Research: Foundational Skills and Inquiry

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Research: Foundational Skills and Inquiry. English I: Winter 2014. Research Assignment. Project Details. Goals: Foundational skills in research Inquiry project (similar to senior project—smaller scale) T opic of your choice P ose important questions—broad and narrow - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Research: Foundational Skills and Inquiry

Research: Foundational Skills and Inquiry

English I: Winter 2014

Research Assignment

Project DetailsGoals: Foundational skills in research Inquiry project (similar to senior project—smaller scale) Topic of your choice Pose important questions—broad and narrow Seek credible information

Product:Present 2-4 min PowerPoint due Mon/Tues Feb 3-4

Homework for this unit is to work on project!

Possible Project Topics Airport Security Animal Rights Bullying Censorship Child Soldiers Drug Abuse Education Food Holocaust Immigration

Military Parenting Privacy Racism/ Bias Social Justice Steroids Technology Terrorism Vaccines Wages

Important Vocabulary

What is research?Research is…diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications,

Activating QuestionWhat do the words primary

and secondary mean? In what contexts have you

encountered these words?

What vocabulary do I need to know?

Credibility Evaluation of Sources Sources

• Primary• Secondary


Definition: The quality of being believable or worthy of trust

Evaluation of SourcesWith so much available

information, students must decipher what is credible and

useful for their purposes.• Where to look• What to look for• What to accept

Evaluation Questions: General Does the author have expertise to

write on the topic? Is the information in this source up-to-

date? Does the publisher affect the

information? What do reviewers say about the

source? Is the source appropriate for your


Evaluation Questions: Internet Who is the owner of the site—the producer of the

content? Does that owner have anything to gain from you using the site?• advertising links• potential purchase

Is the information consistent with book sources? Is there a prejudice or bias that is readily apparent?

• advocacy or hate group

Does the site have a professional, reputable appearance? (Note: Many websites are software now and not self-created, so they generally appear more professional; thus, this cannot be the only criteria for judgment.)• no flashy ads or pop ups• no malicious links

Sources Source: Something that supplies

information Primary Source: a document/ physical

object written/ created during the time under study…present during an experience or time period & offer inside view of event

Secondary Source: interprets and analyzes primary sources…one+ steps removed from event & may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources in them


Artifacts (coins, fossils, furniture, tools, clothing, etc.)

Audio recordings Diaries Internet communications on email Interviews Journal articles w/ NEW research

findings Letters Newspaper articles from the time Original documents (birth

certificate, will, etc.) Photographs Records Speeches Survey research Art, literature, music

Bibliographies Biographies Commentaries/Criticisms Dictionaries, Encyclopedias Histories Journal articles reviewing

previous findings Magazine/ newspaper articles

digesting information after the fact

Textbooks Website

Great Places to Find Information Library of Congress: http:// The National Archives: http:// Sweet Search: Google Scholar: http


Main Parts of a Book Title Page —Title, author(s), edition, publishing

company, place of publication Table of Contents —chapters, subheadings,

page numbers Appendix —charts, documents, tables,

illustrations, and/or photographs Glossary —dictionary of words found in a book Index —end of book—shows topics and page

numbers Bibliography —titles, authors, and publishing

information for references/resources used to write book

APPLICATION1) Individually: Identify primary and

secondary sources

2) As a small group: Evaluate the credibility of sources (use evaluation questions)

Directions Part 11. Work individually to

determine if sources on handout are primary or secondary (we will review as a class)

10 minutes

Directions Part 21. In small groups of 2-3, identify as

primary/secondary and evaluate the credibility of the source given to you on a scale of 1-5 (1= not credible; 5= very credible).

2. Be ready to defend your evaluation and explain how/when it might be useful.

10 minutes

Wrap-Up:Thinking Questions

Why is research important?

Why is distinguishing between primary and secondary sources


Selecting a TopicWhat interests you? What are

you curious about?

Possible Project Topics Airport Security Animal Rights Bullying Censorship Child Soldiers Drug Abuse Education Food Holocaust Immigration

Military Parenting Privacy Racism/ Bias Social Justice Steroids Technology Terrorism Vaccines Wages

Developing QuestionsHow can I create guiding

questions and find credible/useful sources?

Essential QuestionsEssential Questions (EQ): Broad (but specific enough for the scope of your project) question to be answered as a

result of completing the project.

Guiding Questions

Guiding Questions: More focused questions which help guide the path of your research—you will develop some

before beginning the research, and then more as you research and find

other unknowns

Project ProposalSteps:

1. Decide on Topic2. Pose Essential Question3. Share EQ with peer for feedback4. Pose Guiding/ Follow-Up Questions5. Get Ms. Sho to sign for approval

Due Friday (A) or Tuesday (B) if not finished in class

Research1) Find sources listed below pertaining to your guiding questions

A) Find secondary source—dictionary or encyclopedia

B) Find secondary source—website

C) Find another source—journal, newspaper, or magazine article, letter, interview, or artifact (physical item or photograph)

2) Record information on CREDIBLE sources—don’t do source notecards until you are sure the source is credible/useful for your project

Presentation Skills

What are Presentation Skills?

Watch the following video clip, and jot down STRENGTHS and

WEAKNESSES of the speaker’s presentation.

Preparation Know the content—research completely

Organized outline

Practice/ Rehearsal of information

Poise Confidence

Brisk pace

Clear delivery

Formal word choice

Professional demeanor

Nonverbal Gestures Use gestures/body language effectively

• Poor mannerisms distract people

Smile, eye contact, straight/relaxed posture

Subtle gestures with hands/arms

Audience Involvement Ask questions as needed Pause and check in with audience Ask for volunteer help/modeling as


Visual Aids Support but do not

dominate your message

DON’T read from slides—slides should simply highlight key points/ images

KISS—Keep It Simple, Stupid

MLA CitationsIn-Text and Works Cited

Link: OWL Purdue: MLA


(First part of citation).

(Harris). (“Military Branches”).

(Last Name).



(“Shortened Title”). (“Effects of Diet”).

(Author Page #).

(Wordsworth 63).

Works Cited: General Info Double space entries, but no extra spaces

between entries

Provides a complete citation for works mentioned in in-text (parenthetical) citations in body of your work

Indent second (and third if needed) lines

Label it Works Cited—no quotes or bold

Alphabetize entries by first word listed

Works Cited: General Web SourceEntries for electronic sources include five types of information (as available): (1) author name(2) title of webpage(3) name of site(4) publisher (publication information)(5) date of resource creation(6) medium of publication (Web.)(7) date of access

Entire Website Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). Name of

Site. Version number. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access.

Felluga, Dino. Guide to Literary and Critical Theory.

Purdue U, 28 Nov. 2003. Web. 10 May 2006.

The Purdue OWL Family of Sites. The Writing Lab and OWL

at Purdue and Purdue U, 2008. Web. 23 Apr. 2008.

Works Cited Webpage (with author)Epsicokhan, Jamahl. "Confessions of a Closet Trekkie." Jammer's Reviews. N.p., 20 Feb.

2004. Web. 15 Mar. 2010. Webpage (no author)"How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2009.

"New Media @ the Center." The Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin-

Madison. U of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center, 2009. Web. 11 Sept.

2009. Internet: Picturebrandychloe. "Great Horned Owl Family." Photograph. Webshots. American Greetings, 22


2006. Web. 5 Nov. 2009.

Works Cited (continued) Personal Survey Results: Yourname. “Name of Survey.”

Method (survey). Date of survey.

Schonhar, Megan. “Opinions on Military Involvement in War.” Survey.

19 Jan. 2014. Online-only Published Interview: Interviewee. “Title”

(or Description, as below). [Rest of web site info].

Zinkievich, Craig. Interview by Gareth Von Kallenbach. Skewed & Reviewed.

Skewed & Reviewed, 2009. Web. 15 Mar. 2009. Personal Interview: Interviewee. Method. Date.

Purdue, Pete. Personal interview. 1 Dec. 2000.

Works Cited (continued) Book: Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication:

Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin, 1987.


Henley, Patricia. The Hummingbird House. Denver: MacMurray, 1999.

Print. Dictionary: “word.” Title of Source, Date Updated. Web.

Date accessed.

"hacker." Merriam-Webster, 2011.Web. 8 May


Other Source: News Article Author Name. “Article Name.” Title of

the Web Magazine. Publisher name, publication date. Medium of publication. Date of access.

Bernstein, Mark. "10 Tips on Writing the Living Web." A List Apart: For People

WhoMake Websites. A List Apart Mag., 16 Aug. 2002. Web. 4 May 2009.

Example in Paper