RESEARCH NOTES 2014 MRS. ALLEN. PLAGIARISM What is plagiarism? an act or instance of using or...

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Transcript of RESEARCH NOTES 2014 MRS. ALLEN. PLAGIARISM What is plagiarism? an act or instance of using or...



PLAGIARISM• What is plagiarism?• an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and

thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author

If you have plagiarized, you will receive a Zero and a write up to the office.

This is very serious and even more so at the high school and college level!


• 12 pt font • Times New Roman• Double Spaced• 1 inch margins…I can tell when you mess with



• Must have one• Intro should be 6-7 sentences and include background

information; no 1st/2nd person pronouns• Conclusion 4-5 sentences-no new information should be

included in a conclusion.

We all know Native Americans, such as the Creeks and the Cherokee Indians, were here before basically anyone else, but do we really know who they were and why what they created here in Georgia? The Ocmulgee National Monument has been inhabited by Natives for an extremely long time, and they had high influence on what it is today. The Trail Of Tears is very important to the Cherokee Indian Culture, because of the pain and suffering it caused. The Etowah Mounds are a famous Archeological site, due to the abundance of Etowah artifacts. Needless to say, these two Native American Cultures had big influence on many areas in Georgia such as the Ocmulgee National Monument, the Trail of Tears, and the Etowah Mounds.

So as you can see, the Native Americans were more than just the first people to inhabit this land. They were an interesting culture of their own beliefs, their own traditions, and many mysteries yet to be solved. They built mounds and influenced our society in many ways. would we know how to weave a basket if they hadn’t figured it out? They were misunderstood and thought of as minors, so we kicked them off the land they, and their ancestors knew like the back of their hand, to grow cotton.


• I am going to tell you…• Now that you have learned…• The purpose of this paper is…• I hope you enjoyed this essay…

Ok, here's the scenario, you are in the 1950's and you just moved into Atlanta, and everywhere you go, there is segregation. why? Every corner you take, you are getting shoved around, tripped, yelled at. When did this horrible segregation go away? I’ll tell you exactly how.


Last Name 1


• Alphabetical order. • Double spaced• 2nd line indented

INTERNAL CITATIONS• A source with an author always takes precedence over a

title! Punctuation always goes after citation.• Book= (Allen 15). or (The Wave 45).• Encyclopedia= (Allen 15). or (“Turtles” 45).• Web Article= (Townsend). or (“The Civil Rights

Movement”). or (“The Civil Rights Movement in…”).• Multiple citations in a sentence= (Townsend 45; “Turtles”).


• Common sense• You do not need to give sources for familiar proverbs• well-known quotations • common knowledge.


Behind Coca-Cola is a huge and fascinating history. Coca cola was invented in 1886, Atlanta, Ga. It was created by a curios man named John Pemberton who was desperate at the time. Usually, everything he made failed in pharmacies. According to an article online, Jeff Martin states, “He invented many drugs, but none of them ever made any money”, (“Coca-Cola The History of an American Icon”). Around the same time, soda fountain drinks were becoming popular. This gave Pemberton the idea to try inventing something new. To the surprise of himself and others, he was one day stirring up a fragrant, caramel-colored liquid and combined it with carbonated water. He succeeded and soon wanted to take this new invention to the selling industry. This is where his bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, part came in. He registered Coca-Cola's formula with the patent office, and he designed the logo. He also wrote the slogan, "The Pause That Refreshes." Soon after his invention, Pemberton died. A man named Asa Griggs Candler fortunately rescued the coca cola business. He did everything needed to make it a successful business.

The Etowah Indian mounds are rich in the history of the culture, how they were built, and the artifact let behind from the tribes. The mounds were home to Native Americans from 1000 A.D. to 1550 A.D and the 54-acre site contains three main focus mounds. ‘’These Indian mounds were built between 950 A.D. and 1450 A.D. although major construction didn’t truly begin until around A.D. 1250.’’ The Etowah Mounds are known home to the Mississippian Culture and the Cherokee tribe as well. The Etowah Indian Mounds are known for such a way of living as the Native Americans. Artifacts show how natives of this political and religious center decorated themselves with many different materials to create such artwork. Surrounding artifacts revealed much about the people who lived here and objects made of wood, seashells and stone were also found. Hand-carved stone effigies weighing hundreds of pounds still are known are outstanding artwork. The 63-foot earthen knoll was likely used as a platform for the home of the priest-chief and in another mound, nobility were buried in elaborate costumes accompanied by items that the culture would need in their after-lives.

***You must introduce the quote in the sentence; for example:•Harriet Tubman once said, “You’ll be free

or die a slave”(“The Life of Harriet Tubman”).


• This MUST control the paper!• All topic sentences must correlate with the

ideas in your thesis.• You can have as many ideas as you need in your

thesis; however, four would be appropriate.


• You must use commas after dates and city and states when the sentence continues!• Ex: Kate was born on October 2, 2013, on a cool and sunny

day.• Kate was born in Kennesaw, Georgia, at Kennestone



• Do not use numbers at the beginning of a sentence.- 5% of the population uses a beeper.- Five percent of the population uses a beeper..• Write out years in numbers…October 31, 2014…I get you

want to take up space, but no!• Write out numbers less than 20.


There is a lot of wildlife living in Amicalola Falls. There are different kinds of trees, birds, and lots more. In the beginning of spring and to the end of summer , you can find beautiful wild flowers growing in many places. Flowers such as Dogwood, Mountain laurel, rhododendron grow there. Hiking down the trails of amicalola you can find Dogwood, White Oak, Chesnut Oak, Maple , and Hickory trees. In my opinion Dogwood trees are the prettiest. In the fall time the whole forest gets filled with beautiful autumn colors. Squirrels, white-tailed deer, rabbits, raccoons, and bears are all mammals you can find there. Very rarely you will see a bear. Walking through the trees on a trail you might see a warbler swoop over you head. Warblers usually like to live around streams. There are many colors they could have. They could have yellow, orangish yellow, blue, or a greenish brownish color. They have short pointy bills so its easier for them to pick up incects and long tails. Another bird you can see is a wren. Wrens live in the trees of forests and eat berries, seeds, and sometimes insects. They have flat heads with a curved beak, and short beaks and also along tail.


• Lol, etc, Etc. AKA•World War II (WWII)• U.S.•%• Things, stuff• Don’t put information in ( )


•Can’t=Cannot•Won’t=would not•Shouldn’t=should not