions. Segregation and collection of solid waste shall be conducted at the barangay level specifically for biodegradable, compostable and reusable wastes: Provided, that the collection of non-recyclable materials and special wastes shall be the responsibility of the municipality or city.

It is clearly stated that the local government units play a very important role in the implementation of the ecological solid waste management program of the government. To what extent and level thus this units have implemented the law is the main target of this study.

This study is designed to assess the extent and level of implementation of solid waste management program in the province and the result of this study will be the bases for determining possible interventions.

This study will be conducted in the seventeen municipalities in the Province of Romblon.

2. ObjectivesThe aim of this study is to assess the ecological solid waste

management program of the different municipalities in the province of Romblon.

Specifically, this study aims to:1. To determine the level of awareness of the Community of the

importance of ecological solid waste management;2. To determine the extent of implementation of RA 9003;3. To determine the LGU based initiatives that have been implemented in

support of the RA 9003.

3. Expected OutputTo come up with a comprehensive assessment report of the ecological

solid waste management programs of the province of Romblon and recommend/ identify possible interventions to the Local Government Unit.

4. Significance The results of the study will served as basis for the strategic planning

and prioritization which will be implemented in each of the municipalities in the provinces of Romblon. The data will help concerned local government units identify and prioritized programs that would address problems in the implementation of the solid waste management program.

Proper interventions can be formulated based on the findings of the study.

5. Review of Literature In an interview to Vice Mayor of Odiongan, Hon. Bricio D.Fajutrao, Jr.,

he stated that there really is a problem in the implementation of the solid waste management program in the municipality of Odiongan. He further stated that he cannot categorically say that ignorance of the law is the main reason, because he believes that most Odionganon are literate and are knowledgeable of the law nonetheless, solid waste disposal is a major concern of the municipality that needs to be addressed.

It was also revealed in several informal interviews with LGUs that even in other municipalities in the whole province there is no dumpsite neither a define program of solid waste management. Based on the record of the Provincial Environment and Resources and Natural Resources office, only 4 out of the 17 municipalities have identified and functional dumpsites.

In the report cited in entitled 'War On Waste' Program Of The City Of Tacurong: A Model for other LGU’s, the city of Tacurong was then under threat by the solid waste problem, and is since then in ceaseless search of ways in arming itself against this menace. In 1994, when the waste problem slowly took its toll upon the city, the local government acquired a 4-hectare land to be made as a waste disposal site.

However, it turned out that the disposal site was not the solution to the problem. From a narrow wasteland in 1994, the site has since then become a wide expanse of garbage dump emitting foul odors and fumes, and served as breeding places of disease-causing insects and vermin threatening the health of the nearby residents.

Upset by the haunting image of waste threatening the city, the LGU began thinking of novel ways to control it. When R.A. 9003 was enacted in 2000, its provisions became the focus-point of Tacurong City's agenda in waging anew its war against waste.

While the LGU was on the process of integrating ideas to formulate its long-term ESWM Plan, Eco Governance (a DENR program funded by USAID and provides technical help to LGUs vis-à-vis the ESWM program), came into the picture. The local government unit sought the help of EcoGov in April 2002 and after the signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on October 14, 2002, the LGU redirected its focus on ESWM.

The concerted efforts of EcoGov and LGU-Tacurong became so effectual that when the former conceptualized the 7-day solid waste assessment, a method of efficiently determining the waste generated by a locality, it never doubted to choose Tacurong to be their pilot area of implementation.

Basically, the long-term ESWM plan is anchored on the interpretation and analysis of the 7-day waste assessment. Currently, the city's ESWMB and the City ENRO are continuously stepping up the campaign against irresponsible waste disposal.

The LGU is envisioning a city not anymore disturbed by the waste menace but creates livelihood out of it. Through the concerted efforts of all sectors of society, with the help of EcoGov, the city's ESWM program can move all the way to full implementation and attain the ultimate objective of achieving excellence by way of effective and efficient solid waste management.

Ali, M. S. (Sept 2001), in her study entitled Assessment of Solid Waste Management Practices of Households: A Case Study of Two Selected Coastal Barangays of Catanauan Municipality, Quezon Province, Philipines, she stressed that two strategies have been advocated. One is waste minimization as a strategy to reduce the pressure of increased waste transportation and disposal. This transportation and management can be managed solely by the LGU. The other one is sharing of burden through joint management by the individuals, communities, NGOs and the municipality at household, community, and municipal level, respectively. In addition, information and education campaign was identified as the prime mover of changing the present concept of burning and future minimization of waste generation in both the poblacion and the rural barangays. It was also felt that the Barangay Captains should be involved to improve the community waste management at the household level, especially at the rural barangays.

Ozeler D, Yetiş U, Demirer GN. (Epub 2005 Nov 28) stated in their study that different solid waste management system scenarios were developed and compared for the Municipal Solid Waste Management System of Ankara by using the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The solid waste management methods considered in the scenarios were collection and transportation of wastes, source reduction, Material Recovery Facility (MRF)/Transfer Stations (TS), incineration, anaerobic digestion and landfilling. The goal of the study was to determine the most environmentally friendly option of MSWM system for Ankara. The functional unit of the study was the amount of solid waste generated in the system area of concern, which are the districts of Ankara. The life cycle inventory analysis was carried out by IWM Model-1. The inputs and outputs of each management stage were defined and the inventory emissions calculated by the model were classified in to impact categories; non-renewable energy sources exhausting potential, final solid waste as hazardous and non-hazardous, global warming, acidification, eutrophication and human toxicity. The impacts were quantified with the weighing factors of each category to develop the environmental profiles of each scenario. In most of the categories, Source Reduction Scenario was found to be the most feasible management method, except the global

warming category. The lowest contribution to GWP was calculated for the anaerobic digestion process. In the interpretation and improvement assessment stage, the results were further evaluated and recommendations were made to improve the current solid waste management system of Ankara.

6. Conceptual and/or Theoretical Framework of the StudyTo guide the team in the implementation of this project, the proponent

have formulated a framework which is schematically presented. The framework incapsulates the gaps/needs to be addressed, the desired intervention, the corresponding outcomes or results in different periods, i.e., short term, medium term, and the long term.

GAP/NEED Sucs’sIntervention




Poor implementation of Ecological Solid Waste Management Programs in different municipalities of Romblon

Assessment of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Programs of the Province

1. Determine the level of awareness of the Community of the importance of ecological solid waste management;

2. Determine the extent of implementation of RA 9003;

3. Determine the LGU based initiatives that have been implemented in support of the RA 9003.

Pertinent information and data on the level of implementation of solid waste management program of the different municipalities in the province of Romblon and identify possible interventions to the problems identified.


Recommend possible interventions that will facilitate the full implementation of Republic Act 9003.

Definition of Terms

Ecological solid waste management refers to the systematic administration of activities which provide for segregation at source, segregated transportation, storage, transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste and all other waste management activities which do not harm the environment.

Solid waste shall refer to all discarded household, commercial waste, non-hazardous institutional and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste, and other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste (RA 9003 Sec. 3 kk).

Solid waste management shall refer to the discipline associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and disposal of solid wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best principles of public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and other environmental considerations, and that is also responsive to public attitudes (RA 9003 Sec. 3 ll).

Solid waste management facility refer to any resource recovery system or component thereof; any system, program, or facility for resource conservation; any facility for the collection, source separation, storage, transportation, transfer, processing, treatment, or disposal of solid waste.

Assessment refers to evaluation and appraisal of the existing solid waste management programs.

Intervention refers to actions, and suggestions to be made by the proponent to enhance the implementation of the solid waste management program in each municipality.

Scope and Delimitations:

The research study will be conducted province wide.

It will further be delimited by selecting two (2) barangays in each municipality in the province. The study will be conducted from January 2010 to December, 2010.

In each barangay, Key Informants will be selected as respondents. The key informants in every barangay will be the following:

1. The Barangay Captain2. Three (3) Barangay Council3. Five (5) Household members4. One (1) Religious Leader or Civic Leader5. Two (2) Respected informal leaders in the community6. Five (5) Students

Two (2) Focused Group Discussions (FGD) will be conducted in each of the Municipalities. Participants to the FGD will be the following:

1. FGD 1 – The Vice Mayor with the Sangguniang Bayan2. FGD 2 – randomly selected sectoral representatives composed of

but not limited to members of civic or religious organization, cooperative, farmers, fishermen, women’s group or youth.

7. MethodologyThe research study will be conducted in the seventeen municipalities of

the Romblon province.In assessing the ecological solid waste management program in

each municipality in the province of Romblon, three methods will be used by the Survey Team. These are the following;

1. Key Informant Interview (KII) – using the questionnaire, the survey team members individually get the information needed from the pre-selected Key Informants. Key Informants are those who have extensive knowledge and experience on the topics, issues, or questions raised in the interview. The objective of the KII is to get first-hand information from very knowledgeable or experienced

individual who holds the key information about the topic/issues covered in the interview guide.

2. Focused Group Discussion (FGD) – this is a method of gathering or validating first-hand information data through a small group discussion focused on specific key questions. Number of FGD participants ranges from a minimum of 8 persons to a maximum of 15 persons. The discussion is led and managed by a qualified and experienced facilitator. A set of focused guide questions will be used by the facilitator Through the sharing and information on certain topics/issues is enriching and more comprehensive. Furthermore, the participatory process of the FGD could foster ownership and commitment of the participants to planning and implementation of projects. Personnel requirements of FGD are a Facilitator, and a Documentor.

3. Gathering of Secondary Data – Each Area Leader is expected to get a copy of the socio-economic profile of the target barangays and municipalities where he is assigned from either the Barangay Secretary, MPDC, MSWDO, or from other sources. Secondary data are usually written compilations of information and baseline data about a certain community, and are made as basis of future programs or courses of actions and decisions.

The Survey Team will be composed of the following:1. Over-All Coordinator

The over all coordinator oversees the survey from start to survey completion.

Specifically s/he is expected to:a. Come up with the over-all design of the area scanning/survey

projectb. Prepare the survey questionnaires (KII & FGD)c. Orient the Survey Team members of their responsibilities, Key

Result Areas or expected outputs, how to fill up the survey questionnaires, and the different preparations and procedures in the conduct of KIIs, FGDs and gathering of secondary data.

d. Supervise the conduct of consolidation work by the Assistant Coordinator

e. Document the collated profiles of the target municipalities.f. Present the general findings of the survey during strategic

planning2. Assistant Coordinator

The Assistant Coordinator has the following special tasks:a. Act as Administrative Officer for the Survey Project. Such as,

preparing and providing the materials needed in the conduct of the survey.

b. Cause the printing and reproduction of all survey kits and formsc. Monitor the actual conduct of survey and the consolidation of

survey results and the consolidation of survey results by each Area Team.

d. Collect and reproduce the consolidated survey resultse. Consolidate the data collated by the Area Team leaders

f. Submit the consolidated data to the Over-All Coordinator who will in turn write down the “Area Analysis Profile”

g. Extend invitation to the Heads of SUCs, LGUs, Research Council, etc.

3. Area Teams3.1 Team Leaders:

a. Plan out specific strategies in the conduct of survey in their respective areas

b. Conduct actual KII, FGD, and gathering secondary data in their area of responsibility

c. Act as facilitator of the FGDs conductedd. Consolidate the result of KIIs and FGDs in his area of

assignmente. Submit the filled-up KII and FGDs forms, and the consolidated

results to the Assistant Coordinator3.2 Team Members:

a. Conduct actual KII, FGD, and gathering of secondary data in their assigned area

b. Act as recorder during the FGDsc. Assist the Team Leader in the consolidation of data gathered.

Research Design and Data Collection Data Analysis Research Instrument Major Activities (Use a Gantt Chart)

Gantt Chart

Activities Month/Duration

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12Planning/ Coordination Meeting/ Staff Recruitment


Drafting/ Validation and pre-testing of questionnaire


Reconnaissance SurveyCoordination with LGU’s Municipal Barangay


Filed Survey Sta. Maria


Filed SurveyAlcantara


Filed SurveySibuyan Island


Filed SurveyCorcuera


Filed SurveyBanton


Filed SurveySimara


Filed SurveyRomblon


Filed SurveySan Agustin


Filed SurveyCalatrava


Filed SurveySan Andres


Filed SurveyLooc


Filed SurveyFerrol


Filed SurveyOdiongan


Consolidation of Data xInterpretation and Analysis of Data


Report Writing x

8. Budgetary Requirement

Maintenance and Operating Expenses Amount A) Other Services (40%):

1) Honoraria Study Leader (P 3,000 x 12 months) P 36 000.00 Project Mentor (P10,000 for 12 months) 10 000.00 Project Staff ((P1 000.00 X 10 months) 10 000.00

2) Contract LaborInterviewer’s Fees (Php40.00/ interviewee x 15

interviewee x 17 towns X2 brgy) 18 000.00

3) Encoder 6 000.00 B) Supplies and Materials

Printing, Reproduction, and ring bindingPrinting and Reproduction of KII & FGD QuestionnairesSupplies

Ballpen (12 pcs)Yellow Paper (5 pads)Brown Envelope

Funds for photo copying of secondary profile

1 000.001 000.001 000.00

4 000.00 C) Travel/ Food Expenses

Foods (Php250/interviewer/day x 34 interviewers x 3days)Snacks for FGDsTravel Expenses of the Research Team

25 000.0018 000.0045 000.00

D) Communication and Documentation 15 000.00Sub- Total P 180 000.00

Administrative Cost (5%) 10 000.00TOTAL P 200 000.00

9. Bibliography/Literature Cited

Ali, M.S. (2001). Assessment Of Solid Waste Management Practices Of Households: A Case Study Of Two Selected Coastal Barangays Of Catanauan Municipality, Quezon Province, Philipines

CHED UPLB ZRS Research Thrusts and Priority Areas

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 9003

Ozeler, D., Yetis, U., Demirer GN.(Epub Nov. 28, 2005). Life Cycle Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Management Methods: Analysis of Case Study.

Personal Interview with the Hon. Bricio D. Fajutnao, Jr., Vice Mayor of Odiongan, Romblon on October 18, 2009.

'War On Waste' Program Of The City Of Tacurong: A Model For Other LGU’s, A report submitted by RD Hadja Sittie Mariam (Ma. Lourdes) D Lim in, posted on February 8, 2006.

C. Attachments

Attachment 1LOGFRAME

Research Project Title: Assessment of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Programs of the Province: Bases for Intervention

Project Duration : 12 months Monitoring ZRC : CHED UPLB Project Proponent : Orley G. Fadriquel Proposed Budget: P 200,000.00

Narrative Summary Verifiable Indicators Means of Verification

Important Assumption





Prepared and Submitted by:(to be filled out by the Project Leader)

Reviewed and Endorsed by:

SignaturePrinted Name ENRICO P. SUPANGCODate Submitted CHED-UPLB ZRC Director

Attachment 2

WORK PLAN (Major Activities and Milestones/Outputs)

Research Project Title: __________________________________________________Name of HEI : __________________________________________________Period Covered : __________________________Total Project Cost : __________________________

Activities Outputs/Deliverables Due date



Prepared and Submitted by:(to be filled out by the Project Leader)

Reviewed and Endorsed by:

SignaturePrinted Name ENRICO P. SUPANGCODate Submitted CHED-UPLB ZRC Director

Attachment 3


Line Item BudgetMonth 1 – Month 12 (Year)

Title of the StudyCHED-UPLB ZRC

Maintenance and Operating Expenses Amount A) Other Services (40%):

4) Honoraria Study Leader (P 3,000 x 12 months) Mentor (P10,000 for 12 months)

5) Contract Labor B) Supplies and Materials (please itemize needed supplies and materials) C) Travel D) Communication

Sub- Total Administrative Cost (10%)

TOTAL Attachment 4

PROFILE OF THE PROPONENTS(maximum of 2 pages)

1. Name:

2. Current Position:

3. Institution:

4. Educational Attainment

Name of School/UniversityDegree(s) Obtained & Area(s) of



5. Research Conducted (last 5 years)

6. Recent Publications

GIA Form 1- SDTR


Program / Project Title :

Name of the Lead Institution :

Name of the Project Leader :

Name of Cooperating /Network Institution(s) :

Period Covered (in months) :

Total Project Cost :

Tranche Release

Amount Deliverables / Outputs

70% 70% of the approved budget will be released upon complete submission of the following:

Research Proposal LogframeWorkplan Financial PlanProfile of the ProponentGIA Form 1 – TORGIA Form 2 - SDTR

20% 20% of the approved budget will be released upon complete submission of the following:

Full Research ReportPublishable Version (Technical Write-up)Feature/Popular articleStatus of Funds

10% 10% of the approved budget will be released upon complete submission of the following:

6 copies of Edited Final Research ReportEdited/Final Publishable PaperAudited Financial Report

Prepared and Submitted by:(to be filled out by the Project Leader)

Reviewed and Endorsed by:

SignaturePrinted Name ENRICO P. SUPANGCODate Submitted CHED-UPLB ZRC Director

GIA Form 2- TOR


Research Project Title

Implementing Institution

Cooperating/ NetworkInstitution(s):

Name of Project Leader

Project Duration 12 months



Research Method (Sampling, Research Design and Data Treatment)


Prepared and Submitted by:(to be filled out by the Project Leader)

Reviewed and Endorsed by:

SignaturePrinted Name ENRICO P. SUPANGCODate Submitted CHED-UPLB ZRC Director

GIA Form 2- TORGantt Chart


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Personnel Requirements/ Team CompositionThe Research team may include

1. Study Leader: 2. Member(s): 3. Technical/ Support Staff: Name, Designation and Status

Modus Operandi (Including delineation of assignments, coordination/ networking arrangements)Activity Person Involved/

InstitutionResponsibility Duration of

Involvement/ Time Frame

Prepared and Submitted by:(to be filled out by the Project Leader)

Reviewed and Endorsed by:

SignaturePrinted Name ENRICO P. SUPANGCODate Submitted CHED-UPLB ZRC Director

Project Design Matrix (Logframe)

The Project Design is an elaboration of the project concept presented in matrix format. It is usually a one-page summary of the proposed project; a plan document that gives the over-all picture of the whole project strategy because it answers the basic questions about the proposed project. It has four (4) columns and fifteen (15) cells where corresponding entries (information) are entered. The cells in the Matrix are the spaces where entries are placed. The entries are exclusive to a particular cell but should logically be related to the whole Matrix.

The Goal is also the core objective of the project. It answers the question on why the project is done. It is usually stated too broadly that it cannot be focused on a particular target group(s). It is sometimes referred to as the developmental goal of a project, which is nothing, but the benefits expected by the target groups from actively participating or getting involved in the project.

The Project Purpose –refers to the new conditions or qualities achieved when the target groups adopt or utilize the project outputs. It is what the project hopes the target groups will do with the project outputs. The attainment of the Project Purpose should substantially contribute toward reaching the GOAL. It is in the project purpose where the target beneficiaries or group(s) of the project is specified.

Outputs or Results are usually numbered for quick and easy reference in relation to its respective set of results or goods and services the project has to produce and offer to the target group(s) – in short what will entice the target group(s) to join the project.

Activities are the primary means of the project to achieve its higher-level objectives. They are measures or tasks carried-out by the project to obtain or produce the outputs or results. They are formulated as statements of definite, specific and exclusive actions. They are formulated as statements of definite, specific and exclusive actions and are numbered with reference to the Outputs/Results. It is important for all the major activities in each Output/Result to be included in the list because they will also be used in identifying the (external) risks to be involved.

Verifiable Indicators are information on how the success of the project is measured or assessed, They are the performance/success barometers.

Means of Verification (MOV) are the proof that success is present. It guides one to know where to find the success indicators.

Assumptions are the factors/conditions believed to be crucial to the success of the project but are external to it. They are also known as the risks and frame conditions. The Assumption cell space at the GOAL Level is always blank

lpgarcia:Oct. 27, 2008