Research Into editing

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Research Into editing

Research Into EditingGeorgia Neal

Fast Cutting It can be used to convey a lot of information very quickly, or to imply either energy

or chaos. Fast cutting is also frequently used when shooting dialogue between two

or more characters, changing the viewer's perspective to either focus on the

reaction of another character's dialog, or to bring to attention the non-verbal actions

of the speaking character.

We decided to use some aspects of fast cutting within our short film, as we wanted

the audience to feel the panic that Charlotte was feeling and her nerves before her

first date. As well as this, we thought fast cutting would give us a more professional

result when charlotte and her mother are having the conversation in the car, to

make it seem more realistic, and is originally used for conversations between

people, to change the point of view.

Colour Correction Colour grading is the process of altering and enhancing the color of a

motion picture, video image, or still image either electronically, photo

chemically or digitally.

We decided to use Colour grading/ Colour correction within our short film

as we felt it would give our short film more of a style and will add to the

mystery drama genre we were trying to create. We decided to put a blue

Colour tone over our video footage, this gave it a mysterious feel, and

conformed to the mystery genre conventions within our film.

Match On Action Is an editing technique for continuity editing in which one shot cuts to

another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot.

We decided to include match in action as an editing technique in our short

film, as it makes the video footage, and a film as a whole run smoother,

and gave us a more professional result. As well as this, it enabled us to

show actions within the film, saving time and not letting the audience get

bored watching the film drag on, with un useful footage included within it.

Jump Cuts A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the

same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly.

We decided to use Jump cuts within our short film, as we wanted to show

the film and the footage going forward in time, without skipping the

storyline so much, that the audience don’t know what to do. As well as

this, it stops the audience getting bored, and reduces the length of our
