Research activity on statistical downscaling for ...R e p o r t Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i...

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    ISC - Impacts on ground and coast

    RReesseeaarrcchh aaccttiivviittyy oonn

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    Tiberiu-Eugen Antofie

    RRee p

    p oorr tt

    Centro Euro-Mediterraneo

    per i Cambiamenti Climatici

    February 2009

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    1 Introduction............................................................................................ 4

    2 Spatial Interpolation .............................................................................. 6

    3 Data characteristics............................................................................... 9

    3.1 How reliable are predicted data compared with the observed data?..............9

    3.2 Do the characteristics of the data influence the result of interpolation? .....11

    3.2.1 Summaries of the available data. .................................................................11

    3.2.2 Geometrical configuration of the data...........................................................12

    3.2.3 The distribution of the nearest-neighbour distance.......................................12

    3.2.4 Linearity of the space between grid points of the COSMO LM output ..........12

    3.3 Interpolation characteristics.............................................................................13

    3.3.1 Interpolation = downscaling?........................................................................13

    3.3.2 Which one of the interpolation methods is more efficient in downscaling?...14

    4 Spatial interpolation - methods .......................................................... 17

    The Data Available are:................................................................................................17

    5 Interpolation Methods Developed in ArcGis...................................... 18

    5.1 Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW): ...................................................................18

    5.2 Radial Basis Functions (RBFs): .......................................................................19

    5.3 Polynomial Interpolation (PI) ............................................................................20

    5.4 Kriging................................................................................................................21

    5.4.1 Linear kriging (LK) ........................................................................................22

    5.4.2 Non-linear kriging (NLK)...............................................................................22

    6 Parameterization.................................................................................. 24

    7 Results and discussions of the interpolation methods developed in

    Arcgis ......................................................................................................... 26

    7.1 IDW .....................................................................................................................26

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    7.2 Radial Basis functions ......................................................................................29

    7.3 Kriging................................................................................................................32

    7.4 Polynomial interpolation...................................................................................43

    8 Discussion ........................................................................................... 48

    9 Conclusions......................................................................................... 50

    10 Bibliography...................................................................................... 51

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    This study is a result of the activity carried out at ISC CMCC Division CIRA. The activity

    was dedicated on understanding the different modalities used to manage the discrepancy

    between the coarse scale at which the COSMO LM1 delivers output and the scale that is

    required for most impact studies.

    This study reviews 8 methods of interpolation to be used on digital model output data from

    the COSMO LM. The model output data are predicted precipitation on a regular grid

    shaped surface with 305 point location and a resolution of 2,8 Km. Most of the

    geographical spatial analysis require a continuous data set and this study is designed to

    create that surface. This study identifies the best spatial interpolation method to use for the

    creation of continuous data for predicted precipitation. ArcGIS was employed as the

    software for this study. The following interpolated methods were developed in ArcGis:

    Inverse Distance Weight, Radial Basis Function (RBF), Kriging (Ordinary, Simple,

    Universal and Disjunctive), Local Polynomial interpolation and Global Polynomial

    Interpolation. A statistical measurement of the resultant continuous surfaces indicates that

    there is little difference between the estimating ability of the 8 interpolation methods with

    RBFs performing better overall.

    1 Introduction

    Precipitation is one of the most frequently used meteorological parameter in impact

    studies. The spatial variability of the precipitation depends not only on the nonperiodic or

    periodic behaviour of the general atmosphere but also on the sub-grid scale atmospheric

    processes such as cloud formation, turbulences, convection, evaporation etc. (Lorenz,

    E.N., 1966: ‘’Nonlinearity, Weather Prediction and climate deduction’’ Final Report,

    Statistical forecasting project, 22 pg);

    1 The Lokal-Modell (LM) is a nonhydrostatic limited-area atmospheric prediction model. It has been designed for both operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) and various scientific applications on the meso- and meso- scale. The LM is based on the primitive thermo-hydrodynamical equations describing compressible flow in a moist atmosphere. The model equations are formulated in rotated geographical coordinates and a generalized terrain following height coordinate. A variety of physical processes are taken into account by parameterization schemes. The basic version of LM has been developed at the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD). The subsequent developments related to LM have been organized within COSMO, the Consortium for Small-Scale Modelling. COSMO aims at the improvement, maintenance and operational application of a non-hydrostatic limited-area modelling system based on the LM. At present, different meteorological services partecipate to COSMO. (For other info see

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    When these physical processes that are governing the atmosphere are integrated into

    digital atmosphere models, thank to parameterisation processing (Zorita and von Storch

    1999), the output of these models needs only to fulfil the areal character that is needed in

    impact studies, which means a higher resolution.

    Therefore, when the impact studies are constructed directly from a digital model output (in

    our case COSMO LM ), they are unsuitable because the spatial resolution is too coarse

    (von Storch et al. 1993, Palutikof & Wigley 1996). So downscaling techniques were

    required to generate input data with a finer spatial/temporal resolution. The final result of

    these downscaling techniques is expected to have the characteristic of areal distribution

    which means not only data with finer spatial resolution but also data that preserve the

    characteristics of the conditions that generated them.

    The large range of methods encountered in the studied bibliography, has imposed

    problems not only for finding the most suitable method but also because of the limited

    range of data that is available to use for these methods.

    Therefore for this first period I have compressed my activity in finding a way in which the

    predicted output of the COSMO LM can be used as base data for the statistical operation

    that compose the downscaling techniques.

    From the bibliography studied and due to the logistical and data availability, emerged the

    idea of concentrating the activity on the statistical downscaling.

    Statistical Downscaling (SD): is a method of obtaining high-resolution

    climate/meteorological information from relatively coarse-resolution model.

    SD methods establish statistical relations among large-scale variables (predictors) and the

    variables on a finer-grid scale (predictands).

    This paper presents, therefore, an assessment of a regression-based SD method that has

    been widely used for constructing climate/meteorological scenarios for daily precipitation

    at local sites using digital model grid point information.

    If, in most cases, as predictors were considered sea-level pressure (SLP), geopotential

    height (Z), temperature or relative (RH) and specific humidity (SH) etc. and as methods,

    re-sampling (analogue methods) or weather generators, this time we have decided on a

    simpler approach – spatial interpolation.

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    This method is based on the idea that terrain variables and geographical location are used

    as predictors of the meteorological/climate variables. This is a plausible idea if we consider

    that different morphology and geographical location of a region receive in an equal

    different way the general atmospheric circulation and these morphological and

    geographical characteristics of a region impose local characteristics to the general

    atmospheric circulation. So, having in mind that the radiation fluxes stands at the base of

    atmospheric circulation, what we are doing is using the very roots of the factors (surely not

    all of them) that produces variability of the radiation fluxes (and by so the variability of the

    atmospheric circulation at the local scale) – the geography of relief (morphology, location).

    In other words, the different orientation of the slopes or the vicinity of an aquatic basin

    (sea, ocean), for example, determine a different dynamic of the atmosphere due to their

    different degree of isolation (solar radiation), which activates or not elements of the

    boundary layer climate (turbulence and air movement, thermal convectivity etc.). As

    consequence this elements are responsible of creating diversity at a local level within the

    general circulation.

    Though a high number of variables (latitude, longitude, elevation, distance from the

    nearest coast, slope, aspect, etc.) are used in the bibliographical studies to create the

    areal distribution of the precipitation, the position examined in this initial paper would,

    mostly, be that of underling methods, characteristics, limitations and accuracy (at least

    from statistical point of view) of the predicted areal precipitation interpolated from the grid

    shaped output of the Cosmo LM. So, a low number of variables – latitude an longitude –

    were used in order to keep the attention on the ‘’behaviour’’ of areal distribution of

    precipitation when interpolated from a regular grid Cosmo Lm output with a various

    amount of methods.

    It remains for the future work to examine if the number of variable, alone, are inducing an

    evident positive or negative evolution in the representation of areal precipitation using

    similar data and spatial interpolation characteristics and methods.

    2 Spatial Interpolation

    Interpolation methods allow creating a surface on the base of sample points and predicting

    of values in all point of territory. The justification underlying spatial interpolation is the

    assumption that points closer together in space are more likely to have similar values than

    points more distant. This observation is known as Tobler’s First Law of Geography

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    There are many interpolation methods which produce different results using the same

    data. The methods can be divided in two main groups: Regular and Irregular.

    In case of using the irregular methods the points are connected at triangles. Each

    triangle determines a surface which is used for assessment of values of each point. It is

    necessary to have many known points for irregular methods implementation. Because of

    this, these methods are not suitable for climate/meteo data interpolation. These methods

    are often used for relief modelling – creating Digital Elevation Models (DEM) .

    The regular methods for interpolation make close initial points and create a net of

    identical rectangles with determined by user sides. In this case two main groups of

    methods can be used: deterministic and geostatistical.

    � DETERMINISTIC interpolation techniques create surfaces from measured

    points, based on either the extent of similarity (e.g., Inverse Distance Weighted) or

    the degree of smoothing (e.g., Radial Basis Functions). These techniques do not use

    a model of random spatial processes.

    Deterministic interpolation techniques can be divided into two groups, global and

    local. Global techniques calculate predictions using the entire dataset. Local

    techniques calculate predictions from the measured points within neighbourhoods,

    which are smaller spatial areas within the larger study area.

    a. Global interpolation – uses every control point available to derive an equation or

    model, so a change in one input value affects the entire map. In other words global

    interpolators determine a single function which is mapped across the whole region.

    The global interpolation is a 2 step method:

    • identification of a statistical relation between the examined parameter and

    the potential explicative factors (latitude, altitude, longitude etc.)

    • computation of the values of the unknown points using the known values of

    the explicative factors.

    b. Local interpolation – uses a sample of control points in estimating an

    unknown value, so a change in an input value only affects the result within the

    neighbour points. In other words the local method is based on the idea that the

    values of the nearest points are similar and the variation of the values is increasing

    with the increasing of the distance between the points. The advantage of local

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    interpolation is that the values of the known points stay unchanged in the process of

    interpolation so it can display the spatial anomalies of a phenomenon. The

    disadvantage of local interpolation are that:

    • Even if displays the spatial anomalies of a phenomenon this does not

    explains causal factors.

    • It needs a dense network of points with known values.

    Some example of deterministic Interpolation methods:

    • Polynomials,

    • Spatial join (point in polygon),

    • Thiessen-Voronoi polygons,

    • Triangular Irregular Networks (TIN) and linear interpolation,

    • Bi-linear interpolation,

    • Spline,

    • Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW),

    • Radial basis functions.

    Whether one of this deterministic methods can be considered local or global

    depends on the parameterization of the search neighbourhood. In other words each

    of this interpolation methods becomes global if the function is settled to fit the entire

    surface or local if the function is settled to fit specified neighbourhoods. For example

    Global Polynomials fits a polynomial to the entire surface, Local Polynomial

    interpolation fits many polynomials, each within specified overlapping


    � GEOSTATISTICAL interpolation techniques (kriging) utilize the statistical

    properties of the measured points. Geostatistical techniques quantify the spatial

    autocorrelation among measured points and account for the spatial configuration of

    the sample points around the prediction location.

    Establishing the theoretical presentation, an amount of question has arisen:

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    1. Are the predicted data of the COSMO LM accurate enough to be considered

    reliable for areal distribution of precipitation?

    2. Do the characteristics of the data influence the result of interpolation?

    3. Can the interpolation be considered a downscaling method?

    4. Which one of the interpolation method is more efficient in downscaling?

    The objective of these questions is to underline in a simpler and communicative manner

    the characteristics of the data and the interpolation appropriate for the prediction of areal


    3 Data characteristics

    3.1 How reliable are predicted data compared with the observed data?

    The lack of direct measurement of areal precipitation it is the problem that have been

    faced when trying to find input precipitation data for all impact studies involving the ground

    phase of the water cycle. Reliable direct areal rainfall measurements can be obtained only

    at a very limited spatial scale, while the rainfall process is known to exhibit a high degree

    of variability both in space and time.

    The areal precipitation has been obtained using 3 methods:

    - traditional method, which estimates precipitation at ungauged sites through suitable

    interpolation method. These are based on the hypothesis that rainfall estimates at

    ungauged sites can be obtained as linear or non-linear combinations of the values

    measured at a number of instrumented locations.

    - indirect estimates of areal rainfall based on the measurement provided since the late

    ’60s by ground-based meteorological RADARs and remote sensing devices borne on

    satellite platforms, such as RADARs and other sensors.

    - physically-based numerical models of the atmosphere — though relying on various

    theoretical approximations — provide predictions of temporal accumulation values for

    areal rainfall over wide spatial scales.

    Anyway, the accuracy of each and every one of this techniques is always questioned: the

    traditional method is based only on the assumption that rain gauge measurements can

    reliably account for the “true point rainfall”, the indirect method encounters problems of

    calibration and validation using historical data and the data from the physically-based

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    numerical models relays to much on the quality of the model accuracy and also the output

    of such models is not known of recreating in a reliable way the actual precipitation


    So, our attention was drawn towards making a statistical comparison of the predicted and

    observed data in order to see how much the predicted data conserves the statistical

    characteristics of the observed data (which is assumed that they are “true point rainfall”).

    For this, it was used a simple statistical analysis with the purpose of finding whether data

    from several groups have a common mean. That is, to determine whether the groups are

    actually different in characteristics.

    Based on the idea that a valid statistical comparison between analogue variables can not

    only be made at the level of the points but also at the areal level, as revealed in the results

    of ISC research activity, has been found that 79% of the average values of observed

    precipitation it’s included between the area occupied by the maximum and the average are

    of the predicted values of precipitation (fig. 1).

    confronto oss.prev. evento 4 Marzo 2005
















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    Figure 1. Comparison between observed and predicted precipitation values

    (ISC research activity, 2008)

    This establishes that development of the predicted values of precipitation follows in a

    satisfactory measure the evolution of the observed precipitation values, which means that,

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    to a great extent, the predicted data conserves the statistical characteristics of the

    observed data.

    3.2 Do the characteristics of the data influence the result of interpolation?

    Knowledge about the data that are to be interpolated is critical to decide on an appropriate

    interpolation method and to understanding the results produced by the interpolation.

    Characteristics of the data (spatial representativeness, measurement accuracy, and

    existence of spatial relationships) important to consider in interpolation (Shelly Eberly, et

    al. 2004) were concentrated in: the analysis of summaries, geometrical configuration,

    distance distribution and linearity of the space between grid points of the data.

    3.2.1 Summaries of the available data.

    It is important to generate some initial summaries of the available data prior to analysis in

    order to obtain a better understanding of its spatial characteristics. Reasonable summaries

    include, a histogram of the overall values distribution, and summary statistics such as the

    data’s mean, standard deviation, and various percentiles (e.g., minimum, median,

    maximum, etc.).

    Figure 2. Summaries of the COSMO LM output data

    Histogram shows that our precipitation values are not perfectly normally distributed. One of

    the crosscheck of normal distribution of data is that mean should be closer to the median.

    In our case mean is 3,5mm and median is 2,85mm. Also the data shows an asymmetric

    distribution with positive skewness and a leptokurtic character which means that a great

    number of observations cluster near the average and the rest of observations are skewed

    towards the right.

    CountMinMaxMeanStd. Dev.

    : 305 : 1,07 : 11,8 : 3,5586 : 2,0793

    SkewnessKurtosis1-st QuartileMedian3-rd Quartile

    : 1,7678 : 5,8295 : 2,2675 : 2,85 : 4,03

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    3.2.2 Geometrical configuration of the data

    Some of the studies (Morrissey et al. 1995) have assumed that the standard error of the

    data disposed in a network, depends not only on the density (which in our case is almost

    0.5 grid points/ Km2) of the points with known values but even on the geometrical

    configuration. The overall conclusion of this studies concluded that the uniform network

    are the best in the terms of accuracy of the representation of the data in space. As the

    output of the Cosmo LM is represented on a regular uniform grid we can establish that in

    terms of spatial structure of measured field the error that might occur in the process of

    interpolation is minimal.

    3.2.3 The distribution of the nearest-neighbour distance

    The distribution of the nearest neighbour distance it is considered also important in many

    studies. It has been examined as mean of distribution (Smith et al. 1986) or as coefficient

    of skewness (Matthew Garcia et al 2008) which is said that constitutes a clustering factor

    (CF). In the case of the regular grid, the clustering factor remains undefined because of

    the singular value of nearest-neighbour distance (2,8Km).

    It was considered though that a CF < 0 (a more distributed network) will produce

    interpolation errors by reduced resolution of the precipitation field and that CF > 0

    (clustering in the network) will produce errors because of reduced areal representation of

    the precipitation field.

    In the case of CF= 0, which is the case of a regular grid, it is considered that both the

    resolution of the precipitation field and the areal representation of the precipitation filed are

    characterized by reduced uncertainty and thus by lower errors of the prediction

    3.2.4 Linearity of the space between grid points of the COSMO LM output

    The data set required for any two-dimensional spatial interpolation exercise consists of

    three variables: the parameter of interest (Z), location in the first spatial dimension (x), and

    location in the second spatial dimension (y). The variables x and y are in the COSMO LM

    data output, longitude and latitude respectively. Such a coordinate system is subject of the

    curvature of the earth’s surface. Statistical spatial interpolation techniques assume some

    sort of spatial correlation structure defined with respect to the linear distance between two

    points in space. (Yan Yu, Deepak Ganesan, Lewis Girod, Deborah Estrin, Ramesh

    Govindan, 2003). Therefore, it is not strictly accurate to calculate the distance between two

    points in a longitude by latitude coordinate system using a simple linear distance function.

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    But in the case of the output data of the COSMO LM, the spatial domain under study is

    small enough in geographic extent (2,8Km) in such the error of calculation will be minimal.

    As a conclusion we can say that the output data of the COSMO LM presents the most

    desirable characteristics in terms of uniform, geometrical and density distribution of the

    data for the purposes of prediction of values trough out the studied territory.

    3.3 Interpolation characteristics

    3.3.1 Interpolation = downscaling?

    Based on the available measurement and modelling approaches and the nature of

    application, the tendency adopted, in the bibliographical studies, was to replace the

    unavailable areal rainfall observations, at the required space-time scales, with suitable

    surrogates based on interpolation or downscaling techniques.

    Interpolation is the process of predicting the values of a certain variable of interest at

    unsampled locations based on measured values at points within the area of interest

    (Burrough and McDonnell 1998).

    "Downscaling" is based on the view that regional climate is conditioned by climate on

    larger, for instance continental or even planetary, scales. Information is cascaded "down"

    from larger to smaller scales (Hans von Storch, 2004). In other words, downscaling is any

    process where large (coarse) scale output of models is reduced or made finer.

    Practically both are establishing the same relation of transfer function between coarse

    scale and finer scale, and the spatial and temporal distance is the variables that have to


    “In general, interpolation is applied when ground-based rain gauge and/ or radar networks

    are available, while downscaling is applied when using indirect measurements from other

    remote sensing devices, or predicted values from atmospheric models, all of which are

    usually available at much coarser scales than those required in most hydrological

    applications.’’ (L.G. Lanza, J.A. Ramírez and E. Todini - Stochastic rainfall interpolation

    and downscaling, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5(2), 139–143 (2001)).

    “However, a sharp distinction cannot be made since interpolation and downscaling can

    both be incorporated in one single approach, e.g. in order to exploit jointly the information

    content of both remotely sensed and rain gauge data (Fiorucci et al., 2001; Todini, 2001)’’

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    3.3.2 Which one of the interpolation methods is more efficient in downscaling?

    Several characteristics of spatial interpolation have been considered in order to facilitate

    the identification of the most efficient method of transferring the character of the coarse

    scale COSMO LM to a finer scale trough interpolation. These characteristics include point-

    based versus areal-based, global versus local, exact versus approximate, stochastic

    versus deterministic, gradual versus abrupt. A compressive description of this

    characteristics has been the subject of a subchapter of a study by Shelly Eberly, Jenise

    Swall, David Holland, Bill Cox, Ellen Baldridge,2004, study on which we will draw our

    conclusion in the following part of the report.

    � Point-based versus Areal-based:

    Point-based interpolation methods predict values at specific points in space, based on

    the values and locations of other individual points in space. Areal interpolation

    methods estimate values for entire zones or areas based on data available for a

    different set of zones or areas. Even if areal interpolation methods seems to

    correspond with our task of representing precipitation on an areal level, a amount of

    downfall – like data shaped in a grid network and even limitation of equipment and

    analogue data (areal-based has the form of: surrounding area A, B, C, and D,

    estimate the values in area E) - are the subject of our reserve toward choosing this


    � Global versus Local:

    Global interpolators develop and use a single function that estimates values for the

    entire sample area whether local interpolators break the full sample area into smaller

    pieces that are each evaluated individually by a particular function. Changing one

    input data point - in global interpolation - affects the predictions for the entire area,

    whether in local interpolator, affects only those areas that consider that point in the

    prediction algorithm. In order to choose one of these methods we have to establish if

    the function that is mapped has to use the entire area of concern or has to break up

    the area into smaller blocks that are evaluated individually. Due to the characteristics

    of precipitation that assumes abrupt spatial variance suitable to their complex

    morphology our attention was drawn on local interpolation. Global interpolation may

    be useful for interpolating surfaces with gradual variation over the area of interest.

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    � Exact versus Approximate:

    These two methods are considered when we want to produce a surface that avoids or

    not sharp peaks and troughs in the estimated surface. Also these features are

    important when there is uncertainty about the accuracy of the measured values (i.e.,

    measurement error).

    These methods vary, based on whether the predicted surface must include the exact

    values of the measured data points (exact interpolation) or not (as in the case of

    approximate interpolation).

    Even on these characteristics the choice of an interpolation method is driven by the

    phenomenon that we want to represent. For areal representation of precipitation an

    accurate data that reproduces the variation of the precipitation might request that the

    predicted surface has to replicate the measured values exactly - so it would be more

    appropriate to use an exact method of interpolation.

    � Stochastic versus Deterministic:

    Whether methods utilize the concept of randomness is another important

    characteristic to consider. Stochastic methods incorporate the idea of randomness

    into the interpolation process. These methods, which include kriging, allow the

    uncertainty of the predicted values to be calculated. Deterministic methods do not

    incorporate statistical probability theory into development of the predictions. Instead,

    these methods use mathematical formulas or other relationships to interpolate values.

    An example of a deterministic method would be one that derives a predicted value by

    a simple averaging of nearby measured points. Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) is a

    deterministic method that uses a weighted average of nearby points with distance

    being the only factor influencing calculation of the weight. The advantage of stochastic

    methods is the ability to provide estimates of uncertainty for the spatial interpolation

    model’s output. Kriging is a stochastic method because it assigns weights based not

    only on the distance between surrounding points but also on the spatial

    autocorrelation among the measured points, which is determined by modelling the

    variability between points as a function of separation distance.

    � Gradual versus Abrupt:

    Another distinguishing characteristic of spatial interpolators is the smoothness of the

    predicted surface that is produced. A gradual interpolator produces a surface with

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    gradual, relatively smooth, changes. An abrupt interpolator produces a discontinuous

    surface with sharp changes. The proximal “nearest-neighbour” method, which sets

    unknown points equal to the nearest measured point, is an example of an abrupt


    As a conclusion drawn by the theoretical information, but yet to be sustained by the

    practical exercise, we can say that – considering the characteristic of our output data

    of the COSMO LM and the complex characteristics of precipitation – the most suitable

    method that can be used for downscaling has to be a point-based, local, exact (with

    reservation due to the accuracy of measurements), deterministic and abrupt method.

    These characteristics of the interpolation method, at the end, are pointing on the

    spatial variability of the precipitation that the predicted areal distribution has to include.

    So, the characteristics of the interpolation has to use a function that evaluates

    individually the samples (local method) on detriment of the global which accentuates

    the smoothness of the distribution, also for the accuracy of the variability it has to use

    the exact and not the approximate method. Thus, the prediction has not to avoid

    sharp peaks and troughs in the estimated surface. Also for the accuracy of the spatial

    distribution of the precipitation the areal-based method was overlooked because it

    estimates values for entire zones or areas which might lead to a loss of detailed

    information reason for which the abrupt method has to be employed in order to

    realistically catch the gradual changes within the phenomenon. The deterministic

    method it might be the better method because in a regular grid the distances between

    the sampled points it has no major contribution. So, assigning weights based on the

    distance of the surrounding points or modelling the variability between points as a

    function of separation distance as the stochastic method does, do not bring

    contributions to the final result. In other words in a regular grid shaped data the spatial

    variability of a phenomenon can not be contained by the method that attributes

    weights to the neighbouring point based on any function of distance separation but by

    the method that gives weights taking into consideration mathematical/statistical

    relation between the magnitude of the values.

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    4 Spatial interpolation - methods

    In the task of choosing the right interpolation method I’ve taking into consideration 3


    • the objective of the activity;

    • the availability and characteristics of the data (discussed in a previous part of the


    • the software available.

    The objective would be to find an appropriate method for transferring the characteristics

    from the coarse scale data at which the COSMO LM delivers output to finer scale data that

    preserves the nonlinear characteristics2 of the conditions that generated them and retains

    a high degree of resemblance to the actual or true precipitation field.

    The Data Available are:

    - hourly predicted precipitation values from the COSMO LM digital model with the

    horizontal resolution of 2.8KM (fig.3) ;

    - latitude and longitude of the grid points;

    - hourly observed data from the meteorological stations: S. Mauro, Ponte Camerelle,

    meteorological station A3 highway ;

    Both observed and predicted data were selected for a common period of 24h on 1h step

    from 4th March 2005.

    The activity was developed in ArcGis software, which allows many techniques of

    interpolation. ArcGIS is an integrated collection of GIS software products for handling

    spatial data, developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). GIS is a

    system designed to capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display the

    geographic information. For interpolation of meteorological/climatological parameters the

    Geostatistical Analyst extension of the version ArcGis 9.2. were used, which provides a set

    of tools to create a continuous surface using deterministic and geostatistical methods. Gis

    has been vastly used for areal representation of precipitation: Ahers, B., 2006; Hevesi, J.,

    2 ”A time-space spectral analysis of the atmosphere certainly reveals pronounced periodically-varying large-scale motions, but the general nonperiodic behaviour and much of the small-scale structure’’ known in digital models as sub-grid scale processes ‘’are direct results of nonlinearity’’. Lorenz, E.N., 1966: ‘’Nonlinearity, Weather Prediction and climate deduction’’ Final Report, Statistical forecasting project, 22 pg;

  • 18

    Flint, A. & Istok, J. (1992); Fiorucci, P., La Barbera, P., Lanza, L.G. and Minciardi, R.,

    2001, D. Kastelec, M. Dolinar, 2000; Tveito,O.E 2002 etc.

    5 Interpolation Methods Developed in ArcGis.

    A full description of this characteristics has been the subject of the a studies by Shelly

    Eberly, Jenise Swall, David Holland, Bill Cox, Ellen Baldridge,2004;

    Figure 3. In blue the grid points of the COSMO LM model (resolution 2.8 km), in yellow

    meteo station in red the landslide position.

    and ArcGis desktop help, on which we will draw our conclusion in the following part of the


    5.1 Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW):

    IDW is an exact local deterministic interpolation technique. IDW assumes that the value at

    an unsampled location is a distance-weighted average of values at sampled points within a

    defined neighbourhood surrounding the unsampled point (Burroughs and McDonnell

    1998). In this sense, IDW considers that points closer to the prediction location will have

    more influence on the predicted value than points located farther away (Johnston et al.

    2001). Specifying a higher power places more weight on the nearer points while a lower

    power increases the influence of points that are further away. Using a lower power will

    result in a smoother interpolated surface being generated (ArcGis Desktop help).











    14400 14450 14500 14550 14600 14650 14700 14750 14800 14850 14900longitudine

    latitudine 13

    1 1 2

    12 1 12

    8 13

    13 7

    1 9 87 6 5 4 3

    3 1

    1 1 1 1

    10 9

    76 61

    46 75 60

    45 30

    14 13 138

    120 105 90


    15 15 14 9

    14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

    247 232

    21 200 18


    16 16

    246 240

    231 215

    199 183

    305 292

    291 277

    276 262

    261 255

    83 68 53

    38 23

    11 98

    15 15 17 17



    12 11 11

    12 6

  • 19

    IDW uses:


    0 i



    i sz∑=

    = λ

    zˆ(s0) is the predicted value at the unsampled location s0..

    N is the number of measured sample points within the neighbourhood defined for s0.

    iλ are the distance-dependent weights associated with each sample point.

    z (si) is the observed value at location si. Weights are calculated using:

















    di0 is the distance between the prediction location s0 and the measured location si.

    P is the power parameter that defines the rate of reduction of the weights as distance


    IDW is forced to be an exact interpolator to avoid the division by zero that occurs when

    di0 = 0 at the sampled points.

    IDW is an extremely fast interpolation method, though it is very sensitive to the presence

    of outliers and data clustering. In addition, this method does not provide an implicit

    evaluation of the quality of the predictions (Burrough and McDonnell 1998, Johnston et al.


    5.2 Radial Basis Functions (RBFs):

    RBF are a series of exact deterministic interpolation techniques that include different basis

    functions like thin-plate spline, spline with tension, completely regularized spline,

    multiquadric function, and inverse multiquadric spline (ArcGis Desktop help). RBFs can be

    seen as the process of fitting a flexible membrane to the data points so the total curvature

    of the surface is minimized. Being also an exact interpolator, RBFs are different from IDW

  • 20

    because they allow the prediction of points above the maximum measured value and

    below the minimum measured value. In other words if IDW is based either on the extent of

    similarity the RBFs is based or the degree of smoothing.

    The predictor defined by a RBF is a linear combination of N basis functions (one for each

    data point in the neighbourhood) of the form:



    0 )( ·)z(s ==

    +−=∑ niN


    i ss ωφω


    φ(r) is a radial basis function.

    r = ||si – so|| is the distance between the prediction location s0 and the measured

    location si.

    {ωi: i = 1, 2, …, n + 1} are the weights to be estimated.

    The vector of weights w=(ω1, ω2, … ωn) is calculated by solving the following system of




    + 00'1





    Φ is a matrix with i, j th elements corresponding to Φ(||si – so||) for each pair of data


    1 is a column vector of ones.

    Z is a column vector containing the data points.

    ωn+1 is a bias parameter.

    5.3 Polynomial Interpolation (PI)

    PI is an approximate, deterministic interpolation method that fits a mathematical function to

    the measured points. Options range from a first-order polynomial (linear) to a second-order

    polynomial (quadratic) to higher-order polynomials (ArcGis ranges from the first up to 10th

    order polynomial). The predictive surface is typically generated by using a least-squares

    regression fit that minimizes squared differences between the surface and measured

  • 21

    points. Because it is an approximate interpolator, the surface is not constrained to going

    through the measured points as with RBF interpolation. In addition, because the method

    generates the best fit (least squares criterion) between the measured points, it is unlikely

    that the fitted line will run outside the minimum or maximum measured value, except once

    it goes beyond the measured area (i.e., extrapolation).

    There are two types of polynomial interpolation — global and local.

    • Global polynomial interpolation fits a polynomial model to the entire surface based

    on all measured points.

    • Local polynomial interpolation fits multiple polynomials using subsets of the

    measured points.

    Global polynomial interpolation is more appropriate for a surface that varies slowly over

    the area of interest, while local polynomial interpolation captures more of the short-range

    variation in addition to the long-range trend. Global polynomial interpolation accounts for

    bends in the data — one bend with quadratic, two bends with cubic, and so forth. Surfaces

    that do not display a series of bends, however, such as one that increases, flattens out,

    and increases again, can be better represented using local polynomial interpolation. Both

    the global and local methods produce a gradual predicted surface.

    5.4 Kriging

    Krigging is an optimal interpolation based on regression against observed z values of

    surrounding data points, weighted according to spatial covariance values (Geoff Bohling,


    Geostatistical interpolation methods are stochastic methods, with kriging being the most

    well-known representative of this category. Kriging methods are gradual, local, and may or

    may not be exact (perfectly reproduce the measured data). Also, they are not by definition

    set to constrain the predicted values to the range of the measured values. Similar to the

    IDW method, kriging calculates weights for measured points in deriving predicted values

    for unmeasured locations. With kriging, however, those weights are based not only on

    distance between points, but also the variation between measured points as a function of

    distance. The kriging process is composed of two parts — analysis of this spatial variation

    and calculation of predicted values.

    Spatial variation is analyzed using variograms, which plot the variance of paired sample

    measurements as a function of distance between samples. An appropriate parametric

  • 22

    model is then typically fitted to the empirical variogram and utilized to calculate distance

    weights for interpolation. Kriging selects weights so that the estimates are unbiased and

    the estimation variance is minimized. This process is similar to regression analysis in that

    a continuous curve is fitted to the data points in the variogram.

    Kriging creates a continuous surface for the entire study area using weights calculated

    based on the variogram model and the values and location of the measured points. The

    analyst has the ability to adjust the distance or number of measured points that are

    considered in making predictions for each point. A fixed search radius method will consider

    all measured points within a specified distance of each point being predicted, while a

    variable search radius method will utilize a specified number of measured points within

    varying distances for each prediction.

    Because kriging employs a statistical model, there are certain assumptions that must be

    met. First, it is assumed that the spatial variation is homogenous across the study area

    and depends only on the distance between measured sites. There are different kriging

    methods and each has other assumptions that must be met.

    Kriging methods are often classified as linear and nonlinear (Moyeed and Papritz, 2002;

    Papritz and Moyeed, 1999). There are no formal definitions for linear and nonlinear kriging.

    5.4.1 Linear kriging (LK)

    LK can be defined as kriging methods that derive the estimation using observed values by

    assuming a normal distribution of the samples. Linear kriging may include:

    • Simple Kriging,

    • Ordinary Kriging and

    • Universal Kriging.

    5.4.2 Non-linear kriging (NLK)

    NLK are those methods that derive predictions based on the transformed values of the

    observed data. Nonlinear kriging methods consist of:

    • Disjunctive Kriging,

    • Indicator Kriging,

    • multiGaussian kriging,

    • lognormal Ordinary Kriging

  • 23

    • Model-Based Kriging.

    Nonlinear kriging methods have two major advantages over linear kriging:

    1) they were developed to model the conditional distribution of the primary variable (i.e.,

    to give an estimate of its probability distribution conditional on the available


    2) their estimations should theoretically be more precise when a Gaussian random

    process is inappropriate to model the observations.

    The basic form of the kriging is (Geoff Bohling, 2003):

    [ ])()(.m(u) - (u)*Z)(



    αλ umuZun



    u, uα: location vectors for estimation point and one of the neighbouring data points,

    indexed by α

    n(u): number of data points in local neighbourhood used for estimation of Z*(u)

    m(u), m (uα): expected values (means) of Z(u) and (Z uα);

    λα(u): kriging weight assigned to datum Z(uα) for estimation location u; same datum will

    receive different weight for different estimation location

    The goal is to determine weights, αλ , that minimize the variance of the estimator

    ( ) ( ) ( ){ }uZuZVaruE −= *2σ

    Under the unbiasedness constraint ( ){ } 0)(* =− uZuZE .

    The random field (RF) Z(u) is decomposed into residual and trend components,

    Z(u)=R(u)+m(u) with the residual component treated as an RF with a stationary mean of 0

    and a stationary covariance (a function of lag, h, but not of position, u):

    ( ){ } 0=uRE

    ( ){ } (h)Ch)}R(u {R(u))(, R=+×=+ EhuRuRCov

  • 24

    The residual covariance function is generally derived from the input semivariogram model,

    (h).y - Sill y(h)-(0) C(h)C RR ==

    Thus the semivariogram we feed to a kriging program should represent the residual

    component of the variable.

    The three main kriging variants, simple, ordinary and kriging with a trend (universal), differ

    in their treatments of the trend component, m(u).

    Resuming the mathematical expressions:

    • Simple kriging assumes that there is a known constant mean, that there is no

    underlying trend, and that all variation is statistical (Wackernagel, 2003).

    • Ordinary kriging is similar except it assumes that there is an unknown constant

    mean that must be estimated based on the data and the data have no trend (Clark

    and Harper, 2001; Goovaerts, 1997).

    • Universal kriging differs from the other two methods in that it assumes that there is

    a trend in the surface that partly explains the data’s variations. In other words it is

    incorporating the local trend within the neighbourhood search window as a smoothly

    varying function of the coordinates. Universal Kriging estimates the trend

    components within each search neighbourhood window and then performs Simple

    Kriging on the corresponding residuals. This should only be utilized when it is

    known that there is a trend in the data.

    • Disjunctive Kriging is a nonlinear method that is more general than ordinary kriging.

    It considers functions of the data rather than using only the data. It assumes that all

    data pairs come from a bivariate normal distribution. The theory of disjunctive

    kriging and examples of its practical application are described by Armstrong and

    Matheron (1986a; 1986b), Rendu (1980) and Oliver et al. (1996).

    6 Parameterization

    Spatial interpolation methods in ArcGis have various decision parameters to choose from,

    no matter if we consider trend based methods or weight based methods. Based on the

    knowledge of the nature of data being sampled and processes involved (in our case

    rainfall on 305 locations) some parameters can be fixed before the calculations start. The

    choices that are made affect the results of the interpolation.

  • 25

    Interpolation methods such as IDW and RBF (weight based methods) require fewer

    decisions or parameters to manipulate in comparison to kriging methods. Parameters

    important for determining the validity of the surface model include (which may vary by

    model); surrounding point weight, neighbourhood search, and anisotropy. IDW and RBF

    both have similar parameters for determining the small scale variation involved within the

    dataset. Kriging interpolation methods utilize functions such as semivariogram and

    covariance to assess the weight given to surrounding data points, based on distance and


    Finding the most suitable weight for IDW or RBF is accomplished easily in

    GeoStatistical Analyst 9.2 through the “optimize power” feature or consecutively adjusting

    it during the procedure until the lowest RMS was obtained.

    A curve is fit (quadratic local polynomial equation) to the points and from the curve, the

    power that provides the smallest RMS is determined as the optimal power (ESRI, 2004).

    When determining the influence of surrounding data points (i.e. neighbourhood) for

    weighing interpolation calculations, careful analysis of the involved parameters is


    The neighbourhood search is used to define the neighbourhood shape and the

    constraints of the points within the neighbourhood that will be used in the prediction of an

    unmeasured location. Neighbourhood search sizes should be large enough to capture the

    variability in the data, but small enough to avoid capturing distant points, which create

    reduces spatial autocorrelation with the prediction location, hence jeopardizing the

    appropriateness of stationarity (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989).

    Anisotropy is a characteristic of a random process that shows higher autocorrelation in

    one direction than another.

    Although no measures are known that would or could be universally applied to choose the

    optimal set of parameters for kriging, cross-validation (a.k.a. "leaving-one-out" method) is

    often used to select an interpolator from different number of candidate (Davis, 1987).

    Cross validation provides an array of statistical and graphical outputs for comparison of

    different parameters before surface model creation, allowing for manipulation of

    parameters if needed.

    Among the prediction error output statistics for cross validation of deterministic and

    stochastic interpolation methods is the mean prediction error (MPE) and root-mean square

  • 26

    (RMS). The RMS statistic is a measurement of how close the predicted values are to the

    measured values, in which smaller values are preferred. The mean prediction error

    statistic (MPE) is a measure of the bias within the model, which will produce values

    centered on zero for unbiased models.

    Stochastic methods provide additional statistics as an extra measure of uncertainty and

    potential error for the prediction model. The kriging standard error, a statistical measure of

    uncertainty in the prediction, is calculated by the square root of the kriging variance. RMS

    and MPE values can be “standardized” to account for scale dependence, by dividing the

    RMS and the MPE each by the standard prediction error to produce RMS standardized

    and MPE standardized. The RMS standardized is a measure of variability in addition to the

    kriging standard error, in which RMS standardized values will underestimate the variability

    when greater than one and overestimate variability where values are less than one (ESRI,


    The use of cross validation prediction error statistics can be a beneficial tool for finding

    differences among interpolation methods, however may fall short of clear determination for

    finding the “optimal” interpolation method. In such situations, Pearson’s correlation

    coefficient and standard deviation values calculations may be beneficial for interpolation

    model determination (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989).

    So our decision in choosing the best method of interpolation was highly influenced by the

    cross-validation techniques and in addition Pearson’s correlation coefficient and standard

    deviation values.

    7 Results and discussions of the interpolation methods developed

    in Arcgis

    7.1 IDW

    This spatial interpolation method has various parameters decision. The descriptions below

    include the options used in Geostatistical Analyst extend of ArcGis 9,2.

    Parameters include: β - the weighting power (exponent); δ - the smoothing parameter; ρ -

    the anisotropy ratio; θ - the anisotropy angle.

    The method used to consider best IDW interpolation was optimizing parameters via cross-

    validation. The parameters were simultaneously adjusted during the procedure until the

    lowest RMS was obtained.

  • 27

    At the end, the lowest RMS (0,8272) was obtained using a low power (two) in order to give

    influence to the points situated farther away too, and the number of points used for each

    cell's calculation was limited at 15 to reduce the risk of errors, because points far from the

    cell location where the prediction is being made, might have no spatial correlation. Also

    the smoothing parameter was not considered, on benefit of standard option, as it

    accentuated ‘’ the bulls eye effect’’ (concentric circles around the measured value at the


    The overall predicted contour map is shown in Figure 4 a. This surface shows low degree

    of smoothness, a increased spatial variance and even if the power has a low value, the

    prediction displays the effect of the concentration around the values of location still causes

    ‘’bulls eye effect’’.

    Figure 4 b. shows the predicted rainfall by the Cosmo LM plotted against interpolated

    values for the same locations. The linear correlation coefficient r=0.72 confirms relatively

    good overall agreement between independent (Cosmo LM output) and dependent

    (interpolated) values. The fact that the larger values of both variables (predicted COSMO

    LM and interpolated values) are associated gives a positive related character of correlation


    The ability to predict extreme values is an important benchmark in evaluating the

    performance of an interpolator. Of the extreme values, the lowest values were predicted

    Figure 4 a. Interpolated surface using smooth IDW

  • 28

    better with dependent and independent low extremes being, up to some extent, similar but

    the highest values were inaccurately predicted.

    Figure 4 b. Cross-validation of the IDW interpolated prediction

    Figure 4 c. shows the distribution of errors (value dependent minus value independent, or

    residual) as a function of the magnitude of independent values (Cosmo LM output).The

    residuals seems to have a weak tendency of under prediction of the values, with the

    increasing of the independent variables. Also the over predicted residuals of the

    dependent variable tend to have the outlier characteristics (residuals that fall far from the

    regression line) and have a greater variance compared with the under prediction of the

    smaller dependent values.

    Figure 4 c. Residuals of the IDW interpolated prediction

  • 29

    7.2 Radial Basis functions

    RBFs can be seen as the process of fitting a flexible membrane to the data points so the

    total curvature of the surface is minimized. Being also an exact interpolator, RBFs are

    different from IDW because they allow the prediction of points above the maximum

    measured value and below the minimum measured value.

    There are five different basis functions:

    • Thin-plate spline

    • Spline with tension

    • Completely regularized spline

    • Multiquadric function

    • Inverse multiquadric function

    Each basis function has a different shape and results in a slightly different interpolation

    surface. Also the parameters selected for each of the five basis functions could bring an

    amount of changes in the final areal distribution of the independent variable. That is way

    the selection of the optimal interpolated prediction, for each of the five basis functions, was

    done by optimization of the parameters value until the smallest MPE and RMS was

    obtained for each of the interpolated predictions. For the optimization and selection of the

    parameter’s values was used an identical approach, for the five different function in order

    to set a commune base to start from. In terms of the neighbourhood values ArcGis

    presents two functions: standard and smooth. The standard search neighbourhood is

    defined by the Ellipse parameters: Angle, Major Semiaxis, and Minor Semiaxis. The

    Smooth Interpolation option creates an outer ellipse and an inner ellipse at a distance

    equal to the Major Semiaxis multiplied by the Smooth Factor. Prediction to each point uses

    data inside each corresponding circle/ellipse (ArcGis Desktop help). For the standard

    search neighbourhood after the optimisation of the parameters (angle=0;

    neighbourhoods=15; major and minor semiaxis = 0,175), a good fitted surface with the

    smallest RMS (table 1) was predicted by the RBFs with completed regularized spline

    (RMS=0,177), followed by multiquadric (RMS=0,181) and inverse multiquadric RBFs

    (RMS=0,182). But when the smoothing effect was added (the same optimized parameters

    as the standard search neighbourhood were used and in addition a smooth factor of 0,5)

    the only RBFs available in ArcGis 9.2, the inverse multiquadric predicted the best

    interpolated surface, having a RMS equal to 0,1501. Changing the smooth factor by

  • 30

    increasing or decreasing it with a pass of 0,1 confirmed the fact that still RBFs with a

    smooth factor of 0,5 best predicts the interpolated surface.

    Table 1 . Comparison of the RBFs (MPE = mean predicted error, RMS = root mean square

    of predicted surface):

    Radial Basis Functions MPE RMS

    Completely regularized Spline 0,00278 0,1778

    Spline with tension 0,0000841 0,2993

    Multiquadric 0,001143 0,1811

    Inverse multiquadric 0,001982 0,1824


    Thin plate spline 0,0006502 0,3018

    Smooth Inverse multiquadric 0,0003563 0,1501

    Using the cross-validation of the data (fig. 5b and 5c) obtained by inverse multiquadric

    RBFs with smoothing factor and the graphical representation (fig. 6.a) an amount of

    characteristics could be underlined. The RBFs interpolation produces:

    - a smooth surface prediction (fig.6a) due to the fitting of the interpolation curve trough

    the measured sample values while minimizing the total curvature of the surface which

    can be translated as - prediction above the maximum and below the minimum

    measured values;

  • 31

    Figure 5 a. Interpolated surface using smooth inverse multiquadric RBFs

    Figure 5 b. Cross-validation of the RBFs interpolated prediction

    - an almost perfect correlation between the dependent and independent variables

    (r=0,99) due to the fact that RBF is an exact method of interpolation. The higher

    correlation of the RBFs, compared with another exact method IDW, might be caused

    by the higher smoothing factor.

    - best prediction made in the area with small values of precipitation, poor prediction in

    the area of large and medium precipitation;

  • 32

    Figure 5 b. Residuals of the RBFs interpolated prediction

    - a more accentuated underestimated prediction compared with the overestimation of

    the small precipitation, characteristic observed even in the area of largest


    - an overall slightly underestimate prediction with 155 underestimated values and 150

    over estimated and maximum of 11,6 mm compared with the 11,8 mm of independent


    7.3 Kriging

    If the other interpolation methods (inverse distance squared, splines, radial basis

    functions, triangulation, etc.) estimate the value at a given location as a weighted sum of

    data values at surrounding locations, Kriging assigns weights according to a (moderately)

    data-driven weighting function, rather than an arbitrary function, but it is still just an

    interpolation algorithm and will give very similar results to others in many cases (Isaaks

    and Srivastava, 1989).

    Three kriging methods have been considerate for the analysis of the best geostatistic

    interpolation models that include autocorrelation — that is, the statistical relationships

    among the measured points.

    Even in this case the cross-validation was used in order to select the most suitable of the

    methods. Also a statistical description was brought in, with the purpose of drawing a

    complete image of the efficiency of the methods (tab. 2).

  • 33


    MPE RMS ASE MS RMSS Std.dv Mean. Max. Min. Corel. Coef.(r) Ordinary 0,001845 0,9897 1,583 0,000746 0,6261 1.9 3,56 10,2 1,12 0,66

    Simple 0,001118 0,4219 1,108 0,000620 0,3839 1.9 3,55 10,2 1,10 0,92

    Universal 0,004583 0,4037 0,427 0,007972 0,9516 1,97 3,56 10,6 1,03 0,95

    Disjunctive 0,0119 0,4955 1,289 0,008148 0,3863 1,84 3,57 9,9 1,2 0,94

    Cosmo LM output 2,05 3,55 11,8 1.07

    Table 2. Cross-validation and statistics of the predicted dependent variable

    Cross-validation is used to determine "how good" the model is. The goal should be to have

    standardized mean prediction errors (MS) near 0, small root-mean-squared prediction

    errors (RMS), average standard error (ASE) near root-mean-squared prediction errors

    (RMS), and standardized root-mean-squared prediction errors (RMSS) near 1.

    The selection of the optimal interpolated prediction, for each of the three kriging method,

    was done by comparing the parameters of the cross-validation characteristics in

    conformity with the description:

    - a optimal prediction has to be unbiased (centered on the true values). If the prediction

    errors are unbiased, the mean prediction error (MPE) should be near zero.

    - a optimal prediction has to have a valid assessment of uncertainty of the prediction

    standard errors (MS).

    Each of the kriging methods gives the estimated prediction kriging standard errors.

    Besides making predictions, it is estimated the variability of the predictions from the true

    values. It is important to get the correct variability. Examples of estimation of variability:

    - If the average standard errors (ASE) are close to the root-mean-squared prediction

    errors (RMS), the variability in prediction It is correctly assessed.

    - If the average standard errors (ASE) are greater than the root-mean-squared

    prediction errors (RMS), it is overestimated the variability of the predictions;

    - if the average standard errors (ASE) are less than the root-mean-squared prediction

    errors (RMS), it is underestimating the variability in the predictions.

    Another way to look at this is to divide each prediction error by its estimated prediction

    standard error. They should be similar, on average, so the root-mean-squared

    standardized errors should be close to 1 if the prediction standard errors are valid:

    - If the root-mean-squared standardized errors (RMSS) are greater than 1, it is

    underestimated the variability in the predictions;

  • 34

    - if the root-mean-squared standardized errors (RMSS) are less than 1, it is

    overestimated the variability in the predictions.

    In terms of fitted model, kriging was represented by the Spherical model which was

    chosen for all kriging methods. With this option, Kriging uses the mathematical function

    specified by the method to fit a line or curve to the semi-variance date in the semi-

    variogram. Spherical method seems to better fit the spatial variation of the data set

    compared with other methods: Circular, Gaussian, Exponential, Tetraspherical etc. The

    RMS was used to validate the best fitting model.

    � Ordinary Kriging

    For ordinary kriging, rather than assuming that the mean is constant over the entire

    domain, it is assumed that it is constant in the local neighbourhood of each estimation

    point, that is that ( m u ) = m(u) a for each nearby data value, Z (uα) , that we are

    using to estimate Z(u).

    The ordinary kriging prediction presents the following characteristics :

    - a level of the bias higher compared with the simple kriging’s prediction but much

    better compared with the rest of the kriging predictions;

    - an overestimated level of variability in prediction (ASE > RMS) but closer to a

    correct assessing, compared with the simple kriging methods;

    - the prediction tends to under predict large values and over predict small values, as

    shown in the table 2 (max. 10,2 mm and min. 1, 12 mm);

    - a not so good correlation between the dependent and independent variables


    - considerable extreme residual values settled between 1,2 mm for over prediction

    and - 2,3 mm for under prediction;

    - best prediction made in the area with small values of precipitation, poor prediction in

    the area of large and medium precipitation;

  • 35

    Figure 6 a. Interpolated surface using Ordinary Kriging

    - a more accentuated underestimated prediction compared with the overestimation of

    the large precipitation;

    - in the area of small precipitation the variability of the over estimated prediction is

    higher compared with the variability of the under estimated prediction;

    Figure 6 b. Cross-validation of the Ordinary kriging interpolated prediction

  • 36

    Figure 6 c. Residuals of the Ordinary kriging interpolated prediction

    � Simple kriging

    For simple kriging, it was assumed that the trend component is a constant and known

    mean, m(u) = m.

    Characteristics (drawn from tabs. 2 and figs 7 a, b ,c) of prediction with simple kriging:

    - Simple kriging prediction presents the lowest bias level, the MPE =0, 00118,

    and a standard deviation (1,9) close to that of the independent data ;

    - the linear correlation coefficient r=0.92 confirms a very good overall agreement

    between independent and dependent variables;

    Figure 7 a. Interpolated surface using Simple Kriging

  • 37

    - poor assessment of the variability in prediction as the distance between the

    ASE and RMS is the highest ;

    - the prediction tends to under predict large values and over predict small values,

    as shown in the table, with considerable extreme residual range (similar with the

    ordinary kriging residuals) ,values settled between 1,2 for over prediction and -2,3 for

    under prediction;

    - simple kriging prediction presents an overall overestimated prediction with 166

    overestimated values and 139 underestimated predicted values;

    Figure 7 b. Cross-validation of the Simple kriging interpolated prediction

    Figure 7 c. Residuals of the Simple Kriging interpolated prediction

  • 38

    � Universal kriging the method known as kriging with a trend is much like ordinary

    kriging, except that instead of fitting just a local mean in the neighbourhood of the

    estimation point, it fits a linear or higher-order trend in the (x,y) coordinates of the data


    The cross validation of the Universal kriging prediction has underlined the following


    - in terms of bias, accuracy and variability of the prediction the Universal kriging


    Figure 8 a. Interpolated surface using Universal Kriging

    on the grided Cosmo LM data performs better than the ordinary kriging as it uses

    more the characteristics of the geometry of data;

    - the relation of correlation between the dependent and independent variable is

    explained in a proportion of r= 0,95.

    - Universal kriging presents an almost exact level of variability in prediction (ASE

    > RMS) compared with the other interpolation methods, being slightly overestimated ;

    - the prediction tends to under predict large values and also the small one, as

    shown in the table 2 (max. 10,6 mm and min. 1, 03 mm);

  • 39

    Figure 8 b. Cross-validation of the Universal kriging interpolated prediction

    Figure 8 c. Residuals of the Universal Kriging interpolated prediction

    - considerable extreme residual values settled between 1,3 mm for over prediction

    and - 2,1 mm for under prediction;

    - universal kriging predicts better in the area with small values of precipitation and

    makes a more accurate (less variable) underestimation compared with the


    - in the area of small precipitation the variability of the over estimated prediction is

    higher compared with the variability of the under estimated prediction;

  • 40

    � Disjunctive Kriging produces a nonlinear unbiased, distribution-dependent estimator

    with the characteristics of minimum variance of errors (Burrough and McDonnell,

    1998; Yates et al., 1986).

    Considering the functions of the data rather than using only the data the Disjunctive

    Kriging predicts, based on the characteristics of the Cosmo LM output:

    - a accurate prediction with a low bias (MPE = 0,0119) but a not so good accuracy of

    the variability wich is highly overestimated (ASE > RMS);

    - disjunctive kriging present also a low standard deviation 1,84 compared with the

    independent data (2,05) which shows that the prediction is not taken into

    consideration the actual data;

    Figure 9 a. Interpolated surface using Disjunctive Kriging

    - like all the interpolation method presented even DK under estimates the high and

    overestimates the low precipitations but in a more accentuated manner, also a

    characteristic of distribution-dependent estimator;

    - creates considerable amplitude for residual values settled between 1,2 mm for over

    prediction and - 2,7 mm for under prediction;

    - the prediction of DK shows a very high agreement with the independent data, the

    correlation coefficient being situated at 0,94;

  • 41

    Figure 9 b. Cross-validation of the Disjunctive kriging interpolated prediction

    Figure 9 c. Residuals of the Disjunctive Kriging interpolated prediction

    - DK predicts better in the area with small values of precipitation where it makes a

    more accurate (less variable) underestimation compared with the overestimation;

    - In the area with high values of precipitation DK has a more accentuated tendency of

    under prediction.

    - In the area with mean values of precipitation DK has the tendency of over


    As a initial conclusion concerning the best prediction among the kriging models used

    in this study, we can say that the best prediction is obtained with simple kriging. On

    this assumption we have to take into consideration that the main factor that leaded our

    assumption towards this conclusion is the spatial characteristics of the data (geometry

  • 42

    of the distribution of the data, the distribution of the nearest-neighbour distance,).

    Many other interpolation studies that used kriging concluded different based on the

    different type of data characteristics:

    - ‘’universal kriging results were encouraging and comparable with the subjectively

    obtained map’’ (D. Kastelec, 2002), the study was concentrated on mean annual

    precipitation on 1 KM regular grid data;

    - ‘’Indicator kriging gives better estimates than traditional kriging’’ (X. Sun, M.J.

    Manton and E.E. Ebert, 2003), the study is combining rain gauge measurements with

    satellite infrared data ;

    - ‘’ordinary kriging, the best approach to depict the unique variation within the data

    set’’ (Julie Earls.2006); study is concentrated on data obtained on radar (NEXRAD);

    The features that made the Simple kriging the best method of interpolation (within the

    stochastic methods) lays in the characteristics of the data both at the level of

    geometry and at the level of measurements and less on modelling the variability of the

    data as a function of separation distance.

    From the studied bibliography (Oliver Schabenberger and Carol A. Gotway 2004) it

    was found that what brings these features in the interpolation computations as a

    decisive selection element is the nugget effect. It can be attributed to measurements

    errors or spatial source of variation at distance smaller than the sampling interval. In

    other words the nugget effect is simply the sum of the measurement error and

    microscale variation. Both the measurements error (defined as accuracy of the

    variability) and spatial source of variation (thinking at the regular grid) are at level of

    the Coasmo LM output minimal and thus it can be said that the nugget effect is also


    This is mostly, important, if we consider a property of simply kriging which says that

    when a no nugget effect is encountered, then ˆU (si) =U(si). More clearly –

    without nugget effect, kriging interpolates, with nugget effect kriging it

    smooths. Interpolation means following the independent data (observed or

    predicted) closely.

    Also It was noted , that a good predictor should be variable, in the sense that it follows

    the independent data closely. The simple kriging predictor has an this property.

  • 43

    Consider predicting at locations where data are actually independent, the predictor

    psk(Z;s0) becomes psk(Z; [s1,….,sn]’), and in (the simple kriging predictor equation):

    ). µ(s)- (Z(s) ')()(' )s(Z;p 1000sk ∑ −+=+= σµλλ ssZ when replacing Cov [Z(s0),Z(s)]=σ’ with [Z(s),Z(s)]=Σ and µ(s0) with µ(s) it is obtained


    ) µ(s)- (Z(s) µ(s)])s.,,[s (Z,p -1n1sk


    +=… ∑∑


    z(s) is the predicted value at the unsampled location s0..

    λ are the distance-dependent weights

    µ(s) mean of the random field

    In this way, the simple kriging predictor when is interpolating is taking into

    consideration the independent data not only the variability of the data as a function of

    separation distance . ‘’ It is an ‘exact’ interpolator’’(Oliver Schabenberger and Carol A.

    Gotway 2004).

    That is way, when cross-validation is performed, the prediction values of the simple

    kriging are most likely centered on the true value (low bias), the mean error ,the RMS

    and RMSS of the prediction have the smallest values, the correlation between the

    dependent and independent variables is most explained (92%), the residuals have a

    small fluctuation range but on the other side the variability of the prediction is less

    correctly assessed (simple Kriging is the method with the highest overestimated

    variability ASE > RMSPE).

    7.4 Polynomial interpolation

    � Local Polynomial interpolation is a sensitive to the neighbourhood distance that fits

    the specified order (zero, first, second, third, and so on) polynomial using all points

  • 44

    only within the defined neighbourhood. The neighbourhoods overlap and the value

    used for each prediction is the value of the fitted polynomial at the center of the

    neighbourhood. (ArcGis Desktop help).

    Other theoretical characteristics are:

    • Creates a surface from many different polynomial formulas.

    • Each is optimized for a specified neighborhood.

    • The neighborhood shape, maximum and minimum number of points, and a sector

    configuration can be specified.

    • The sample points in a neighbourhood can be weighted by their distance from the

    prediction location.

    • Local Polynomial interpolation maps can capture the short-range variation

    Characteristics of the Local polynomial prediction underlined by the cross-validation

    method (Fig. 9 a, b, c):

    - a smooth surface prediction (fig.9 a) due to the fitting of the interpolation curve

    trough the measured sample;

    - a good coefficient gradient between the dependent and independent variables


    - a clear tendency of underestimation of the prediction MPE (-0,0056) and a low

    degree of bias;

    - the prediction tends to under predict large values (max. of prediction 9,6mm) and

    over predict small values (min of prediction 1,3 mm);

    - presents a high fluctuation of the residuals situated between -3,2 mm for under

    prediction and 1,28 mm for over prediction;

    - a higher variability of the over predicted residuals along the trend line in the area of

    low precipitation.

  • 45

    Figure 10 a. Interpolated surface using Local Polynomial interpolation

    Figure 10 b. Cross-validation of the Local polynomial prediction

    Figure 10 c. Residuals of the Local polynomial interpolated prediction

  • 46

    � Global Polynomial interpolation fits a smooth surface that is defined by a

    mathematical function (a polynomial) to the input sample points. The Global

    Polynomial surface changes gradually and captures coarse-scale pattern in the data.

    (ArcGis Desktop help)

    This method generates a smooth surface that does not have to fit to measured points

    and does not use a search neighbourhood. A polynomial is used to fit the surface to

    the data, so a first order polynomial would have no bends in it, a second order would

    have one bend, etc. This method is best used for data that varies slowly over a

    landscape or for looking at general trends. It is sensitive to outliers, especially at the

    edge of the area of interest.

    ArcGis 9,2 offers 10 different order polynomials that can be used from the Global

    Polynomial interpolation Set parameters dialog box.

    The selected global polynomial of different order brings changes in the final prediction.

    That is way the selection of the optimal order of interpolation, was done by

    optimization of the parameters value until the smallest RMS was obtained for each of

    the polynomial orders (table 3).

    Global Polynomial interpolation (order)

    1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

    MPE -0,00051 0,001618 0,004909 -0,00016 0,00163 -0,00867 -0,02183 0,01316 0,01244 0,01712 RMS 1,815 1,795 1,778 1,706 1,587 1,435 1,495 1,111 0,915 0,953

    Table 3. Mean error and root-mean-error of the 10 different order global polynomial


    Comparing the RMS of the polynomials with different order has been decided that for

    a regular grid data, the best prediction is offered by the 9th order-polynomial.

    Characteristics of this global polynomial prediction:

    - creates smooth surfaces and identifying long-range trends in the dataset, therefore

    the prediction fails to represent the short range variability of the phenomenon.

    - being sensitive to outliers, the edges of the predicted area are generating errors.

    - presents a high fluctuation of the residuals situated between -4,1 mm for under

    prediction and 5,4 mm for over prediction;

  • 47

    Figure 11 a. Interpolated surface using Global 9th order Polynomial interpolation

    - presents a low accuracy of the variability of the prediction;

    - also presents a good correlation (r=0,86) of the dependent and independent


    - the over and under prediction has a constant variability no matter of the small or

    large independent variable (precipitation);

    Figure 11 b. Cross-validation of the Global 9th order polynomial prediction

    - the prediction tends to under predict not only the large values (max. of prediction

    10,5mm) but even the small values (min of prediction -0.4 mm);

  • 48

    Figure 11 c. Residuals of the Global 9th order Polynomial interpolated prediction

    8 Discussion

    All interpolation methods create similar evolution and gradual increases and decreasing of

    the predicted area along the high and low independent values. The global similarities

    among methods were correlated to the similarity of generated statistics for each method.

    On a smaller scale, some qualitative variation did exist across all interpolation methods

    (table 4).

    Interpolation method MPE RMS

    Corel. coef.(r)


    Mean. Max. Min.

    IDW 0,01413 0,8272 0,72 1,5 3,57 8,6 1,4 RBF 0,000356 0,1501 0,99 2,06 3,55 11,6 1,04 Local Polynomial -0,00565 0,595 0,82 1,7 3,55 9,5 1,3 Global Polynomial 0,01244 0,915 0,86 1,98 3,57 10,6 -0.3 Ordinary Kriging 0,001845 0,9897 0,66 1.9 3,56 10,2 1,12 Simple Kriging 0,001118 0,4219 0,92 1.4 3,55 10,2 1,10 Universal Kriging 0,004583 0,4037 0,95 1,97 3,56 10,6 1,03 Disjunctive kriging 0,0119 0,4955 0,94 1,8 3,57 9,9 1,2

    Table 4. Statistical properties of the predictions.

    The IDW surface model, based on the extent of smoothing, produced “bulls-eye” patterns,

    especially along higher values areas. Thus, even though IDW produced respectable

    statistics for both cross validation and validation, it was not considered a suitable final

    surface model choice.

    The RBF methods, based on the degree of smoothing, are also affected by errors of

    prediction and under prediction and over prediction. RBF methods typically produce high

  • 49

    error or uncertainty in areas where values abruptly changes due to the rubber sheeting

    applied to the data but overall, RBFs, statistically, produced the highest quality prediction

    statistics compare with all other interpolation methods.

    Overall the trend based methods (kriging) have had