Research of poses

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Research of poses


•The pose of Matt Bellamy shows direct mode of address as the artist is looking directly at the camera/audience making them more inclined to purchasing the magazine.

•The artist is wearing a similar colour to the background of the magazine. Although it is till visible it doesn’t really draw the audience in. Therefore when it comes to making my magazine I would have the artist wearing a different colour to the background so the audience can see a contrast between the two colours

•The body language of the artist does not shout inviting which I would say works very well for a rock magazine creating a mysterious yet intriguing atmosphere. I would want to incorporate this mood to my magazine. I may also use a similar pose for my magazine.

•The shot that was used is a medium shot as we can see the model from the waste up. The angle that this shot was taken from seem to be a low angle shot as it the model looks more grotesque and dominant with this angle shot.

•The fact that his hands are crossed around his wasted could emphasise his superiority and it gives a sense that the reader has to be cool enough to read the magazine.

•The make up of Lorde is dark and mysterious which adds to the rock ethic of this magazine.

•The artist is also making direct eye contact with the lens as the artist is looking directly at the camera/audience making them more inclined to purchasing the magazine

•Also the costume of the artist really contrasts with the white background creating a clear focal point to the model. Therefore when you look at the magazine you straight away see the model then you notice everything else that it around it. I would like to have this impact on my magazine.

•The shot that is used is a medium-long shot as we can see below the models waste. And the angle this shot appears to be taken from is a low angle shot making the model appear taller than usual. This also adds to the dark, mystique element of the magazine as we can see the models all black outfit.

•The pose of the artist looks very simple yet casual. This also adds to the laid back approach of magazine and for that reason is can reach a wide target audience. The pose and costume (blazer) is also very masculine as she is slouching with both hands in her pocket. This shows superior/ confident she feel.

• straight away we are drawn to the band ‘Kings of Leon’ which is the main focal point of the magazine as they look like they're about to emerge from the magazine.

•The pose of the band is also linked to the Headline. And the pose itself is very well thought out as it does in fact look like the band are breaking through the class and that draws you and makes you so intrigued to find out more. However I wouldn’t used this pose for my music magazine as it I would like to go for the more simplistic approach .

•Another thing that the models are doing is looking directly at the lens/audience which makes it look like the audience have some kind of relationship with the band.

•I would not dress the models in clothes that are similar to the back ground as I would want my model to contrast with the background creating a clearer focal point. However the fact that they’re all wearing similar colours could represent the bands unity

•The dark colours also represent the type of music that is produced by the band.